Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ We Met On The Net ❯ chp 5 ( Chapter 5 )
We Met On The Net
ST: Heyas! You're all thinking: Holy crap! She's back! How'd that happen?
Well, truth be told, I do not know. But here it is! Another chapter! You lucky dogs!
Now, I had an interesting question asked in a review: Where were Draco and TK in the last a/n? Were they kidnapped by Umbridge?
Nice PerpleXed! You were close! Very close.
Draco: No, it wasn't Umbridge.
TK: Close enough.
Harry: It was me!
(ST, TK and Draco all sweatdrop)
Harry: What? Was it something I said?
ST: No! Of course not!
Draco: Why is Boy Blunder here?
TK: First he kidnaps us and now he intrudes on OUR a/ns?
ST: Our? You and Dray are actually working together on this one?
Draco: Well, rather him than Boy Blunder.
Harry: Hey! I'm not a blunder… (sniff)
ST: Aww! Poor Harry!
Draco and TK: Oh pul-ese!
ST: Anyways, enough chit chat. Here's the fifth of the set, and the next will probably be the last. Oh, just a note: TK's thinking is very waked out. I was in a strange mood as I wrote this…
Hope you enjoy!
Draco and TK and Harry: On with the story!
(Dray and TK glare at poor Harry)
Harry: What?
[the net set]
[chapter %]
Have you ever done something that was really stupid? I mean, beyond stupid, like super-stupid. More stupid than anything in the world. So stupid that you wish you could shrivel up and die at the exact moment after the stupid thing occurred. So incredibly stupid that if you had a gun in your hand, you'd shoot yourself. Well, your foot, cause death isn't fun. But so stupid that you'd wish you had a gun to shoot yourself with.
Oh, well, I've done some pretty stupid stuff in my lifetime. But never, NEVER as stupid as I did when I spoke my thoughts out loud for the whole world to hear. Except, the whole world didn't hear. Oh no. Just Ken. The only person I didn't want to hear.
What was I expecting? Duh! Complete and utter rejection, be shunned forever, yelling, hate, totally pissed-off-ness, and most of all, disgust and hate. But I already said hate. Cause that's what I feared, beyond everything else. Ken was going to hate me. Of course he was.
Who wouldn't hate their so-called friend for impersonating another person online and not telling them? Well, I wouldn't, but I'm of course saying that because I was the victimizer, not the victim, Ken.
So, as I waited for the hate to come flying down like evil fireballs, nothing. Ken just stared at me, like he was waiting for me to respond to something he had said.
"Did you hear that TK? Talking muffins… You did get it, right?"
Waitaminute? Had I not just spoke out loud the fact that I swindled you into, uh, well, having fun with me I guess, but still, lying, well, not being truthful about my identity? Or was just going bonkers?
"Okay, let me explain it: The muffin was talking to the other muffin, and then the muffin is all like, `Holy crap! A talking muffin…' You, do, uh, get the joke, right? Or should I tell another one? Cause I know this really good one about these three guys who get shipwrecked."
Ken started walking again and I followed. Did mistaken my stupid mistake? Did I not just confess my guilty untruthfulness?
"So, they get washed up onto shore. And it just so happens that the island is inhabited by cannibals."
I appeared so. Oh crap that was a close one. I almost thought I was broiled steak there for a moment.
"So, the islanders approach the three men and go, `Buh-guyu-buh-buh', cause they don't speak English, but the chief did."
Even though my sorry hide was saved from possible defrienship by Ken, I couldn't help but wonder, what if I really did say that thought out loud?
"So, the chief says to the three guys, `We're gonna kill you, eat you, then use your skin to make our canoes. But, before you die, we'll give you anything you want so you can kill yourself.'"
I most probably likely would've gotten exactly what I thought I would've, pure hate. And disgust. And, yea, you get my point.
"So, the first guy says, `Oh just give me a bucket.' So, they give him a bucket, and he whams it over his head, dying instantly."
A bucket on an island. Interesting. Oh, wait! I'm supposed to be thinking about what would've happened. Well, maybe Ken wouldn't've been that mad. Maybe not at all.
"And then the second guy goes, `Aww, just give me a rope.' They give him the rope and he walks out into the forest and hangs himself."
