Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Who Will Pray For Me? ❯ Missing You ( Epilogue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Who Will Pray For Me: Epilogue: Missing You
By Archangel Nightshade Bloodraven

"Well TK, I literally had to go to Hell for you but to be able to hold you in my arms again..."

"Is definitely worth it. I'm sorry I had to put you- and the others- through that. It just,"

"Shush." Kari whispered. "I know." A moment later a shiver ran through her body. "Not now! TK..."

"I understand. Go."

Kari sighed and sank through the clouds. As always there sat Tai weeping onto her grave, which was what had summoned her to begin with. She sighed, her action stirring up a small breeze as Tai stood to go.

I have to stop this now. She thought, slowly gaining solidity. Or else he'll just come back tomorrow, and the day after that, and everyday after that. I will not let him die for my memory to live.

"Now don't you know it's not nice to ring an angel's bell and run." She said from atop her tombstone.

"Kari." Tai's jaw dropped in shock. His little sister looked about twenty, the age she would have been had she survived.

All the smart remarks Kari had in mind died on her lips. "Tai. I'd forgotten how much I missed you." She whispered dropping lightly to the ground.

"Kari. You look great."

"Tai, you're killing yourself. It's been ten years and you've been out here every day sobbing your heart and soul out."

"I miss you Kari. The other's have all forgotten about you two."

"You forget Tai. I can see everything from where I am. They haven't forgotten us at all. But they find a way live with their grief. Come on. I'll show you."

"Aren't you a little conspicuous?"

"Nope. You're the only one who can see my wings. And the others, well they won't quite be able to place me. Who would you like to see first?"


"As you wish." Kari said walking forward into a heat wave and vanishing. Tai gaped in shock then ran after her appearing in an alley a few blocks from the flower shop. "Glad you caught up. Now not a word about me to Sora or any of the others. At best they'll pity you and at worst they'll try and commit you."

"All right almighty wise one, just who shall I claim you to be?"

"Karen, an American exchange student you met during your time in France. Think you can remember that?"

"Got it." He said pushing open the door as the bell over jingled merrily. "Where is she?" He whispered gazing around the empty shop.

Kari took his hand. Can you see her now? The deceased girl asked silently.

Tai nodded silently as he saw Sora hastily set aside a bundle of pink and white roses. Your favorite. He thought as Sora wiped her eyes and headed toward the door. Kari released his hand and the image faded as Sora came out of the shop's back room.

"Oh, hi Tai. Who's your cute friend?"

"This is Karen from America. She was an exchange student in France I met on our world tour. Karen this is my girlfriend, Sora."

"Girlfriend? Good for you ni- er Tai." That was close! She waited and Sora showed no signs of catching her slip. Pausing a moment she looked closely at Sora. "Pardon my forwardness but why are you crying?"

Sora dabbed at her eyes again. "Well a good friend of mine died a while ago. She was like a sister to me. It still hurts sometimes. I was just filling an order for a customer who wanted pink and white roses."

"My favorites." Kari whispered absently as her own eyes welled up with tears.

"Are you okay?" Sora asked handing her a tissue.

"Yeah. I lost a friend of my own not to long ago. I'm so lonely, but it's okay, cause I know we'll be together again." She gave a half a smile.

"How do you deal with the pain?"

"I try and help those that were left behind learn to live again." She said glancing at Tai.

"You're so like my friend. Wait here a minute." Sora ducked in the back and came out with a bouquet of pink and white roses. "I was gonna visit her grave later, but I think that she would want you to have these."

"Thank you Sora."

"Karen, we should go."

"Okay Tai. Sora, I hope to see you again and I wish you happiness in life." As Kari breezed out the door a few feathers dropped at the door.

"You're shedding."

"I know. I just have to finish this before they're all gone. Then I have to go back. " She smiled sadly. "Come on. Where to next?"

"How about Izzy?"

"And away we go." She said as she folded her wings around him and they vanished, only to appear in Izzy's room.

"Izzy! Sorry about-"

"No need to apologize Tai. He can't see us. He can't hear us. As far as he's concerned we don't exist right now."

Together the two siblings moved to stand behind the young genius and peer over his shoulder. "A memorial webpage." Tai said.

"He's been working on it since my death. I doubt he'll ever post it, though. In his mind all those ones and zeroes help him through the harder times. He thought of me like a sister, and I'm sorry to hurt him." Kari began to cry silently. "We're going to see Joe."


"Now." She said fighting back her tears as she wrapped her rapidly shedding wings around her brother and vanished leaving a small flurry of feathers in her wake.

"Farewell Kari, and thanks for the visit." Izzy whispered.


"Dr. Joe Kido. I knew you could do it." Kari said her eyes beaming in admiration. "Joe never truly got over the pain of our death either. He channeled his rage and pain into his medical studies and has become the best surgeon in Odiba maybe even in all of Japan."

At that moment Joe himself came in from surgery walking through the two Kamiyas. "Still running stealth I see."

