Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Who Will Pray For Me? ❯ Letting Go ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Who Will Pray for Me: Prolog
By Archangel Bloodraven

Never thought I'd be in this place
It's someone else's life I'm living
Wish I were living a lie

It's impossible. I can't believe this is happening. I don't even feel like it's my life anymore.

The hardest part is when the bough breaks
Falling down and then forgiving
You didn't even kiss me goodbye

I remember the last time I saw her she gave me the same sunny smile she always wore. She gave me a brief hug before she set off down the street.


"Don't worry. I know!"

I'm choking on the words I didn't get to say
And pray I get the chance one day

I wonder now, if she really knew.

God there's the doorbell, again. Who is it now?

Then again, maybe...

I still run
I still swing open the door
I still think you'll be there like before
Doesn't everybody out there know to never come around
Some things a heart won't listen to
I'm still holding out for you

It wasn't her. But then again why would it be? She's gone.

I can hear ya smile in the dark
I can even feel you breathing
When daylight chases the ghost

Another dream of her, forged from tatters of memories and feelings. About all I have left now, isn't it?

I see your coat and I fall apart
To those hints of you I'm clinging
Now's when I need them most

Maybe the others are right. Maybe I ought to get out more. I take a shower and change feeling a little better, but as I reach for my jacket I spot one of hers. Suddenly I don't feel like going out.

I should get up, dry my eyes and move ahead
At least that's what you would have said

I spent that day curled up with the jacket. The doorbell rang but I ignored it. I hurt too much to be bothered.

I still run
I still swing open the door
I still think you'll be there like before
Doesn't everybody out there know to never come around
Some things a heart won't listen to
I'm still holding out for you

Faithfully I trace your name while you sleep
It's the only true comfort I feel

As I lay there, hugging her jacket, I absently trace her name on my sheets as I doze off. It makes me feel a little better like she's still here with me.

I still run
I still swing open the door
I still think you'll be there like before

The door again. I scramble to my feet, my sleep addled brain in my past.

It's not her. It's Sora.

"Gomen nasai. I thought you were someone else." I whisper hoarsely before I throw myself into her arms, sobbing.

I still run
I still swing open the door
I still think you'll be there like before
Doesn't everybody out there know to never come around
Some things a heart won't listen to
I'm still holding out for you
Holding out for you

"It will heal." She whispered. "Just give it time."

She was looking out for me, the same as she had in the digiworld. "But I miss her so bad. I think anytime now, she's gonna walk through that door."

"I know TK, but you have to learn to accept that Kari is gone." She said as a tear of her own ran down my cheek. We all do."

A/N: This may not be one of my longer fics, but I felt that this needed to be written for a long time, even after I posted WWPFM? I don't own digimon or the song "Holding Out For You." That's by SHeDAISY.