Not likely. Ken can have quite the temper, even if he doesn't look it.
"And then the third guy says, `Gimme a fork.' So they do. And the guy stars stabbing himself all over with the fork and says, `I may be dead, but you canoes are screwed!'"
I laughed lightly, cause my mind told me to. I had to pretend that I got that. Cause I didn't. I was too busy trying to figure out how I confused myself into thinking that I had said that one thought out loud.
"Well, if you did tell Ken, then I'd say he'd be not at all freaked out, cause he already knows, and that he'd still talk to you, cause Ken's not that bad of a person."
Hmm, interesting thought. Hey, I didn't think that! I quickly turned to Ken again, halting again. He had this all knowing, yet innocent smile on his face.
"Y-you did hear that?"
Ken rolled his eyes. "Of course I did."
"An-and you know? How?"
"I knew since the one chat where you over at Davis' house. Remember? I sent him an email. You didn't even think to look at the email address, did you? Well, Davis knew you didn't know, cause he just knows this stuff, you know? And well, told me, and then we concocted a plan to see how far things would go. And, well, it went this far."
Shaking my head slowly, I tried to process this through my brain. He knew. The whole time. He knew it was me.
"You-you- I- I thought-"
"Yep. I was the one tricking you. I was quite funny that you didn't catch on quicker, though."
He knew. And he thought it was funny. I couldn't take it.
Fleeing by embarrassment, I ignored Ken's calls and raced all the way home. I nearly unhinged the door when opening it and basically destroyed it when I slammed it shut. Davis, most certainly, was on the phone, smiling, until he saw the look of sheer terror on my face.
"Kare, gotta go. The shit's hit the fan."
The lucky goggle head hung up the phone and sprung up before I could properly place my fingers around his neck. "Whoa! Teeks! What the hell?"
My shocked expression finally faded, the anger on my face catching up to what I was feeling inside. "You-you, bastard! You knew! The whole f-ing time! You knew he knew! And you just let me go on with it, didn't you?"
Leaping at him, he rushed to stand behind the couch, separating us. "Dude! Chill!" I tried to get him left, but he went right. "I-I didn't mean to-" Tried right, he went left. "I just-" Faked left, went right, but he caught on. "Ken wanted-" Finally I just leapt over the couch and tackled him. "To get to know you."
Breathing heavily, I seethed, "What? Get to know me? Doesn't he know me?"
Panting, Davis shook his head. "Not in the platonic way, no. He-he said that he liked you and wanted to see if you could too."
Here's where my last thread of understanding broke. Releasing Davis, who scrambled to sit up, I finally got what was coming. A total brain melt down.
Meaning this: I didn't hear what Davis was saying as he waved his hand in front of my face. I couldn't even really see him that well, for a mist began to cloud my eyes. It took me a second to realize that I was crying.
At that moment I really wanted a fork. You may have broken my mind, but you can't have the pleasure of breaking my body!
What that thought was supposed to mean, I did not know. All I knew was that I was thinking it.
Oh, how ironic it was that the tables had turned on me on such short notice.
The next few days passed by pretty weirdly. Davis left the first day, but came back every other to check up on me. I still couldn't hear what he said, blocking out every word he uttered.
My mother even started to worry when she was at home, telling me to lie down every so often and checking my temperature when she thought appropriate. I could barely hear her, too.
Those days my computer sat at my desk, unused. Dust gathered and I could've sworn that I saw a cobweb there at one point. Maybe I was just being overly dramatic, though.
On the eighth day of my haze, my good ole big bro Matt came for a visit. He said it was because he didn't have anything else better to do, but really I knew that my mom had asked him to come over.
Not that I have a problem with my brother; he's awsome. I just wanted to be alone so I could heal. Okay, so I wanted to sit and pout. I was beaten at what I thought was MY own game! How would you feel?
After pizza, an uninteresting game of pictionary, staring at the TV, and trying to talk to me, all wrapped up into four hours, Matt finally gave up and walked into my room.
I heard the familiar sounds of my computer starting up and swiftly got out of my slump on the couch and raced into my room. "Matt? What are you doing?"
"Ahh, so now he speaks. And only to tell his wonderful brother that he can't use his precious computer, right?"
"Yes, now get out."
