Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Willing ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


By the Empress of the Eclipse

Disclaimer - I don't own Digimon.

KAISUKE!!!!!!! It's a form of fluff. Not nice fluff but fluff none the less.

This is what happens when I get bored and try to write Kensuke without lemon! (not this one. My other new fic, Metamorphosis. No lemon. Hence - crazy things like this!)

It's set in Ken's Secret. Again. I can't help it, that episode gives me hyper attacks! Come on, it's obvious that Ken wants to take things way further in that scene than he does! And it's yummy!


Davis stood, staring up at the Digimon Kaiser, who stared back down, smiling cruelly.

"If you want me to show mercy, you must beg for it!" he said, his voice laden with triumph.

Davis glowered up, filled with rage. Beg? He was Daisuke Motomiya, the leader of the Digidestined! He didn't beg anybody!

"You heard me pathetic loser, on your knees and beg! Please Master, spare my friends."

Davis glowered a moment longer, then gave in. What choice did he have? He could let his friends down!

He dropped to his knees with a heavy thud.

"Don't Davis," Veemon whispered.

Davis ignored him.

"Please Master, spare my friends," he said.

"Please Master, spare my worthless friends."

Davis shuddered. His friends weren't worthless! And the Kaiser wasn't his Master!

But he had to say it.

"Please Master, spare my worthless friends."


Davis didn't dare look up from his grovelling position. He could imagine the look on the Kaiser's face anyway. A triumphant smirk, knowing that he had Davis completely at his mercy.

"Not convinced," the voice said mockingly.

Davis gulped, his fingers curling.


"Look up."

Davis did. The Kaiser was still in the same position. As Davis had predicted, his lips were curved in a cruel smile.

"Climb up here to me. Leave your Digimon behind."

"Davis?" Veemon whispered.

"Stay here," Davis whispered back "It'll be okay Veemon."

He scrambled up the cliff face. It wasn't easy and he grazed his hands and knees. But he made it up there, staring at the Kaiser who smiled back.

"Now," the Kaiser murmured "Get down and grovel at my feet like the bitch you are. Plead with me to spare your worthless friends. Make me believe it!"

Davis grimaced before he could stop himself.

"Don't you want to? I can always just..."

"No!" Davis said quickly. He dropped to his knees, then went into a grovelling position, trying to control his shivers of humiliation.

"Please Master," he said hoarsely "Please Master, spare my friends. Please. Please good, kind, generous Master. Spare them, please."

He was glad the Kaiser couldn't see his face. One large tear had run down it, plopping into the dust. The only thing keeping him bowing and grovelling was the voice running through his head screaming 'You're not my Master, you're not my Master, you're not my Master!'

"Please," he whispered "Wonderful Master, good Master, beautiful Master. Please spare them."


Davis gulped.

"Please," he croaked "Please Master!"

"You are very good at grovelling," the Kaiser murmured, his voice filled with amusement "And you do sound sweet...and it is so much fun to see you squirming..."

Davis didn't dare say anything.

"Stand up."

Davis obeyed, hoping the Digimon Kaiser wouldn't see the tear-mark on his face. The Kaiser smiled.

"Look at your friends."

Davis looked. He could see their faces clearly from up here. Anger, fear, pain and pity were etched on their faces as they stared back.

"You'd do anything to save them?" the Kaiser murmured in his ear. His breath was tickling Davis's cheek, making Davis shudder.





The Kaiser moved even closer, his lips practically touching Davis's ear.

"I want you to give yourself to me for a night," he said quietly.


"You heard me," the Kaiser said coolly "For one night, you'll be my slave. You will obey my every command. After which you may go free."

Davis swallowed. Give himself to the Kaiser? He didn't like the sound of that. It sounded....

But his friends...

"It's a simple choice," the Kaiser whispered "Be my slave and free them. Or let them be fed to the Deltamon."

It was no choice at all.

"I'll be your slave," Davis said hoarsely.


The Kaiser stepped past him and gestured. The Deltamon backed off.

"I think," the Kaiser said thoughtfully "I'll release him and her. The other two will remain and go home with you after your night of servitude. A guarantee as it were."

Davis swallowed. TK and Yolei were lowered to the ground, leaving Kari and Iori still suspended.

"Now," the Kaiser shouted "Run home little children! Think of a good excuse why your other friends won't be home tonight!"

Yolei and TK glowered up at him.

"Go guys!" Davis yelled, trying to sound strong "We need excuses! We'll be fine!"

TK nodded at him. Grabbing Yolei's arm, he pulled her along and the two fled. The Kaiser smiled at Davis.

"Come along," he said "Your night begins."

"What about Veemon?" Davis whispered.

