Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Twelve Angry People ❯ Gambling for support ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
TK had a suggestion to make to try and change Davis' mind. “Okay… why don't we change the subject?” he said. “What about the revolver that was used to kill his father's Digimon?”
“Uh, wait a minute…” Mimi pointed out. “Some of the others haven't talked yet. Shouldn't we let them go first?”
“They'll get chance. Just be quiet a minute!” TK said gruffly. Mimi felt livid that he snapped at her like that, but TK replied his statement, “What about the gun this fine upright boy admitted buying on the night of the killing. Why don't we talk about it?”
“All right… let's talk about it.” Davis agreed. “Let's get it in here right now and look at it. Izzy… if you would…?” Izzy nodded and went over to knock at the door, and asked the bailiff to bring them the gun.
“We've already seen what it looks like, why should we see it again?” TK asked.
“TK, We all have rights to see exhibits and evidence.” Joe told him. He then explained of how the gun, and the way it was bought were both very strong pieces of evidence. “Now let's take a moment to go over the facts one at a time.”
“One… the admitted going out of the house at 8 pm on the night of the killing, after being slapped several times by his father--”
“Uh, no, no… he said “punched” Sora cut it. “There's a big difference between being slapped and punched.”
Joe rephrased himself, “After being HIT several times by his father, and Digimon partner.”
“Two… he went to neighborhood junk shop where bought a small revolver. Now this was no ordinary gun. It had a very unusual carved handle, and contained a set of rather odd looking bullets. The store-keeper who sold it to the boy said it was the only one of its kind he had ever had in stock.”
“Three… he met some friends of his in front of a vacant-lot in his neighborhood at 8:45. They chatted for awhile and then he left them an hour later. During that time… they saw his gun.”
“Four… his friends were called to the stand when questioned, and they identified the death weapon as that very same gun.”
“Five… he arrived home at 10, and he claims that he went to a movie sometime near 11:30, and returned home at 3 in the morning to find his fathers Digimon vaporized, his father dead, and himself arrested.”
“Now what happened to the gun? Well he claimed that it fell through a hole in his pocket between 11:30 and 3 am, while he was on his way to the movies, and he never saw it again. Well I don't believe a single word of it.”
“I think it's clear that the boy never went to the movies that night. No one saw him leave the apartment. No one at the theater identified him. He couldn't even remember the names of the movies he saw.”
The bailiff came back into the room and passed Izzy a very small revolver that was no bigger than the size of someone's hand, and a bag containing the type of bullets it used. Izzy pass the items to Joe who continued with his statement.
“What actually happened was this. The boy stayed home… had another fight with his father, and the Digimon partner. Shot the Digimon to death, which made his father die of a heart attack, and left the house at 12:10. He even remembered to wipe the gun clean of fingerprints, and disposed of all the bullets in attempt to cover up his tracks.”
Joe held the gun, which was not loaded, in front of Davis. “Now are you trying to say that this gun really fell through a hole in the boy's pocket, someone picked it up off the street, went to his home and killed his father's Digimon just to test it out?”
Davis shook his head, “No, I'm trying to say that it's possible that the kid lost his gun and that somebody else killed the Digimon with a similar gun.”
Joe slammed the gun and the bullets down on the table. “Take a look at this gun. It sure is an odd looking tool. I never saw one like it before, and neither had the store-keeper who sold it to the boy. Aren't you asking us to accept a fairly large coincidence?”
“I'm just saying a coincidence is possible.” replied Davis,
“And I say it's not possible.” growled TK.
Davis stood up, reached into his suit-pocket and slammed on the table an identical match of the same gun. The others all went crazy with remarks on how the guns were exactly the same. “Where did you get that?” Joe asked.
“I went out walking last night…” Davis answered. “I walked through the boy's neighborhood and a bought this at a pawn-shop two blocks away from his house. It cost six-hundred yen.”
Joe gave Davis a very strict look, “It's against the law to carry firearms without a permit, or a background record-check.”
Davis nodded and admitted that he broke the law.
“Look you pulled a real hair brained scheme here, Davis.” said TK. “What are trying prove? Maybe there are ten guns like that that one, so what? You found another one like it, and you expect us to be turned on by this discovery?”
Yolei eyed the two guns, “You mean you're asking us to believe that someone else shot the father's Digimon with the exact same kind of gun?”
“The odds are a-million to one.” added Tai
“It's possible!” Davis practically wailed.
“But not very probable.” said Joe.
Everyone took their seats once more. “You know… I think it's interesting how he found a gun just like the one that was bought by the boy.” Mimi expressed.
“What's so interesting about it?” snapped TK. “The rest of us here still think he's guilty, Davis. You haven't convinced any of us anything.”
