Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Ultimate Threat ❯ The search for the dragon balls ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 5: The search for the dragon balls

After a week of deciding how the two love birds would keep their relationship they decided love was the best way to keep it.

Sora: So this is how we're gonna keep it?

Janeba: Yes, this is how.

Door opens.

Akira: Come on you three we need to go.

Janeba: O.K we're coming.

Janeba and Sora kissed one last time before they left and met everyone else.

Bulla: Hi Janeba!

Janeba: Hi Bulma.

Gohan: So, are you ready to hunt some Dragon Balls Janeba.

Janeba: Ready when you are.

Gohan: Good.

Let's go.

2 days later.

All the searchers found the dragon balls and are now going to make there wish. They summoned Shenron and wished back all the dead Z fighters.

Sora: What's hap...happening!

Goten: Finally we get to see our parents again.

Trunks: My family's coming back!

Gohan: Prepare to see your most powerful ancestors Janeba.

The light disappeared.

Piccolo: I thought we made strict orders not to wish us back.

Gohan: You better tell them what's up.

Janeba walked up.

Goku: Well I'm finally seeing my Great grandson in person.

Janeba: Hi, I'm Janeba. I've heard so much about you. This is my brother Akira.

Akira: HI!

Goku: Nice to meet you too but why did you wish us back?

Janeba: Well, the reason we wished you back is because.... the world will be demolished in five years.

Vegeta: Well, I'm ready to try my moves out on another type of evil again.

Pan: Grandpa, everyone I've made a feast.

All the others walked into the house. Goku was walking back when he realized Sora.

Goku: Hi, I didn't really catch your name?

Sora: Oh, Hi I'm Sora Tachonachi.

Goku: Nice to meet you.

Suddenly all the Z fighters looked into the sky and Sora's digivice went off.

Goku: That wasn't good.

Janeba: That was way bigger than before.

Then out of the sky came seven unknown creatures.

Sora: Those aren't digimon!

Goku: Quick everyone Super Saiyan!

Suddenly Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Goten, and Gohan tuned into SSJ 4's. Akira and Janeba turned SSJ 3. But none of the fighters knew that this battle was the start of the demolition of doom.

Chapter 6