"We can't exactly explain how we got here." Kari said. Joe opened his locker and changed into his civilian clothes.

"Death be not proud." Tai read gazing at the Polaroid of TK and Kari that hung inside. "Joe never did forgive himself. He always felt that he should have been there to do something. He felt that he let you two down when you were counting on him most."

Kari shook her head as her eyes began water again. "I don't have much time left." She said looking at her rapidly thinning wings. "Let's go see Matt and Mimi."


"Aren't we running silent?"

"Don't have the power." Kari sighed. Knocking weakly she leaned heavily against her brother.

"Hi Tai." Mimi said opening the door. Who's your friend?"

"This is Angela. I met her in France, on our world tour."

"Nice to meet you. You look exhausted."

"I'm a little tired. But I still have a lot to do and I have go home soon."

"Then let's stop playing games, shall we Kari?" Matt said.

"But how?" Kari asked in amazement.

Matt smiled. "I've waited ten years to look into those eyes again. You weren't only TK's girlfriend, you were also my best friend. It's hard losing them so close together."

"Oh my goodness. Matt, you're right." Mimi said in shock as Kari slumped against Tai.

"Come on imoto chan. You're going home." Tai said helping her shakily to her feet.

"I don't have the power." She whispered shedding feathers quickly now.

"I'll drive." Matt said reaching for the keys.

"You drive like an old lady." Mimi said grabbing the keys from him. "I'll drive. Let's go."

Though I'm missing you
I'll find a way to get through
Living without you
'Cause you were my sister, my strength, and my pride
Only God may know why,
still I will get by.

Tai cradled his sister in his arm as Mimi sped and wove through traffic. "It's not fair. You were only here for such a short time."

I would've known, that you had to go
But so suddenly, so bad
How could it be, not a straight memory worthy of
All that we had made
Now that you're gone, every day I go on
But life's just not the same
I'm so empty inside, and my tears I can't hide
But I'll try, I'll try to face the pain

"My time on earth is over Tai." Kari whispered. "But the measure of your life lies before you."

Though I'm missing you
I'll find a way to get through
Living without you
'Cause you were my sister, my strength, and my pride
Only God may know why,
still I will get by.

"I didn't realize how much I missed everyone until I saw them again, but I can't stay. I don't belong here."

Oh, there was so many things
That we could have shared, uh-huh
And time was on our side
Ooh, yeah Now that you're gone,
I can still feel you near
So I'll smile, with every tear I cry

Mimi pulled to a stop as a few more feathers fell in the car.

"All right guys." A crisp voice said. "Let's get her inside."

"Joe, Sora, Izzy? What are you doing here?" Tai asked as Joe helped carry Kari into the cemetery.

"We're here to see an old friend off." Sora said. "One we've all missed very much."

Though I'm missing you
I'll find a way to get through
Living without you
'Cause you were my sister, my strength, and my pride
Only God may know why,
still I will get by.

"I guess I wasn't really fooling any of you, was I?" Kari said breathing heavily.

"Kari, why did you come back?" Sora asked. "We've all made our peace with you."

"Not all of you. Joe you never wanted to be a doctor, so what changed your mind."

"Death be not proud." He replied. "I guess in my own way I was seeking forgiveness."

"Then you must forgive yourself. You did me no wrong, Joe. You couldn't have known what would happen. The fates simply cut my thread. My life here is over. All I can do is wait to see you all again." She whispered as she fell still.

How sweet, were the losses to spare?
But I'll wait for the day
When I'll see you again, see you again, yeah

"Oh Kari you look bad." Another familiar voice said as TK appeared. "It's time for me to take her home, Tai."

"Then I know she's in good hands." Tai said reluctantly releasing his sister.

"Tai, Kari came back to remind you to live for life, not her memory. Do you think you can do that?"

"I'm afraid if I do, I'll forget her."

"Tai," Matt said placing a hand on the brunettes shoulder. "You'll never lose her. She'll always be a warm spot in your heart, just like TK's been in mine. I've learned to move on, somewhat but I still miss them both terribly."

"All right." Tai said. "I'll do my best. That's all I can promise."

"And that's all we ask Tai." TK said as a bright column of light appeared behind the angel. "We have to go home now. But I promise we'll visit as soon as we can." He said backing into the column of light and rising into the sky as the others waved a teary goodbye.

Though I'm missing you
I'll find a way to get through
Living without you
'Cause you were my sister, my strength, and my pride
Only God may know why,
still I will get by.
I'm missing you

As the six remaining chosen turned to leave six snow white feathers tumbled from the sky as the wind whispered a parting message.

"We miss you."

A/N: This is it. The absolutely, positively, Is that your final answer for one million dollars, till death do us part last chapter of Who Will Pray For Me? "Missing You" is a collaborative effort by Brandy, Tamia, Gladys Night, and Chaka Khan from the "Set It Off" soundtrack