"He'll stay with your friends in a cell. Don't worry. They'll be well treated."

Davis glanced back once at his friends, then slowly followed the Kaiser.

* * * *

The base was huge but Davis barely noticed anything. He was trying to pretend that it wasn't real, that he wasn't really there.

They walked into a throne room. The Kaiser sat on the throne, stretching out his legs and smiling.

"Now slave," he said "Remove my boots."

Davis swallowed. This was going to be horrible.

Swallowing again, he knelt down and obeyed, trying not to think.

'If I'm good, maybe Kari will want to go out with me 'cause I saved her! Yeah! Cause I saved her rather than TJ!'

It didn't exactly make it better but it helped a little. Davis didn't look up at the Kaiser when he was finished, just waited. The Kaiser was watching him, he could feel it. He bit his lip.

"Slave," the Kaiser said, his voice sounding amused "Go and fetch me something to drink. I'm thirsty."

"What do you want?" Davis muttered.

"Lemonade I think," the Kaiser said.

"Where do I find it?"

"Oh, just ask a Digimon," the Kaiser sand "And be quick. I'm very thirsty."

Davis went out and searched around, imaging getting a glass of lemonade and throwing it in the Kaiser's face. He eventually found a Digimon that got him some lemonade to take to the Kaiser.

"You took a while."


"I'm not impressed with your apology."

Davis swallowed hard.

"I'm very sorry Master," he said, making his voice sound contrite "I didn't mean to take so long. I couldn't find anyone. Please forgive me."

'I hope I win an Oscar for this performance!'

"You're forgiven," the Kaiser said, still using a lazy drawl, as though he didn't know that Davis was feeling humiliation the like of which he had never felt before.

Davis made sure to keep his head down, hating this, hating himself. Why was he having to do this? It wasn't fair!

Think about Kari!

Davis moistened his lips, not looking at the Kaiser, just kneeling at his feet, hating the feeling of submission but at the same time not knowing what else to do. He knelt there so long on the cold floor that his knees felt numb. He wasn't sure what the Kaiser was doing but it sounded like a hand-held computer game.

"Slave," he ordered suddenly "I'm hungry. Go and make the Digimon get me something."

"What would you like?" Davis choked, hating the Kaiser with every part of his being.

"Oh anything. They know the kind of food I like."

Davis turned and ran off to obey, his brain steadily chanting 'I hate you, I hate you, I hate you' over and over in his head.

The Digimon provided him with food, some of them glowering like he was a traitor, some looking at him with confusion, others just blank, uncaring. Davis wanted to scream that it wasn't his fault but he knew that it would be a waste of time and didn't bother. He suddenly realised that he was hungry and wanted to eat. He hurried to take the Kaiser his food.

"Well done. You were quicker this time," the Kaiser remarked.

"Can...can I have something to eat?" Davis muttered.

"Can I have something to eat what?"

For a moment, Davis didn't understand. Then he knew. Dropping to his knees, he bowed his head submissively.

"Please can I have something to eat Master?"

He wanted to be sick. This was horrible, this was wrong.

"Hmm....all right."

Davis stood up, preparing to leave.

"Oh no," the Kaiser said lazily "Come here."

Davis uncertainly obeyed.

"Kneel down."

Davis obeyed again, wondering what the Kaiser was doing.

"Now," the Kaiser whispered "Open wide."

Oh God.

The Kaiser was going to feed him.

"Actually I'm not that hungry," Davis whispered.

"Nonsense. Open wide."

Davis opened his mouth wondering if he could bite the Kaiser's fingers off without getting into trouble. He doubted it. The Kaiser put something into his mouth which Davis ate miserably. He wasn't even sure what it was. It tasted like dust. Every time he wanted a morsel, he had to raise his head and open his mouth. Then the Kaiser would feed him something. It made Davis feel completely at the Kaiser's mercy.

'I'm not the Kaiser's, I'm not the Kaiser's, I'm not the Kaiser's! This isn't real, even he knows that, this is just a game, a charade! This isn't real!'

Abruptly, the Kaiser stood up, sliding his feet back into his boots.

"Follow me Slave."

Davis obeyed. The Kaiser led him down a few corridors into a huge bathroom. Davis looked around in slight amazement. Why would anyone want a bathroom this big? To him, bathrooms were merely somewhere you had to go to sometimes. They had a use but there was no need for them to look shiny and utterly gigantic. It was silly.

"Now Slave," the Kaiser whispered "You are going to run me a nice warm bath. Not too hot mind. And then you are going to wash me all over."

Davis whirled round and stared at him.


"You heard me Slave."

"Wash yo.....no. No! I won't do it!"

