Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Water ❯ Water ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Digimon is copyrighted by Akiyoshi Hongo and produced by Toei Animation, Bandai, and Disney. I only own the plot, and no profit is being distributed in any way through this story.
Author's Note: This fic was written as part of a challenge, set by Johnnyd2 (from DeviantArt).
Warnings: Lesbian crossbreeding and MA-rated lime.
The one way to interrupt twenty-one-year Sora and Biyomon's lust for each other was for someone to come bursting into the bathroom.
In fact, “coming” would be the endpoint for them both, as they moaned loudly in the shower.
With a gentle touch, Sora gently messaged the soap and lathered it all over Biyomon's back, and the bird Digimon extended her wings and cooed in delight. Then, Sora crouched even further, kissed her neck, and trailed her tongue down her back; Biyomon groaned low as the saliva and thick tongue caressed her feathers. But then, Sora stood up, grabbed the showerhead, and let the water soak Biyomon's head. The Digimon trilled in delight in response.
But she couldn't let Sora have all the fun. So she gestured for Sora to sit on the shower floor, Next, she climbed on top of Sora and kissed her on the lips; in the meanwhile, Biyomon took her right wing and softly flicked Sora's stiff nipple, making her moan blissfully. When they let go, Biyomon slunk down, allowing the hot water to tickle their bellies, and she started sucking Sora's left breast. At once, the DigiDestined of Love groaned, and her back arched in delight.
During the suckling, Biyomon extended her left wing and lightly squeezed her backside.
“Ah…keep going…” moaned Sora.
And then, a claw caressed her womanhood—
“AHH…! Yes, Biyomon! Yes…YEES!!”
Unable to control her urges anymore, Sora took her right hand and began squeezing her lonely right breast. At the same time, she took the showerhead in her other hand and let the hot water soak Biyomon. The water dripped down Biyomon's back, trickled down Sora's stomach, and landed onto her awaiting womanhood, resulting in loud dual moaning.
With water, lust was definitely bliss.