Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ What's Wrong With Being a Blonde - Epilogue ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, like usual. Sorry for the long wait! I went through pains to have this chapter written. I made my beta read it several times. Cruel me. Thanks Trickster for being so patient with me! ^^

This is a gift for all my readers but especially to yamatoforever who loved this fic from beginning to end, who encouraged me to write it, and who I hope will like this chapter.

LEMON at the end as good as I could make it.. And sappy sappy ending… ^^

I post it separately because it's kind of a side story, but it won't hurt if you read 10 original chapters, where I describe all that happened before.

I'm so glad that I'm again with you, guys!!!

Epilogue - What's Wrong With Being a Blonde

(1 year 8 months after)

It was New Year's Day, the time for joy and holidays. Two young boys of fourteen were sitting across each other and avoiding each other's eyes. The red spot on the cheek of the brunette signaled about the fight that the boys had been having a minute before. The blonde was flushed with rage and biting his lips nervously. For almost two years they were in love and a couple and now they were about to break up.

"Let's think it over, Yamato," Taichi sighed. "I don't insist on saying it was your fault, but it was you who asked Sora out and pretended for a week that I didn't exist."

Yamato patiently listened to him. He had already given his opinion on that matter and his opinion was now blooming red on Taichi's face.

"Leave her and come back to me."

"You sent her to me," Yamato pointed out emotionlessly. He slumped backwards, tired, and bumped his head on the back of the sofa.

What a way to start the New Year. A week ago, the Teenage Wolves had a gig that was interrupted by a herd of Digimon. It wasn't really their fight, it was Young Chosen who were challenged. That story was already finished along with bad digimon, well, at least, for some time.

Sora appeared in Yamato's dressing room before that gig with a box of home-made chocolate cookies, and confessed her love to him. And Yamato, for reasons unknown to Taichi, asked her out. Taichi was slowly going mad the whole week watching the happy couple hold hands - until the New Year afternoon, when he came to Yamato and demanded the explanations.

"I sent the girl to you hoping you'll tell her you're gay, and you asked her out! What kind of shit are you pulling on me, Yama!?" Taichi fired out.

"Exactly! You sent her to me and we both knew that she was in love with me. What is wrong if I wanted to make her happy and date her for a while?!"

"But you're my boyfriend!"

"Why didn't you explain it to her then?"

Taichi too slumped backwards and Yamato wondered if he had picked that habit from him. Or was it the other way around? They reminded so much a married couple it was scary.

"Alright, let's say she didn't ask me about my orientation and I didn't want to scream it from the rooftops. But you, you could've said something like, `Sorry, I already have a date' or `I'm in a relationship already'…"

"Sure, lemme tell you how I imagine it should've happened: she says she loves me and I go, Sora, dear, you know the guy who sent you here is in fact my lover' - are you nuts, is this the way to treat your friend?!" the blonde rummaged his hand through his hair. "God, Taichi, this is a pointless conversation… I don't want to hurt Sora… Besides, all my groupies are sure that I'm taken and they leave me alone now."

"But what about me?" the boy fixed his dark eyes upon the blonde and leant forward in the chair. "Is there any place for me in your ambitious plans? Okay, I'll tell her myself I'm your boyfriend, satisfied?"

"It'll break her heart."

"It's breaking my heart to see you with her."

Yamato sent him a dirty look through the strands of hair falling on his face. Taichi impulsively rose from the chair and moved to his side. His expression was longing and loving.

"I love you, Yamato," he whispered. He covered his face with subtle kisses. "I don't want anyone to break us apart."

His lips found the lips of the blonde boy and brought them to a long kiss. Taichi's hand brushed down Yamato's chest, untucked it from under his belt and slipped inside his shirt, fingers moving in circles over his skin. The brunette rose from his knees and sat near his lover down on the sofa. His lips went to his neck and his tongue lapped at the earlobe and followed the soft artery down. The blonde gasped and Taichi felt shivers go down his spine… Suddenly Yamato forced him away and sat up, eyes wide and breathing hard.

"Yama?" he whispered, still dazed by the heat of the touch and soft sounds that the boy had just been making. "It's just a kiss, isn't it? Why did you pull away? I always kissed you like this…"

"No, you didn't," the blonde answered. "And you shouldn't."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want it!"

Taichi heard panic in his voice. "Yama?"

"I'm alright, leave me alone."

Yamato averted his eyes. Taichi said nothing and the blonde escaped to the kitchenette. The dark-haired boy turned on TV and watched the news listlessly. Police was after the street racers. These damned yakuza… It looked like a fight between two powerful clans. Taichi hated yakuza. He gave up watching TV and went into the kitchenette. The blonde was reading something from the cookery book by the stove with his back to him. The boy moved his fingers to nudge Yamato's hair from his neck. The other hand moved down his shirt towards the rim of his jeans. The blonde twitched away guiltily.

"Gomen na, Yamato…" he murmured. "Did I scare you? Should I stop?"

