Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ What Love ❯ Hard Love ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Because..." Davis closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked up at his friend, expression pleading. Tears were gathering, though he was trying to hide it. "Because I think I'm in love with you!"
What Love Ch. 2: Hard Love

"Davis..." Ken sat heavily down, stunned, on the couch. "How?"
Davis rubbed the tears from his face in frustration. "I don't know... If I knew, I would've fixed it, but I don't know and I can't help it and it just gets worse and worse every time I see you with her!" He turned to face the wall, angrily rubbing away the tears. "I thought we had a connection... I knew Yolei really liked you, and I wasn't sure how you felt about me, so I didn't say anything, but this is- it's just- It's killing me!"
Ken took a breath to say something, guilt riding him now, but his voice caught on the lump in his throat that had built from the scene playing out before him. He swallowed it down, cleared his throat, and brought himself to his feet.
"I'm sorry," Davis managed, "I feel so stupid now... I shouldn't have said anything..."
"Don't worry about it," Ken said, mouth finally managing syllables. He gingerly rested a hand on Davis's shoulder. Davis flinched back slightly, and Ken found himself wondering if he and Davis would ever be able to get their friendship back to normal.
"Davis, won't you at least look at me?" he asked. "Please, just turn around..."
"What?" Davis asked, voice raising. "What do you want? I shouldn't have said anything, I wish I hadn't!"
"Please, stop this!" Ken cried. "Davis, look at me!"
"I don't want to!" Davis yelled back, turning in Ken's direction, eyes squeezed tight as he tried to stop the tears. He kept his head down, shame holding it in place. "I don't want you to see me like this..."
Ken took another step forward, carefully wrapping an arm around his friend. "Davis... You don't have to cry. Let's go sit down, have some tea, you can tell me what's going on. You just need to calm down a little right now, okay?"
Davis took a deep, wavering breath, and nodded. "Okay..."
"Let's just sit down," Ken said, turning them towards the couch.
Davis took a step forward, stumbled on a cord, grabbed Ken's shoulder, and ended up taking both of them to the floor.
"Urgh..." Ken managed, pulling himself up on his elbows. He felt a heavy weight on his chest as he moved, and looked down.
Davis had landed on top of him, head now resting on Ken's chest. Grunting, he planted his hands on the floor and pushed himself upward off of Ken. He looked up, locking eyes.
An unspoken conflict rose between the two, violet and brown eyes searching each other. Davis, eyes a little puffy from crying and shiny as glass, cried out in a sort of fear of what had happened, what was happening, and- above all- what he was afraid was yet to come. The gaze pierced Ken's heart, and before he realized it tears were gathering.
"Davis... Don't look at me like that..."
"Like what?" Davis asked softly.
"With those eyes... I..." Ken blinked back the impending tears. "I didn't mean to hurt you... I didn't know..." His hand had unconsciously raised itself to caress Davis's face, and he brushed his knuckles gently across the smooth skin.
"Ken... Don't... I can't resist anything you do, don't make this harder for me..." Despite his protests, Davis was resting into Ken's hand, his body losing it's ability to stay up. Ken sat up further, bringing his face closer to Davis's.
"Davis... I'm so sorry..." He lightly planted a kiss on Davis's mouth, and that was all it took for Davis to melt. His arms wobbled, and it was all he could do to stay up. Ken pulled himself into a more comfortable sitting position, resting a hand on Davis's elbow to keep him from collapsing.
[It's everything I've ever wanted,] Davis thought. [Ken, here, with me... I could stay here forever...] Yolei's face flashed across his mind. He felt his stomach tighten. [No... This isn't right, I can't do this, I shouldn't!]
Davis pulled away. "I can't do this!" he cried angrily. "I won't allow you to do this, not to Yolei, not to yourself. I'm not going to be your pity case, Ken!"
Ken looked up, confused with Davis, and confused with himself.
"Ken, please leave..." Davis had turned away again.
"Uhm... Allright..."
Ken ran for the door and didn't look back, and therefore didn't see Davis slump to the floor to cry again.
Ken walked home, trapped in deep thought, sheer coincidence keeping him from running into cars.
[What did I do?] he thought. [I... I kissed him... but he's my best friend!! How could I?] His mind suddenly flashed back to the time TK had said "Your Digimon is an extension of yourself", and suddenly he found himself swimming in memories of DemiVeemon and Leafmon tackling each other, wrestling, snuggling... It was more than he could bear to think about.
[All this time... Could I have been harboring feelings for Davis without realizing it?] He wondered. [Oh man... How could I have missed it? How could I have let this happen?] He sighed deeply. [And how could I have not realized how much I was hurting him? Wasn't I the one who pledged to never hurt anyone again?]
