Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ what happens behind the scenes of digimon? ❯ Prologue

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon, I never have, but I will one day, and one day I will also rule the wolrd..muh ahahahahaha….come mini-mi.

Behind the scenes of digimon series 2, what if they were the total opposite of their crests in reality? Well let's find out.

"And cut!, that's a rap people!" shouted the director

"Thank god" said Hikari "These pink clothes sicken me"

"Oh what's the point in making Digimon, its not like anyone watches us," Sighed Takeru as he walked off set

They all wandered off to their dressing rooms, all going in separate directions, accept Daisuke who sat, his arms wrapped round himself in the corner looking out to some far off place.

"Uh help, help, I can't get my trousers off" shouted Iori

The director sighed and helped the poor Iori who had his trousers over his head.

The digimon sat round a table playing poker and drinking vodka waiting for their partners to come out.

Ken was the first out, he smiled cruelly, and was soon followed by a mini-verson of himself.

"Get a move on you buffoon" he commanded

"Yes boss, no boss, whatever boss" mini-ken sighed


"Yes boss" mini-ken squeaked

Kari wandered out of her dressing room. She wore all black and looked as though she'd just come out of a vampire movie.

"Would you shut it Ken" she said

"Fuck you little miss Goth"

They soon started a raging argument although no-one was paying attention, they had gotten so used to arguing.

Takeru silently shut his dressing room door and wandered over to Daisuke paying no attention to the screaming and shouting.

"Hey" Dai said weakly still staring into space

Takeru smiled and put an arm round him, Dai shivered at the touch but soon gave TK a quick glance and relaxed a little.

"You really should stop being such a loner, you need friends not just a boyfriend like me" TK sighed kissing Dai's forehead.

"I like being a loner, and you can hardly talk Mr. I've given up on life"

"I haven't totally given up on life, you're the only one who keeps me from total despair"

"I'll promise to stop being such a loner if you promise me that when we get home I get the shower first" Dai said as he stuck his tongue out

"Don't stick that out at me unless your gonna use it" TK smiled and winked.

Dai started to kiss passionately going into their own little world.

Hikari looked at the Two lovebirds

"God they're at it again, jeez get a room guys, some of use would like to have food in our stomach by the end of the day" she whined

Music started booming from Miyako's room and the walls started to rattle

"Turn that shit down Miya you wanna-be" Shouted Ken with his hands over his ears trying to be heard over the words "Fuck you, you mother-fucker I hate you, I wish you were dead"

Miya came out of her room looking like she had just walked off the hood

"Wassup my homies?" she said making some stupid hand movement

Hikari rolled her eyes and sighed

"Would you please turn that utter crap down"

"I aint gonna turn it down, and if you even go near my crib I'll pop a cap in yo ass" Miya replied, she looked over at TK and Dai.

"Take your bitch somewhere else TK"

They still weren't paying attention and both of them were already half naked

Ken wandered over to Miya and put an arm round her shoulder

"hey'lo there sexy" he said with a glint in his eyes

"Fuck off Ken before I set one of my homies on you" she said as she pushed his arm away. Before Ken could start up and argument the older digi-destined walked in.

Tai had his arm draped round Yamato, both were totally doped upto their eyeballs.

"Wassup dudes?" Tai said as he collapses onto the floor bringing Matt with him, they lay there laughing and rolling around.

"I'm ashamed to call you my brother Tai, your nearly as bad as them two" Hikari said as she pointed to TK and Dai who were now behind a sofa.

Sora or as she is now called BOH (bitch outta hell) wandered over to Miya and did some sorta handshake with her.

"Hey Sexy" Miya said as she kissed BOH

Sora was dressed just as bad as Miya with acception that she had a huge tattoo down her neck. (Make-up people do wonders ya know, hiding tattooes is hard)

Tai and Matt were now on the floor making out, Hikari was still standing over them sighing and shaking her head in dismay.

Finally Iori and the director came out of his room.

Iori had his trousers on his head still, the director shook his and head and gave up.

Izzy wandered over and tried helping Iori but ended up getting stuck in his trousers as well.

Joe and Mimi turned up 5 minutes late, Mimi ran upto Hikari and gave her a big hug.

Mimi was just as gothic s Hikari, she had a t-shirt saying "I don't do drugs, I don't drink, I don't smoke, but I do lie"

"OK everyone back to work, you got 1 min to get into place! Now people now!!" the director shouted through his mega-phone.

Everyone went back to their changing room and hanged and rushed back out.

Dai and TK were still making out behind the sofa to everyone's dismay.


ignoring the shouts they carried on with what they were doing. Before they knew it everyone was looking over the sofa at the two boys still passionately frenching each other like there was no tomorrow.

"I wonder where they get it from?" asked Hikari looking at Tai and Matt who started to blush.

TK and Dai looked up from what they were doing and saw everyone glaring at them.

TK scratched the back of his head and Dai looked at the ceiling.

"Uh hello, we didn't notice you lot standing there" TK said

all they got outta Dai was a quiet squeak.

Everyone wandered back to the scene and stood in their places.

"Man I hate this, I always have to act like I hate you, its so unfair" Dai said

"Yeah, but hey, at least it aint real" TK shrugged as the lights went up and the scene started
