Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Chains ❯ Pondside ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

**<b>Warning</b> Okay, folks. This chapter is all lemony freshness! Go enjoy! If you haven't figured out what sort of *lemon* it is….*sigh* it's yaoi/Daiken/etc. Kay? Kay. So, then, just leaving a nice lil disclaimer that it's not mine, I'm only writing down my dreams…*sniggle* Lyrics are by Michelle Branch. Mm…can't think of anything else.

Well? Go read!!

<i>~A new moon leads me to
woods of dreams and I follow.
A new world waits for me;
my dream, my way.

I know that if I have heaven
there is nothing to desire.
Rain and river, a world of wonder
may be paradise to me.~ </i>

~~Enya "China Roses"

<center>-=* Ch. 6 *=-</center>

"So you're saying that it <i>wasn't</i> your plan to seduce me?" Daisuke whispered bitterly after a long bout of silence.

"Of <i>course</i> it was my plan," Ken replied just as darkly. "But there were…unexpected factors…" ~Like you dreaming of me…and of holding my heart, no matter how it was supposed to go…~

~Like caring for you, needing you…~

"So I'm just a factor?"

Ken looked at the ground, swallowing. Explaining this was difficult. Daisuke sounded so very quiet, almost…hurt… "Iie…I mean…Things happened."

~Things like you kissed me back,~ Ken thought wearily. ~And changed my world.~



"Things happened," Daisuke mocked. "God forbid that life changes and you don't get what you want."

Ken remained silent, knowing it was true, and hating it while at the same time self-analyzing the subtle differences between 'then' and 'now.' He frowned. Things <i>had</i> changed. <i>He</i> had changed, albeit in a small way. Like a crack in the concrete that expands when water freezes, or when super-heated.

Daisuke was a weakness.

And Ken was beginning to incorporate that, despite the nagging that it would <i>ruin</i> him, and everything he was working for.

~He'll break you, and bring you down, because you are a fool…~

He ignored the voice, pushed it away and into a small corner of his head. The voice couldn't stop him on a day like this, not when he felt so normal, and free from all the responsibility in his life, the duality he felt constantly. It couldn't stop him from enjoying the moment with Daisuke, enjoying the boy as he laughed without fear, smiled at him, joked with him…acted like a true friend…

Part of him yearned deeply for such a bond…friendship. Caring.

Perhaps even love, one day.


~He could never love me…~ Ken was struck by a sharp blow of sudden guilt, regretful anguish as he recalled the way he had used Daisuke, plied him and molded his resistance until he <i>had</i> received what he wanted.

Was he only doing that now? Here in the park, with almost no one around to stop him if he just leaned over, and tasted the skin…

If he started it again, would Daisuke…let him?

"You're staring…" Daisuke pursed his lips. "Like you're analyzing me."

A tinge of pink crept across Ken's cheeks. "Uh…I was merely thinking…"

~Even here, now, you are beautiful,~ Ken admitted. Admittance was easy when he wasn't in the blue and white garb, the hair and cold demeanor soaked into his bones. Here, he could be himself, quiet and careful. He could be Ken.

~Yeah, great job, Ken, keep thinking that way, and he'll be running back to his friends.~



"How long do you think it will take before your friends locate you…"

Daisuke twisted around to look at Ken in confusion. "Huh…I don't know…and don't care, really…" he scratched the back of his head. "Why did you ask?"

His face growing suspiciously warmer, Ken shrugged delicately and focused on the short blades of grass, neatly cut, and remarked, "Well, I was thinking that you could…mmhmm…stay at my place…"

"Uh?" Daisuke felt his mouth hit the dirt. "Stay…at your place? Like a sleepover?" He began to blink.

Ken scowled and twisted his hands together. "It would…" he paused and a thoughtful, almost wistful look spread across his face. "My mother would be happy to see me invite a friend over. She seems to think I'm closed off."

"But you <i>are</i> closed off," Daisuke pointed out, and hid a grin. The infallible Kaizer…asking him over…

"No, I'm merely above you," Ken repeated dead-pan.

"Gah…fine… But you better have food." Daisuke smiled, an honest cheery smile and bounced to his feet. "Where do you live?"


A knocking on the door roused him from the sleepy state he had been vegetating in on the couch. Frowning and cursing mildly under his breath if it was another girl asking him for an autograph, Yamato slid to his feet and strode towards the door, yanking it open. "Yeah?"