Matt rolled his eyes. Like Ken had, eight days ago. "Oh, come on. You know Dad doesn't have one. I need to get to know these things. Really! Just one hour. It's not like we were doing anything anyway."
Sighing, I joined him by sitting on the floor next to my desk. I watched as he clicked the Internet button and up popped the pop-up window.
"Hey! You've got mail!" Matt sniggered at his joke and started to trail the mouse to the read button, but I stopped him. "TK? What are you doing?"
"No, what are you doing?"
"Reading your mail."
"No you're not."
"Yes, I am."
Okay, I love my brother, but at that moment I didn't. I knocked him out of the chair, sitting on top of his chest, preventing him from doing what I had been avoiding for the past week and a day. "Takeru! Get off me! Stop being such a brat!"
Try he might, but Matt couldn't get up from under my weight. "Jeeze kid. You've gained like, a zillion pounds. Holy crap! I can't breathe! Get up!"
I pressed more weight into my brother's chest, causing him to gasp for air. "Not until you promise that you won't read my mail."
"Crap! P-promise!"
Letting him go, I sat back and watched in horror as Matt got up and quickly pressed the read button. "MATT! You promised!"
Smiling profoundly, he said, "Ahh, I promised that I wouldn't read it. But I haven't, now have I? I know that one of these emails is what's been bothering. Yes, I am a good brother. Now, sit your butt down and read it."
Not wanting to feel his big brother wrath, I did as I was told. Slowly, I searched the screen for the email I had been dreading, yet hoping for.
There was only one item in my inbox. Thank god for filters. Anyways, there it was.
From: shygy32_at_charter.net
Subject: talking muffin
Okay, I know you were so not expecting all this, but, yea. I'm sorry about not telling you, but really maybe if you had told me first then none of this would've happened. I'm not saying it's your fault, just stating the truth. But, even though we've both lived lies these past few months, I'd have to say, I had fun. I like you TK. More than a friend. If you don't feel the same way, that's okay. But, if you do, then meet me in a week at the shore. 10 pm.
Glancing quickly at the date of the email, I sighed in relief. It was sent a week ago. Then my eyes darted down to the clock on my computer. 9:52. Shit. It I ran, I'd be there in 10 minutes. If I ran. Meaning, if I went at all.
"Get up and go."
I turned to my brother, whoa was reskimming the email. "Huh?"
"You heard me. Go get `em tiger!"
Reawakening from the small amount of shock, I got up and grabbed a sweater off of the floor. As I ran out in to the living room and to the front door, I pulled on my shoes and said loudly so my brother could hear from my room, "You owe me! You said you weren't gonna read it!" and pulled open the door, running out into the cold night.
Luckily my estimation was pretty close, for I got to the shore in record time, 9 minutes and four seconds to spare. Of course, the clock that hung under the light pole at the beach was about a minute behind my home clock, so I was probably off a bit.
As I panted and wiped the sweat off my head, I looked around. Ken was always a bit early, so he was either here now or not at all. As you can see, my thoughts were not very reassuring.
And then I saw him, Ken, sitting on the bench across the street from the sidewalk that lead to the ocean water. I approached him slowly, my heart suddenly aching. Then, it really hit me. He liked me, more than a friend.
And so did I him.
When we reached speaking distance, Ken stood up, making the distance mush shorter than it was a few seconds earlier. My heart began to race and my hands began to sweat. I didn't know what to do.
But then I looked into Ken's eyes. Those beautiful eyes. Just as he was about to speak, I did what I had to. I kissed him.
And he kissed back.
[to be continued in the six installment]
[back to the future, uh, I mean, back to the a/ns]
ST: So, did you like it? Yes! We finally get to the shonen-ai! Oh, and that little jolt in the plot… I'm so evil! I got you all really confused, didn't I? Oh, by the way, the other joke was also told to me by Jack. I mean, my friend from camp. Oh well, his name is Jack. And he's so cool. And wonderful. And smart. And funny. And, yea.
Anyways, please review.
Draco and TK and Harry: Til then!
(Draco and TK glare at smiling Harry)
Harry: What?
(Draco and TK whisper to each other)
Harry: Uh oh.
Draco and TK: NOW!!
(They chase poor Harry)