Doctor Who Fan Fiction ❯ DOCTOR WHO: APOUKALUPSIS (Revelations) ❯ MASTERS OF HORROR ( Chapter 5 )

[ A - All Readers ]



While travelling to 2062, Norway, the Tardis gets stranded in Germany instead. In 1802! And it is the season of horrors, as undead-like men are going berserk on the streets. With the translation circuit not working, out of place, out of time, what would the Doctor do now?


Scene 1:


The year is 1802. Germany. While the Doctor promised Layla and Daniel the 31st Intergalactic Taralaxuian and Evolved Weevil buggy race for Survival of 2062 in the International fairgrounds of remote parts of Norway, the Tardis had other plans. Hundreds of years early and out of wits, the trio get into proper clothing for the era and decide to investigate, while the Doctor mostly gets round glasses and a long coat! To make matters more complicated than usual, there is a field of disturbance around the area that destabilizes the capabilities of the Tardis translation circuit. They could understand each other, but in parts. The Doctor gets out of the Tardis talking, but as soon as he steps out of the door, the rest of the sentence in his voice sounds like Old high Gallifreyan, or to the human ears, a succession of synth notes in low frequency being hummed by a male voice, as if in a pattern. Realizing what has happened and seeing his amused companions, he reverts back to using plain English and divulges the fact that sometimes he talks in Gallifreyan, when explaining something in super-speed. Once outside, they try to talk to the townsfolk and find out the translation is coming slow, and in parts, like buffering into existence around the surroundings. They can actually hear themselves speak German. They have to repeat the sentences a few times before it buffers and syncs into an English version. While Daniel is taken aback at his newfound capabilities, or so he thinks, Layla is obviously unhinged because she says she knows German. The Doctor deduces that while they are not physically earthed to the TARDIS FLOOR AND HENCE THE STRONGEST POINTS OF THE TARDIS TRANSLATION CIRCUIT FIELD, their languages are taking slower than usual to buffer into existence. There is an electromagnetic repulsive field out everywhere that is hindering their speech.


Scene 2:


They soon find out from hysteric paperboys that it is the year of terror in Germany, or also called 'Schrecken und Gefahr'; or so the warning labels say, painted over caravans and hut walls. The town roads have been running red with the bloods of the wounded, attacked and slashed open mindlessly by undead like people. They have many names for them - the 'gestorben', 'blutig und untoten', 'wutendor' and plain Teufel. While the Hosenberg Arztegemeinschaft (town medical community) thinks it is a new form of plague, nobody has a clue as to what it actually is and nobody is actually enthusiastic or receptive to three foreigners roaming their land in what they think is plagued times.. While a sinister yet helpful figure, called the 'Hoher Arzt' (High doctor) is using nefarious and extensively complicated research to treat wounds of the battle-casualties, victims of the undead and veterans of war in his manor, it is not doing much good. The Doctor finds that out-of-time amputation methods, skin grafting techniques, fast light stimulated array surgeries and appendages that the medical world had never seen before were a regular part of the lore of the town now and the people prescribe to it like something godsend. While investigating theses rumors in the northern part of the town, two recently treated soldiers go berserk and start attacking the townsfolk, including the trio. However they are saved by a tall, broody and dashing new individual - Abraham Van Helsing. Abraham is a Dutch doctor under the Geallieerde bestelli- well, the Dutch establishment of the 'Allied Order scientific Council', with varied range of interests. He speaks in proper, semi-buffered Dutch and also knowns Old German, Tongue of the early Prussian Households and some French. Coming from the Royal family of Von Steir Helsing, descendants of Count Dalibor and Countess Olivia von Dracula, the migratory rulers of the Gemeinschaft der Furst (princely community) of New Germany, that came into power after the War of the second coalition of 1802 (that very year), he has denounced his royalty and is a science enthusiast who investigates the paranormal. He has been doing so for 14 years. Armed with spring-loaded vambraces and chemical bombs, whenever he hears of tales where the normal peace and curriculum has gone stray, he intervenes.


Scene 3:


The brief travel monologue and adventures of Abraham Van Helsing.