Hikari stood, slightly behind Takeru, who was bent over wheezing for breath.


TK raised his head. "Yama…Daisuke's disappeared…"

~Crap…~ Yamato thought, and immediately stepped back to let the pair in. "What happened? Did he run off?"

"Yeah…Miyako pissed him off royal," TK muttered, slipping off his shoes.

Kari nodded. "That project they were paired on?" Yama nodded. "She pretty much did everything, and then asked Daisuke to remember to get something for it-"

"Which she already had," TK muttered.

"-So she had an excuse to ream him out."

Yamato took this all in, his mind spinning and followed them into the small living room. "Do you have any idea where he went?" They both shook their heads. "Hmm…god, this could be bad…"


"We'll need to call Tai. He'll be better at thinking of a place Daisuke would end up…"


The blond singer looked up in surprise as Takeru repeated his name forcefully. "TK…?"

"I think Takeru's worried that Daisuke might be going to…the Kaizer…" Kari explained quickly, placing an arm on the younger brother's wrist. "Daisuke said something…odd…just before he left."

~Crap crap crap. Double crap. With tagnuts.~ "Like what?" Yamato said warily.

"The Kaizer…" TK scowled darkly. Yama had a bad feeling, and he <i>knew</i> something was seriously eating at his brother. He had a sneaking suspicion about what Daisuke had said, too.

"The Kaizer…is…a good <i>kisser</i>."

~Aw, Takeru…you must be just heartbroken…~ Yamato sighed, and ran a hand over his face. "I knew it…I <i>knew</i> that little booger would drop a hint like that…Lemme guess, he said it to piss you all off?"

Kari gave the frowning TK a glare and nodded at Yama. "He was kinda upset, and 'sick of everything.' I think…" she paused to give an uncertain look. "Something happened to him, and he's having problems dealing?"

"You have no idea," Yamato muttered. "I'll explain it later, but get the rest of the team together. I'm going to go call Tai."

~Daisuke, you little <i>brat</i>…~


"Ano…what's your mom like?"

Ken raised his head from the sign he was trying to read as it blurred by, and blinked at Daisuke. "My mom?"

"No, the <i>other</i> mom who spent hours in pain trying to squeeze you out a teeny tiny place…"

Ken fought a smile, and shrugged. "Well…she's nice. She always wants me to do homework, and study. She brings me snacks sometimes, when I've been reading for a long time."

"She sounds nice…" Daisuke leaned his head from the clear glass of the bus window, and smiled faintly.

"Yeah…What's yours like?" Ken asked after a moment.

The redhead shrugged, looking vaguely uncomfortable. "She's always at work…I barely see her, and when I do, it's 'Daisuke behave.' 'Daisuke, don't forget this, or 'Be nice to your sister.'"


For a long while the ride was in silence, marred only by the sounds of the vehicle, of the people getting on or off…the general chatter, the background noise, seemed to be a semi-soothing mix to the two teens.

"Mhmm…my stop is the next one, Daisuke," Ken informed after a moment, seeing a familiar part of town.

"Ha~ai…" Daisuke breathed. "I'm hungry…"

"Settle down. You'll get your food," Ken reproved, and swayed to his feet as the bus lurched to a stop. One hand went upwards to grip at the handle for standing passengers, and the other stretched out for Daisuke to take.

The redhead eyed it for a moment, a strange mix of apprehension on his face. But he reached up and curled his fingers around the slender-boned appendage and rose to his feet.

Ken nodded once, dropped the nut-browned hand, and started for the exit.

Daisuke fought down a shiver that the touch of those hands seemed to induce, and followed. ~I <i>still</i> can't believe this…~

The familiar silence followed them as well, wrapped around the two like a thick blanket. It wasn't altogether odd to be walking without speaking to each other, just more comfortable, in a sense.

Daisuke felt a twinge of nervousness as he entered a normal looking apartment, and then the elevator. He felt Ken give him a sideways glance, and stood stiffly and forced himself not to look back. Then, with a subtle lurch, the elevator began to rise, but that wasn't the reason Daisuke felt his stomach shiver.

Ken <i>still</i> hadn't stopped glancing at him.

The redhead sneaked a suspicious glance. "You're <i>staring</i> again…!" he said in a mock falsetto. "What?!"

