Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Where Angels Fear to Tread ❯ Mutants and Aliens ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Part Fourteen
Mutants and Aliens

Disclaimer: If I owned I'd have time to write. So, there ya have it.

Vegnagun: I hope this answers your question! Lol.
Antony Garrett: Thoughts are really like. . . pictures. The mind has no real language. The Professor may get slightly confues because Kurt will order his thoughts slightly differently, but it's not a language barrier. And I hadn't given Logan much thought. I do think that he will end up under SOMEONE'S tutalage, but I'm not too sure whose yet.
Bra-Two: I feel so special! Thank you! And there's no need to aplogize. What were you apologizing for?
Pu-Chan: Thank you for the correction. I hadn't realized it was wrong. I'm lousy with names.
ColdFang: Kurt isn't really reluctant here because he grew up differently. That's explained more in this chapter.

I'm glad you all like this! Thank you so much to the reviews I didn't have the space to reply to! Well, that's it for here so. . .

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Son Gohan put his head in his hands, trying for what seemed to be the four millionth time to understand why his son was taken. And why, once he was taken, no one could find him. Social Workers had no idea where he was, they never registered him being taken out of the house, there was no record of his ever leaving the country, but Bulma found no traces of the mutant within the country, and now three years had passed since he had seen his son. Pan was seven now, bright and happy, but even she knew something was missing. He was just sitting there, wondering what he would do when Bulma called.

"I have SOMETHING, Gohan," She announced. "There's a school for mutants, to train them in their powers, in the United States. Kurt could be there. The school they go to is looking for a chemistry teacher. Do you think you're up to it?"

"Anything to find my son," Gohan said softly. "May I take Trunks with me?"

"That's actually not a bac idea," Bulma hummed. "He could use a break too. And I bet Chichi would let Goten go if you told her it was a learning experience. They need this as much as you do."

"We all need this, I think," Gohan agreed. He turned away for a moment then asked, "How long will it take to get the sorted out?"

"You can leave next week. I've called the principal for you and gave him your number. He's doing a phone interview Thursday at four. Good luck. But I don't doubt you'll get the job. You came highly recommended." Bulma winked and cut the connection, smiling at the Demi Saiya-Jin. Gohan offered her a dazzling smile and ran off to find his mate. This couldn't get any better unless they actually found Kurt.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Gohan, Videl, Trunks, Goten, and Pan had finally arrived at Bayville. Gohan was starting his job on Monday, Goten and Trunks were enrolled to start school at sophomore and junior levels, Videl would run the base of operations and work from home for Capsule Corp. She was Bulma's secretary, in a way and was paid to handle Kurt's case and Bulma's son (which was a job within itself).

"I can't wait," Gohan clasped his hands together. "We're so close, I can feel it. He's there, I just have to find him."

Videl smiled and nodded, tucking their daughter in. "We're going to find you're big brother soon, baby," She whispered. "I bet you're excited."

"I miss Kurt, Mama," The girl agreed. "Lots an' lots."

"I bet he misses us too. We'll find him. This lead will work, I know it." She kissed her daughter on the cheek and Gohan repeated her actions before they turned in. It was now Sunday night and tomorrow would be their first day to look. And maybe even find.
~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~

Kurt yawned and hauled himself out of bed Monday morning, trying desperately to stay awake. It was four in the morning but he had to get used to getting up so early if he wanted to do both his katas and the Danger room session at five. The danger room was only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturday mornings, but Kurt figured that it was just better to get used to getting up early every day.

He ported to a safe place on the grounds, the bottom of a cliff that no-one ever visited, and began to warm up, going from a simple and slow kata to a fast and furious one. He practiced with his ki too. It had risen in leaps and bounds since he had started using it again and now he could almost fly with it. In another month or so he'd be back at where he was before he was taken, if he practiced regularly.

Then his watch alarm went off and it was back to school to get cleaned up and eat. Then he rushed to school. "We've got a new science teacher. He's supposed to be from Japan. I wish they'd hired him to teach the language," Scott sighed. "Oh well. At last it's my senior year."

"It takes more than a year to learn Japanese," Kurt told him calmly.

"You know it?"

"Hai. It's a hard language to learn." Kurt leaned against the window and wondered about the science teacher. If the teacher WAS from Japan, then it COULD be Gohan. Or Videl. Or Bulma. Oh, he hoped so. He crossed his fingers and bit his lip, praying to Dende that it would be.

He arrived at school on time, eagerly waiting for science. He had it next to last period. The day was so long too. He bounced in his seat. School hadn't even started and he was antsy.

