Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Unconditional love ❯ Unconditional love ( One-Shot )

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Unconditional love
Author: Nekocin
Email: animecrush@sr.net, Neko_cin_6@hotmail.com
Type: One-shot
Genres: Other
Pairing: Yamara/Sorato or whatever the whole thing might be
Warning: Sora, possibly OOC, Yamato's POV
Rated: G
Disclaimer: Characters don't belong to me. They never did. Only the fanfic.


It's the day when all the sakuras are going to fall down. April.

I'm watching from afar as you pass under the sakura trees, cheering how beautiful the sakuras are.

They are indeed beautiful. Short-lasting beautiful flowers/

Your ruby eyes light up whenever you notice the flowers falling down, grazed by the passing wind.

You smile brilliantly and let the wind pick up the fallen blossoms to carry them further.

Instead the flowers dance around you.

You contemplate how happy you are whenever the short-lasting flowers dance around you.

It's as if everything in the world resolves around you.

In my eyes it seems the world does.

I watch as you throw your arms around your boyfriend or so you think he is.

A certain claw grips this weak heart of mine.

It hurts.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

You plant a kiss on the guy's cheek and tell him how lucky you are to be with him.

I guess it's just how life has to be as I watch you shower your affection on to another.

Indeed I shower mine upon you, but you seem to be clueless about my hints.

I sigh and turn away.

It hurts to see you happy with another.

But I'm your friend, I'll definitely give you happiness even if it's from a distance.

Since when has everything started out like this?

For how long hade I kept you inside my heart?

Why didn't I tell you earlier before that guy snatches you away from that one thin line of hope and chance?

Every night I look up at the sky, hoping to see a falling star to wish upon.

Instead the stars keep on blinking down at me as if they don't understand what I want.

Are they also laughing down at me?

Because I'm such a coward to be so unfortunate.

At least I still have your friendship.

My only excuse to be around you.

I watch you give into life from afar.


It's still early in the morning.

2:25 AM.

Someone has woken me up at this kind of hour?!

I curse silently and drag myself out of the comfortable warmth my blankets had secured around me.

The doorbell keeps on ringing.

I rub my eyes to get the sleep out of my eyes and fuss my messed up hair a bit neatly.

I yawn and call out to whoever is pushing the doorbell that I'm coming.

As soon as I open the door, I gasp.

"Sora?" I inquire, not comprehending why you're here.

You stand there with slumped shoulders and eyes are downcast.

You lift up your head.

I can clearly see the tears sliding down your skin.

I inquire what's wrong as I watch your eyes watering your vision.

Suddenly you launch yourself on to me, encircling your arms around my neck and pressing closer to cry on to me.

I could only stare in shock as you've willingly let me hold you.

I embrace you lovingly even though you've no idea what it means. You break down...

I look at you as you tell me what's wrong.

One word: heartbreak.

Your boyfriend has dumped you because you're not his type.

Evil guy.

I'll personally punish him for you even if it's his death.

But for now my attention is settled on you.

You smile faintly when I grab hold of your hand, a sign of comfort and squeeze mine absentmindedly.

Your eyes are distant...

Look at me and see through my eyes.

I'll love you.

I'll always love you.

>>>> Owari >>>>

:P Nyah! Here's a one-shot. An excuse for all my "Taste of life" reviewers.
