Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Saiya-Jins In Middle Earth ❯ You sent them WHERE!!! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Saiya-Jins In Middle Earth

SK: so when we last left our………boys, they were stuck in the dimension known as Middle Earth. Goku of course has really no problem with this but Vegeta hates being here.

V: No Shit. You just -had- to send me with that idiot Kakkarot.

SK: yes I did Veggie, That'll teach ya to mess with a womans wardrobe. `turns to all the readers' You see he went through all my clothes and burned my fave pair of jeans and all 12 of my peasont tops which I practicly live in might I add. `glares at Vegeta' Some mate you are!

V: You purpously fried the circuitry in the Gravity Room so don't talk to me about being a good mate.

SK: I did no such thing! It was your stray Ki blast that fried the circuit board.

V: It was You!



Sk: YOU!


Sk: Grrrrrrr! IT WAS YOU YOU BAKA! `pulls out Basher the Frying Pan and knocks Vegeta on the head, hard.

V: #_# Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!

Sk: `storms off and yells back over her shoulder' Couch for a month Monkey Boy!

Goku: Well I get to do the disclaimer for my daughter while she barates her husban/mate. Son Kalia does not own anything from LOTR or DBZ.

[A/N IMPORTANT!!! I decided I was gonna Turn this into a little side story for my main one, which for all of you who haven't read it is called "A Second Chance At a New Life" and for those that have read it, this is set in the future of Kalia and Veggie's life, not a spoiler just letting you all know. I'm sorry if it disappoints or anything but it gives me more to work with. Sorry to keep ya waiting.]

Chapter Two: You Sent them WHERE!!!!!!

The boys were now heading in the direction of Rivendell(sorry if I spelled it wrong) but they didn't really know that. All Vegeta knew was that they were heading north, or at least he hoped it was north. Goku of course had to stop and look at all the pretty nature stuff. And shock of a lifetime, Goku actually thought (GASP!) that since Vegeta was actually being eerily calm, and of course with that vain popping out of his forehead that threatened to burst, he should just stay back and keep out of Veggie-Boys way, for once.

Vegeta was thinking that A) Kalia was gonna kill him when he got back, if he got back at all and that that blue haired harpy was gonna get it once Kalia found out she had sent him here. He continued to twist the wedding band on his finger in an almost anxious manner.

He would never exactly admit in but he really did miss her, he glanced down to the ring again as he had been doing every minute for the past 20.

`he must really miss Kalia.' Goku thought in his mind. He missed his daughter as well, she had been 14 when she fell into the lives of the Son family but him and Chichi took over the role of parents immediately. Kalia has warmed up to them instantly to, her story was unbelievable but the girl did have proof, if limited. `My Kami, I miss her so much already and I just saw her this morning.'

Quikly Goku caught up with Vegeta and kept looking at him, then looking away trying to figure out how to start up the conversation on the topic he wanted to discuss. Vegeta got annoyed with this after ten minutes.

"Yes Kakkarot, what is it that you want?" he said in a bored tone. Goku took the opportunity.

`Well, he asked.' Goku started. " Its just, well………You miss her don't you." Goku more stated than asked. The prince took a deep breath to relax and gave a short nod.

"Vegeta, she's my daughter. I miss her to and I am sure that we'll be back in our own world soon."

"Kakkarot, did you ever read "The Lord Of The Ring"?" Vegeta asked while shaking his head slightly.

"Umm, nope. But Kalia did, Bulma bought her a red leather bound edition of the trilogy and she read it in 4 days. Said she loved it." Replied the younger saiya-jin.

"Well then, let me explain this to you, chanced are we landed right in the middle of this huge war for the one ring and………"

[Meanwhile, in the world of DBZ]

"BULMA!" Kalia yelled as she walked around Capsule Corps. She had been living there for about 4 years now and it took her the first two to memerize the layout so she wouldn't get lost. She stopped in the living room and yelled again. "BULMA!"

"KITCHEN!" Came the reply to her left and down the hall, so she quikly walked to the kitchen.

"Bulma, I cant even sense Vegeta's ki anymore, its like he just disappeared or something or- KUSO! What if what happened to me, happened to him and he is in the other world, the one I…umm, fell from!" Kalia asked worridly, she was really scared now that that option had made itself known.

"OH! Umm………Well, he's fine Kalia, don't worry. Heh heh." Bulma put on the innocent look, but Kalia smelled how nervouse she was.

"Bulma!" Kalia said low and warningly. "What…Did…You…Do…?"


HAVEYETTOFINISHTHERECALLDEVICESOTHEREISNOTELLINGWHENTHEYWILLBEBA CK!" she said loudly and quikly [translation `sent them to the Lord of the Rings Dimension and I have yet to finish the recal device so there is no telling when they will be back!]

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!" Kalia Screamed, a vain popping out on her forhead, eyes going scarlet with rage.

Sk: Well, that was short. `sighs as Vegeta walks over, with a huge lump on his head.'

V: Your chapters are always short. It just shows how much you lack in creativity.

SK: That is enough out of you mister! `THUD! CLANK! WHACK WHUMP!'

V: x_x `now has numerous lumps on his head.'

SK: Finally! I can get some piece and quiet. Please Review! I gotta go stick my unconcous husband on the couch. Laters.