Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ We could be beautiful ❯ Happy ending ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

`Sora, Wait.' The boy ran after his best friend his mop that he hair hung down across his face. It had started to rain. He couldn't see much through the mist and the thick rain to where she had gone. He knew where she was it was like the bond between them it was so strong. `Please Wait Sora!' his cold body fell to the floor as he began to cry. He hardly ever cried, because as people said he was brave and strong, but that had only come to him because of her. When some people said he was crazy, he would think that they were right he was crazy…crazy for her. A girl watched from behind a brick. Softly crying to herself as she watched him. What a fool she had been to not see that without him she was nothing. She was lost, and wanted to be found. `I love you, Sora.' He cried not afraid to show his tears. `I always have.' Through the pouring and the thunder she could hear him, His voice lifting softly over to her ears.

`I don't deserve you Tai.' She whispered. He heard her and shook his head causing drops of rain to fall from it like a dog when it came out of a shower. His wet clothes sticking to his skin clinging over every shape and curve he had, but still the tears kept falling.

`I love you, and if you don't love me too I don't know what to do. Sora you're the world to me, how can you not deserve what I have to offer. You have charm, beauty and grace. I have nothing to give you that you don't already have.'

`You do, Tai. You have your love and yourself.' She said shakily as she took a step closer to him.

`I've already given you those.' He whispered as he took a step in.

`Then let me except them this time. While you have stolen the key to my heart. Let me in Tai.' She took another step closer almost closing the gap between them.

`You're already there…' he said taken the last step and closing the gap between them. He cupped her head in his hand and they kissed for the very first time. It was like nothing they had experienced before, Full of emotion and longing.

`I love you, Tai.'

`I knew that along time ago.' He whispered kissing her again. The rain poured down on the two lovers. People just walked by them and if you looked carefully behind one of the trees hid two girl and two boys all of them happy.

`It's good to see them together.' Said the violet haired girl looking at the blue haired boy next to her. He caught her gaze.

`Yolei…' he whispered. `I…i…love you.' he had done it he had told her after so long of keeping those feelings bottled up.

`I love you, too.' she said the two stared meaningfully into each other's eyes, and then they kissed a long meaningful kiss.

`Well at least that over with.' Kari said looking at TK

`I'm glad it is over they were all taking to long.'

`I knew I loved you when I meet you.' Kari said punching him playfully. TK grabbed Kari's arm and pulled her in to a kiss.