Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Truly Yours Forever ❯ Truly Yours Forever ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Truly Yours Forever

By: E-chan Hidaka

Disclaimers: I do not own digimon so please do not sue me.

Author's Rambles: This is a Mimato Fanfic hinted with Takari! A special Valentine Day Fanfic! I'm sorry if you catch any mis-spelled words or grammar they aren't my strongest points.


Mimi Tachiwaka- 14 years old then two years later 16 years old

Yamato 'Matt' Ishida- 15 years old then two years later 17 years old

Takeru 'Tk' Takashi- 11 years old then two years later 13 years old


Truly Yours Forever

A young lady lay down on her softly queen size bed, she sighed sadly as she thought to herself spending another Valentine Day without a love. She slowly got off her queen size bed; her strawberry blonde locks cascaded gracefully down to her petite waist as walked towards her French doors. Her slender hands reached for the doorknob. She leisurely turned the doorknob and walked outside to her balcony. It was a beautiful night tonight. She sighed once more as she looked up into the dark midnight sky that was bright up with many twinkling little stars. As she was stargazing she saw it a shooting star. She closed her eyes quickly and wished. "I wish I may, and I wish I might have this wish come true."


How he long to see her angelic face once again. He remembered the first time he laid his eyes upon his goddess. He was sitting under a big cherry blossom trying to relax and he brought his little brother Takeru with him. Then he saw her, she was swing herself on the swings humming a sweet lullaby. He watched his little brother walked up to her. She smiled at him. It was the most beautiful smile he ever seen. She looked like an angel who was send from heavenly gods themselves. She wore a little pink dress that hugged her at the right places showing her petite figure. She offered her swing because the other kids were using all the other swings. Takeru grateful took her swing, but he never expected her to push his brother, as he swings back and forth. He watched the two laughing gaily at each other, he felt happy seeing that my brother was happy. And I think that's when I fell in love with her. He thought.

But it's been two years he had last seen her. Valentine Day was coming close again and he couldn't be with his love as he wishes to be. He sighed. He wondered if the girl even remembered him? Maybe she got a boyfriend now. He thought to himself. "Mimi..." he whispered. Walking down the hectic streets of Odiaba, he noticed he was at the very same spot where he laid his eyes upon his divine angel goddess. His memory of his angel Mimi became more vivid as he recalled what happen more on that day, he met her. As he watched the two together enjoying each other company. Her lovely brown eyes connected with his azure blue eyes, she smiled sweetly at him making him blush. She giggled melodiously as she saw him blush. Then as he continued to watch them, he observed her closely as he saw her bend down, and whispered something his younger brother's ears. Making Takeru giggle with her and then he nodded. She smiled mischievously at Takeru then at him.

"Onne-chan!" Takeru called to him. Yamato arched his eyebrow in curiosity what was his brother up to?

"What Takeru?" Yamato questioned. He watched the two of them walk towards him and she still had that playful smile on her face. They stop right in front of him, then all of sudden she kissed him on the cheek. Yamato blushed furiously.

"Your cute when you blush." She said to Yamato it left him speechless.

"Onne-chan, isn't she cute?" Takeru asked him. Yamato looked at Takeru then to Mimi.

"No..." He said quietly, but enough for her to hear. Tears started to swell around her beautiful brown eyes daring to spill out. Takeru looked at his brother in shock. He never expected his brother to be so cold, but then he heard his brother Yamato said, "She's as beautiful as angel." Tears faded away and replaced with a bright blush across her peach cream face. This time Yamato grinned. "My name is Yamato."

She smiled, "My name is Mimi." She told him.


She entered her room once again. How she wished she could be back in Japan, to see him, to be close to him. She knew it was the afternoon in Japan right now. She wondered what has her knight and shining armor was doing. Probably had a groupie hanging all over him. She couldn't blame him because he was a hot rock star at the age of seventeen. She thought to herself. He wouldn't be still waiting for her return, would he? She thought. "Yamato, are you still waiting for me?" she asked herself as she plop herself onto her bed.

She could remember everything about him, his bright blonde locks to his azure loving eyes, the way he dressed, the way he smell, the way he made her just melt into his arms. She never knew anyone that could be as sweet as him. He was everything she wanted in a boyfriend and he was miles away from her.

"Mimi, honey can I come in?" a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Yes, mother." She replied. Mimi watched as her mother entered her room. Her mother noticed the sadness in her eyes. Her mother sat next to her on her bed.

"Mimi, I just wanted to tell you that your father and I going to a little cruise together and we couldn't leave you all alone in this house, so we are sending you to Japan to stay with your grandmother for a couple weeks." Her mother explained. Mimi smiled with enjoyment. "Don't worry we already told your school you're going miss two weeks of school. So you don't have to worry about homework."

