Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Weak and Powerless ❯ Nightmares and Kittens ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Warning: This is a story that involves shounen ai relations, rape & child-abuse. If you can't handle any of that, then I advise you hit your back button quickly.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters mentioned, or Digimon in any way, shape or form. If I did, I wouldn't be saving pennies to splurge myself with later!

Author's Note: All reviews are greatly appreciated. Flames are publicly humiliated on my message board. You have been warned.

I must apologize for this new chapter taking *forever and a day* to be uploaded and all. It took me over a month to write it (February 16 - March 24), and I wasn't sure on how I ended this chapter. Anyhow! Onto the story, and once again, my apologies - my muse decided to take the month off.

~ . . . . ~ - Kouji's angel voice

+ . . . . + - Kouji's devil voice

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+ Nightmares and Kittens +

Sunlight filtered through the blinds, scattering itself across the sleeping twins. The oldest moaned in protest of the bright light, rolling over and snuggling closer to his brother. Kouji's eyelids fluttered, then stilled as he pulled Kouichi against his chest. The twins fell back into peaceful slumber, soft smiles playing on their lips.

//The teen stood on the riverbank, a gentle summer breeze toying with his ebon-blue locks. Piercing navy eyes scanned the opposite bank, finally settling on a graceful willow that was bowing to the crystalline aqua. A small figure was curled up against the massive trunk, shivering up in the drooping branches. The boy called out a name, his voice laced with fear and pain. Abandoning his spot next to the river, the tall teen sprinted into the water, ignoring its' icy bite. His progress seemed pathetic as a man stepped out from behind the tree. Soft sunlight illuminated a pistol that fit all too comfortably in his large hand. The floundering boy gasped, struggling harder to the bank that seemed miles away. Whimpering, the treed child tried to climb higher without much luck. The man looked from one boy to the other, as if deciding which to shoot. His legs churning, the midnight-haired boy fought on, determined to save the child. Heartbreaking cries reached his ears, urging him on. When he reached the bank, and was pulling himself out of the icy water, the man focused on him, grinning cruelly. He raised the gun, flicking the safety off with his thumb. The dripping wet teen froze, his eyes trained on the gun. "Come on now," the man coaxed. "It's you or the boy." The older boy's long dark hair was plastered to his neck and back, his tank top and boxers clinging to his lean form. "No. . .don't. . .don't do this. . ." he pleaded, flicking his gaze to the trembling child. "You don't understand. I *have* to do this, Kouji. Your time is up." The dark figure stepped out into the light, his face revealed. It was the teen's otouson. "I'm sorry, *son*," he said, a smirk on his face as he pulled the trigger. Time slowed; the boy in the willow screamed bloody murder as the bullet drew near, than pierced through Kouji's tank top and flesh like paper. He fell back, blood trickling out of his open mouth. . .//

Kouji woke with a start, his heart racing wildly in his chest. His naturally pale skin was nearly transparent and slick with sweat. He sat up slowly, peeking down his tank top. No blood, not even a scar. He sighed with relief, pushing his hair off his face. Kouichi reached over with a fumbling hand, discovering the bedding beside his face empty. He opened his eyes carefully, glaring ruefully at his younger brother. "Hey, I *was* sleeping. . .Kouji?" Navy eyes met and held, one pair curious, the other pained. "What happened, Kouji?"

The addressed boy answered reluctantly, stumbling as he tried to find the words. The child's scream still rang in his ears. Kouichi nodded and murmured in all the right places as if this was nothing more than a scene from a simple play. Even in the warm room, Kouji shuddered as he remembered the bullet pushing into his skin.

Instead of seeking comfort in his twin's arms, he moved off the bed, looking forward to the much-needed shower. By the time he had returned to Kouichi's room, a towel wrapped around his waist, his brother was on the phone and a clean pair of boxers, shorts and a tank top sat on the bed. Kouji murmured his thanks as he dressed in silence. His brother set down his cell, and half-smiled. "That was Takuya. He wanted to know if you were alright. He said he's bringing the bike over to take you home with." The younger boy nodded, absently drying his hair with the damp towel. Kouichi took the towel from his twin, and pushed him onto the bed. Settling behind him, the shorter haired boy took over the daunting task of drying the waist-length locks.

The minutes flew by, and suddenly a knock on the bedroom door. Kouji started, pulling away from Kouichi out of reflex. If it was anyone but their okaasan, Junpei or Takuya, they would freak. They never understood how close the brothers were. Takuya's jagged-coifed head poked around the corner. Kouji automatically relaxed, getting up quickly, running to his koi. The shorter boy wrapped his arms around his trembling koi, smiling over his shoulder at Kouichi. The twin returned the smile and nodded. Takuya slung a comforting arm about Kouji's waist, murmuring gentle words as he led him from the apartment.

Once they were outside beneath the blind sun, Takuya turned to his best friend. Kouji's eyes settled upon the bright red motorcycle, a grin lighting up his features. "Do you want to drive her?" the brunette asked. His koi whirled to look at him in shock. "Seriously?" Takuya nodded, pleasure dancing in his eyes. Unable to control his joy, Kouji pounced his koi, grinning like a fool. The shorter teen laughed, returning the hug just as eagerly.

