Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Watching My Angel ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Psycho Moon: I don’t own Digimon.
Uniemon: Enjoy.

Watching My Angel
by Psycho Moon

'There you dream...
in the dark of night...
not scared of the past or the future...
just dreaming...
as I sit there...
watching my angel'

Ken smiled at the sleeping body of Miyako. The group had went on a camping trip to the Digiworld. It had been a long day but Ken couldn't sleep... all he could do was think about Miyako. She was all he ever thought about anymore. It was like she was the darkness only... not... Miyako didn't control him... she loved him... that's all she did... and... he felt something every time she said his name... like it was supposed to be this way... like he belonged.

Ken shacked his head. It had been a long day still. He got up and walked down to the river that was nearby. He sat down and looked over. 'How long has it been since I felt like this...' he thought. 'Hmmm... since the battle with Malomyotismon... that's four years ago... time sure does fly when you're having fun...' Ken thought. "And I haven't done a thing about it..." Ken sighed.

"Done a thing about what?" asked a female voice from behind him. Ken jumped a mile and then turned to see Miyako smiling. "What are you talking about, Ken?"

"NOTHING!!! NOTHING!!! Nothing at all..." he replied trying to hide his feelings. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Ummm... okay..." said Miyako blankly. She sat down next to him and smiled. "What are you doing?"

"Thinking about the past..." he replied. Miyako looked at him sadly. "Not about the whole Digimon Kaizer thing... good things like... meeting Wormmon... becoming a good digidestined..." 'Meeting you...'

"Oh..." she smiled and splashed him.

"Hey! What was that for!?!" Ken cried and splashed her. This fight continued for ten minute. By then both of them were soaked. Miyako laughed. "What is so funny?" Ken asked.

"You..." she giggled. "You look so cute with your hair all wet and droopy... it's so cute, Ken..." She continued to giggle and then stopped and blushed.

"What's wrong?" asked Ken.

"I... I..." She then quickly leaned over and kissed him. Ken blinked. He was in shock. She... Miyako... child of love and sincerity... was kissing him. They slowly released and looked at each other. "Ken... I'm sorry... I crossed the line... I... I..." But she couldn't finish her sentence because he put his lips on hers and kissed her. It was like heaven... nothing could bother them... not even themselves. Slowly they released. "I'm sorry, Miyako... I crossed the line... but I don't care... because... because... I... I love you..." Ken looked away. "I love you too..." said Miyako. Ken smiled as she laid down in his arms. It was heaven... just him and his angel... where he could watch over her...