"You are a big boy, and it's normal to be lustful."

"I don't mean to."

"I know."

Taichi lowered his face and kissed his neck. His arms went around his waist, flew up to the cut of his shirt and fingered the top button. The blonde froze. The button came undone, and Taichi eagerly pulled the fabric from one shoulder just to cover it with his kisses until he realized Yamato trembled like a leaf in the wind. Taichi let go of him.

He sighed. He remembered now. Two years ago there was some business with damned yakuza, when Yamato was a slave to a psychotic guy named Hakada Ren, the son of yakuza boss, who didn't like that Yamato and Taichi fell in love. Ren ordered his bodyguard Gozoku to kidnap and kill Taichi, and then he raped Yamato. The Chosen's leader still dreamt the dark dreams of lying in the cold dark room, tied, helpless, while they were beating him, and imagining he could hear Yamato screaming from somewhere in the building.

After Taichi and Greymon saved Yamato from Ren, the blonde didn't let anyone touch him. Finally, he healed physically and emotionally and Taichi could have a normal sort of relationship with him. But it looked like Yamato hadn't still got over this accident. If he ever would.

"Do I have to ask permission every time I kiss you?" Taichi said softly. "Again? I thought you've already forgot that Ren guy…"

The blonde said nothing. He checked the pans and turned the gas off. He took off his apron and went into the living-room without a glance at his boyfriend, who was now leaning his back on the tile wall as if it alone supported him. What was wrong with the blonde again?!


"Get the hell out, Yagami," came the cold reply.

"Yamato!" Taichi flew into the living-room in rage. "Look, I don't insist! I don't want to hurt you! Why are you mad at me?!"

"Why do you have to remind me?" the blonde ran his hand through his hair nervously.

"I remind you nothing! It must be different now, isn't it? I'm no Ren. I don't want to ravish you or anything." Skeptic blue eyes turned to him, Taichi quickly reconsidered. "Alright!" he admitted. "I WANT to ravish you! I WANT you! But I'll wait - two years, four years, however much time you need to heal…"

"I am not hurt!" Yamato cried. "I'm perfectly ALRIGHT!! Why does everyone think I need special care? I'm capable to look after myself, I've been doing it since I was damned six years old!"

How many times did they have this conversation? One hundred? One thousand? It was tiresome. Taichi sighed. Yamato fell on the couch. The room was silent. The clock struck half past six in the evening. Car tyres screeched in the street, then roared up and rocketed off down the road.

"Let's stay friends," Yamato mumbled. Taichi sent him a helpless look.


Taichi slumped on the couch next to him. It was cold in the apartment. Not only because it was the peak of winter and it was snowing outside but also because the two boys were lonely and their love for each other was crumbling down.

Five minutes passed in silence. Taichi glanced at Yamato. He was faraway in his thoughts. Delicate and intriguing, always cool, he was the girl's attraction and a hell of jealousy for Taichi. There was no way the brunette was going to give up on him. He must find some way to stay with him or, if needed, to force him to stay with him.

Taichi's eyes fixed upon Yamato's crumpled shirt. It would be nice to take it off and to kiss that body. It would be even sweet if he struggled. In the end he would submit of course, because he loved him still. What could be sweeter than to have Yamato all to himself, body and soul. Yes, his beautiful body…

Taichi moved closer.

And what if he WILL fight you? Will you rape him, just like Ren did, to show him how much you love him?..

The thought stopped Taichi short in his track. His own intentions shocked him. And it was him who swore to protect Yamato exactly from this!

Just as he was puzzling out his low desires he heard a sound of something scratching against the keylock of the front door. Ishida-san must be back from work but Yamato's blue eyes turned unsurely to him.

"What?" Taichi whispered, at once uneasy.

"Father won't be home today," Yamato whispered back.

"Who the hell…"

They didn't have the time to react. The door opened and closed. Lights went out. A tall silhouette of a man marched into the room, followed by another one. A cheerful voice exclaimed in English, "Happy New Year!" and in the dim lights of television Yamato and Taichi saw Hakada Ren, the young yakuza and his wild bodyguard, Gozoku or Sei, coming up to them like ghosts from the past.

"Fuck it," Taichi jumped on his feet at once in alarm.

"You stay where you are, young man," Sei raised his arm and pointed his gun at him. Everybody froze.

"It's been ages!! Oh, look, it's my favourite blonde! Pretty as always," Ren gave Yamato a somewhat greedy smile and swept to his side. The brunette glowered at Ren who pulled his boyfriend into a tight hug and kissed the side of his face. Yamato shot a nervous glance at Taichi but stayed immobile because they were still under the gun's barrel. Ren pulled away just before Taichi would lunge forward and tear him apart, gun or not.

"What's going on, Ren?" the blonde managed to ask levelly. "Why coming here all of a sudden, after all these years?"