Scene 4:


He travelled to these parts when he heard that another famed but sinister doctor is treating wounds like a miracle in his supposed lair but some people are facing side effects of the treatment. He reports to the trio that he and his young niece, Vanessa Helsing, has investigated similar wounds together in the past. One of his archenemies had a similar lair that had pits of steamed water called 'Lazarett wasser', that healed wounds instantly but chipped away parts of the mind and souls in exchange and left you like an undead, without sanity. Over the years, he had fought many creatures that have used water from the pit to heal and rejuvenate, and irrespective of species and kind, they all end up the same way. While in Hohenlinden early this month, amassed for multi-nation treaty signing, he saw the effects on two migaratory 'Teufel des Sumpfes' (or as Layla translates quickly even before buffering, devil of the swamps), that attacked two guards, the descriptions of which closely resembles weevils. He also says that he and his niece have hunted the High blood eaters of something called the 'Saturnyne', regality dating back to the 1600.


Scene 5:

Intermediary scene and scene/conversations of the Villain. Also – four children are stuck in a cellar. A brother and sister, and two brothers. They are frightened yet want to desperately get out. There are half-dead plastic men and entrapment all around their door.




Scene 6


While investigating the stately manor of the supposed High doctor, the group and the Doctor runs into two or three entrapment he has seen before, but cannot put into perspective as to where. The electromagnetic activity also seemingly generates from this point of origin, along with a few other layers of energy.

Abraham: Wat is het, dokter? 



Doctor: Hmm? [absent-mindedly]

Layla: ...He says what-

Daniel: Oh, come off it! Even I understood that one. Come to think of it Doctor, how come we are not buffering anymore but everybody else is? You are not even making those weird sounds.

Doctor: The Tardis is finally understanding her reach and how much she needs to up her game to beat the electromagnetic field. We are in full grasp of our translation powers now; others- um, not so much.

Abraham: Dus, wat is het? Id het - some gimmicky you extreme Northerners have come up with for the next war effort!? 



Daniel: Oh, that translation could not have started at a better part of a sentence! It's like a party blooper, where the weird bloke shouts out something embarrassing just as the music stops.

[Layla nudges him away]

Abraham: I do not understand.

Doctor: This particular entrapment is a tubing component found on plastic apertures to spray or squirt off acidic liquid without harming the container. Where have I seen this before? Wampbats? Armageddon crew, Tashili snakemen? Autons!!



The children are still trapped. While the brothers cower and decide to keep their head down and play it out, the brother-sister duo plan means to get out. They see that the door is still guarded. They try a grilled entrance to the sewers. While the brother tries to open it, the sister keeps watch, ready to defend herself with a big stone in hand. The Auton guards get whiff of what they are trying to do and barge in! The sister repels them with the throwing stones, but soon they are subdued by a giant plastic hound, with razor-sharp teeth.


Over a little distance, an unknown person smirks at the attempt the children made, which he is monitoring in an ancient video contraption. There are also other sets of video screens. One of them, on the lower left end, starts blaring red!

A crudely constructed black and white video component plays back parts of video transmissions from before.

Doctor[Over video]: ...ardis is finally understanding her reach and how much she needs to up her game...[static] the electromagnetic field. We are in full grasp of our translation powers now; other[static].

Doctor[Over video]: [Static] Where have I seen this before? [short static] Wampbats? Armageddon crew, Tashili snakemen? Autons!!

Sinister voiceover: Finally.


Scene 7 and continued


Recovering a few more traps and manor defenses, the group come face to face with the resident doctor, Hardem Aleshire.

Hardem: Was ist tjis? Wer bist du? 



Abraham:  Tssscchhh...Sich beruhigen. Sagen sie ihren namen. 



Hardem: Hardem Aleshire. Aber..wer bist du? Wie haben Sie das Labor eingegeben!? Niemand tritt ohne die Erlaubnis neiner Meisters ein...



Doctor: Wait. Master? 

Abraham[growls slowly]: Ich sagte ruhig, das war nicht ser ruhig. 



Hardem: Ist das ein nierderlandischer Akzent, dein ich hore? Nein!? Sie- Are not from around here are you? Well, are you? He will not be pleased. Oh, the master will not be pleased.



Doctor: What Master?

Hardem: Eehh, Was?




Hardem: What? WHAT-meinst du mit dem meister. My master. Meister Victor Von Platzhaltus.



Doctor: Oh, that freaky arrogant little son of a Dalek!

Daniel: What's a DAALHEK?

Abraham: What, what happened?

Layla: Doctor! Why is he freakishly half-tongued, more than others? He speaks all of them in one-go.

[The Doctor waves his sonic at Hardem.]