“Right on brother…” Matt said. He coughed twice and then said. “If you want to be a stubborn guy and hang this jury go on ahead. The kid will be trial again and found guilty anyway.”
Davis got up and walked over to the window with a queer look on his face. “Yeah… you're probably right.” he said sounding low.
“So, what are you going to do about it?” Tai asked his brother-in-law. “IF you keep this up we could be here all night.”
“Well only one night.” Cody said. “A boy may die.”
Tai began to joke around by saying things like. “Well then why don't we set up house? Order a few pizzas, have some drinks, and we'll sweat the whole thing out.”
Mimi didn't think that was funny at all. “I don't think he should be joking like that.” she said to Izzy, “Well what do you want me to do about it, I'm just the foremen.”
“Oh, knock it off will you?” Matt grumbled. “All this stuff about the gun means nothing. Somebody saw the kid shoot his father's Digimon, what more do we need? I say we just forget about, get done, and get out of here.”
Ken gazed at Matt. “The gun was important to the attorneys. They spent the whole day studying it.”
Matt didn't care about that, “They're nothing but a bunch of low rate assistants. What the heck do they know about anything?”
“Hey come on, that's enough!” snarled Izzy. “All this yelling is giving me a headache and we're only slowing down by arguing.”
There was a brief moment of silence. “You're still the only one, Davis.” TK reminded everyone.
Davis couldn't keep this up much longer. He was starting to lose his courage, and the stress was beginning to eat at him. “Okay… I'll tell you guys what I've decided.” he said. “I'm going call for another vote. I want you all to vote by secret written ballot, and I'll keep out.”
Some of the others felt sorry for Davis having to do this, particularly Kari. “Davis!”
“If all eleven votes are still Guilty, I won't stand alone. I'll change my vote and we'll take a in a Guilty verdict to the judge right now… and sentence the boy to his death.”
“But if someone votes Not Guilty, then we stay here and talk it out some more. Well that's all I got. If you want to try it, I'm ready.”
Everyone began to agree, and Izzy passed out pencils and paper-cards. Everyone voted and then passed their votes down back to Izzy. “I hope you know what you're asking for Davis…” he said.
His Vote was still Guilty, which meant all the other ten votes had to be the same. One by one Izzy opened the slips. “Guilty… Guilty… Guilty… Guilty… Guilty… Guilty… Guilty… Guilty… Guilty…” but he stopped at the last one, and his eyes widened…
“Not Guilty.”
Matt stood up angrily. “Boy, how about that…?”
“Oh, great… now someone else has gone off the deep end!” snarled Tai.
Matt stomped around the room growling like bear, “All right, who was it? Come on now, I want to know.”
Ken stood up, “Uh, Matt, remember this was a secret-ballot. We agreed to that. Maybe we ought to keep it secret?”
“Secret…?” snapped TK. “There aren't any secrets in a jury room Ken. Besides I already know who it was.” And his eyes fixed on Kari. “Kari…you really are something. You vote guilty like the rest of us and then suddenly you rush over to help your sweet fiancée because he woos you with tale about an underprivileged kid couldn't help becoming and evil creep, and a murderer.”
Kari's jaw dropped and her eyes narrowed. “Hey! Wait a minute!” she snarled. “TK, you can't talk to me like that. Who the hell do you think you are?”
Joe tried to calm Kari down, “Easy Kari, calm down. TK's just very excitable.”
A lot of the other shad their ears plugged because his shouting. “TK…!” he said deeply. “Don't you go shouting at my fiancée like that…”
TK grunted, “Fine, I won't shout. Just tell me, Kari… why did you change your vote?”
Before Kari could respond, Cody cut in by saying, “Kari didn't change her vote TK. I did.”
The others all turned to face him with surprised looks on their faces. Of all people Cody changed his vote? “I suppose you want me to tell you why?”
“No, I don't want you tell me why, and waste more time.” snapped Tai.
Cody wanted to make it clear anyways, and he got support from others who were interested. Cody got up from his seat and explained he his grandfather once told him never to let a man down when he needs help the most…
“Davis has been standing alone against us. Now, he didn't say the boy is innocent, he's just not sure and he's not ready to decide. Well I learned that it's not easy to stand alone against the ridicule of others, so he gambled for support, and for once I gave it to him. Besides… while it may be true that the boy may be guilty, I want to hear more.”
Tai couldn't stand up for anymore of this so he got up and headed for the men's room. “Tai, I'm still talking here!” Cody shouted. “You can't just walk out…!”
Davis hushed him, “Never mind Cody. He can't hear you, and even if he could he probably won't listen.”
The vote was now ten to two in favor of Guilty, which meant it was still not unanimous, but at least Dais got the support he asked for. Now they could really get down to some business.