Ken raised a brow, unable to help the need to tease. "You look a bit nervous…"

"You <i>are</i> a dick," Daisuke remarked as the doors slid open with a faint whirring sound. Daisuke blinked; he hadn't even felt the elevator come to a stop. Butterflies swirled through his stomach, suddenly, as Ken smiled faintly, and exited the elevator and began his walk down the hall. After a moment, Daisuke swallowed, gathering his nerve, and stepped after him.

The first thing Daisuke noticed as he walked into the apartment was that the place was <i>clean</i>. Not just spotless clean, but <i>shiny</i> clean. He blinked in awe.

"Ken-chan, is that you?" a woman's voice rang from the kitchen.

"Yes, Momma," Ken replied automatically, hiding a wince at the familiar 'chan.' He could just imagine the Digimon calling him "Ken-chan" if word got out.

Daisuke fought to keep his face serious.

"What took you so long to get home? I was worried!" the woman continued, walking out of the kitchen. For being a dictator's mother, she looked normal enough. Rita Ichijouji had a warm face, and a surprised look as well as she stopped suddenly. "Oh, you didn't tell me you were bringing home a friend…"

Ken was carefully placing his shoes in a line near the door. "This is Daisuke, Momma."

Daisuke smiled at her, his carefree charming grin, and shrugged. "Hi…"

After a moment, the faint hesitation on her face broke, and the older woman smiled back and said, "Well, come on in. I haven't met you before; come and tell me about yourself."


It was much much later in the evening when Ken could finally pry Daisuke away from his mother. With a faint sense of embarrassment, he made the 'I need to study' excuse, and slipped them both away. The redhead waved goodbye as they exited the kitchen, and as Ken led him down the short hall, focused his gaze on the blue-haired teen.

This side of Ken was interesting. Smart. Quiet and less… Daisuke shrugged to himself. He was simply different, here. "Ne, Ken…your mom's super cool…" he offered as a means to break the silence.

"She's overbearing," came the short reply.

Daisuke recoiled slightly, the tone too familiar. "She's your <i>mother</i>, Ken. She loves you."

Ken shot him a dark glance as the door to his room swung open. "Are you sure? She could just be faking that, you know," he mimicked.

"Hey, what's up your ass?" Daisuke frowned. "She was really nice. Not every mom spends time talking to the friends of their kid, you know."

"…exactly…" Ken muttered, and shut the door after him.

~oh geez…he's jealous…~ a little voice whispered to Daisuke. The redhead blinked, his gaze on the rigid back of Ken, and began to understand a few more things. Uncertain of what to say, Daisuke wandered around and finally settled onto the bed. "Ano…if you don't want me here, just say so," he finally responded.

"No, Daisuke, I <i>do</i> want you here," Ken snapped from his desk. His fingers were blurring over the keyboard. "But my control isn't perfect."

"Huh? You mean your temper?"

The flashing fingers paused. "…No…" ~You have no idea of how much you tempt me…how much you push me until I can barely look at you without thinking of touching you…~

~…take you…~ a much darker voice responded as well, and Ken shivered minutely.

Daisuke fell back with a sigh, feeling slightly confused at the vague answer, but assuming it would be better if he didn't challenge the boy right now. After a moment he began to swing his legs, whistling faintly under his breath. ~Bored…bored bored…~

Ken sat back with a sigh, and rubbed at his forehead. "Daisuke," he began.

"Hmmmmmmm?" Daisuke grinned.

"Are you bored?" the violet eyes widened sarcastically.

"Kinda…What's there to do, anyway?"

Ken pinched the bridge of his nose, and muttered cynically, "Gee…I have no idea…"

"Hey! I know! Let's go to-wait…aw, I don't got my digivice…" the voice trailed off.

Ken swallowed. ~He wants to go to the digital world…where there's no protection…no… no restraint…~ "The Digiworld…with me…"

"Hey, it sounded like a good idea…"

"Fine. Let's go then." Ken glanced down at the ebon-colored 'vice on his desk, feeling cold.


Swiveling around in his chair to pin the redhead with a level violet stare, Ken held up the 'vice. "Mine should work for both of us…"

Daisuke sat all the way up, and eyed him with a suspicious look. "No fighting? No putting me in another cage?" ~No kissing…touching…~

"Only if you want to," Ken smirked, and tapped a few commands on his computer. The black, red and blue portal shimmered onscreen, and Ken stood. ~This could be…something different… I don't know what to do…~

Daisuke rose to his feet as well, and took a hesitant step forward. ~I wonder if he's serious…~ "Um…how's this gonna work?"