Doctor: Yepppp..just as I thought. Little specs of Artron energy all around him, like an aura.

Daniel: What's that?

Doctor: It's an ambient radiation that exists within the time vortex. When you travel through time, you catch it on.

Daniel: What, like a flu?

Doctor: More like a form of background radiation after consecutive trips to a Nuclear facility. Time lords, higher beings, time jumpers and time beasts grow immune to it over time. But lower beings still have it around them like mutt-fleas. It can also linger around like probing nanobodies if you hang around the travel capsule of someone who travels in time frequently, even if you do not do it yourself. Once it sticks around you and you haven't had the pleasure of time travel yourself, and get exposed to some very specific experimental forms of energies, every feature of the time travel capsule would affect you adversely, the second time around, which is what concerns me. The Tardis' translation circuitry is reaching him, but the Tardis cannot specify if he is a frequent visitor or not and how much he needs translated and when.

Abraham: Dus je reist in de tijd?



Everybody looks up.

Abraham: I said do you-

Doctor: Yes Abraham, I do.

Abraham: Heilige God!



Layla: Doctor what is it? What are you not saying?

Doctor: The Master. He is a friend of mine. WELLLL...more of an enemy who used to be a friend. Platzhaltus is a very old and rough translation for Platzhalter. Not your usual Proto-Germanic word. Not of this century at least. Meister-Platzhalter.

Layla: Master- Plastician? Master of Plastician?

Doctor: From his viewpoint, the Master victorious of the world of plastics.

Daniel: What does that mean? How can some one be the master of plastics?

Doctor: Means he is literally has control over the plastics! Autons, they are called. Nestene consciousness that can get inside and move plastics, like life dummies, through various radio frequencies.

Daniel: WHAT!?

Doctor: The Master has used them before. It's one of his less discarded playthings. Even the world has seen them before. Your world. The attack on the streets of London, back in 2005ish I think, where shopping dummies that came to life. Oh..that was a lifetime ago. Brings back memories.

Daniel: I read about those. I thought that was some magnetic disturbance or something.

Layla: You dummy! [flicks his head in a long swap] How does magnetic disturbance move Plastic dummies and give them strength to walk around.

Daniel: I don't know.

Abraham: You mean this wasn't the doctor responsible?

Doctor: No, I am afraid not. For all I know he could be forced to work for the Master.

Abraham: Who ARE you then?

Hardem: EHH?

Abraham: Who are you?

Hardem: Es tit mir leid, ..aber ich verstehe nicht.



Abraham: Oh for the love of-

The Doctor does a quick swap of the sonic mid air, like a wand. And then to his own mouth, like a microphone.

Doctor: Wie ben jij?



Hardem: Warum haben sie sich auf alte Niederlander geandert?



Doctor: Oh, sorry. [Beep] Wer bist du, was machst du?


Hardem: Mein name ist Hardem Aleshire. Anglizierte version des hauses von Alscher. Ich bin ein praktizierender und treuer halfer zum Meister.



Abraham: Helfer. Fur was?



Hardem: Er hilft den verwundeten, arbeitet auf ihnen. Befestigt Gliedmaben zuruck wie ein Gott. Ich Habe gesehen, wie er wunden heilt, wie niemand kann.


Hardem[hesitant and afraid]: Ich weib nicht, was er ist oder was er tut. Aber er brauchen wir jetzt!


Abraham: Lazarett!


Doctor: Hmm hm.


Layla: So the medical handiwork is the Master? Is he really that bad?

Doctor: His handiwork doesn't stop and let you go free. It chips away your sanity. He is testing the waters. He needs them . He must have been badly hurt somehow.

He is the epitome of all evil. A few limbs fixed along the way is spare change of charity for him, compared to the devastation he plans ahead. Where is he?

Hardem: Was? [WHAT?]


Doctor: Wo ist er? Wo ist der Meister?


Hardem: Ich kann dir das nicht sagen..


[Spring-blades from his braces out]

Abraham: Sie werden tun, wie er sagt.



[In a quick montage of a flashback, to the tunes of Beethoven - Symphony No. 3 In E Flat Major (Op. 55) Eroica Mstr]

Turns out the Master had a falling out with a group of Autons. While gravely injured, he stole a Class II Walcambom Nestene replicator factory ship that ganger clones use for themselves on that planet of plastic, and evaded them.

