Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Virus of a different color ❯ The Virus Enters... ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

by Caleb Johnson Hughes

This is My 2nd Independent fanfic.I am 10 years old and wrote another indepent fanfic called,"JealIzzy."I took part in "The Digimess,"which was done not only by me,but also my brother Joshua.If you have seen/liked/hated one or any of my (or Josh's) fanfics,please send us your positive/negative feedback.Thanks a bushel!:)

As usual,everyone was walking through the forest.They had just defeated Venom/Normal Myotismon,and did not know what to do next."Oh great.Why are we we walking around here anyway?"complained Joe."I guess we're just lookin' for somethin to do-"Gomamon stopped,frozen in motion."uh.....Gomamon?"said Joe.He reached out to touch Gomamon.His hand went straight through him!"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"screamed Joe.Mimi walked up to him.She opened her mouth,but all that came out was a deep low "Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."Mimi put her hand over her mouth.Then her body flashed and dissapeared."AHHHHHHHH!"said Mimi's disembodied head.Then it appeared back.Mimi lifted her leg.She looked perplexed."What's up?" said Joe as Gomamon,still frozen,started shifting around their heads.She came closer."What's going on?"she said through clenched teeth.Then she leaned close enough to Joe to kiss him.......and did!"Daaa!WHAT WAS THAT----"Joe said and dissapeared."YUCK!Ptouie!De-scusting!!!"screamed Mimi."Uhhhhhhh.....Joe?"

Matt asked Tai,"Wonder what's going on around here?""Duh-no, but maybe you should jump in a toilet! "Tai giggled."Eh?"said Matt."You feeling okay?Why is the air getting so black?"Matt's voice started shrinking."What came first,the chicken or the egg?"He started getting smaller,too!"What is the square root of X-9 times 22..... "No one could here Matt.No one could see Matt.Matt was too busy asking sensliss questions to notice how tiny he was,but he wasn't getting smaller now.Tai was busy insulting the microMatt with childish potty words.

Sora and Izzy were trying to think."Aha!"shouted Izzy."If my calculations are correct,some kind of virus has infected the Digiworld's server.I believe we should-"But then he was cut off.The world was flipping!No,Izzy was flipping!"What's happening?!?"yelled Izzy."You feeling alright?"asked Tentamon."Something is surely going on around here."Sora said." oooooooooooooooooooooooo" "said Tentamon.Then a tutu appeared on him and he started floating frozen around their heads,just like Gomamon.Sora went to help Izzy back upright.She tried to turn his feet to the ground."Thanks"said Izzy."You can let go of me now." "My hands….they..w..won't budge"said Sora,straining to get her fingers loose."RIP!!!"Her fingers didn't let go.Instead she had just ripped Izzy's pants off."Whoops!Sorry Izzy!"said Sora.She was obviously trying to hold back laughter at Izzy's white with red polka dots boxers."Wait a minute,my boxers are supposed to be green with yellow and blue plaid!"said Izzy with a red face.Then Sora's head fell off!"AHHH!!!This is quite a strange prediciment!"

"Somethin' funky is goin' on here and I'm gonna find it!"said TK."OK.You just do that.All stay here mysteriously frozen and floating up here with Gomamon,Tentamon,no,wait,actually,all of are Digimon are frozen up here!"said Kari."Oh.Well I'm off to find the virus that's causing this!" yelled TK as he ran off.

"Wow,look at that!"exclaimed TK.There was a giant black swirly thing."Mind if we help,TK?" said Patamon.The rest of the Digimon were there too."I don't know how you all shook off the virus,but I would enjoy some help right now."said TK."We're here to help!"said Gomamon."And without a tutu!"said Tentamon,ripping it off."Patamon,digivolve to

For your veiwing pleasurement(and because the virus said so),this section of the story will be displayed in MS Outlook.Thank you!

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"Welp,I guess we showed that thing what we're made of!"said Greymon.The virus had been deleted and everything was back to normal."Hooray!"shouted Tai,Kari, and TK.


In case you were wondering,I meant to write that part in MS Outlook.I did not want to go through the trouble of writing out the whole battle.Please don't be a spoiled sport about it.Our e-mail is mailto:hughess@hotmail.com ,in case of feedback.Hope you liked my story!If you ever see me on the net,my names are ArTeMiS,Charidile,Patamon , and Phase.Buh bye!