Motioning with his free hand, Ken glanced at him, and raised the 'vice in his hand. "Come here…"

~…gotta get rea~ally close…~ the little voice whispered. Daisuke fought down a shiver. Anticipation or dread, he wasn't quite sure. It could've been both. But the violet eyes drew him forward, and the arm, thin beneath the gray uniform, snaked around his waist.

Daisuke found himself inches away from the calm visage of the soon-to-be Kaizer, and felt goosebumps spread across his skin in waves. ~He's still beautiful…~ he thought, feeling a faint blush on his cheeks. Ken tightened his hold, then, breaking the gaze and opened the portal with quiet command.

The room flooded with light, and the two, entwined, dissolved.


"Waaii!!" With a thud, Daisuke landed sprawled on his stomach, the breath knocked out of him. "Damn…" he groaned, and opened his eyes as he rolled onto his back.

Ken landed gracefully beside him, a small smirk on his lips as he surveyed the sprawled form in front of him. The last bits of data swirled around him, forming the glasses, the cape and outfit already materialized. "Now that looks familiar," he snickered.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up…" Daisuke muttered. A warm flush spread to his stomach, and rather than think about what that meant, he sat up straight and scratched his head. "So…uh…where are we?"

The purple lenses flashed. "Near my base, actually."

"So what do we get to do now?" Daisuke bounced to his feet, brushing off the khaki pants.

"Probably anything we want."

The redhead stuck his tongue out at the Kaizer. "You know, if we encounter any Digimon, they'll attack us both."


"Unlike you, Mr. I-can-take-on-anything, I don't wanna fight any other Digimon."

The indigo spikes bobbed for a moment. "Well, you <i>are</i> with me…I don't see how it can be avoided."

Daisuke rubbed his chin with a finger and looked skyward. "Yeah, you're right, Ken…hmm…" He glanced at the Kaizer. "But I have an idea…Come on!"

Ken stifled a startled yelp as his wrist was snagged and Daisuke began to drag him off to gods knew where. "Let go!"

"Where's the nearest lake?" the redhead shot him a grin over his shoulder.

"Nani? Why-I don't want to know. God…" The Kaizer sighed, resolving to put up with whatever scheme the boy was thinking of and not kill him for it. "There's a pond over in that direction," he pointed.


"Gah, slow down!"

Heedless of the Kaizer's inquiries, Daisuke dragged against the slim wrist, the metal of the guard cold against his palm. He had to bring him somewhere he would be able to get him to relax, and not do something Kaizerish. For a second he thought of the way the hair had shimmered into spikes, the clothes and glasses materializing, hiding the quiet Ken.

He didn't like the thought of losing Ken beneath the harsh exterior of the dictator.

But he knew that if he could just get the glasses off, and maybe the cape, Ken could relax and not worry.

By now they were running through a spaced out stretch of trees; Daisuke could hear running water ahead. Behind him, the Kaizer had stopped asking him what his plan was. Daisuke smirked a bit, his grip tightening, and broke through to the lakeside.

Pondside, really. It wasn't that big, but it was beautiful. With a small gasp of awe, Daisuke stopped and stared.

Ken pulled his hand away, trying hard to breathe normally, and scowled. "Did we have to run?"

"Why not?" Daisuke shrugged. "Come on! Last one in sucks eggs!"


Daisuke looked back. "What? This is something to do, and it won't hurt anyone… 'Sides, it's quiet." The Kaizer stood, probably staring at him without blinking; Daisuke couldn't tell with the glasses on. His spiky multi colored hair was swaying somewhat stiffly in the mild breeze. "I don't bite."

"You want…to swim?"

Daisuke peeled off his flame jacket, shrugging absently. "You don't have to. But it's nice out, and I thought you could do with a good swim. It's relaxing."

Ken swallowed, thoughts and visions of naked Daisukes in the water. "I realize that, but…what happens if we <i>are</i> attacked."

Grinning, Daisuke toed off the boots and wagged a finger at him. "They won't know it's you if you get rid of the glasses and that ugly blue thing you're wearing," he teased.

The Kaizer couldn't find a reply for that.

"Come on…it's a <i>great</i> day for swimming…"

Slowly, Ken shook his head. "I can't…don't ask that of me…" ~Don't ask me to see you, wet, possibly naked and <i>not</i> touch you…~

~I can barely keep my hands to myself…~

"Man, whatever you want."

