Dirty Pair Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Rinrin's Special Place ❯ Happy Time! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rinrin's Special Place:

Quotes Ch. 2

A/N: Don't freakin' hate me just cause I used quotes that you or somebody else has probably used. My response is woopdy-freakin'-doo! So you've seen these or come up with a quote huh? Send it to me (TsurugiAnime@aol.com) and I'll credit ya. And I do realize that sometimes the episode's names are wrong or that I don't name the anime. Well? You can nicely
tell me what you know. Kapiesh?*s/p?* (It means Understand for those limited few out there who are stupid **cough**Faye-Faye!!!!**cough**) Now read and enjoy and maybe .......just maybe......you could review?? I know all you people out there hate me!! It's all part of your plans to hate me!!! Isn't it? Well, isn't it?.......(Rinrin keeps mumbling to herself.)
Heero: Ignore her! We all do. *Sticks gun to Rinrin's head*
Rinrin:Dammit! Don't! I'll start the quotes already!
Heero: By the way, I have a present for you, Rinrin-chan!
Rinrin: This isn't like Duo's B-day*, is it????online comic I read where it was Duo's b-day and Heero gave Duo a present. This was after he told Duo that Dr. J used to time him to stop a bomb from exploding. Well, Heero was a kid then so he got tired of them blowing up in his face. He nicely gave a present to Dr. J. Little Heero walked away and the present blew up. It was the biggest bomb ever. So it left poor Duo wondering after the party what Heero's present was.)

Anyway, seriously here are the quotes:

This world is the will to power, and nothing besides....
And you, yourselves, are also this will to power, and nothing besides. -Nietzsche

Same shit, different day

Pain is only accepted when you do not deserve it.

Are human beings made of more than air?

I have to touch myself to make sure
I am still


.I hate people.
.I hate you.

Good. Evil. No one said we had to choose sides.....now did they?

Don't expect me to like you because you can spell right.

"If there is a God, how come there's people who are suffering and people who are sad?" ep. 18 of Weiss Kreuz??
(A/N:Am I right?? I have never seen an ep. of this anime but I really want to. Should I?? Is it any good? I told my dad about what I've heard of it and immediately he said,"They're gay." And I ,of course, called him an idiot like so many times before. Anyway, tell me if I'm right and you win this.....uh...Heero, could you please tell the nice readers what they would win?
Heero:Right.......Let's see.....According to this list, you people win.....WHAT?!? This can't be right!!!!
Rinrin: It's absolutely right. Now just say it!!You win all the guns I own.........)

"We're all going to die out here." Squall (from the story Akirame Norwen which is a really good story and you all should read it. It was written by my friend Nekodoshi.)

Clerk: Anything else? OH MY GOD he has a bomb! (from the story Who killed Yugi Moto. I think that's what it's called.)

Jet, do you know that there are three things that I particulary hate?animals, and women with attitudes.tell me Jet, why do we have all three neatly gathered in our ship?


Operation:Iraqi Freedomif we continued to destroy the country, who will we liberate?

"How could you do this to my melon?! Can my life get any worse?! I'm hungry, my melon's dead, you weird people are still bothering me, I'm covered in soot, I don't know where I am or how to get home, and worst of all, you KILLED MY MELON!"
pointing at Zelgadis. "You're prejudiced against melons, aren't you?" Zelgadis, Amelia, Lina, and Gourry sweatdrop as they look at you. "AREN'T YOU?!" "You're not right in the head are you?" Lina, the red-headed, flat-chested girl says.
(A/N:This comes from a website where you get to choose what happens as you learn you fell into the Slayer's World. The website also has one where you have to be Heero. E-mail me if you want the site.)

So Locke, how goes the trading and plundering business?

"Don't walk around the house naked;that's just disturbing!"Kyou A/N:I have no clue what anime this comes from.

"In times of crisis, it is of utmost importance not to lose one's head." M. Antoinette

"One of the joys of travel is visiting new towns and meeting new people." G. Khan

I have one thing to say-HOLY SHUBA ON A STICK!

I'm not insensitive, I just don't care.

My computer is laughing at me.

O.O I'm sCaReD.

"Peace is nothing but a result of war." Heero Yuy, GW

"That's disgusting."
"So's your face. Do I make comments about it?" Kenshin and ? from the story called Come What May. It's on Mediaminer so go read it!

That's all! I think I was nice enough. And remeber folks, if ya can tell me what I asked of you ^ there then you win all of heero's guns! See ya next time, bakas! J/K! Heero, would you like to say anything before Mr. Camera has to leave?to himself* I'll kill her one day....I swear I will! That's right.....She's going down! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!*starts choking* I'm alright! you alright, Heero?yes! I'll be fine......just as soon as I blow your head off! Now, stay in one place and this won't hurt so much!!!Shnikes!!! Somebody save me!!!!