Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Grief ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Digimon nor it's characters, etc, etc. Digimon belongs to people I don't know. This is just a hobby and I gain no profit.

Authors Note: Many thanks to Iv for the beta. ^_^ My first fanfic so constructive criticism and feedback will be very much appreciated. Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Grief

Struggling rays of sunlight filtered through the heavily curtained windows and landed on the curled body covered in layers of warm blankets. Clothes were strewn in piles on the floor covering every inch of the otherwise but clean room. Hastily arranged pens and papers lay on the willow desk untouched save for a framed photo. It lay face down with dried up tear streaks covering its elaborate silver etchings.

Under fluffy covers, a muffled groan stirred the deep silence. Slowly and lazily, a hand reached out from the covers and stretched towards the pillow next to it. The hand stiffened. It snapped back in disbelief, before waveringly reaching for the pillow again. Seconds stretched to minutes and minutes to hours as spidery shadows danced, spinning web-like impressions in its wake. Tan struck sharply in contrast against stark white as smooth stroking motions petted the pillow. Stifled sobs accompanied the shuddering body while an on going struggle to contain the tremors ensued.

Gradually the sobs quietened until only subdued hiccups filled the silence. The body uncurled itself from its tense position and relaxed. For a long while, no movement stirred the stilled silence.


Biting on her lower lip worriedly, Hikari Yagami stood in front of the pale yellow door and mulled over on the next course of action. Should she disregard pleasantries and just walk through the obstructing door? Or was it better to wait until she was invited? On one hand, there might be a logical reason as to why Sora had not appeared yet. She couldn't think of one but Koushiro probably could... Shaking her head, Hikari tried to clear her mind from useless and distracting thoughts. She was here to have a talk with Sora, see how she was doing. Not stand motionlessly like some mindless idiot.

Stopping the beginnings of a self-rant, it occurred to Hikari that something bad might have happened to Sora. Something self orchestrated... She left the thought unfinished. It was unthinkable. Therefore Hikari would not think it.

What had happened happened. There was nothing she or Sora could do to change that. No matter how much they both wanted to. There was nothing they could do. The best thing for everyone would be to live. To finish grieving and just live out there lives…Taichi would have wanted them to live, to carry on and be content. For maybe the third time upon waking, Hikari had to swallow the sudden lump that had somehow managed to spread to her throat from the dull never ending ache that centred in her chest.

Willing away unwanted tears from large brown eyes, Hikari straightened her shoulders and discreetly wiped her eyes. Gathering her determination Hikari raised her left hand prepared to knock on the stubborn unyielding door once again. And this time, loudly too.

The door snapped open, just as Hikari's hand was inches away from connecting to the surface. Self consciously, Hikari pulled her hand back and tilted upwards to smile at Sora, only to have it wilt at the appearance of what used to be a beautiful vibrant face. What had been stunning and welcoming brown eyes became ravaged visages of a lifeless and stricken glare. Gorgeous russet hair once fell on broad and athletic shoulders turned into a wild disarray of ordinary brown, unkempt and stringing onto hunched defensive shoulders. What had seemed like the perfect body of an athlete became the very essence of the weak and frail.

A twisted grimace appeared.

Immediately, Hikari attempted to gather her wits and erode the shock. It was too apparent and Sora did not need this on top of everything else. Was it really such a surprise that Sora was still grieving? Sora and Taichi had been inseparable as children and became even closer as they grew up. From best friends to lovers. And then even more. There was nothing each would not do for the other. Taichi had been willing to and very nearly did sacrifice his spot on the national Japanese soccer team just for the sake of Sora's happiness. Sora would have taken an indefinite break as a professional tennis to be with Taichi as he toured Europe. Each would have forfeited their lives just so the other could live. For all she knew, Taichi probably did. Sora had not been very forthcoming with the events that led to his death except for the basics. She was welling up so much pain and anger inside that Hikari was afraid she would get lost and never come back.

Watching Sora turn away and amble inside, Hikari stood immobile before hesitantly following her. At a glance at her surroundings Hikari could relatively say nothing had been moved. She could still see traces of Taichi in every corner and every room. From the untouched sports jersey left lying on the dark brown sofa to the white porcelain cup centred on the willow dining table. A favourite of Taichi's. For a split second a fond smile graced Hikari's face. Sora had won the dining set during last autumn festival. She and Taichi had been extremely competitive. More than usual. And Sora had been challenging Taichi at every stand she could find. The last was a simple dart throw. She could still picture the triumphant look she threw at Taichi after winning...and the you've-got-to-be-kidding look when Sora had been given cups and dishes for her 'cooking'. Hikari snickered. That had resulted in a lecture to the poor sweating man while Taichi had stood nearby, scratching his head bewilderedly.

The smile withered away as Hikari snapped back to the present and realized Sora was sitting, with her back turned towards her, in Taichi's armchair. Waiting for her. Hikari briskly walked towards the sofa and carefully moved the grey soccer jersey before sitting down.

"Sora..." Hikari began. She struggled to find the right words but none would come.

