Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Walking of the Edge of Friendship ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hmm...I'm not sure if I'm gonna have anything really really big happen in this chapter. I might end it with a really evil cliffhanger. I'd like to keep this short...so..um, onto the story...

Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN DIGIMON OR ANY OF IT'S SUBSIDIARIES!!! DON'T SUE!!! Um, that's all I have to say.
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Taichi glared up at the ceiling of his room. He had gotten into his bed about 2 hours earlier, not bothering to change. He couldn't sleep. All he could do was think about Yamato. He looked below his bunk at Hikari's. She was tossing in her sleep, like she was reliving some horrible experience through her subconscious. Taichi stayed like that for few moments, his head hanging down into Hikari's bunk, before toppling back into his own. He noticed the phone was still on his desk, where he had left it earlier. He carefully climbed to the floor, slipping on the bottom rung of the ladder, like always. He snatched the phone and walked into the living room, so that no one would catch him. He quickly dialed Yamato's number and waited.
"Why're you callin' this late at night?"
"I needed to hear your voice."
"I don't want to hear yours. Go away."
"No...please, Yamato.."
"Taichi...I'll hang up."
"Please don't. I really need to talk to you."
"I don't care."
"Why? What kind of question is that?"
"Just answer it."
"Fine. I don't care because..you didn't seem to."
"Earlier. With Sora...the kiss."
"You acted like...you didn't want me to kiss you."
"I didn't mean to sound that way. I did want you to kiss me. And I'm glad you did."
"Oh course...it means that..I don't have to feel as...uncomfortable around you as I have."
"You..felt that way?"
"I had no idea."
"Well that kiss earlier was the best thing I've ever felt."
"I mean it."
"I'm still mad at you, and sucking up isn't gonna do you any good."
"But I'm not-"
"Goodbye," Yamato growled, pushing the off button as hard as he could.
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Takeru sat down nervously on the floor of Daisuke's bedroom. He listened to Daisuke struggle with the extra futon in the hallway. Maybe I should go help him. He sounds like he's having quite a battle. He got up and opened the door just in time to be mercilessly attacked by a futon. Daisuke fell down, as the futon flew through the door of his room, and past Takeru. He landed on the other boy, landing with his arms around Takeru's neck. He fell off Takeru and sat up, knowingly pink across the nose. He watched Takeru sit up and shake his head, noticing that Takeru was at least twice as pink as he was.
"I'm really sorry about that."
"Nah," Takeru shook his head. "I shouldn't have opened the door."
"If you say so."
"That's an awfully big futon.."
"I know. But it's the only thing I could find without going on a suicide mission in the storage area."
"I see," Takeru raised an eyebrow, laughing. "It's big enough for three people."
"At least I don't hafta worry about getting hurt if I fall off the bed."
Daisuke stood up and found his way to his dresser, pulling out a t-shirt and some old flannel pants. "Here. Sleep in these."
"Not a problem."
Takeru quickly changed, watching Daisuke out of the corner of one eye. Daisuke noticed Takeru watching and started fixing up Takeru's futon. Takeru grinned to himself, as he pulled his socks off and threw them near Daisuke's closet. He sat down next to Daisuke on the futon.
"Um..the futon's ready."
"Thanks. Um..can I tell you something?"
"The thing you couldn't tell me at your place?"
"Well...I had this really, really bizarre dream the other night.."
"Go on."
"I don't remember much, just the part that involved you..um.."
"Just tell me!"
"Well...I don't know if I can.."
"I..I'd rather just..show you."
"Here goes," Takeru moved closer to Daisuke, startling the other boy. He took Daisuke's chin his right hand, and pulled his face to his own. Their lips met, and didn't part for quite some time. When they did, Daisuke just looked at Takeru, his eyes blinking incessantly. Takeru turned away, his face turning a crimson shade. "I..I'm sorry."
"Sorry? That was..amazing." Daisuke clasped his hand over his mouth, annoyed at himself for saying that.
"It..was? I..didn't mean for it to..mean anything...I just...Oh, I don't know what the hell I meant."
"It's Ok," Daisuke pulled Takeru close to him again, in an awkward hug. Takeru sighed and gave in. "Just..don't worry about it. It was an amazing kiss, but it didn't exactly feel romantic."
"Huh? How can a kiss be anything but romantic?"
"I'm not sure. But that was different than anything I've ever experienced."
"Is that good?"
"I'm not sure."
"Did it..mean anything?"
