Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Walking of the Edge of Friendship ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Ok, let's recap the situation: Daisuke and Ken just got to first base and Sora is about to tell Taichi she has the hots fro him. This should be one hell of a chapter *cackles Ken like*. I don't have much of a note except I think I'll state how old everyone is in this thing (dub ages need not apply either, I'm basing these on season two ages in the original).
Ken, Daisuke, Takeru, Hikari: 14; Yamato, Taichi, Sora: 17; Koushirou: 16.
I can't think of anyone else that'll be involved in this story. It would be overkill to drag any other characters in. Oh and, Takari ahead (although it's only going to be in two scenes. It's not going to be long term,)

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon. I do not work for Toei or Bandai or Fox or Timewarner. Do not sue me. I am not breaking the law. AND I HATE WRITING THESE THINGS!!! ERRRGGHHH!!!
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Yamato set the phone down on the dining room table and walked down the hallway to Takeru's room. He knocked twice, and then stood in silence waiting for his brother to open the door.
"Just letting you know that I'm gonna go over to Taichi's in about a half an hour."
"God, are you two inseparable or what?"
"It's not that. he just needs me for moral support. Sora's finally cracked."
"Ooh. I see."
"I'll probably be over there for a couple hours."
"I can trust you to hold down the fort, right?"
"..But can I trust you with Hika-chan over there?" Yamato winked, and glanced over at Hikari, who was turning bright red.
Takeru just glared in response. "..Listen pervert," He then lowered his voice so Hikari couldn't hear. "I don't really like her...well romantically."
"Now that is something I never thought you'd say."
"Just get out of my face."
Takeru closed his door and turned around to face Hikari, leaning against the door in exasperation. "Sometimes I think he does this to me on purpose.."
"Does what to you?"
"Nothing, Hika-chan."
"Um, right," she raised an eyebrow and continued. "Now that I've told you what's been going on with me, it's your turn.."
"What exactly does that mean?"
"Nothing. I'm just worried about Daisuke."
"Hey yeah, why isn't he here?"
"Because Ken nabbed him. They...needed to talk."
"About what?"
"You don't need to know."
"Why not?"
"Because. He wouldn't want me telling you."
"Why wouldn't he want me to know?"
"You just can't stand being on the outside, can you?!"
"Quite frankly, no."
Takeru shook his head with an exasperated grin spread across his face. "You'll find out eventually so just forget it."
"He didn't really hurt his ankle last night, did he?"
Takeru blinked in suprise. "W-why do you s-say th-that?"
"Because he went somewhere with Ken. And Ken isn't old enough to drive. They had to walk."
"Well you're right, he didn't."
"So why did he need to be carried like that?"
"Because when a person is weak emotionally, they tend to get physically weak as well."
"True. But what would make him that weak?"
"Hika-chan, please don't do this."
"Takeru, I know I might not exactly be nice to him, but that doesn't mean I don't care."
"Well right now, I doubt he would want your sympathy."
"How do you know that?!"
"Just trust me on this one."
"What if I don't want to?!"
"Hika-chan, calm down. You'll find out when he wants you to."
"Why do you get to know then?"
"Because I'm his best friend. And because...well, it's going to change quite a bit between you two."
"What do mean change? Good? Bad? Neither?!"
"Probably neither..but I don't know really. Can we please talk about something else?"
"Fine. Tell me why Taichi needs moral support dealing with Sora?"
"Ok, this one I guess I can tell you. Just don't let them know I did."
"Whatever, just tell me."
"Well, I'm not really sure of everything, but I know two things for sure. The first is that Taichi definitely does not like Sora as more than a friend."
"Why not? I thought they'd be soul mates or something."
"Thats the um, second thing. They would be soul mates I guess. If he was straight."
"It's not everyday you find out your big brother is gay!!"
"I know what you mean.."
"Huh? Wait are he and Yamato...HOLY SHIT!!!"
"Hika-chan could you be a little louder? They can't hear you in Tokyo!!"
"I'm sorry...but holy fucking shit."
"Watch your language too."
"Takeru, don't ask me to do anything right now."
"If the neighbors tell my mom anything when she gets back from her trip, I might as well !"
Takeru shook his head sadly sitting down next to her on his bed. "Good."
"Um, Takeru?"
"Well.." She bit her lip. "Hearing about what Sora is going to do, well I.."
"Go on, " He gave her a thoughtful smile, although inside he was cringing. Please, don't do this right now, Hika-chan. I don't want to hurt you, but I'm not sure I can say that I have any romantic interest in you, as much as it may seem that way on the outside. I love you as a friend, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to kiss you. He bit his lip as she continued.