"I'm hungry, Yama-chan," the yakuza said with a smile. "And I have a tiny problem…"


Sei tucked his gun into the holster and went up to the windows to pull curtains over them.

"No one knows about this place," he commented. "It's quite safe. Ren, we'd better stay here until they're gone."

"What the fuck is going on?" Taichi demanded. "What do you mean `stay'?!"

"Is that your new boyfriend, Yama?" Ren asked, brushing the blonde hair lovingly.

"That's Taichi, Yagami Taichi," Yamato moved away. "You know him."

"Oh, him… He's grown up."

Ren and his bodyguard both studied the enraged boy.

"Quite," Sei said.

"I didn't recognize him at first."

"Neither did I."

"What a big boy. What is he - fourteen?"

"He looks sixteen."

"I bet he's a virgin."


"Cut it out!" Taichi exploded. He felt as if he was inspected like a bug. Ren and Sei laughed good-heartedly.

"I'm sorry if we intruded upon your privacy," Ren said at last. He leant back on the sofa. "I'll tell you everything. But I haven't had a bite since morning and I'm dying for a glass of water. Yamato, do you have anything for poor starved yakuza? For two poor starved yakuza," he added, glancing at Sei.

Nothing doing, Yamato brought the dinner from the kitchen and put it before the black-haired boy and his bodyguard. They dug in hungrily.

Taichi glanced at Yamato with worry. As he imagined Yamato couldn't feel very comfortable around the yakuza. The blonde moved closer to his boyfriend and Taichi sat him on his lap and threw an arm over his waist, while he glared at the two bandits.

Finally, the black-haired boy put the plate away. He pointed at the TV news about street racers.

"That's my gang they're chasing," he said. Taichi and Yamato exchanged shocked glances. Ren went on smoothly, "Actually, everything started a while ago. Here's the story. My father is ill. He left me in Tokyo and went to Europe to get a good treatment. Naturally, several clans hired assassins to kill me, as I am the new head of the clan.

"They made their move tonight `cause I was out of the Club - you remember the club, right? It's a sort of a little fortress. This morning they surrounded us in the speedway and there was some ugly shooting. My car managed to escape the trap and we were chased down the speedway. Basically, they blocked all the safe routes to the club and we couldn't anything except run away from the assassins. The usual you know. Street racing was always fun, right, Yamato?

"Sei suggested we go in hiding rather than ride through the city, shooting our guns at the pursuers. So I needed a place to stay - and I thought of you, Yamato. Nobody knows about it and nobody's gonna barge in to kill me. In the morning I'll go back to the Club, when the assassins are all erm… eliminated. Is it okay with you?" he asked innocently, smiling at the stupefied expressions of the blonde and his boyfriend.

"No, it's not!" Taichi bit back. "Get out! We don't want to be involved in this dirty business!"

"Taichi," Yamato sighed.

"Look, please, maybe, I'm asking too much, but let us…" Sei started to say.

"I don't care! Get the hell out!" Taichi said.

"… stay. It's dangerous for Ren to be out… I beg you.."

"Do you think I give a shit about you?!"


"What?!" he turned to the blonde.

"They can stay," and seeing that Taichi was about to protest, Yamato added sternly, "That's MY house, and I decide who stays or goes. If you don't agree, you get out, Taichi."

The brunet stared at him as if he had seen a ghost. He lost his voice. He was absolutely stupefied. Yamato was taking sides with yakuza? With Ren whose guts Taichi hated?

"Uh oh," Ren said quietly. "They don't look too happy, right, Sei?"

"And you know why we don't?" the brunet glared at them. "Because of what you did to him two years ago! Have you already forgotten that you raped and nearly killed him?!!"

"TAICHI!" Yamato sprang up from his knees. "Shut up at last!"

"FINE!" Taichi sprang up as well. "Go ahead and… have a lot of fun, Yamato!"

He stormed away and into the bathroom and shut the door. Yamato dropped into the chair and crossed his arms stubbornly.

After this little outburst, Ren moved over to his bodyguard. Sei threw open his arms and pulled the black-haired man onto his lap.

"Hey," Ren said softly. "What's exactly eating him?"

"The fact that he's not getting any!" Yamato hissed.

"Aha… I thought so." Then Ren paused to study him, "And what is wrong with you, love?"

"Nothing is wrong with me!"

The dark-haired yakuza turned to his bodyguard. Lover? guessed Yamato from watching them whispering intimately. "Lemme talk to Yamato by myself," Ren said finally. Sei nodded and went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea.

The dark-haired young man sat on the arm of the chair and lowered his hand into the blonde hair and watched it glitter in the poor light from the window. The teenager held still, unsure of what Ren wanted from him.

"Do you love him?" Ren asked.

"Look, this is a wrong time to discuss it. It's not your business, so leave me alone!"

Suddenly Yamato found himself trapped within Ren's strong embrace.

