Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Unresolved Feelings ❯ Double Trouble ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Unresolved Feelings

By E-chan

Author's notes:

1. I do not own Digimon. Toei/Bandai...please do not sue me

2. Please forgive me if you see any mis-spelled words or grammar.

3. This is a sequel to I'll show him Please do not read this if you didn't read I'll show him first. This is the sequel to it.

Summary: Tai and Sora are back in school. Double trouble comes in their way. Can they handle the situation? Will they stay together in end? Or will they be with some else.


FOX is a racing clothing company

Puma is a brand name for shoes

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~Sora's P.O.V~

((Three Months pass by))

Tai and I been going out for three months now. All was going well until 2 weeks ago. We just came back from summer vacation and going back to school again. We were juniors and sophomores now. Let me bring back where all the problems started.

((Second day of school))

"Ok Sora, What do you have first period again?" Tai asked me.

"I have English." I told him. "In D34."

"I have Science." he told me.

"In E43" Then I saw Matt and Mimi walk towards us.

"Hey Mimi." I greeted her. "Hey Matt."

"Hey Tai and Hi Sora." they greeted us.

"What up?" Tai asked Matt. "What class do you go first period?"

"I have Music with Mimi," he said. And here's were all troubled started. A beautiful blonde chick passes by us. She was everything a guy would've want in a girl. She had bright blonde hair like the sun, bright emerald green eyes, nice figure, light pink lips and she was just beautiful...that's the only way I could describe her. I looked at Tai. He was just totally gawking at her. And my jealous got the best of me.

"Argh!" I shouted. And hit Tai on the head. I don't know what came over me. Just seeing him gawking at her like that. WHAT about ME! Am I not his girlfriend? Why can Tai act like Matt? He is loyal to his girlfriend.

"Ouch!" he said. "Whatcha do that for?" he asked turn around facing me. He saw that I was mad. "Aye Sora, it not what you think." he said.

"Yeah sure whatever Tai." I said sarcastically. I started to walk away from him.

"Sora, you got it all wrong," he yelled. He started to go after me. Then he grabs my arm. "Sora, will you please listen to me." he plead.

"Why Tai I saw you gawking her." I started, "I don't want to hear your excuses. I'm going to class." And I left him there in the hallway.

"Sora!" he shouted.


I entered my classroom. Joe was in my class. It was nice to have someone that you count on. "Hey Joe." I greeted him. He looked up.

"Oh Hey Sora. So your in my class." he said.

"Yeah" I replied. I sat next to him. But I didn't know I was in for a big surprise. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and face a familiar face. "Jun-Lei..." I whispered. He changes; he was more gorgeous than ever. He still got his baby face, his shinny yellow- hazel eyes, and his dyed baby blue hair. Oh a hotty! What am I saying I have a boyfriend? But he looks so good in that baby blue FOX jersey and khaki with his white Puma. No! No…Sora...you have Tai remember. You love him and you don't have feeling for Jun-Lei remembers. Do I still like him?

"Hi Sora... I see you're still beautiful then ever." He commented me. I blush at the comment.

"Well thank you Jun-Lei. So your in my class." I said.

"Yeah..." he said.

In class Jun-Lei and me talk what happen during summer. He said he went back to California and spend time with his friends over there. The bell rang class was over. I said my good byes to Joe and Jun-Lei. As I was walking towards my next class. I couldn't believe what I saw Tai and that new girl talking. I was so shock what I saw next. She kissed him! She kissed him! Water started to form in my eyes. I felt betrayed. I saw Tai blush a little.

"Tai how could you," I shouted. He looked down the hall and saw me. I wanted to run. Run far away. The hurting pain in my heart was aching. I just stood there in shock. The three months being together meant nothing to him. He ran towards me. I just stood there replaying the whole thing.

"Sora, it's not what you think." He said. How can he said that it's not you think. Well what I think that he like it. I slap him.

"How could you!" I was crying now.

"So being with me was just a game." My heart was aching. There were red marks on his face.

"Sora, you got it all wrong." he told me. I shook my head violently.

"No! No all lies!" I shouted.

"Sora, let me explain." he said.

"I don't need you explanation. What I just saw right now did a lot of explaining for me. So I don't need to you lousy excuse. I don't love you. It's over Tai. Go back to you blonde bimbo." I retorted in angry. I was about to walk away from him but he grab my wrist and pulled me close to him. And kissed me. It was full with passion. He slowly let go of my wrist and then broke the kiss.

"Sora, I love you! You're the only girl for me." he told me. I felt his soft hands on my face. It felt like feathers. He wipes my tears and kissed my face. "I don't want lose you. Your everything to me." he comment.

"Oh Tai." I sighed and hug him. "I don't know what came over me. When I just saw her kiss you like that. I felt broken-up into million of tiny pieces." He returned the warm embrace.

"Shh…I wouldn't leave you for anyone." he said soothingly. If anything could get any bad Jun-Lei had to show up.

"Hey Sora." He greeted me. I looked at him. I felt Tai hugging me closer. Tai glared at Jun-Lei.

"Tai let's go." I broke their eye contact with each other and headed to our next class. I don't now what to do anymore. I became jealous.

------To be continued.... -------