He walked into his apartment to find a note on the fridge saying his parents were out for a party that night, wouldn't be home until late, go ahead and heat a frozen dinner sweetie, we love you. Ken didn't feel hungry; instead, he went to his room, flopped down on his bed, and fell asleep.
It seemed like minutes later, but it was definitely after sunset when the doorbell rang.
"Just a second," Ken murmured, despite the fact that the bell-ringer couldn't have heard him. He trudged to the door and opened it, blinking blearily as he tried to see who it was.
Before he could process who was at the door, said mystery person was wrapped around Ken in a tight embrace.
"I'm sorry for kicking you out earlier," the familiar voice whispered in his ear. "I panicked."
Ken froze in a sort of disbelieving shock, eyes widening and any grogginess disappearing in a flash.
"Ken, I'm so sorry..."
Ken shut the door, then returned the embrace, settling into the feeling of Davis nestling his face into Ken's neck. "I'm not upset. I'm the one who should be sorry, Davis, I should have realized..." [Our Digimon are extensions of our selves...] "I should have noticed sooner that I cared for you, too..."
He felt Davis freeze in his arms, then tighten his grip. Hot drops hit Ken's neck and collar bone, and instinctively he began to stroke the back of Davis's head.
"Hmh?" Davis responded, voice wavering a little.
"Come to my room with me."
Davis lifted his head, searching Ken's face, then smiled a little and nodded. "All right..."
The two turned and walked down the hallway to Ken's room, Ken shutting the door behind him then returning his gaze to Davis.
"I can't give you forever," Ken said softly, stepping closer to the boy again, then whispered in his ear, "But I can at least give you tonight..."
"And I can make tonight last forever," Davis returned. "Ken, it means so much to know that you return the feelings... Just knowing that I'm not alone is enough to make me happy... You know that, don't you?"
"I do now," Ken said, pulling off Davis's jacket. "And I'm so, so sorry for not realizing it sooner..." He kissed Davis's neck, and Davis twitched from the sensation. Ken smiled. "You like that?"
Davis nodded slightly, lips parted, sucking in air through his teeth and trying to control his breathing.
Ken took a small step back and stripped of Davis's t-shirt, leaving him bare chested, then pulled his own over his head.
The two stood in silence for a moment, looking each other's slim frames over. Davis gingerly reached out a hand, brushing the finger tips across the surface of Ken's skin, running them down to the top of his pants.
"I suppose those will have to come off eventually," Ken murmured matter-of-factly.
"Well, yeah!" Davis agreed, beaming, then-becoming shy again- Do you want to do that yourself?"
Ken nodded, nervousness shining through momentarily. "Yeah... You take off yours."
"All right," Davis affirmed. Both sat down on the bed, pulling off pants and boxers and- as an after thought- socks. Davis pulled off his goggles and dropped them on top of the pile of clothes.
They sat in nervous silence for several minutes, occaisionally casting nervous glances at each other. Ken chuckled to himself a little.
"What?" Davis asked, not sure if he should be confused or defensive.
"Just this situation... I'm so scared right now..."
Davis chuckled then, too. "I know what you mean... I never realized how scary this could be."
"Well, uhm... How do we... start?"
Davis blushed faintly. "I've... Looked stuff up on the internet, and we... need some kind of lubricant..."
"Just a sec," Ken said, standing and rushing to one of his desk drawers. After some shuffling, he pulled out a bottle of baby oil. "Would this work?"
Davis grinned. "I think that'd work just fine. Why do you have that, anyway?"
Ken shrugged. "Can't masturbate without something to smooth things out..." He returned to the bed, and he began to blush. "So... Who uhm... uses this?"
Davis blushed. "I don't know... You wanna...?"
"Would you be more comfortable with that?"
"I uhm... Yeah, I think... that would be good..."
"Okay." Ken hesitated, then laughed nervously again. "I have no idea what I'm doing!"
The two laughed it off for a few minutes, then Davis took the baby oil. "Here... Let me put it on."
Ken watched Davis pour an ample amount of the baby oil into his hand, then reach out for Ken's hard on. His hands slid down the shaft smoothly, and Ken gasped, tipping forward and barely catching himself with his hands, elbows trying to buckle. Davis, delighted with the reaction, wrapped his fingers around it at the base and pulled over it again. Ken's body shivered in reaction, and he gasped.
"Oh god..." Ken murmured. "It feels so good..." Davis tried to run his hand over Ken's member again, but Ken pushed him away, chuckling lightly. "Keep that up and I'll come before I even get inside you..." Davis's eyes widened a little, body freezing up, not knowing what to do.
He didn't need to worry.
"Lay down," Ken commanded quietly. Davis obeyed shakily, unsure of what to expect. "Tell me if it hurts, all right?" his partner requested. He nodded quickly.
