Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ When Light Goes Dark ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"When Light Goes Dark"

By: "Sick, twisted, insane" DaiKari

Author's note: This is a fan request. Anthony, this is for you. It's about Kari as you can from the title. I'll keep you in suspense for now until you read on this ficcy.

In a small town in Japan, called Odaiba, where the DD lives, After the finalié of Season two, the DD can finally rest for a while. The DD still have their digimon and their D-3's, along with thier D-termials, there was only one evil DD. Where did that one DD get her powers? When some evil came around in the digiworld, the DD teleports to the Digital world and they have arrived now.

Davis: I sense the dark ocean is after Kari again. Kari? Kari? KARI!

Yolei: A change in Davis. Hope it lasts Hawkmon.

Hawkmon: Yeah. I'm worried about her too.

Cody: I think she got kidnapped..

Davis: Let's find her. Remember the D-3's?

TK: *kicks himself in the head* (A/N: Is THAT possible??) Yeah, Discover and Detect! I Forgot all about these things. I was using these as a trend just the same as my hat. (A/N: A wanna-be Gilligan)

*Gilligan Appears in the fic*

Gilligan: Hey, you stupid, dumb, baka! Give me my hat(s) back or YOU'LL be on the island for life! You know what Island! Gilligan's ISLAND NOT SURVIVOR ISLAND!

TK: (sweatdrops) ^_^() EEP! I rather give my hat(s) up. You win Gilligan.

*TK hands his so-called HATS so gilligan and he dissapears*

Davis: O_O! Back to we were before that happened. The dark ocean is back and it's after Kari again. Let's try to fight this thing! You with me?

Group: YEAH!

*they huddle*

Davis: Yolei, Ken, You get the east side of the ocean to look for signs of dark spires or evil digimon.

Yolei, Ken: Got it!

Davis: Tai, Sora, you take the west side!

Tai, Sora: got it!

Davis: Matt, Mimi; you will take the South side of the ocean. I will take the north side AND the ocean itself. Cody will stay where we are just in case she come by here. While your at it, Pratice your Kendo.

Matt, Mimi: got it.

Cody: Right, OK!

All: Digimon, Digimon, fight with all your might! Digimon, Digimon, fight all Night! BREAK!

(A/N: wrote that poem during my first block computer class)

Davis: Don't worry about me. I'm the child of friendship and courage. Don't forget miracles. If I need backup or further help, Your D-3's and your D-terminals will beep. We're off!

Yolei (thinking): Kari is VERY close to us. Without her, We cant DNA digivolve.

Ken(Thinking): It's my fault. I created the dark ocean. I shouldn't have teleported it here. If Kari dies, I'll have to blame myself.

Tai(thinking): Alone with Sora, ALone with Sora, Alone with sora *snaps out of it* My sister, gone or engulfed by the dark ocean. I shouldn't have let her go here alone. I hope she's alright.

Sora (Thinking): This 'Dark ocean' thing is freaking me out. The closest friend to me (next to tai) is somewhere in the dark ocean. I hope she's still alive.

Matt(thinking): Man, Sora is kind of kinky today. A LITTLE too Kinky!

*Slaps himself* Man!

Must think of saving the Child of light. She's in danger. Right Meems?

Mimi(thinking): I'm so pretty, so pretty, i'm so pretty pretty as a strawberry (or pink) blonde! (A/N: DAMN THE PLAY "WEST SIDE STORY!" Must write more of this fic and not some teen movie/play! ARGH! Gentle thoughts, gentle thoughts) *snaps out of it* Right. Kari is in trouble! WE must save her! Right author and matt?

Author: (sweatdrops) ^_^() right meems. Keep looking for her.

Matt: Yeah, what he said. We MUST NEVER give up on looking for one of our kind! Even if she's dead we will still look for her!

(A/N: That's the spirit matt!)

*Pan to Cody, which is by himself, Praticing Kendo*

Cody(thinking): It must have been my attitude or my Kendo practice that must have made her go away. I shouldn't have taken Kendo. (A/N: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T FLAME ME CODY FANS!)

Davis(thinking): Where could have Kari gone? She could have---

Authors Note: MAJOR CLIFFHANGER FOR YOU! HE HE! Kari could have what? Please read and Review.