"Stubborn like always," murmured the black-haired yakuza into his ear. The blonde froze in fear, his eyes wide. Ren pulled him on his lap and nuzzled his neck as if he was thirteen again, and as if nothing had changed between them over the years. It was just like before when he ... Yamato jerked away, whimpering.

"Are you still scared of me, love? Don't worry. I won't try anything on you. Trust me, you don't want to see Sei's jealousy fits… I love Sei and I don't want to have anything with other guys… Besides, he'll kill me if I cheat on him.." Ren inhaled his scent. "You're nice to hold though. Very cuddly, like a plushie…"

"Let go," Yamato mouthed and tried to writhe out.

"… like my little brother," Ren went on ignoring him. "You know, after that coma accident, I quitted being a pain in the ass and started thinking. I liked what you told me that day in the hospital. Maybe you don't remember it, but you said that Taichi made you happy. Then I was sure that nobody would ever make me happy but I was wrong. Nobody could make me happy because I hated everyone. So in the end, it was all my fault."

Yamato listened to him.

"I loved you because you reminded me of my little brother. Please, let me explain. I was afraid that someone might take you away from me. I didn't mean to rape you…"

"Ren!" the blonde protested weakly. He didn't want to go back to all this!

"I thought I could punish you for running away from me. But I really didn't want to hurt you. I only wanted to protect you. "

"Ren, it's all in the past…"

"I was wrong. But I hated everyone and I wanted to torture Sei because I was miserable. I'm sorry, Yamato… It's alright if you hate me, but you shouldn't hate Taichi."

"Taichi's just like you!" the blonde burst out. "All he wants is my body and I don't think he loves me anymore. Like you didn't."

"I loved you. Don't mix past and present up in your pretty silly head." Ren grinned. "I'll tell you what you're afraid of. You don't want to be hurt again, and you're afraid that he would use you and leave you." Yamato stared into darkness listlessly. "This is what I was afraid of after I woke up from coma. I thought I would be betrayed, used and thrown into another nuthouse. But I decided to trust Sei and Akiji. You have to give Taichi another chance, too."

"I don't know," Yamato said finally. "What if he…"

"What if nothing," Ren interrupted. "Look, I swear I'll kill him if he hurts you. Remember, you're like a little brother to me."

Yamato sighed. He didn't know if he wanted to talk about Taichi with Ren. But there was nobody else to ask, right? And he needed his answers.

"How can I know if Taichi will make me happy?" Yamato asked miserably. "At the beginning… I was sure I loved him. But it's all different now. I thought I would never leave him, but I don't know anymore… I'm scared… I don't think that he loves me."

"Of course he loves you. Okay, tell me, do you dream of doing something with him? Something romantic? Or crazy? … Or perverted?.."


Ren laughed.

"Yes," Yamato said after some hesitation. "There is something I want to do with him. A lot. I can't imagine my life without him - is that the way they put it in movies?" he smiled. "I'm not a very romantic person…"

" Anyway, you go ahead and do what you want with him. And if you like it, you know he's your true love."

The blonde relaxed. There were several moments before he asked, "Are you happy with Sei? You never regretted that you stayed with him? Do you love him?"

"I love him," Ren said. "It wasn't easy to trust him because I was completely broken - there were nights when I lay with my eyes open afraid of everything - of the dark, of the little sounds of the trees, of voices in the hall - but he was always by my side, or holding my hand even though he was tired like hell and wanted to sleep. When I started to walk he supported me. I was afraid of his touch when he carried me in his arms before I could walk again. It was then that I saw that he loved me - he didn't just lust after my body or anything. He missed the time when we were friends, when he was my teacher… And I realized I missed him all along. I didn't want to be lonely anymore. I'm sure you don't want it either, Yamato. Of course, I love him. There are so many thing that we still haven't done yet.."

"Did you have sex?" Yamato asked at once. Ren burst out laughing.

"Touché!" he said. "But really, can you imagine me, the perverted bad yakuza, without sex all these years?! Sure, we had sex."


"And what?" Ren asked, annoyed.

"Who's on top?"

"Uh uh… Yamato-chan, curiosity killed the cat…" Yamato could swear that Ren was blushing. He nudged him with his elbow like saying `oh come on!'. "Fine! I'm on bottom. Me! But I'll explain later about sex, k? We're talking about you and Taichi. Imagine that I'm a priest and you're the bride… or groom… Can you answer my question now, Yamato - do you love Taichi?"

"I do … I guess," the blonde grinned.

"That's a good guess. Now lemme explain you about the lubricant…"

"HEY!" Yamato started. Ren burst out laughing again but this time it was Yamato who was blushing.

"Oh come on, don't tell me you've never thought about him in that way, blondie!"

"Well, THAT is certainly not your business!"

"Gosh, you're soo red in the face! But you started it first! Come on, I won't take money for it, I'll tell you the best thing about it is when he …"

"STOP IT, REN!" Yamato cried, embarrassed.