"Do you want your friends to be fed to Deltamon?" the Kaiser asked silkily "I'm sure Deltamon can manage with only two heads fed..."

"No!" Davis cried.

"Well then?"

Davis felt himself wilt. His head suddenly felt too heavy for his neck and he hung it despairingly.

"I'll....I'll do it," he muttered.

"Good," the Kaiser said "Run the bath."

Davis ran the bath, not looking, struggling with his tears. He couldn't do this, he couldn't do this...

He had to do this. He had to. His friends...

Davis bit the inside of his cheek and tested the water again. It felt okay.

"I...I think that's okay," he whispered.

"Good. Move."

Davis obeyed, swallowing. The Kaiser had stripped. The only thing he still wore was the glasses.

'He's so pale...and so thin...he looks...he's almost...'

Davis shuddered, pushing the thoughts away. There was no way that he found any part of the Kaiser even remotely attractive. No way!

The Kaiser stepped into the bath and sat down, stretching backwards lazily.

'He moves like a cat' Davis thought dumbly.

"Now then..." the Kaiser murmured.

Davis gulped.

"Please," he blurted before he could stop himself "Please Master. Please don't make me do this."

The Kaiser looked at him.

"Remember," he murmured "You promised to obey me completely. Now do it. Wash me."

Davis gritted his teeth and took the sponge he could see. Slowly, he began to wash the Kaiser, starting at his shoulders and slowly working downwards, struggling with the tears that were trying to run down his face again.

'I can't cry in front of the Kaiser. I mustn't cry in front of the Kaiser!'

He reached the Kaiser's stomach. The Kaiser made a soft purring noise in his throat. Davis swallowed.

'He's getting off on this! He's loving this!'

Davis wondered if there was any way of washing the Kaiser without seeing anything that he didn't want to see. He had a feeling the answer was no.

'Oh God...'

"You seem to have got stuck," the Kaiser remarked pleasantly.

"I....have?" Davis squeaked.


Davis closed his eyes for a moment, wishing there was some way of not being there. A tear crept out of his closed eye-lids to run down his face. To his surprise, a wet hand gently cupped his cheek, forcing his head up so he was facing the Kaiser.

"Don't be afraid," the Kaiser murmured, his voice almost kind "I'll take nothing from you that you aren't willing to give. And after this, all you'll be expected to do is sleep."

"Sleep?" Davis asked.

"You'll share my bed. That's all. You won't be forced to do anything more than that."

"You...you promise?"

Davis knew he sounded pleading but he didn't care. The idea of the Kaiser forcing him into anything like that made him feel sick.

"I promise. Now. Finish your job."

Davis obeyed. It still felt wrong to him but he just avoided touching certain...parts. The Kaiser didn't seem to mind much but he was laughing very softly, a sound that disturbed Davis a lot.

"Okay. Now do my hair. The shampoo is on there."

Davis took the shampoo and poured some on his hand as the Kaiser ducked underwater, wetting his hair.

"I like it well massaged," the Kaiser murmured "And be gentle."

"Yes Master," Davis said dully.

He massaged the shampoo in carefully. He actually rather liked it. It was a peaceful rhythm and didn't exactly require thought. He could pretend that it wasn't the Kaiser, that it was someone else, someone he liked. Maybe Kari or some other girl. Eventually, he decided that he was done and began carefully pouring jugs of warm water over the Kaiser's hair, making sure to tilt his head back enough so that he wouldn't get any in the Kaiser's eyes. He didn't want to know what the Kaiser might do to him if he got soap in his eyes.

"You're done," he whispered.

"Good. Pass me a towel."

Davis obeyed, hoping he wouldn't have to dry the Kaiser himself. He'd had enough of the Kaiser's body. The Kaiser stood up, his hair lying flat against his head and neck. For a second, Davis was reminded of someone. But the Kaiser was already drying his hair and Davis turned away before his eyes moved anywhere else on the Kaiser's body. He counted tiles on the wall, pretending that he wasn't there, that this was all some strange hallucination.

"Come on."

Glancing up he realised that the Kaiser had dried himself and was wearing boxers. Davis slowly scrambled to his feet and followed.

'Nearly over. Nearly over...'

The bedroom was huge. Davis felt like he was standing in a football pitch. The Kaiser calmly got into bed and lay back.

"Strip down to your boxers and join me," he ordered.

Davis gulped. He didn't want the Kaiser to see him exposed. He really, really didn't want to.

"Come on."

Davis slowly obeyed. The Kaiser didn't laugh which made Davis feel no better but it didn't make him feel worse.

"Now. Join me."

Davis crept into the bed, keeping as far away from the Kaiser as possible.