Inside, he barely heals himself and it forces his hand into a regeneration. He crash landed to 1801, with his left hand severed and regeneration energy overflowing. He was found on a field by Hardem, who nursed him back to health, while his ship remained camouflaged, with his Tardis in its' cargo bay. He extended the chameleon force mapper of the Tardis to camouflage as part of the abandoned manor he crashed near, along with his big replicator ship. Hardem had helped him recover with the help of a steaming pool of water that he had recently found while treating a farmer nearby. Hardem also helped him wield the plastic-like casing of his new factory-grade prosthetic arm. Mesmerized by the skill and conformity of the prosthetic, Hardem pleaded with the Master to let him work for him and together they could do some good for others. Although negligent at first, the Master saw this as an opportunity to retest the effects of the water and retaliate against the Autons, when fully recovered. The Master tweaked the factory settings of the powerbench to produce automatic arrays of prosthetic parts for the townsfolk. He kept treating and fixing the wounded for almost a whole year. The more grave injuries, he chose to opt for the water. When he saw that the bargain of getting fully into the water was greater than he realized, he wanted to test it further. So sometimes on their way out of the manor, the treated townsfolk would receive the whole 'master'-treatment and feel compelled to cause public chaos and hurt others. Some of the prosthetics even had in-built Autonomic neuro-stimulants that drove the reattached limbs out of control, and shoot out projectiles involuntarily, like Nestene appendages. The Master controlled them with a radio transmission handheld remote that he kept close to him. The treatment and the chaos both went on hand-in-hand, and the routine ensued for almost five more months [monthly montage]. While unaware of most his plan, Hardem did suspect that something was off with the Master. He wanted to try and investigate on his own and find out what he hid inside the manor and what his remote did. But he got caught red-handed by the Master, who lashed out. One sweeping blow from his new left arm send him flying right away. He took his nephew and niece hostage, Hansel Aleshire and Gretel Lebany Aleshire, along with their teenaged friends Jacob and Wilhelm Carl Grimm, to work in his factory until his goal was reached.

With the help of Abraham Van Helsing and the whimpering reluctance of Hardem, the Doctor, Layla and Daniel face of against hordes of the undead in the Masters' manor. A full-on horrific fight breaks out between half-dead men in plastic parts and the group. While the group can hold their own by avoiding the undead, they are no match head-on. They fumble and tumble between doors and pillars, running to cover whenever they can. Meanwhile, Abraham is a calm and collected, mean fighting machine. Who makes quick work of the undead at his end. The Doctor sonics and arms a few traps along the way that subdues parts of the horde. A few Autonomic traps along the way, bizarre and gory plastic armaments attached to a few undead and a few moments of Daniel getting hurt later, they do manage to save the kids and their friends-the brothers Grimm. However, the Master draws out somewhat of a battle and chase with the Doctor, only to slip past him to his Tardis and escape.

Doctor: Leaving so soon?

Master: [Without turning] Who said anything about leaving? So, welcome Doctor. To my humble abode.

Doctor: Well, I would have come anyways.

Master: For dear old me? I am touched, Doctor.

Doctor: You are a ruthless, boundless man, with the ostentatious theatricality of a kid teen seeking approval and validation. Each step you take, each thing you do has a maniacal effect ending in murderous rage and undue violence. Sometimes you are too full of yourself to try and be intellectually superior than me, so much so that subconsciously, you are ready to sacrifice anything and everything; even yourself. Typical overbearing yet blunt narcissistic syndrome. If you do not deserve the Doctor, who does!?

Master: So. Basically just another weekend for me, eh?

Doctor: Those little qualities. The relentless yet refined self-aware mania you have, that I can cope with. But the feral rage and chaos,...that oozing rage. Blatantly violent psychopathy! It caused us our home…

Master: And what of Gallifrey these days? Still burning crisp and hot?


[The Doctor shoots a warning shot near his feet, with his sonic]

Master: Feisty as ever, I see.

Doctor: [points] Got yourself a nick and scratch I suppose? Or is that an evil style statement?

Master: Lost it in battle. But I am growing used to the functionalities. [Presses switch on the arm silently]. Or as your pets are so used to saying – How you like me now?

[An energy storm-cage draws down from above, bolted to the ceiling by chains. There is a notch with a clamp, with crosswise chains counter-balancing the former ones. A live and mobile mold-like white device is held on top of it, marked Assistive Autonomic Compositor. The Doctor dodges, gets up straight and draws his sonic out.]