"Okay, maybe you already know. At least, you loved it in my hands. And when he'll do it to you, you'll love it too," Ren smirked evilly and nuzzled his neck in a playful way, and his hands crawled under his shirt. "Just for a moment probably but you have to admit it, Yamato, you loved it..."

"TAICHI!!!" Yamato gave a half-mock half-serous scream. "HELP!"

Taichi walked into the kitchen and stopped short in his track when he noticed Sei sipping his tea at the table. The boy considered to turn and walk away but his stomach reminded him he was hungry.

Angrily, he strode over the stove and got himself a bowl of rice. He sat opposite the man.

"Itadakimasu," he grumbled before digging in.

Sei surveyed him calmly from under his heavy black hair.

"I don't think I have had a chance before, but I want to say sorry for what I did to you back then."

Taichi made no indication he was listening. The voice brought back the memories of dark streets and a knife flashing before his throat and the painful words: He agreed to be fucked to save your little ass here. Which is fun because we're going to kill you anyway. At Ren's personal request. The brunet clenched his teeth. And now he says sorry!..

"When one has such a bishounen for a boyfriend, one must develop patience," the yakuza suddenly said.

"I am patient in case you didn't notice."

"No, I didn't," he said honestly.

"Well, he's still living in one piece, right?" Taichi blurted out.

"You've got to stop being jealous."

"Who's jealous?!"

"You are."

"Mind your own fucking business."

"You do realize that Yamato and Ren are alone in that room now?"

"I don't care," said Taichi after a breathless pause. It sounded untrue even to his ears.

"Well, I do. Ren's my lover, you know. I'll kill anyone who approaches him…"

"If he does something - anything - to Yamato…" Taichi began, his eyes dangerously glistening. The noise from the living-room made him shut up and listen. But it was only laughter. He didn't realize he was clutching the chopsticks so hard that they were about to snap in two.

"All right, I'm jealous," he admitted. "And I'm overprotective and an egoist… But he is so popular. I just don't want to see Yamato get hurt because some jerk of a guy decides he likes him. Like it was with Ren."

"Yamato is not a baby. He can take care of himself," Sei pointed out.

Taichi put away his ricebowl, "I know… It's just…"

"It's just you want to play the saviour of the world with him. You want him to be your princess forever. You want to put him in the golden cage, isn't it so? I know it, because I felt the same towards Ren but he … well, he taught me otherwise. It was a great fight we had but I learnt my lesson. He is a person, not a beautiful thing. If you want to be with him, you have to allow him that," Sei sighed. "I'm not saying it's going to be easy but love is easy only in fairy-tales, and that's already a cliché older than the world."

They were silent for several moments. Taichi was struggling to accept it. Of course, Sei was telling the truth. But Taichi stubbornly refused to accept it. His relationship with Yamato was at stake and he had to do something - anything - about it. The most astonishing thing was that he was hearing it from a crazy yakuza. As a matter of fact, their past put aside, Taichi began to find this Sei guy quite nice.

"If you want to ask me something, you're welcome," Sei set the cup on the table with a thud. Taichi rubbed his forehead.

"What should I say to him?" he asked miserably. "I was so rough on him…"

"First, say you're sorry," and seeing that the young boy had something else on the tip of his tongue, he prompted him, "Anything else?"

"Did you and Ren have sex?"

Sei was slightly surprised but nodded. Taichi knew he was blushing and that the yakuza was staring at him.

"More questions?" he asked.

"If I want to have sex with Yamato, what should I do?" he burst out. Sei hid his face in his hands and started to laugh.

"I'm serious!!"

"Fine, I'll tell you…"

It was then that Yamato's cry for help reached them, and the young boys sprang to their feet and ran into the living-room.

"What the hell, REN?!" Sei and Taichi said in chorus.

"What are you trying to pull on me, sweetie?" Sei added suspiciously.

Ren had the most innocent expression on his face. "What, me?! Never! It's all Yamato's fault for being so cute!"

"As if," Yamato slipped out of his arms and went to the kitchen. Taichi caught his hand and followed him. Sei stayed in the living-room and sent a dirty look to his stray boyfriend. Then they started to argue. After they stopped shouting at each other, they started kissing.

"Want some tea?" Yamato asked.

Great, he's talking to me!!! Taichi rejoiced.

"Aha," then he walked to him and threw his arms around him happily. Yamato yelped, but Taichi tucked his face into his neck and whispered. "Please, forgive me, Yama-chan… I'll be very very good and I'll never act like I'm baby-sitter with you ever again."

"…Are you sure?"


Taichi smiled. Yamato turned in his arms and smiled.

"You're… impossible, but I forgive you."

They were so close, their faces were so close, and Taichi silently asked the permission, and touched his lips. Forgetting about the tea in an instant, they were kissing each other until Ren walked in on them and sniggered.

"Make-out time, I see. Never mind me, I just wanted to see if there was any food left."

Yamato smiled but that smile turned halfway into a yawn.