Ken lifted himself up and then lowered himself over Davis's naked form, then used one hand to support himself while feeling over Davis's thighs for the opening he needed, Davis twitching periodically from the sensation. It didn't take long to find what he was looking for, and it wasn't much longer before he'd guided his penis towards it. He listened for Davis in the dark and silence of his room; The other boy's breathing had become so shallow he could barely hear it, hardly more than a whisper on the air.
"Are you ready for this?"
"As ready as I could ever be."
"All right... I'm coming in..."
Ken pushed forward with his hips gently, pushing past the resistance and nearly collapsing from the shocks of pleasure coursing through him. His arms gave out from under him, and he landed heavily on top of Davis.
Meanwhile, the feeling of being entered had left Davis squirming from delight; a high pitched sound squeaked from his throat, and he contracted his muscles around Ken's length. Ken's body weight suddenly landing on him hardly phased him, and he wrapped his arms around the other boy's rib cage.
Ken lifted his head from where it landed- just above Davis's shoulder- and he met his partner's gaze.
"I'm not even half way in you and I can barely take it," he whispered.
Davis tousled Ken's dark hair, smiling. "You think you're having a hard time controlling yourself? You have no idea how good this feels!"
Ken chuckled softly, then kissed Davis again. "You have no idea how beautiful you are right now..."
"And you have no idea how sexy you look, with your hair falling in your face like that, laying over me like this..." Davis's body shivered under Ken's a little. "Just thinking about makes me feel so... indescribable..."
Ken pulled himself up so he was resting on his forearms, hooking his hands around Davis's shoulders. He braced himself, then pushed into Davis further.
Davis gasped, voice catching in his throat, and Ken grunted under his breath as he pushed himself as far in as he could get. he stopped moving, forehead resting on Davis's chest as he caught his breath. Davis's head was tilted back, and he was panting heavily.
"God... I don't know how much more of this I can take..." Davis managed.
"I know... I know..." Ken took one long, deep breath, heaved it out again, and said, "All right, I think I'm ready to go on..." He lifted his head, closing his eyes, and slowly began pumping in and out.
Davis squeaked sharply, then his breath came quick and heavy. the rhythmic motions and the feel of Ken's body so close to his, Ken's breath rolling over his chest, the aphrodisiatic atmosphere...
It didn't take long- it was the first time, after all- for Davis to feel every muscle in his body tighten, his jaw clench, for his vision to go white. As he came, he felt Ken pound in faster, then heard him cry out. A moment later, he had collapsed ontop of Davis, both of them sweating and breathing hard.
Ken withdrew himself carefully from Davis, then flopped down to the side, chest still heaving, but now more in control of his breathing.
"That was... Amazing," Davis stated. "...Thank you so much..."
Ken rolled onto his side, kissing Davis's cheek gently. "If it means anything to you... I wouldn't be opposed to doing this again sometime... Not anytime soon, and not often, but... Just to give you more than one night to stand for forever..."
Davis met his gaze, eyes glistening. "I would like that very much."
"I'm glad we could do this," Ken said. "I'm glad we can still be friends... Maybe even, on those rare occaisions, lovers." He blushed as he used the word, but Davis smiled when he heard it.
Ken was almost asleep when he felt Davis move next to him. "I'm gonna go home," he heard his friend whisper. "Thank you so much for this... I'll see you tomorrow, Ken." He felt Davis kiss his cheek, and then heard the bedroom door close a few moments later.
The next day, Yolei walked out of the school and turned in the direction that would take her to Ken's school. She'd seen Davis running on ahead, and she wanted to get there before he convinced Ken into doing something without her. She'd missed talking to him the day before, and didn't want to miss another day.
"Yolei!" A voice behind her cried. She hid her irritation and turned to see who was chasing after her.
"Oh! Hi Kari!" Yolei called. "What's up?"
"Can we talk?" Kari was panting, and from the expression on her face, it was urgent.
"Uhm, yeah, what's wrong?"
"We've gotta go somewhere more private, okay?" Kari said.
"All right... Well, I'll be the only one at my house for a little while, how about there?"
"Sure, let's go!"
[Is it just me, or is she acting weird?] Yolei thought, chasing behind Kari. [And what's the rush?]
At Yolei's, the girls retreated to her room. Yolei closed the door, then turned and asked, "So what's going on?"
Kari, who had agitatedly seated herself on the bed, stood and rushed up to Yolei, stopping not even two inches from her, and kissed her.
Yolei stood in stunned silence, eyes wide. Kari broke the kiss and looked piercingly at her.
"I just realized I'm completely in love with you!"

**End Ch. 2**


What's this? Kari, in love with Yolei? Goodness, what's this all about? Is it true love, or just an excuse to write lesbian mushy scenes? ^_^ Find out soon!!