Daisuke nodded, pulling Takeru closer to him. He rubbed the other boy's shoulder, hoping to keep him calm. "It meant something. Maybe.."
"Maybe what?"
"Maybe..it was just..the way you care about me. I don't know how to explain it."
"I think I understand what you're trying to say," Takeru nodded, putting his own hand on the one that rubbing his shoulder. "Not love...but some other emotion."
"Yeah. It felt warm. And safe. Like nothing could touch me."
Daisuke smiled and Laid back, taking Takeru with him. Takeru didn't feel like being on top of him, so he simply leaned from one side. They stayed in the position for a while, talking about unimportant matters, and studying one another's eyes for the billionth time since they'd met. Both thought it felt like a nice feeling. It was peaceful, and neither was uncomfortable.
"Hey Takeru?"
"I'm gonna stay down here with you tonight."
"Ok," Takeru pulled one of Daisuke's hands into his own, twisting it around, and running his fingers all around Daisuke's. This is what he had wanted. This is what the dream was telling him to do. He understood what lay ahead for him now. He laid down next to Daisuke, hands still entangled, and set his head down on the other boy's chest. Daisuke smiled and brought the covers over them.

"Daisuke! Wake the hell up!"
Jun threw the door to his room open to see Takeru and Daisuke still holding each other, and though they were asleep, it was still a little startling. Her expression of suprise softened a bit as she smiled. Whatever the heck makes you happy. I'm just glad to see that you finally have your life somewhat together. Maybe to some eyes this scene would be strange. But I think I understand. She stepped up onto the futon and over to her younger brother. She stooped, and gently nudged him.
"Wake up."
She nodded. "You guys look cute."
"Shut up."
"I'm trying to be nice you little.."
"I know. Sorry. Last night was just a little weird."
"Look, there's food waiting for you. I'm gonna leave so you two can get up."
"Ok," He watched her get up and walk back towards the door. "Thanks for actually letting me know today."
She giggled and left. Daisuke grinned in confusion, and looked toward his friend. Takeru still had his head propped on Daisuke's chest. Daisuke decided to give Takeru a wake up call he wouldn't forget. He turned Takeru's head up to face his own, and went in. Takeru's eyes popped open and Daisuke fell back in laughter.
"I have never seen someone's eyes get that big before!"
"I've never had someone kiss me to wake me up."
"I thought I would give you a personal wake up call."
"I know," takeru yawned, sitting up. "But it scared the heck outta me."
Daisuke righted himself, and looked over at Takeru. "We have food waiting for us. Jun said so."
Daisuke yawned as he stood up and made his way to his dresser. He pulled out two pairs of jeans, and two shirts. He threw one set at Takeru. "Here. You can borrow."
"Uh, thanks," Takeru replied, throwing his shirt off and pulling the new one over his head. He stood up, ripped the flannel pants off and threw them at Daisuke, along with the discarded shirt. "Here."
"Um thanks," Daisuke caught the clothes and stuffed them into his hamper.
Takeru quickly pulled on the jeans, and walked over to where Daisuke was standing. "Um, about..last night."
"Don't even try to explain. I know."
"Some people would think it was odd that we could do that without feeling like lovers."
"So? That their problem. I'm perfectly happy living this way. And I know that I'm in love with Ken."
"I don't know who I like..everything's just so..."
"Blurred? And shaken up?"
"I think you should try to talk to Hikari."
"I mean...why waste a chance like that. I lost the war. Don't make it any less climatic than it is."
"I guess maybe you're right...but I don't think she's going to be in the mood to talk to me."
"When I came home, there was this really bitchy message from her on my answering machine."
"Shit. That's right!"
"She...sorta saw you and Ken."
"Oh damn."
"At least you're fairly safe here."
"I am?"
Daisuke nodded. "She thinks I'm mad at you."
"Because when I saw her after you two left, I acted sorta..mad."
"I guess I can't blame you."
"So she probably thinks I'm not talking to you or something."
"That doesn't mean she won't end up here though, does it?"
"I guess she probably will. Jun probably called Yamato to let him know where I was."
"He would tell her wouldn't he?
"Yup. But he probably doesn't know what happened."
Daisuke's stomach decided to growl at them both. They sweatdropped, and left the room, remembering how hungry they were.
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A/N: Ok, I finally was able to finish this without my computer freaking out. Yey. I'm going to make this a short comment, since I only have one more thing to say. This story is somewhere near the end...it's got a few more chapters to go. I'm trying for 15.