Dominion Tank Police Fan Fiction ❯ is it for the best ❯ dark hours ( Chapter 11 )
Disclaimer- not like the creators will read this so sue me I dare you
Is it for the best?
Chapter 11: dark hours
The room was dark fainting shadows marked the walls as the moonlight glimmer cast them across the room. The shackles of imprisonment were cast upon the imprisoned officer. The moonlight glittered of the chains surrounding her arms and legs and her waist was buckled to the bed she was chained to.
Leona woke up in a daze. Her vision distorted and the feeling in her body gone. She couldn't move her neck or her arms no matter how hard she tried. She couldn't even feel her legs. She was trapped in a room with no windows just a clear glass ceiling from which the moonlight shone and played with shadows on the walls making Leona see things that weren't there.
A scurrying sound and Leona got paranoid was it her imagination, was this place infested with vermin, or was someone else in the room. Her head flicked in random directions trying to get a better view of the surroundings. Having been chained down on her back though she couldn't see what lied beyond her feet.
A click and her paranoia rose again. Was it her imagination, was it a rat scurrying on the floor, was it a piece of the wall falling to the ground, was it herself, or was it a gun loading the safety being taken of. She prayed it wasn't the last one and if it was she prayed that she hadn't had thought of it as now she was waiting for it, a bullet to bury itself, was she already bleeding she couldn't feel her legs heck she couldn't even see them.
Another sound this one muffled, was it laughter was it a discontented sigh, was someone downstairs by the muffling it always was a possibility, could someone else be in the room with her. If so she knew where they could be hiding, in the blind spot of her vision right in front of her, the sheer thought of this scared her.
Al smirked with glee. He could see her squirming and he could go on for hours with his game with her, make her hear things and desperately look for them. He took a bullet from his pocket and dropped it on the floor. Her legs kicked viscously he could see she was bleeding from them and also that she had cuts down her arm.
He waited till she had calmed again and scraped the bottom of the floor with his shoe. Another kick and a half-cut spasm of fear. He had a wicked idea. Something he had wanted to do. She was cut badly at the leg her trousers having a massive cut from the knee downwards. He would play a game his game and he would have his fun and she would know no better of it. He slowly made his way towards Leona and keeping out of her vision moved closer.
Stroking her leg with a hand and noticing he got no response. He dipped his fingers in the fresh blood and looked at it under the moonlight. She hadn't noticed him this was all to perfect. He moved ever closer to her blood covered leg. One last hesitation and he drew his tongue upwards the blood-covered leg. She would know no better as to him doing this. And the fact she hadn't noticed had given al a power kick.
Leona had been partly relieved when she noticed the sounds had stopped but her biggest surprise was when a tuft of hair entered her vision. A hair although messy was a clear blonde. She stood staring at the hair until she meet with a familiar face.
`Al what are you doing here'
Fin for now