"It's already late, we'd better move it to the bedroom," Taichi said regretfully, unwilling to escape his boyfriend's warm embrace. Ren wiggled his eyebrows at the mention of `bedroom'.

"Hey! Head out of the gutter!" Taichi blushed faintly. Yamato softly kissed his lips and he was speechless out of surprise.

"I'm going to have tea, then I'll join you in the bedroom. You're staying over, right?"

"Sure. I'm not leaving you alone with those two wild psychos!!"

"You prefer to have three wild psychos with him, huh?" Ren grinned.

Taichi rolled his eyes and went out. He didn't want to argue with the yakuza. For some reason Yamato didn't mind their annoying presence. He was too soft for his own good. Nevertheless, nothing could make Taichi feel at ease around that criminal psychotic brat. He had every right to! That guy wanted to kill him!

He hoped Yamato was okay. Tonigh there was a sort of peaceful and loving feeling in his chest, the one that could make any day seem brighter. He was in love again, and he wanted to share this feeling with his boyfriend.

He was ready to go to sleep five minutes later when Sei walked in and closed the door behind himself.

"You wanted to talk about something, I believe?" he smiled. Taichi was startled. "I'm here to give you the talk…"

The boy blushed crimson red.

They were talking in low voices when Yamato came in.

"I'll leave you alone now. Good night," Sei rose from the bed.

"You can take the linen, Sei-san," the blonde offered, gesturing at Taichi's futon on the floor. "Tai will sleep in my bed. You are going to sleep in father's room."

The yakuza thanked him and went out with the linen. For a moment Yamato and Taichi were looking at each other without saying a word, then the blonde went to change into his pyjamas.

Taichi climbed into his bed. He couldn't believe they were going to sleep in one bed as if they were children. After all that talk with Sei, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful Yamato had become. He was not a little boy anymore. A year ago he was still skinny and looked faintly like a girl but now he was a real beauty, a young boy in his prime. Taichi swallowed hard. When they kissed he felt dizzy, and Yamato's gasps always affected him. Still, he thought that their relationship could go without getting physical for another three years.. But now that Sei told him he started to have sex when he was fourteen… And Taichi and Yamato were fourteen…

Yamato returned in his shorts and a singlet and climbed under the blanket. For some time they lay there shoulder to shoulder. Ren's voice was heard from the kitchen.

"I forgot to turn off the light," Yamato said quietly.

"I'll do it," Taichi climbed over the blonde, got off the bed and found the switch. The room went dark. Taichi was afraid to go back to bed because Yamato was waiting for him, and so many things sprang to his mind about what the two of them could be doing there. I'll just say that I want to sleep, he decided. So he won't worry about me. Yeah. Fine. Good idea.

"Night, Yamato," Taichi climbed into bed and lay down.

"You want to sleep?" Yamato asked.

Taichi struggled to answer.


"Good. I don't want to either."

"What do you want to do then?" Taichi asked in a bare whisper.

"What were you and Sei talking about?"

"Nothing interesting."

Yamato rolled on his stomach, put his hand under his chin and gave Taichi a quizzical look. The brunet buried his face in the pillow pretending to be tired like a dog. Except there was a solid something under the soft pillow and he tried to get it out.

"What the hell…" he muttered and pulled out… a tube of lubricant. There was enough light to notice the change in Taichi's face. The brown-haired boy didn't know what to do and where to put this damned lubricant. His boyfriend laughed out loud.

"Why you… Yamato… You put this thing under my pillow?!" Taichi grumbled.

"This thing has a name," Yamato said casually and taking the lubricant out of his hands, twirled it playfully between his palms.

"Where and how on earth did you get it? And why?!"

"In the shop. For money. Because I have a boyfriend," the blonde answered. He sat up on the bed and Taichi immediately followed him and pulled him into his arms.

"For me?" he asked warmly and excitedly.

"For us," Yamato said. "I thought we'd need it one da.. night."

"This night?"


Taichi jumped away in a fright and because his hearing couldn't stand such a close shout.

"Who do you think you ARE?!" Yamato whipped his shoulder with a pillow.

"But I didn't put that lube under my pillow!!" Taichi grabbed the other pillow.

"You put your head in the gutter first!"

"Hell, no! Stop it! We're fourteen-year-old, for godssake!"

The brown-haired boy grabbed Yamato's pillow. Yamato stopped his attack and Taichi leapt at him and clutching his wrists, threw him backwards. Both of them fell on the bed, Taichi sprawled over the slim bishonen, locking his hands above his head. Their faces were near and they were breathing hard. It came as no surprise that Taichi was excited, but Yamato who was supposed to be buckling and kicking, and shouting, was grinning wickedly instead.

Oh my God!..

Taichi relaxed his muscles and freed the boy's hands. With the same seductive smile Yamato closed his eyes and waited. In the silence the brown-haired boy moved forward and kissed his mouth with dizzy passion. Soon Yamato started making unconscious moaning sounds and Taichi's body was growing tense with need. The blonde didn't push him away, it was Taichi who ended the kiss and raised up on his arms to ask if he should stop.