Ken frowned softly, and watched as Daisuke shrugged out of his shirt. ~Is he doing this deliberately?~ He couldn't…no, he didn't <i>dare</i> give in to the subtle rise of attraction…of lust… It would come to nothing; he already knew that he'd never harm Daisuke. Giving in to it would bring nothing but pain, eventually.

Daisuke could never be his. He <i>knew</i> that. He didn't <i>care</i> about Daisuke; he didn't <i>dare</i>. ~It <i>had</i> to be lust…and only lust…~

But it was so very difficult.

Even more so, Ken reassessed as Daisuke, clad in only his shorts, waded into the water.


<i>~I wanted to be like you

I wanted everything

So I tried to be like you,

And I got swept away.

I didn't know that

it was so cold out

and you needed someone

to show you the way.

So I took your hand and

we figured out that

when the time comes

I'll take you away~</i></center>

Floating on his back, with small wavelets stirred up by his motions lapping against his skin, Daisuke felt the same familiar confusion. The Kaizer, object of his hate for such a long time, and yet…someone he had envied.

~Ken Ichijouji…a genius…a soccer <i>god</i> for crying out loud. And I…~

Someone who was just as lonely, and denied it. Like him.

Someone who was afraid to get close to people. He knew <i>that</i> feeling. He <i>understood</i> that, understood the Kaizer.


~I should hate him. I shouldn't be here, on freaking <i>field trip</i> with him…~

~He's done so much <i>evil</i>…~

~But I can't forget about him…I can't forget the way he laughed. I can't forget his eyes. His hair.~

~The way he kissed me…~ The redhead sighed deeply, his gaze focused far into the cerulean skies, past the clouds and trying to see the stars.

~What do I do? I'm betraying my team…the entire Digiworld if I can't stop him…~

~How do I feel?~

A flash of violet eyes, glinting with amusement. A smile. Rough hair, spiky into silken strands…the hair <i>always</i> felt silky, no matter which world.

But it was the eyes, like pure amethyst crystal, that had sneaked inside and lanced his heart. The eyes were the windows of the soul.

Ken's eyes were expressive, telling of secrets and surprises to the one who dared. They showed interest, sometimes laughter, while the face was a smooth mask.

They showed and unrecognized grief…then love…or something akin to both.

He felt complete, he realized. Like they were halves of something…meant to be together…


The thought brought a rush of memories to mind, and Daisuke blushed a deep pink as the thoughts of how Ken had kissed, hungry, and the way he had explored his body…the way he had felt inside as they…

Flushed and unable to complete the picture, Daisuke ducked under the water in an attempt to cool off the sudden urges his body was giving him. ~Better stop before you go and do something stupid,~ he reminded himself, looking up through the water. Light shimmered down in shafts, broken into shards by the movement of the surface.

Somehow, he doubted that Ken would stop him if he dared to kiss him.

~But…~ part of him whispered. ~Wouldn't that be letting him win?~

His head broke the surface, and Daisuke let a glace play over the rock where the blue-clad figure was seated and thought about it. Ken wouldn't stop him, he knew that. But…a thread of fear winked through him. If was just a game to him…Ken wouldn't hesitate to break him. He wouldn't hesitate to hurt him.

<i>//Make it all okay.// </i>

His dream. ~Oh god…~ His <i>dream</i>. He had held the heart of the Kaizer…of Ken… in his hands. That meant something, didn't? Didn't dreams have a meaning?

Perhaps, if Ken let him love him…everything would be ruined. <i>He'd</i> ruin Ken's attempts to rule the Digiworld, because he'd take his heart.

Or was it that Daisuke had to <i>give</i> him a heart? Turn him into human, give him emotions…give him love. Make him the Ken that Daisuke had glimpsed in short quicksilver glances.

His heart pounding, Daisuke suddenly felt his world constrict. ~Love…I could…I <i>do</i> love him…~

~I know I do…somehow…~

Inhaling shallowly, almost panting, Daisuke fought the urge to hide behind something until the blush he was <i>sure</i> of was gone.

~He's so close…distant…cold…~ Daisuke focused his gaze on the Kaizer, looking closer. Ken was leaning slightly, motionless in the dappled light. ~What do I do?~

Daisuke couldn't tell if he was sleeping or staring back, invisible eyes behind those damned glasses.

A surge of anger fluttered strongly. ~Damn those glasses…~ he thought viciously. Then, without even bothering to double think it over, he struck for the bank with the intention of throwing those glasses off a cliff, or burying them or <i>something</i>.