The dark-haired boy ran his hand over the motorcycle lovingly, a smile still on his lips. Picking up the matching helmet, he put it on his still-damp locks. He straddled the bike in one easy motion, settling himself comfortably onto the soft leather seat. Takuya tugged on the spare helmet and slid on behind his koi, wrapping his arms around his koi's slim waist. He squeezed Kouji's leg reassuringly, and with that, the frail teen started the bike. He nudged the kickstand to its resting place, and cautiously pulled in the street. The brunette looked over his shoulder, waving to Kouichi who stood on the front step. The older twin waved back until the two lovers were out of sight; then he turned and went inside to call his own koi.

Kouji expertly steered the motorcycle, weaving in and out of traffic with ease. His koi hung on tight, firmly pressing himself against the driver's back. The ebon-blue hair tickled his cheek as they continued on. Takuya closed his eyes, resting his head against his boyfriend's shoulder blade. Sighing contently, he drifted in a state of semi-consciousness. Kouji drove on, his mind focused on the park from his nightmare. He knew where it lay, and smiled softly to himself, feeling Takuya's half-awake form against his back.

Time seemed to slow as he drew closer to the large park and Kouji's heart began to race. His mind was screaming at him, "What the fuck are you doing?!" but he paid it no mind. All too soon he was in the parking lot, his feet holding the quiet bike upright as he debated whether this was wise. ~ It'll put your mind to ease ~ the angel whispered. + He could be here, with the boy and that gun + the devil retorted. `Otouson is *dead*!' Kouji snapped, and the quarreling voices resumed their silent vigil.

He swallowed hard, slowly removing his helmet, his midnight hair sticking to the back of his neck. Takuya started at this movement, looking around through tired eyes. "What are we doing here?" he asked in a drowsy voice. "I need some. . .closure." Kouji replied, his tone low and slightly mournful. The brunette nodded slowly, taking off his own helmet. His eyes burned beneath the harsh sunlight, his head pounded, his throat dry and scratchy. Kouji swung a leg over the seat, sitting on the leather sideways, eyeing his koi curiously. "Koi, are you alright?" he questioned, his navy eyes full of worry. Takuya nodded again, shaking his head as if to throw off whatever ailed him. "Let's go," the shorter teen announced, getting off the bike in a single fluid movement. A bit of color touched his cheeks as he staggered, but within seconds he was back up on his feet, grinning like a damn fool. Swallowing a few times, his throat felt a bit better; after a couple blinks, his eyes stung a little less. "Come on lover, I'm fine," he smiled again to emphasize his point. The dark-haired boy shrugged, returning the smile.

The young lovers linked arms, walking slowly down the nearest path, savoring the gentle summer breeze, as sakura blossoms danced down to kiss the emerald blades. Birds sang among the sakura branches, small children played near the carp pond, squealing with delight as the breeze teased the sails of their paper boats. Kouji and Takuya strolled on, their pace carefree as they moved towards the river. The taller boy's heart beat rapidly beneath his breast, almost like it wanted to escape its' fleshy confinements. Takuya gripped his koi's hand, squeezing it reassuringly as they approached the icy water. A small bridge stretched over, and near it was the willow, its' branches still dipped themselves into the lazy waters. Kouji trembled involuntarily, his eyes settling on the upper limbs, searching for the ghost of a child. A sharp cry reached his ears, and instantly his body reacted; pulling out of his boyfriend's grip, he sprinted across the bridge, his hair streaming out behind him like a banner of war. His heart continued to race as his lungs forced air in and out of his body. Reaching the base of the willow, he looked up to see a kitten clinging to a branch not too far above him. Without a second thought, Kouji clambered up onto the lowest branch, pulling his lean body up with ease. He climbed swiftly, it was almost like second-nature to him. Takuya stood below, his eyes full of pride with a touch of worry as his lover went to rescue the mewling creature.

Moments later, Kouji returned to the ground, the kitten tucked in his jacket. It poked its' furry little head out of its' cloth prison, large green eyes shining with curiosity. They were an incredible shade of green, border-lining neon in appearance. Its' fur was downy to the touch and colored in a mix of browns and blacks, making it positively adorable. "She's tagless," the kitten's rescuer announced, scratching her head idly. She purred with joy, and nuzzled Kouji's chest. Takuya smiled, and laughed as Kouji's eyes widen a bit, but a smile also graced his lips. "Shall we keep her then?" the brunette asked. Tilting his head, the ebony-maned boy thought about it, then nodded. "Yes, I think we should. Shinya will love her." Takuya agreed quietly, reaching over to pet the kitten. She sniffed his hand tentatively, patting at it playfully with a paw, then licking it with her sandpaper tongue.

Takuya smiled down at the fluffball, who had decided Kouji's jacket was her new home. She snuggled down, her small body pressed against the tall teen's stomach. She purred again before closing her lime-green eyes. Kouji laughed softly, wrapping an arm around his own waist to support the kitten. He turned his back on the willow, "Let's go home," he murmured, smiling at the dozing kitten. Takuya took one last look at the willow tree, then caught up with his boyfriend. "Yeah, let's go home."