"No," the Kaiser said, sounding patient "Snuggle up to me. And make it real. As though you actually want to be here."

Make it real? How could he do that? He hated the Kaiser, he hated him!

But...but if he pretended...

Davis tried to think of a boy that he wouldn't mind snuggling up to. TK....no. Iori....ick no! Tai....not really...


Davis blinked to himself, almost surprised. Ken Ichijouji? But...well he was cute and nice and....

Slowly, keeping Ken in his thoughts, he snuggled up to the Kaiser, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Who're you thinking about?"

"Ken Ichijouji," Davis mumbled.

There was a pause. Then the Kaiser started to shake with silent laughter. Davis looked at him, blushing hotly.

"It's not that funny!"

The Kaiser shook his head, shuddering with mirth.

"Oh you poor thing," he said, his voice playfully mocking "It really, really is that funny."

Davis hung his head again, partly to hide his angry scowl. The Kaiser pulled him back into his earlier position.

"You hold onto your delusions if you want," he said "You may as well. Now go to sleep Davis."

Davis was just dropping off when he wondered how the Kaiser knew his name.

* * * *

He awoke feeling extra warm and snug. This comfort disappeared quickly when he remembered where he was. He knew he'd been asleep a while from the way his eyes felt. The Kaiser was still there. Davis's head still rested on his shoulder, he could feel the Kaiser's hand on his stomach. And...

Davis gulped. Oh hell. He was hard. How had THAT happened?

Really not wanting the Kaiser to feel that, he carefully tried to move backwards so he could roll out of the bed and get away.

"Where are you going?"

Rats. The Kaiser was awake. Very sleepy sounding but awake.

"The bathroom," Davis stammered "I need..."


The Kaiser pulled him back before Davis could escape. Then his hand dropped.

Davis gasped.


He tried to pull away but the Kaiser was using his other hand to hold Davis close. Slowly, he began to rub Davis through his boxers. Davis groaned. He'd never felt anything like that before...

"No. D-don't...."

"Don't what?"

The hand was still gently rubbing him, making it harder to think than Davis would ever had imagined.

"You...you promised..." he croaked.

"I said I would take nothing that you weren't willing to give. And you are willing to give this, aren't you Davis?"


He wanted to give in. He wanted to stop resisting, stop struggling, just let the Kaiser do this, let the Kaiser make him feel this good...

As he struggled with his thoughts, the Kaiser leaned forwards and kissed him very softly on the lips, his hand speeding up slightly, rubbing more. Davis whimpered. The Kaiser's lips were soft and sweet, completely different than he would ever have imagined. It was an asking kiss, a curious kiss from someone who wasn't really sure whether they were going to be pushed away or not. It completely contrasted with the feelings from Davis's crotch and the mixed feelings made his head spin.

"Oh God..."

"Like it pet?"


Davis didn't know a word for it. He wanted more, wanted the Kaiser to keep doing that, keep making him burn inside. The Kaiser seemed to understand. He suddenly slipped his hand inside Davis's boxers, gripping him firmly with no material in between. Davis moaned and jerked violently, nuzzling closer. The Kaiser began to kiss him again, more violently now, his other hand encircling Davis's head to keep him near. This time, Davis responded to the kiss, enjoying the feelings racing through him. His mind had forgotten that this was his enemy, that this was wrong, that it had to be wrong. It felt so good...


The hand encircling his head dropped and caught Davis's wrist, moving it so Davis's hand was pressing against the Kaiser's crotch. Davis knew what the Kaiser wanted and didn't mind, if he made did this, maybe the Kaiser would keep making him feel this good, not stop...

"Oh God..."

He came violently, unable to stop himself jerking. The Kaiser laughed before his lips met Davis's again, exploring, warm. Davis moaned deeply still stroking the Kaiser, wanting to make him come too, make him feel as good as Davis did right now...


The Kaiser's fingers dug into his hair, pulling painfully. Davis didn't care, glad to know that the Kaiser was enjoying this.

"Oh you really are a sweetheart," the Kaiser hissed, his fingers still tangled in Davis's hair "You have no idea how much you amuse me."

"Is that....a compliment?" Davis panted, not really caring.

"You could put it that way."

The Kaiser kissed him again deeply, powerfully. Davis responded, loving the feeling, wanting more of those kisses, wanting more of that feeling inside.

The Kaiser entwined his legs with Davis's, his body hot against Davis's. He left Davis's lips and began kissing Davis's neck and shoulders. Davis whimpered in complete surrender, feeling completely enslaved and not caring.

"Call me Master."