"..I just want to tell you," She paused and then turned to face him. "That I really...care about you."
"Hika-chan, I-" He was cut off by her lips. Damn! Hika-chan, why did you have go this far?! I don't love. you. At least not in this present time. I'm so sorry...
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" Wait up! Damn it, Ken wait up!!"
"Make me!" He called back with a laugh. This is so much fun. I'm so glad I had the courage to go all the way to Takeru's just get him. He's knows it was worth it too. Its a good thing he's so forgiving, or I might have fucked everything up in those ten minutes that I was coming on to him at the beach the other night. I was so stupid to be that forward. Especially since the two us hadn't really been in touch with each other for so long. He was thrust back into consciousness when he walked into a telephone pole*, and found Daisuke's worried face staring down at him.
"Hey, you Ok?"
"I think. I got so lost in thought I didn't notice where I was running."
"Yeah. Hey, I think I had better get back to Takeru's soon."
"What's your hurry? I'm sure he won't mind. Let's go see a movie."
"Alright. But I want to go back to Takeru's after that."
"Fine with me."
"What movie do you want to see?"
"I dunno. What's out?"
"I dunno..let's decide when we get there."
They started walking again, Talking about everything, from what to tell their parents to what Ken was going to tell the press, should they ever be caught together. Before they knew it, they had reached the theater, and were looking at the listings. They stood by the listings sign for half an hour, bickering about what to see before finally giving up. They decided to go check out the carnival Daisuke had missed the night before due Ken and Miyako showing up. They decided not to stay for more than an hour, because neither of them had enough money last longer than an hour.
"Like I was supposed to know we were gonna end up here?"
"No, but you should always have some cash on you just in case."
Daisuke stuck his tongue out at Ken in response. Ken sighed in exasperation and bought 20 ride tickets. Daisuke grinned, knowing Ken would never remember to make him pay for the tickets later.
"So what shall we ride first?"
"How 'bout that big scary thing towards the middle?"
"Be serious."
"I am."
"God help me."
"C'mon, it'll be tons of fun. I promise!"
"Right Dai.."
Before Ken could continue complaining, Daisuke had grabbed him by the hand and was dragging him towards the center of the park, to the big scary ride. "The Bruiser!"
"How 'bout you go on, and I'll wait down here for ya?"
"Not a chance. Come on we're up!"
Ken trudged behind the way to excited Daisuke, hoping he'd be alive ten minutes from then. They were ushered to a compartment that already held two passengers on the side opposite of where they were seated.
"Hikari! And Takeru?"
"Sorry Daisuke."
"You were supposed to be waiting for me at your place!"
"Why didn't you tell me that?!" Hikari fwapped Takeru on the head.
"Because you didn't let me!"
"You are so full of it."
"Hey, you two, the ride's starting!" Daisuke found himself clinging a little closer to Ken than he should have, but with good reason, as they went up, down, and all around for 3 and half straight minutes. When they walked off the ride, Hikari and Takeru were still bickering, and Daisuke and Ken were glaring at them.
"You guys, people are staring!"
"Well if someone had told me he was waiting for you, we wouldn't be bickering!"
"ERRGH!!" Daisuke walked off, not even motioning to Ken to follow.
"Now look what you've done!"
"I didn't do anything Takeru!"
"You guys...um.."
"Aren't you a little worried about Daisuke!? Or are you both too caught up in bickering that you forgot about him!?!"
Hikari bit her lip to keep from saying anything. Takeru just looked away, hoping that Daisuke would forgive him. They both slowly turned to face each other, not sure of what to say.
"Hika-chan I-"
"Don't, Takeru."
"I better head home," Ken stated softly, not wanting to throw the other two off track.
"No," Takeru shook his head. "I actually want to talk to you. I think hika-chan should leave."
She nodded. Ken blinked. "What would you want to talk about with me?"
Takeru gave him a 'it isn't that hard to figure out' look, and gave Hikari a goodbye hug. Before he could pull away, she planted a kiss on his cheek. He waited a few moments, until she was out of sight, and then wiped his cheek off.
"You didn't want her kissing you?"
"Huh? No."
"Why not? I thought you guys were...well..an item, judging by how clingy she is."
"God no. She thinks we are though, I think."
"Why would she think something like that, if it weren't true?"
"Because I'm a jackass."
"Oh, do explain."
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*Ala Yusaku in Maison Ikkoku

Tune in next time for Takeru's confession. And his biggest screw-up in this entire story. Next chapter is gonna be sorta dramatic, I guess. Soap opera-ish. Ok, It's like 9:20 here, and Digimon is coming on in ten minutes. Gotta run. Toddles!