Master: Sonic energy barrier? Good for you, Doctor. You seem…

Doctor: Invincible? Unavoidable?

Master: Quick on your feet.

Doctor: Yeah? Let go off your traps and we can do this face to face.

Master: Why? Hand getting worn out?

Doctor: At least I have both.

Master: Tough. Ironic is it not? You use sound energy to be such a force of good, pointing it at everything and anything while I use it to keep the Autonomic Compositor in place. Yes, Doctor. You use too much sonic, and that compositor gives in, and falls on you. That is how different I am from you...where you see utility to safeguard, I see a chance to weaponize.

Doctor: Glad to know our dynamic still holds and works. It’s good to know we do not have an unbalanced love-hate portfolio. You made sure of that…

Master: Yeah, and what would you do about it?

Doctor: Let me out of doing this and let’s have a go at it.

Master: [goes around and operates a switchboard] And what took you so long?

Doctor: I found myself praying for you today.

Master: For me [amused smirk]?

Doctor: You know… a teeny weensy solemn prayer. To end your long trend of defeats. How many has it been? Cyberman. Cyber Warriors. Becoming Prime Minister. TOMTIT. When would you ever let go off your credulous naivety? Your tantrums. You are getting dangerously predictable.

Master: Cheeky, I see. It’s quite a pace of change you are having this regeneration. Choose a style for your avatar yet? Tall and broody, short and broody, woman and jolly, full of doubts? Do not worry about me Doctor. I can live by just fine, on the precipice of your defeat. You have met the newest additions, haven’t you? Undead troubles? How do you like my creations? Plastic bodyguards. Causes enough trouble around to keep going and make more.

[The Doctor gives a strong jolt of thrust and sends the energy cage flying. It blasts off into flames, midair.]

Doctor: Run out of your usual supply of Cybermen? I mean Autons and monster-mash? That is so early 1970s. Didn’t we do this dance already?

Master: Funny thing is, I wasn’t even expecting you. For this once. You were not a priority. You were not a target. Just like you usually do, I was just passing by. I was injured and this was a pit stop.

Doctor: Well stoppage expired [Draws his sonic at him].

Master: What now, Doctor? Do you really have what it takes? The compass of mind. The guts to blow my face out.

Doctor: I have half a mind just to do so.

Master: And what’s stopping you?

Doctor: Your pitiful resemblance. I look at you. And then I remember myself even more. I remember why I am called the Doctor. What is it I stand for. And that makes me stop.

Master: That makes you stop from pulling a trigger [steps forward]? See, that is the difference between you and me. Stationed by self-inflicted inhibitions. And me? I would have set some on automatic and ripped the trigger off just so to prevent myself from becoming you.

Doctor: Just like you ripped out Gallifrey?

[The others have run in and joined him from behind.]

Master: Oh, you are still on about that? Let it go already. I should choose to do what pleases me. I should always please myself…

Daniel: “Please yourself” you want us to leave the room, mate?

Master: What?

Daniel: What?

Layla: Doctor, who is he?

Doctor: Take a guess. My old foe. As you can see, the man who boasts about burning down our home. The most elaborately built evil. The psychotic murderer. The Master of all things plastic.

Layla: He...he is the Master?

Master: Indeed I am.

Daniel: Oh, you bastard!

Master: Oh, come now. Not any of that. There is no need for pleasantries, not from the kinds of you anyways.

Daniel: Calling you the names is the least of it. You deserve -

Master: What? Deserve what? Criticism from you apes?

Daniel: Don’t you get it? Don’t you get what you did? You dishonored the sanctity in death itself. You mutated the dead, refused them the rest and respect they deserved. Just so what? You could turn them into your plastic army?

Doctor: Oh, he did more than that. He used those that sought his help. The injured and battle-hurt.

Layla: Om my God! Are those -

Daniel: What? Layla, what?

Layla: Doctor, are those bodies behind him? Are those -

Master: Those are. Stings, does it not Doctor? To call yourself the Doctor and see these. You were always so full of yourself. Naming yourself and sticking to the job title so benevolently. [Hardem has arrived behind the group]. Ah, the little rat arrives…you telltale rascal.

[He raises what looks like a laser screwdriver with his left hand. Within the fraction of a second, without anybody even flinching an eye, a shot is fired. We see the Master, still pointing the laser screwdriver, with his prosthetic left hand, through the hole in Hardem’s head. His body stiffens up and falls down flat backwards.]