Splashing, he pulled himself onto the low-level rock that the Kaizer sat on, pausing to gauge any possible reaction. Ken didn't move.

Perhaps he was asleep.

<i><center>~If you want to,

I can save you,

I can take you away from here~<center></i>

"Ken," Daisuke whispered softly.

The elbow of the arm that Ken was leaning on slipped; Ken raised his head with an exclamation of surprise.

For a moment they stared at each other, Daisuke with undisguised determination, and Ken with surprise behind the glasses.

Then, with a growl, Daisuke sprang at him, pinning him to the ground and effectively sitting on him.

"Hey!" Ken gasped. "What are you doing?!" The hand that wasn't trapped by Daisuke's leg began to push frantically at the water-slick chest.

"Oh, hold still," Daisuke muttered, trying to keep the hand away from his face, and still grab the glasses.


With a triumphant grin, the redhead yanked the purple lenses off, holding them above his head like a trophy. "There!"

"Give me those!" Ken gasped, reaching up.

"Nuh uh," Daisuke grinned down at him cheerfully, holding them out of reach as Ken struggled, swearing fluently, his eyes still squinting from the sudden change in light. Daisuke only had a moment of warning as Ken paused, then pushed upwards with a powerful shove, and yanked the redhead down.

"Oof…" Splayed on to knees, and one arm, Daisuke glanced into the close visage of the flushed Kaizer. ~Oh…~ his mind breathed its last, and Daisuke caved into the sudden chorus of "kiss him!" from inside his head.

He got a glimpse of widened eyes before his own fluttered shut, and he hesitantly pressed his lips to the mouth below. His skin felt cold while he felt hot inside. It wasn't what he had intended at all, the slow asking kiss, but somehow…it was.

<center><i>~so lonely inside

so busy out there,

and all you wanted

was somebody who cared~</i></center>

Ken certainly didn't expect it. In fact, he had been trying not to think of such things. For a long second, caught between breaths, he lay frozen while a warm damp mouth descended, touched his…

~He's kissing me,~ his mind whispered. ~he's <i>kissing</i> me…~

A thread of desire, heady and thrilling, rushed through his senses. Daisuke angled his head slightly, sensing the minute change in Ken's manner, and opened his mouth. He flicked his tongue along the seam of Ken's lips, gained access as Ken suddenly arched into him. A single blue-clad arm wrapped around his shoulders.

The glasses dropped to the ground, forgotten, as Daisuke slid his tongue as expertly as possible, tracing Ken's mouth, teasing the tongue. The second hand, slowly freed from under the leg, began to skitter along Daisuke's bare side as Ken tightened his hold, kissing back with a sudden fervor.

With a gasp, Daisuke broke away to breathe, his eyes glinting, and drew a rough, yet gentle, caress across Ken's cheek with one palm.

Eyes half-shut, Ken leaned towards the touch. Daisuke smiled sweetly, and dropped short and blindingly warm kisses onto Ken's upturned face.

"Mmhmmm…" he felt Ken purr under his lips, turning his head to offer his neck. Daisuke accepted, and his warm tongue tracked down towards the pulse point while his fingers deftly undid the collar, spreading the uniform to allow access to the shoulders.

Their bodies flush, the still wet shorts soaking the waist and legs as Ken alternately pressed his hips up, then moved his leg against the soccer-muscled thigh.

Daisuke slid a hand into the opening, fingers spreading as he nipped at the collarbone, teased a nipple with a faint touch. Ken's hand slid up his back, down again, then around to flutter over the stomach.

Barely thinking, Ken focused on his free hands, and decided that the gloves had to go. While Daisuke spread his uniform wider, exposing the narrow chest and lean stomach, Ken pulled his hands up to his face and began to unfasten the metal guards, sliding off the gloves.

Daisuke snagged a wrist as it came free, kissed the inside as the palm grazed his cheek. Ken flushed, his eyes darkening, and laced his fingers into the reddish mop of hair as Daisuke returned his attention to the neck. Grazing his teeth across the bundle of nerves, he slid a hand back down the cloth-covered hip, pressing it up against him in a subtle promise.

"Oh…!" Ken swallowed convulsively, and slid upwards against the press of narrow hips, the wet shorts and warm lump under them.