"Yes, Hikari?" Sora raised a sardonic eyebrow. Then she sighed. "Don't bother. This is where you tell me I'm wasting my life away, right? That I've got to move on blah, blah, blah. That Taichi wouldn't have wanted me like this….that he loved me enough to want me to live. Am I getting this right, Hikari? This is what you wanted to tell me, correct?"

Speechless, Hikari could only nod. Sora turned her face away in answer.

"Just go, ok," resignation tinged Sora's voice.

"Don't bother. Just go. Let me live here in peace," Sora suddenly pleaded.

"I can't. You know I can't. I have to do this. To make you live...for Taichi," sadness emanated from Hikari. "And I want you back too, Sora. You've never been separated for long with Taichi. You and Taichi were best friends for as long as I've known the both of you...and that means me too. You were always there, Sora. Like Taichi's always been there," Hikari halted. She left the implications of what she was saying hanging, hoping Sora would grasp at those threads and bind them together.

Sora could only stare, mouth opening and closing, eyes widening as realization hit and an attempt to respond was made. But only silence lingered. The threads reaching out to Sora were blocked. But not hurled back.

A spark of hope flickered as Hikari regathered her forces and began another attack.

"Taichi was the best brother any sister could ever have. He loved me. He protected me. Even when I didn't need it!" Hikari allowed indignation to colour her tones. Sora's lips twitched. Yes! Round one to Hikari.

"And I loved him," Hikari continued. "I wanted him in my life forever. I wanted him to be around always. Just like when we were little whenever I had a nightmare, he'd always be there. Comforting me...making me laugh...protecting me..." throat closing, Hikari struggled to contain the tears threatening to swallow her whole. Sora wrapped arms around herself and closed her eyes. Round two to Hikari.

"But that's not ever going to happen again. Taichi's gone, Sora. He's never going to come back. My brother's never going to come back...I've lost him," Hikari ended in a whisper. Steeling herself she continued, "But you know what Sora? As much as I'm going to miss him, cry for him, I've got to remember something too," she turned solemn eyes at Sora, "I may have lost a brother, but I haven't lost my sister."

Yet, Hikari finished silently. Please, Sora. Please feel again. Don't lose yourself in grief...don't let yourself wither away in illusions...illusions of life when death had already taken it away...just...don't.

Sora stared.

A mournful cry shattered the silence at last, destroying the last barrier between Sora and the world, before shuddering into sobs. Round three to Hikari.

Letting the held back tears travel down her face, Hikari reached for Sora. Holding onto each other both allowed their shared grief to mingle and then dissipate.

Hikari tried again, knowing this time she would be successful. "You got to live. Take care of yourself. Be yourself again...only this time without Taichi."

Sora's grip tightened.

"I know."

Hikari relaxed and let the relief wash through her. "We're going to have to clean up this place first, you know. It's a pigsty!" Hesitatingly she carried on, "Taichi's things will have to be packed away now..."

"I know," Sora whispered.

"But first thing's first, let's take a look at the mail." Hikari left Sora's side and reached for her handbag on the floor. "I bet you haven't even looked at it yet, have you? Not to mention the bills..."

Gripping the stack of mail, she handed it to Sora. Only to receive a sniffling chuckle in return.

"What?" Hikari asked innocently, widening her eyes just a little. This was a look she mastered ages past, once she had found out how effective it was. Taichi never stood a chance.

Sora simply chuckled again. This time a little wistfully.

Letting out a defeated sigh, Sora reached for the mail stack. She absentmindedly flipped through, sorting out the important mail and the junk mail into piles. Hikari gawked, stunned as envelope after envelope was stacked onto the important pile, speaking volumes on the amount of time Sora had shuttered herself away. Concerned, Hikari braced herself as Sora frowned at a particular envelope and then tentatively opened it. No movement stirred but Hikari was swiftly aware something was wrong. Sora had tensed up in the middle of skimming through the letter. Hands were gripping the sheet of paper tightly while the body straightened and pulled itself taut, letting the shock glaze over. One hand unclenched and attached itself to her neck, softly tugging while the other lost its grip on the sheet and vaguely rubbed her stomach. The sheet of paper drifted downwards, flowing onto the floor lost as Sora got up.

Mail forgotten, Sora began going around the room in an unexpected burst of speed, picking up and collecting items. Hikari could only get a glance at the letter before her attention was once more focussed on Sora. Humming with something akin to joy, Sora put away the porcelain cup and began planning on where she might store Taichi's things.

"Come on, Hikari. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!" Hikari could only blink. Speechless again at the roundabout change.

Exasperated, Sora fondly called out again, "Come on, Hikari. These things won't pick themselves up, you know."

Hikari chokingly snorted in amusement and shock as she gazed at the whirlwind formerly known as Sora Takenouchi. Briefly Hikari wondered what Dr Pierson could have written that would cause such a transformation. From near grief and despair to happiness and joy. Hikari shook her head, amazed as she again caught sight of the whirlwind picking up discarded clothing while dreamily rubbing her stomach.