Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ What's the use ❯ Cousin?... ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Couple: Tai/Davis, Matt/?or?


Disclaimer: I don't own DIGIMON cause if I did all the couples would be gay except: SORA/MATT (AND I'M WRITING A TAI/DAVIS FOR WHAT I WAS BORED(SARCASM(CAN'T SPELL WORTH SHIT) MIMI/JOE, KARI/T.K. (THEY JUST LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER), YOLEI/KEN (THEY DO GET MARRIED IN THE SERIES AFTER ALL), RIKA/RYO, AND ZOE/J.P. For the ones that aren't listed they would be gay, and yes I'm counting susie(can't spell her name), but only if I owned the t.v. show. I'M BABBLEING AREN'T I...OH WELL!! ON WITH THE FIC!!!




Davis went upstairs still mad about what happend with Tai. He knew that he should'nt have blown up at him like that but he was kinda annoyed with everyone for asking him if he was alright all the time. He also knew that he should have told them about what his father had done to him. "I doubt that they'd put a dude in jail for slaping there kid." Davis said to himself. He got upstairs and when he did he made the most obvious comment of them all..."I'm upstairs." told ya "Guess I spaced out."

He just 'guessed' something else to, he 'guessed' that since his dad was off of work today he would be home. He also 'guessed' that since his dad said that he wanted to talk to him he was in for alot when he got in. He braced himself and went up to the door and opened it since his dad gave him a key. He took off his shoes and saw a different pair of gym shoes other than his dad's and his.

He was about to ask his dad if he bought a new pair of shoes when he heard a voice. "I was wondering when you would get in." the voice said. Now Davis noticed two things about this voice. One it was nowhere near the evil voice he thought he'd hear when he came home and it was probably because of the second thing...it wasn't his dad's.

When he came into the kitchen he saw someone standing by the counter. When the person turned around, he realized that the shoes at the door were girl's gym shoes. The girl had long beautiful legs that looked like they would go on for miles, and had a nice full figure. She had dark red hair and green eyes. She had on a black visor.

She wore a black shirt with the words "1% ANGEL" in white, with a corny little baby angel that wore a toga and had rosey red cheeks. On the back, Davis remembered, it said "99% DEVIL" in red, with a picture of the corny little baby angel on a picthfork with blood on it and a little baby devil with a long red tail, chubby cheeks, and 3 horns on it's head.

She had on blue jeans and black socks (her shoes were at the door). She also wore a (excues me, sorry for the long discription, but my sister is making me write this, but it ends now. and now back to the story.) black neckchoker. When he got to her face he realized who it was.

"SKYE!!! What are you doing here?" Davis yelled. He ran up to her and jumped on her neck. "Choking...........please....get off....breath....none..what so ever...please...off.. " she hacked and whezzed. "Oh sorry." he sheepishly stated. He let go of her, " You didnt answer me, what are you doing here?" He asked. "Being a little force full aren't we, but I couldn't answer you you were trying to kill me, and I thought you loved your big cousin."

"Enough bullshit, what are you doing here, I thought you were never coming back while that 'bitch of a man' was still living, at least that's how you put it." "Ohhh damn, I thought he was dead, maybe run over by a semi truck on the express when he unfortunately walked across the street, but I guess not, damn him to hell, although that's where he's going anyway. By the way how are you holding up under the pressure?" She looked at him with the eyes he stared at since he was old enough to talk.

Davis got quiet. "Uhhhh...wha?" He asked when he finally found his voice after...like...5 minutes "I said" She took a deep breath."ohhh damn, I thought he was dead, maybe run over by a semi truck on the express when he unfortunately walked across the street, but I guess not, damn him to hell, although that's where he's going anyway. By the way how are you holding up under the pressure?" "Umm..." "Basically how are you...'soccer freak'?" "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS CALL ME THAT...'SUGAR BABY'?!" "Becaaausse, you're my fav cuz cuz, oh and I like my nickname. As a matter-of-fact I have a theme song for it. Wanna hear it, no wait I'll let you hear it later when I've properly rested my throat from you CHOKING IT!!" "Hey you can't hold me to that...I said I was sorry." "THE HELL I CAN'T!!"