"Get back down here, Yagami," Yamato whispered. "Don't be such a chicken. We're 14, remember?"

Without replying, because this whisper left him breathless, Taichi leant down and caught the lips of his lover in another passionate kiss. Yamato threw his arms around his body. The brunet kissed him without a single coherent thought in his head, and he couldn't get enough of him - he kissed his lips, his ears, his neck, his shoulders… He was completely lost in him. This was what he wanted to do for a long time, and Yamato was letting him do it. Finally.

Their mouths merged in a kiss. Taichi's fingers found his nipple and tugged on it. The blonde was moaning and squirming sweetly against him.

And then suddenly…

But then again, he should have seen it coming…

Because it ALWAYS happened…

Yamato threw him off to the floor and scattered to the head of the bed, whimpering like a scared puppy.

"Yamato…" Taichi sighed ruefully.

"I can't, really, Tai, I'm sorry, I can't… Sorry… I'm not ready…"

"It's fine. Relax," Taichi sat on the bed tiredly. "Just forget about it.. I don't insist. See?"

The blonde pulled his knees to the chest and lowered his forehead onto his hands. He was about to burst into tears.

"Tai, I'm sorry…"

"Don't worry about it.. It can wait. Please, don't cry… Can I hold you now?"

After an imperceptible nod, Taichi went to throw his arms around his troubled blond and calmed him with soothing words.

"But I want it, Taichi," Yamato said quietly. "I want to have sex with you.."

"You want it?" he asked breathlessly. "Then why do you always panic?"

"I don't know…"

They sat in the dark without saying another word. Taichi didn't know what to say, and beside he was busy cursing Ren and all his ancestors, and the blonde in his arms was waiting for his boyfriend to speak.

"Maybe I should tie you down," the soccer star sighed. He got a heavy blow in his stomach for an answer. "OUCH! But really, Yamato, you should keep yourself together or we'll never get down to sex…"

"And how am I supposed to do that?!!" snarled the blonde.

"Let's just go to sleep," Taichi hurled himself on the bed and hid his face in the pillow. The blonde was sitting motionless at first, then he gave a merciless push to Taichi's hips with his foot.

"Get the hell up, Yagami, and talk to me!"

"Look, what's your problem, Ishida?" he grumbled into the pillow.

"My problem is you. I want us to have sex. Tonight. Right now. I want you to act as my damned boyfriend tonight, and I want to know if I like it! So, GET UP AND BE A MAN!"

Taichi was getting redder with every word. He rolled on his back and looked defiantly in Yamato's eyes.

"If you want to have sex, then… we're going… to have… sex," he said calmly. "So you'd better don't fight me… Yama-chan…"

He threw his arms around the blonde and kissed his neck with enough determination to suggest that he wouldn't let go for a long time. Yamato sighed and closing his eyes, bent his head backwards. His throat started to make excited sounds. Taichi took a great pleasure in examining the silky structure of his skin with his lips. He was waiting for the moment when the blonde would begin fighting him, but he hoped by that time to make him so excited that he wouldn't be able to stop the petting.

The brunet gathered the sides of Yamato's singlet in his hand and pulled it off him. Now he had an entire chest and stomach area to caress. It looked so tasty in the dark. He closed his lips around his nipple.

Yamato's hands shot out but Taichi caught them and pushed the blonde on his back on the bed, pinning his hands on both sides of his head. He looked into the blue scared eyes, he marked how his breath escaped his lips in rough puffs, he noticed how he wriggled under him. Taichi was getting very fast hard, and he knew that Yamato felt it. He could see that the blonde struggled to control his panic.

"It's all right, Yamato.. God, but you're so beautiful…" He gave him a reassuring kiss on lips, then again sucked at his nipple. Yamato cried out and shuddered.

"You like it, Yama-chan?" Taichi whispered.

"Yes… hurry…"

His wonderful pale body was responding to his kisses. Taichi went to torture the right nipple, eager to hear his boyfriend moan, and tentatively released one wrist. With one hand he reached for his bellybutton and rubbed the skin around it, making the blonde shudder again. He felt under his lips Yamato's fingers that were touching carefully his own swollen nipple that Taichi had released just a second before. His mouth closed around those fingers and sucked on them. He watched the look change in the blue eyes.

Yamato was breathing heavily as he was struggling to choose between lust and fear. He pulled his fingers out of Taichi's warm mouth, but the brunet caught them again. Again, Yamato pulled them out and putting them to his lips, licked the water from them.

"Oh gods," Taichi inhaled sharply. Yamato pushed his fingers into the brunet's mouth, feeling his tongue move around them in light strokes. He couldn't help imagining that tongue enveloping something else, and that made his face flush, and his stomach flutter. It was absolutely different from Ren… He forgot about Ren that instant.