The Kaiser hissed it at him, still kissing his throat. Davis groaned. He didn't care what he had to say, didn't care if he was giving himself fully to the Kaiser, just wanted to keep feeling like this.


The Kaiser bit at his throat, teeth grazing the skin. Davis moaned.


"Good Davis."

The Kaiser's hands were still moving over his body, arousing him, making him want more. When he was pressured to roll over, he didn't even resist, just obeyed, wanting whatever the Kaiser would give him.

He was barely aware of what the Kaiser was doing until the Kaiser entered him. There was a stab of sharp pain, then a feeling of fullness that made Davis moan. The Kaiser pushed deeper, touching something that made Davis scream with pleasure. The Kaiser laughed, raising himself off Davis.


"Oh God, please!"

The Kaiser laughed again, almost mockingly before thrusting down again, striking the spot again. Davis gave another cry, loving this, loving the feelings this gave him, never wanting it to finish...

He lost track of everything except the pleasure, barely noticed when the Kaiser came or even when he came. He only came back into his body when the Kaiser kissed him again, holding him close.

"Rest sweetheart," he said softly "Rest now."

Davis obeyed, sinking into sleep almost immediately. The last thing he heard was the Kaiser's soft laughter.

* * * *

"It's morning."

Davis blinked. He still felt exhausted and his brain wasn't working properly. Also he felt horribly sore. He tried to move and groaned.

"Get up."

That voice...

Slowly, Davis opened his eyes and stared.

The Kaiser was staring at him coolly from the end of the bed.

Oh no. No.

Davis slowly sat up, whimpering slightly with pain. This couldn't be real, it couldn't be. What had he done?

"You'd better get dressed," the Kaiser murmured "You and your friends won't want to be late for school."

Davis staggered up, pulling his clothes on blindly, trying to hide his tears of shame and...and betrayal. He felt used.

"Oh and Davis?"

Davis wiped his face quickly before turning round. The Kaiser was smiling at him, a smug, knowing smile.

"Just something you might want to know," he said.

He removed his glasses.

Davis fell back with a moan.

"No," he whispered "No. Please."

"Hello Davis," Ken said.

Davis stared. Everything inside him was hurting now and not just from the after effects of the night. Ken....

"So you see Davis," Ken murmured "It really was that funny, wasn't it?"

Funny was not the word that Davis would use. He wanted to scream, cry, throw things. He wanted...

He didn't know what he wanted any more.

"Bastard," he whispered "You bastard."

"Aw. Poor thing," Ken said mockingly "But I took nothing from you that you weren't willing to give Davis. Remember that when your friends ask you what happened."

Davis stared at him.

"Why?" he whispered.

"Why?" Ken repeated, He replaced the glasses to cover his eyes "Because for one night Davis, you were mine. And I wanted to milk you dry."

He smiled.

"Come along Davis. I'm sure you don't want to linger here."

Davis just hung his head. Ken led him to where the others were and took them to a computer so they could open a Digiport and return to the real world. Before Davis left, he caught hold of his shoulder.

"Farewell my worthy adversary," he whispered "Remember Davis - I took nothing you weren't willing to give."

Then he pushed Davis at the computer. Dumbly, Davis used his Digivice and fell through the computer onto the floor of the computer lab.

"Davis! What happened?"

Davis ignored them both. Drawing himself up into a ball, he pressed his face into his hands.

'I took nothing that you weren't willing to give...'

"We should take him home. He needs to rest. We can say he's sick."

Davis let himself be taken home without a word. Kari tucked him into bed, telling him that they'd come and visit him in the afternoon and make sure he was okay. All he had to do now was rest.

Davis didn't think that he'd ever rest again.

He lay awake, staring at the ceiling, thinking. All he wanted to do was kill Ken, kill him dead...

'I took nothing you weren't willing to give...'

Davis shuddered.

'He was playing with me the whole time. All the time...he was playing with me. Like he does with Digimon. Why didn't I REALISE that?'

Davis knew that he'd never tell his friends what had happened. Never let them know about his utter humiliation. All he could do was pray that Ken would do the same.

'If he thought this would break me, he's wrong! Now I have to defeat him because I know what he's like! He's cruel and manipulative. And we have to stop him!'

Davis gritted his teeth and pushed all his memories of the night into a tiny box in the back of his mind. But even then, the words still haunted him.

'I took nothing you weren't willing to give...'

Davis knew it would be a long time before he forgot those words.

Maybe defeating the Digimon Emperor would be a good start to it.

The End.

A/N There will not be any more of this okay? This is a one-shot fluff-type ficcy. No sequel, no big plot, no nothing. If you really want any more, you'll have to tell me what to write because I have nothing in the way of ideas. Anyway, hope you liked.