Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ When an Angel Deserves to Die ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer= I own nothing

Teti= hiya people, did you think I was dead? Actually I'm feeling horrible right now, but I'm still alive. Sorry but there aren't any updates for my other stories *hides while readers throw at her things* I've two words for you: major writer's block >___< I hate those. My insane obsession for Lord of the Rings and for Legolas isn't helping either, so bear with me.

I wrote this quickly during my class, but in Italian. I don't think it will have the same effects in English though. Whatever. Anyway, this is your Taito flavoured sad fic, hope you enjoy it! Oh, the title comes from a song called "Chop Suey", by System of a Down. I adore it!

When an Angel Deserves to Die

He ran, blind, lost in meanders of pain and anguish, he ran, his eyes vitreous, killed by a burning feeling. He didn't stop, kept on going on, without an aim, just knowing that the Time was his Supreme Enemy; hours became minutes; minutes became seconds: seconds instants, fleeing and impalpable just like the wind can be, and they slid away, everlastingly subjected to a yoke without reins and time.

The boy ran, ran away from somebody, ran to somebody.

He hated him. He loved him. He hated him. He loved him.

And his mind recalled remote and dull memories, which appeared to him like in a dream, by now faded, brushed away by an impetuous stream made of not lived instants.

The boy suddenly stopped, and all the world came crashing upon his shoulders, an heavy burden of sixteen years of uneasiness.

Everything froze, as if the ice had fallen unexpectedly. The darkness, the nothingness, filled his devastated mind, sorrow of an ancient anguish, remote, and yet so stinging, close. In the silence and in the absolute emptiness thundered an arcane melody, feeble, almost imperceptible, to then become always stronger, stronger, stronger…

"Tai, Tai…" it invoked, it screamed, so deafening.

The boy brought his hands to his vibrating ears, he shut his eyelids closed, bringing the seen away from his darkened eyes, deep brown eyes, moving the lips in a prayer with no words, dumb.

"Stop, stop…" it seemed he was imploring.

And a face associated to that terrible harmony, two cerulean eyes, deep like the ocean, and golden hair, so perfect, and little pink lips, so proper for that song with no notes.

Then, darkness. Silence. That angelic face had faded away, dissolved, fragile crystal which breaks at the very first touch. The music had stopped. You couldn't hear anymore the vibrating of the stars, the hollow roaring of the storm, or the soft song of the sea waves. Only the cold, empty, nothingness.

And Tai cried. Hot tears of pain welled from his eyelids, quiet witnesses of a desperation beyond the mere words. It was a deep hole, which was corroding him from inside, digging, digging, always larger, creating a vast, black empty.

And his memory went again to happy days, where little things, then so meaningless, now were so far, and so passionately desired, craved. A simple hug, hands in each other's hands, a little smile were everything his heart aspired.

And he thought about everything he had lost, about everything he could have had, if only…

If only the destiny had chosen differently.

And an agonizing cry escaped from his burnt lips. "Matt…" he whispered, before collapsing to the ground, caught by a deaf, painful anguish. Black.

Even the angels, sometimes, deserve to die…


Teti= this was the most difficult thing I've ever typed in English. I've still the vocabulary in hand. You don't know how much I've suffered to find all the right words -____-

Please, show me my effort wasn't vain!

Okay, now I'm officially sick. Hopefully tomorrow I won't go to school. I feel the urge to vomit…

*runs away to the bathroom*