Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Blue Seed Fan Fiction / 3 X 3 Eyes Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Pain and Pleasure ❯ What the hell happened to you earth??? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 1 What the hell happened to you earth??!!

Goku: Vegeta, are you sure this is earth?
Vegeta: The map says it's these coordinates.
[ a woman appears behind them.]
Woman: Men, they never stop to ask for directions.
[ she hits vegeta to the ground.]
Woman: How do you want it?
Vegeta: What??!!
Woman:Kami, you must be new. How do you want to die?could slice and dice, let ya bleed till your dead,or a good old fashioned Ki blast.
Vegeta: Like you could kill me.
Goku: Um, vegeta.
Woman: Ever heard of Amaterasu the goddess of saiyans or perhaps my uncle Osiris or my father chaos.
Vegeta: Oh shit.
Woman: My setiments exactly. Just so you know names Raksha.
[she takes a fighting stance.]
Amaterasu: Stop.
Raksha: Hello mother. Now lets just see how you beg for mercy.
[ she takes her sword out of the sheath.]
Amaterasu: I said stop.
[ raksha stops to face her mother.]
Raksha: This my planet, I kill who I want.
Amaterasu: He's the one who was sent here to protect you.