Taichi moved over him and locked their mouths together. He swept Yamato's mouth with his tongue as if he was drinking from him... every inch of his soft walls and every sensitive cell of his plastic tongue. Yamato took a deep breath and angled his head for better access. He was moaning unconsciously. His fingers ran lightly along Taichi's spine and Taichi's hand flexed on his boyfriend's lower stomach. Yamato rolled his hips forward.

"Scuse me..." said a voice from the door. Taichi and Yamato parted with a cry and panting stared into the darkness. Ren smiled sheepishly from the doorway.

"Ah, you sounded so delicious," he said as an explanation for his half-naked state. "Do you need that lube?" he pointed to the forgotten tube on the pillow.

Taichi grinned. "Yes."

"You don't happen to have another one?" Ren asked hopefully.

"Check the fridge," Yamato breathed. He brought Taichi down on him again and closed his lips on his shoulder.

"And shut the door, will ya?" Taichi said and ignored Ren just like Yamato did.

"No respect to yakuza these days," the black-haired boy grumbled before he was snatched from the doorway by a very rabid Sei.

"You little peeping Tom," Sei said, dragging him away.

"I'll kill ya if you do me without the lube, SEI!!!"

"You deserve it," was the last they heard from the yakuza.

Taichi buried his face in Yamato's neck and sniggered. Then he kissed his earlobe.


"I know."

Taichi's hand dipped between the thighs of the blonde and groped his erection. Yamato shifted uncomfortably. But Taichi's body was so warm that he didn't want to get away. The brunet panted into his neck and his blonde hair while his fingers were exploring every inch of his body, until Yamato started to moan helplessly. Then Taichi wiped his hand on his underwear and reached for the lubricant. With the first touches Taichi felt Yamato's back grow tense as if the boy was ready to spring away. He soothingly whispered his name into his ear.

"It's okay, Yama… it's okay…"

The blonde moaned with his eyes shut. Taichi put a great amount of lube on his cock and on his fingers and pushed the two fingers into the blonde.


The blonde was suddenly tense and shivering all over.

"Yama… relax.."

"Taichi, please, no, I don't want to…" he panicked.

"Okay, okay, but I thought you wanted it."

"I want it but next time, okay, Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiii!.."

Taichi raised his hips and pushed three fingers in him.

"Tai, stop it!!"

"I will, I will… Just a.. moment…"

"Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiii! It hurts!"

The blonde squirmed under him. Taichi pressed him down to the covers and kissed his forehead.

"You know what happens next, right, Yamato?" he whispered against his hair. His fingers traveled along the crevice and his tongue licked the salty teardrops on his cheeks. Yamato was breathing hard, almost sobbing.

"Yama… I did nothing yet… I'll stop if you don't like it."

"I don't like it already!.."

"Ah, you little tease.." Taichi caught his mouth in a long kiss and swept it with his tongue.

"I'm not a tease, I'm serious, it hurts.. Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

Taichi pinned the blonde back to the bed and with one hand hitched his hips for better angle. He started to push his cock inside but he was getting a violent reaction from Yamato. Taichi wished he had a belt to tie his boyfriend down or something. Fine, fine, he will stop now. Taichi lay still, halfway inside his lover.

"Tai," the blond sobbed.


For a moment there was only panting and rustling of sheets as they both tried to get more comfortable.

"I love you, k?" Yamato said.

Taichi smiled and gripped his fingers in his hand and brought it down on the pillow above Yamato's head. He placed his mouth on his neck and sucked on it, waiting for his partner to become pliant. And when he felt the moment he pushed inside again. The blond gasped. Taichi continued his moves, feeling himself get stronger with each second. He loved more and more to hear Yamato groan, and gasp and mew, and he was going mad with the thought that he was moaning for him and calling his name. He hoisted his legs higher, he was nearly on the verge of coming, but holding himself back because it felt nice.

"Are we good?" Taichi gasped. Yamato nodded tentatively.

And then Yamato was writhing in his arms, arching his back, and begging for Taichi to let him come. Such dirty language and out of the mouth of an angel! Taichi stroked Yamato's erection. Ah, he learnt his lesson! He knew he was going off like a gun, and he held Yamato close and he came and then Yamato came too. Oh god, he thought, what a beautiful moment, just as beautiful as Yamato's eyes…

They were lying apart but close to each other after sex and listening to the sounds in the bedroom of Yamato's father. They were exhausted and sleepy, and happy.

At that moment Taichi loved Yamato so much that he wanted to cry. Yamato felt that the sad chapter of the book of his life was finished forever and a new chapter began - a chapter that he wanted to dedicate to Taichi. Nothing was wrong with him anymore, everything was perfect.

"I love you, Yamato," Taichi whispered and turned to look at him and to run his fingers through the soft golden tresses of his hair. Yamato looked into his glistening chocolate eyes. Then he pressed his face into his shoulder.

"I love you too, Taichi…"

The end.

Author's Note: I don't believe I've finished it… Been a long fic. ^_^