Doctor: No!

Master: Most accurate and powerful, isn’t it? I love how quick my mechanized reflexes are.

[The Doctor raises his sonic and fires a few bolts of energized sonic beams. The Master dodges, rolls left, gets back up and shoots his laser screwdriver back. The sound energy from the Doctor’s sonic has made a big dented crater on the pillar opposite the Master. A few more shots are exchanges between the drawn-out screwdrivers.]

Layla: Doctor!

[Daniel and Layla guard the rescued children and draw them back from the body of Hardem, shielding them. Abraham has his bolts drawn out. He takes a few shots at the Master. He misses. He sets up a metallic nock and a plating of new bolts. He shoots a few more times. The fourth bolt gets deflected by the Master’s new hand, and hits a switch on a mainframe.]

Master: You fool! What did you do?

The few pillars at the behind turn out to be plastic contraptions in disguise. They soon form crudely formed humanoid-biped shape, but with inconsistent epidermal layers. And start charging.

Master: Oaf!

Doctor: What did you do?

Master: I did not do anything. Those were spare, untested Autonomic layers that came in with the Walcambom Nestene replicator factory.

The Master shoots down a chandelier to form a barrier, and makes a run for it.

Master: Face them at your own peril…

The Master runs out to a hallway, while the others are facing the new biped threats. Daniel tries to punch off a few of them, but after a few punches, they adapt to the strength and equivocate by solidifying their torso. Daniel startles but still tries to repel and jab. But his hurt-shoulder is giving in. Abraham signals and faces them alone.

The Doctor runs behind the Master, but he is nowhere in sight. Suddenly he pounces at the Doctor from behind a pillar, with his new arm. He jabs at him and hold him in a force-choke with his arm.

Master: Always so predictable, Doctor. You could not just let me go, could you?

Doctor: I am not predictable. I never do the same thing twice.

Master: Kind of do…

The Doctor elbows him, turns and jabs back at his face. The Master struggles back, and sees that his lips are bleeding from the side.

Doctor: Told you.

The Doctor and the Master try to exchange a few blows, but the structure of the manor is giving away. They tumble and balance themselves. The Doctor still persistently tries to catch up with him. He trips him over. He just swivels on his leg, and thrusts up again using his knew hand. Meanwhile, elsewhere, Abraham is having quite the fight oh his life. Moving away the supposes Autonomic pillars have weakened the manor, which is starting to give in.

The Master tries to go in through the last wooden door and rushes towards it.

Doctor [sotto]: Oh, wood! Sonic doesn’t do wood. The sound waves become inconsistent. But -

He sonic the autonomic plastic trap above the door. It bursts out in flames, with a short burst, and the hinges fall apart. The door closes in on itself.

Doctor: Assistive compositor my hindy-hind-hind!

The Master, furious, turns and throws a well and long drawn-out punch with his new hand. Instead of answering toe-to-toe, the Doctor responds with his sonic, facing horizontally straight and aligned to his fist. A shrill sonic wave reverberates through his arms.

Master: Ahhhh!

A roundel with an opening clamp on the Master’s new hand rips out open and falls off. Elsewhere, a radio-phonic array catches into flames and disintegrates. With Abraham’s last thrust of blade into the Autonomic biped’s chest, it falls apart with a splash.

Master: How did you?

Doctor: Know about the radio signals that control the autonomic creations. Kind of rudimentary isn’t it? Like I said, so 1970s!

Master: You have changed Doctor. You seem different. This time around. Battle-ready. Or so it would seem.

The Doctor points his sonic and vibrates the prosthetic arm even more intensely.

Master: Aaahh!

Doctor: Regeneration. It’s a lottery. Comes in different shapes and sizes. You should know better.

Master: [Pants] I do know better.

He presses a switch on his forearm. Parts of the already dilapidated manor, start blowing into oblivion [as seen from above]. There is fire and mayhem everywhere, with plastic – a lot of plastic, burning within the rubble.

The Doctor turns around in concern, while the Master slips past and makes a run for it. He uses his running momentum, along with his new prosthetic arm, to crash through the wooden door. He falls, and starts again. The Doctor hesitates for a brief moment, but chases after him. However by then, the Master has entered what looks like a boiling chamber, actually a Tardis in disguise.

Master: Till next time, Doctor. Till next time…

He dematerializes and disappears.