~Mine…~ Daisuke staked his claim, murmuring soundlessly against the smooth white skin, and nudged the legs wider. He slid between them, sliding a hand underneath the narrow small of the back, and moved deliciously slow against the boy. The throbbing pulse of Ken's erection thrummed rapidly against his lower stomach.

"Mnnn…" he hummed under his breath, nuzzling the junction of Ken's neck and shoulder as he kept moving. ~Oh…~ his mind echoed. Ken was panting breathlessly underneath him, his hands hooked around his back, and barely conscious as Daisuke rolled his hips.

Pulling back just enough to see smoky violet eyes, half lidded and alive, Daisuke held himself up with one arm and hooked the other under the knee of Ken's left leg, lifting it as he shifted his hips and wordlessly showed him his intention.

Ken flung his head back, unable to breath, unable to speak as Daisuke moved teasingly slow, then hard, with his leg raised high enough that Daisuke moved against the spot just <i>below</i> his erection, then brushed by it as he moved up. Mindless with the flood of sensation, he voiced a wordless helpless plea.

The redhead leaned back, hooking the blue outfit over Ken's shoulders, yanking it down past the arms and to the hips. "…off…" he muttered, and rolled Ken over. The indigo-haired Ken murmured a faint protest, but calmed as Daisuke slid his hands soothingly along the now-bare back, and began to slid the cloth further down.

He felt a stomach-curling surge of desire as the shadow of the rear was exposed, the beginnings of the cleft, and Ken arched his backside up as Daisuke pulled at the jumpsuit. ~Isn't gonna work,~ he scowled and pulled Ken to his knees.

Leaning back to press his back against Daisuke's warm stomach, sliding just the tiniest bit to brush against the hardness in the wet shorts, Ken smiled with lidded eyes and slid his hands over his head. Daisuke lipped the back of his neck just under the ear, and rose up enough to push against Ken's bottom, grinding his erection into the depression in the middle, sliding.

High-pitched whimpers flew from Ken's throat as he pushed back against the sudden sensation, and Daisuke slid his hands around to the front, caressing the stomach and chest. His hands, still stretched out overhead, curled backward to wrap and press against Daisuke's shoulders. His knees spread fractionally as Daisuke slid his hand in slow circles, teasing the navel and slowly going lower. A finger slipped under the first line of bunched-up cloth.

"…oh…please…" Ken rasped, a shimmer of delight arcing through him in lightening waves.

Daisuke hummed a reply, still nuzzling the neck, and slid his hand under the first, then second layer, seeking lower until the tips of his fingers brushed against the swollen flesh. Ken froze, his breathing caught as Daisuke slowly slid his fingers around the shaft, curling them tighter and squeezing gently.

Then he groaned as the hand began to move, sliding up and down with measured strokes. His hips jerked as Daisuke slid his other hand back around, rubbing the stomach in time to his other hand. His joints melting on the spot, Ken flung his head back, leaning on the shoulder and clutching with strong slender fingers as Daisuke continued his slow movements.

How did Daisuke do this? How could he have withstood all of this, if this is what it felt like when Ken himself had applied similar tactics? Ken's mind could barely grasp the concept before he pushed it out of his head, forgetting everything but what the hand curled around his penis was inspiring.

"…mmm…Ken…" Daisuke inhaled sharply as the Kaizer slid his hips in time to the hand, and brushed against his aching arousal. "…need you…"

Ken replied by merely settling back into Daisuke's lap, still thrusting with his hips, and grinned to himself. He was barely conscious of the way he was breathing, the small moans as Daisuke switched speeds, or the way he sighed when the redhead began to thrust in earnest against his rear.

A gentle hand pushed Ken forward; the last layers of the cloth were shoved slowly down around his thighs. Instead of laying full out on the cold and rough rock, Ken blindly reached for the slim trunk of the sapling that was growing against the granite, and wrapped his hands around the lower branches.

The hand around his penis slid free, grazing the lines of his pelvis and waist as Daisuke began to kiss the back of Ken's neck. His hands slid along the narrow back, shaking only slightly.

Now that he was committed to the act he was about to do, not even the fear that it all might be some big joke would stop him. He wasn't sure if Ken was mentally prepared for it; after all, he was pretty sure that Ken hadn't ever been on the receiving end of things.

But he doubted that he could wait much longer. Even sitting up straight, or moving his arms sent the cloth rubbing in a fractional way against his erection. Any motion sent shivers racing through him.

He needed the Kaizer.

He needed <i>Ken</i>.