Davis just watched as she not really said but chanted 'Be calm...Be calm...Be calm.' "So where's the bitch at?" "Oh Jun's at one of her firend's houses." "You dumbass...not THAT BITCH the other one." "He should have been home by now." "I am." Davis's father came out of the doorway. "What the hell are you doing here." He directed to skye.

"Ohhhhhhhh welll looky here! The bitch is back." "Get the hell out of my house, I don't have to take this in here." "Well then why don't we take this outside?" "Your not worth my time bitch." "EXCUSE ME!" "You heard me you little whore, now if you would kindly leave I need to talk to my son." "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING TO?!?!" Davis winced at his cousin's tone of voice. "I'M TALKING TO A BITCH WHO DOESN'T HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR MY HOUSE AND WON'T LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!!! NOW GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY HOUSE!!!!!"

"I'M FINNA KICK THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR ASS!!" "BRING IT ON SLUT!!" That was the last straw. Davis's cousin went straight for his dad. She did a left punch to his face...and it didn't miss. She hit him square in the nose. She then went for his stomache, since he was occupied with his nose, but he was to quick. As she tried to punch him, he grabbed her fist and crushed it in his hand. "AAAAHHHHHHH" Skye screamed as she felt some bones break. She bent down on one of her knees from the pain but she was used to (some) of it. 'She's always getting into fights.' Davis thought.

Skye was also a quick thinker. While she was on the ground she bit his hand to try to get him off but he just kicked her and crushed her hand evan more. "I expected you to do that. It's the same thing you did when you were younger." After that was said Skye went berserk. She spun on the floor and triped Davis's dad (who from this moment on will be known as BORIS! Beyblade people will know what I'm talking about. Oh and I don't own Beyblade. Back to the fic now.)

After she triped him she brought her leg up into the air and brought it down on Boris's already broken nose. After that she kicked him in the side so hard that he went flying across the floor and landed 5ft away from her, but she didn't stop there. She got up and went for him. When she got to him she pulled him up and punched him in the face. She would've got some more hits in but Davis stoped her.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!?!" She half asked half ordered. Davis visably winced at his cousins tone of voice. After Skye saw this she calmed down." Sorry about that Soccer Freak." "It's alright Sugar Baby." (Email me if you want to know where I got the nickname idea from.) "Oh how touching you still use those dumbass nicknames." Skye just walked over to him and kicked him in the stomach and he drop like a log unconcious.

"Well I have to be going, I can't stay" she looked down at Boris. "While he's here, here's my number, hide it and call when you wanna talk or come over or what ever." "O.k" 'It'll come to him' skye thought. A few minutes later. "....HEY!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN COME OVER?!?!"

"Oh didn't I tell you...Oh yeah" she looked down at Boris again "He came and..." She looked back up at Davis like she was mad at him."WHAT?!?!" "YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!!!!" "HEY THAT WASN'T ON PURPOSE!!" "Yeah and hell just froze over while we were talking. Anyway I'm moving out here this month." "REALLY?!?! THAT'S GREAT!!!!" He hugged her neck. "LET...GO...OF...ME!!!" "Oh" he let go of her. "Sorry. So your moving out here? That's great."

"Yes I know and guess what...I'm going to school out here to." "Really that's great but wouldn't you be going to school with Tai and Matt and the..." "MMMMMAAAAAA"( can someone tell me if Matt and the others go to the same school as Davis and them?...appreciate it...Where were we?...Oh yeah.) "AAAAATTTTTTTTTT!!" "Uhhh...yeah...anyway... so that means you'll be going to school with Tai and the others right?" "Yep that's right... MMMMMAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT!!" "Sure...anyway well I'll see ya later k?" "Bye." "BYE-Q!!" Davis led his cousin to the door and she left. He closed the door and turned around to go to his room and saw his dad on the floor. He purposly steped on his dad's back when he went to his room. He went in and closed the door. His dad woke up a few hours later and tried to getr in his room but couldn't so he went to his own room and closed the door and dropped on the bed. (It was either that or the floor and we've done enough damage to him already.)
So how did you like the fight? I like to think that I did good (If you had brain damage. WHERE'S THE BLOOD, WHERE'S THE GUTS, WHERE'S THE FRIGGIN DEATH?!?!?!) Don't mind him that's my bit Iceburg...Any way well there's another ch. oh make sure you vote which one matt should be with k?

BYE-Q!! ^_^!!(I don't own hamtaro...^_^U)