"Really mother!" Mimi sounded ecstatic. She hugged her mother. "Thank you!" She was finally going back to Japan. Her wish was coming true already.

"Yes, Mimi, really." Her mother said. "Oh yeah, you have to pack up now because your leaving tomorrow night." She couldn't believe it. Her wish was coming true. "Good night angel." Her mother said, as she walked out of the room. Mimi jumped, and then screamed as she realized she really going back home. Home to see him and to be with him. She ran to her closet and began to throw her clothes on the bed.


Yamato walked passed a jewelry store and something caught his eyes. He walked into the jewelry store and began to talk to the jeweler. Then twenty minutes later he came out of the jewelry store with long black velvet box in his hands. He had no idea why he bought the jewelry. He felt like it was calling to him to buy it. When he got home, he went straight to his room. He sat on his bed and took out the velvet box, and began to open the long black velvet box. There was a shiny golden bracelet and it had something engrave into it. "Forever." It read. Why did he get this thing? He had no one special to give it to because the girl was in a different country, and nowhere close to him. He closed the box and hid it under his pillow. He laid his head onto the pillow and slowly drifted into dreamland.


He yawned lazily. Then he heard a noise coming from outside his bedroom door. He looked at his alarm clock it was one o' clock in the afternoon. Wow, he slept in late today! It was Valentine Day today. "Onne-chan can I come in?" Takeru asked him.

"Yeah, Takeru." He replied. The door opened slowly and a very tall boy walked in. "What is it Takeru?" he questioned his younger brother.

"I was wondering do you think I should tell Hikari today." Takeru said to him. Yamato smiled at his brother.

"Takeru, of course!" he said. He didn't want his brother to hide his feelings anymore longer or he'll regret it later on. As he regret losing his loved one.

"Thanks bro!" Takeru said a little more relief then earlier. He watched his brother leave his room, he felt a little jealous towards his brother because he got to spend time with his love one, and he was going to spend his Valentine Day alone again. So he decided he wasn't going to stay home alone in his room, he got off his bed, and walked toward his closet. Ten minutes later he was dressed in baggy black leather pants with a red sweater. He looked into the mirror making sure he looked fine. As he walked out his room he grabbed his leather jacket and the velvet box under his pillow.

He walked around Odiaba, seeing so many couples together happy was making him feel sick to his stomach, and plus many admirers began to scare him. He continued to walk down the streets, and realized he found himself again at the park. Why does he always end up here? He looked up into the sky. The sun began to set in, and night was taking over. Then heard a familiar melody. He followed the lullaby to the swings, and there she was. He blinked his couple of times, making sure this was for real. He listened to her sweet voice humming the angelic melody that he remembered from two years ago.

"Mimi..." he called out. It startled the young lady; their eyes met each other. She was more beautiful as he remembered. She was dressed in an elegant powder pink spaghetti dress with a gemstone sequence that passed her knees. She wore knee high leather boots, a nice leather jacket to match her boots and her beautiful strawberry blonde locks curled careful like it was done one by one. How heavenly she looked tonight under the beautiful moonlight. She took his breath away. Tears started to fill her amazing brown eyes.

"Yamato!" she cried running into his heart-warming embrace. She never felt so complete, she was back were she belong in his arms. "Yama-chan..." she said adoringly. "I love you..." She looked into his loving azure eyes, then she slowly closed her eyes, and their lips touch softy. It was a sweet and passionate kiss.

"I love you too Mimi..." he said sweetly in her ear. "I have something for you..." he whispered. Mimi looked at him with curiosity. Yamato took out the long black velvet box, and slowly open. Mimi grasped in bliss. She couldn't believe this her little fairy tale of a sweet prince sweeping her off her feet was coming true. "Mimi, on this night you know that our love will last forever." He took the bracelet and put around her slender wrist. Mimi raise up her arm to the sky letting her bracelet glisten in the moonlight.

"Its beautiful Yamato...thank you." She said. Then they share another sweet kiss. "Forever..." she repeated.

"I'm truly yours forever Mimi." He claimed. The two new lovebirds stood there in the park, in each other arms sharing sweet kisses.

Truly Yours Forever...


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Authors Notes: I hope you guys liked it as much I like typing the little sappy fanfic. If you got any question e-mail me at echan_hidaka@hotmail.com. Also I wanna tell you that my digimon site has moved to geocities.com because envy.nu had screwed me over with out warning its client about the shut down. I will keep you posted when I move everything there.