Before his resolve to waver on this, Daisuke leaned forward, his body barely touching the bared skin, dappled in gold and the silver of shadows, and leaned his head against the seam of the neck and shoulder. His hand slid down until it reached his zipper, feeling his own heat through the wet cloth, and shuddered.

Ken heard the zipper go down and a white-hot flush ran rampant through his body. His cock twitched to the mental stimuli Ken was imagining at the moment, and the boy nearly bit his lip through as warm fingers brushed against his legs. Anticipation, spiced with fear, slid through him like a drug. Deep down, on an instinctual level, he <i>knew</i> this. He wanted it. He <i>needed</i> it.

With barely any coaxing, Ken allowed his legs to spread as Daisuke licked at his shoulder, then up along his neck. He barely remembered making an imperious demanding noise as the redhead slid a hand up the inside of his leg, trembling only a small bit as a finger pressed the sensitive skin and untried opening.

~Do it…please…~

His arms were shaking; his knuckles had turned white with the intensity of his desire. "Daisuke…" he begged hoarsely as the finger withdrew.

"Soon," he heard in a low strained voice.

Something hot and damp was pressing against the inside of the Kaizer's leg; Ken began to shiver. A hand slid to his hip, clamped down firmly as the second trailed around to curl around his erection. Ken swallowed, frozen and barely breathing for the wait.

"Please…" He could barely recognize his own voice. He had never heard such a tone of shameless begging before; Ken felt a flush travel his cheeks, but it barely registered as the need overwhelmed all the other thoughts.

Daisuke, his forehead braced against the shoulder, shifted until the tip of his penis felt the depression in Ken's body. He almost convulsively thrust forward then, his drowning sense of arousal filling his head. Then, as Ken shifted slightly and made a tiny begging noise in the back of his throat, Daisuke forgot about everything else but the way the other boy was making him feel, and slid forward with a teeth-clenching groan.

Ken gasped, his body tensing suddenly, and the branch he was holding cracked. With something like a sob, Daisuke slid forward again, the hand on his hip now wrapped around Ken's waist.

A surprising amount of pain announced itself as Daisuke began to fuck him, and Ken couldn't hold back the automatic murmur of protest. "…hnnn…'urts…" he said thickly.

Daisuke swallowed, his eyes shut tightly, and gasped out, "I know…" and tried to slow down to allow Ken time to adjust. After a moment, he remembered his right hand and began to slide his hand slowly, trying to match his thrusts. ~I'm so sorry,~ he tried to say, but forgot it as the boy tightened convulsively.

It wasn't too long before Ken was biting his lip again, the pain of entry forgotten, and the impending orgasm bright in his mind. The sensation of Daisuke inside him was something he hadn't expected; it was warm and filling and somehow comforting. Incredible.

Daisuke was getting closer; Ken could feel him tensing, the hand around his penis was getting rougher, its timing was off-kilter now, too.

~I was made for this,~ Ken thought in a sort of abstracted bemusement.

The thrusts came harder, the sliding sensation slicked with secretion and a mild sheen of sweat; Ken couldn't catch his breath. He heard himself gasping, murmuring something to low to hear with Daisuke's faint moans and soft cries in his ear.

Ken forgot about thinking as the sensations grew, overwhelming his mental defenses, and swamping his mind with blankness as Daisuke triggered an unexpected switch, his hand still jerking as Ken bit his forearm to stem the urge to cry out. His body trembled, jerked fiercely as the sticky fluid spattered suddenly against the rock, and Ken's mind shattered.

When he was more or less aware of his surroundings, Ken raised his head from his arms and winced; he was already sore. Daisuke was leaning heavily against him, his breathing still hard, and definitely still lodged within him.

"Daisuke…" Ken whispered. He felt…whole. A tear gathered in his eye.

"Yeah?" the voice trembled slightly.

Ken closed his eyes, his stomach plummeting and smiled faintly, almost ironically. "Je'taime…" he managed to whisper. He shook his head then, and shivered as the air brushed with cool fingers at his skin. ~…oh Osamu…I told you I'd say it one day…~

The redhead opened his eyes. "What's that?"

"It's French. My brother was taking it before he died. I thought it was appropriate…"

Daisuke nuzzled the back with his forehead, feeling suddenly lazy. "That's cool. What does it mean?"

"It's a secret…"

Daisuke nodded, his gaze soft. "That's cool, too," he merely said, and wrapped his arms around the Kaizer.