"Class?" His math teacher waved her hand. "We have two new students today. Trunks Briefs and Goten Son."

Kurt's heart leapt into his throat. The two teens entered the room, Trunks flipping his long violet-white hair over a shoulder and Goten waving a hand. He couldn't breath, couldn't think. They were there, which meant that the teacher was someone he knew. His breath hitched as he tried to think, tried to reason with himself. He felt his ki spike sharply in response to the signals they sent out. Two heads snapped in his direction and blue and black eyes locked with holographic brown.

And then the teacher began class. Kurt's breath was released in a whoosh.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Kurt didn't have time to think about Goten and Trunks being in his class as he rushed to the opposite end of the school for science. He had chemistry and didn't want to be late, the substitute teacher always gave detentions for it. He ran into the class room and stopped dead in his tracks. He'd heard that a new teacher was starting today, but with seeing Goten and Trunks there, he had forgotten.

Gohan was sitting at the desk, his black hair stilled pulled back in a pony-tail just like he wore it in college. Black eyes were covered in small silver-rimmed glasses, Kurt could remember him buying them when he started teaching at colleges because they lent an air of sophistication that his Saiya-Jin roots tended to cover because they made him look young. He wore a button down shirt, blood red, and simple black trousers, and a lab coat topped it off.

The world spun, Kurt felt it revolving madly out of control before Gohan looked up and smiled at him, gesturing to a seat and asking him to sit down before taking roll. When the man reached his name, he paused and searched Kurt's eyes, seeming to be looking for any indication that this was, indeed, his son. A look of keen disappointment passed his features and the man's head dropped down, not recognizing him through the holograph.

Kurt rapidly blinked back tears, hiding his face with his hair. So close and, yet, still oh-so-far.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~

The mutant stormed home that night, not caring what he hit, not caring that he might inform the world of his powers, not caring that Professor Xavier might scold him, and not caring that Logan might look at him with disappointment. His Otousan was HERE and he couldn't recognize his own son because he was hiding like a good for naught coward!

Furious punches and kicks rent the night air as his ki crackled around his body. He flew higher and higher, screaming his rage and defeat, crying in agony over what he had lost yet again, and sobbing with the weight of his broken soul.

The only answer to his cries was the lingering darkness and his own harsh breathing.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Logan found him sometime the next day, huddled under a tree, image inducer off, and staring blankly into the distance. "Hey, kid?" He knelt, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. He would never tell any of the mutants this, but he had a soft spot for Kurt, Kitty, and even their enemy Rogue. The three just didn't seem well understood. Kitty was more because she had no idea what she was doing, didn't understand the importance of her fight, but Kurt and Rogue was because they did understand and they knew all to well the consequences of being what they were in day to day life.

Kurt hadn't answered him so Logan gently gripped both his shoulders. "Hey, kid, look at me," He tried softly.

Hesitantly Kurt lifted his head. "I've lost him, you know," He murmured. "He doesn't know about me any more. If he ever wanted me to begin with."

"Who'd you loose, kid?" Logan sat down, watching Kurt with his piercing gaze.

"Otousan. He's here, but he doesn't know I am. Because I'm a coward. I won't show myself to others. Otousan always told me not to hide who I am because if they didn't know me, then I was just lying to everyone. He was right and now he's going to hate me for lying."

Logan frowned, "If he hates you for doing what you think is best, then he doesn't deserve your affection."

Kurt smacked Logan away, shouting, "You don't know anything about Gohan! He's the best Otousan ever! And now he's going to hate me all because I was too afraid of myself to let others see me!"

Something passed by over head and Kurt wrapped his arms about his knees, tailing curling around his body. "I could fly, you know, Gohan taught me. That was a special thing we had. Okassan, Otousan, and I used to go flying at night, have a picnic and a spar, tell stories. My friends used to do it with their parents too. I wonder if they still do. I miss everything about home, they always made me feel like I wasn't different because they didn't care that I didn't look like everyone else. I wasn't the outcast there. I miss it, miss the stories, the time we spent, but mostly I miss the freedom of flying. I forgot how. I can't fly anymore. And I bet he'll hate me for that too."

Someone stepped from the woods, tall and dark. "I could never hate you, my son," A masculine voice breathed. Tear bright black eyes met gold and Kurt felt his heart stop.

"Otousan," The boy breathed, and then he leapt. Gohan caught the teen mutant in a hug and Kurt buried his face in his father's shoulder while Gohan rested his cheek on his son's head. Tears streamed down both their faces and their grips tightened.

"I would never, ever hate you," He whispered to Kurt, holding his tighter. "Nor would your Okassan. We love you far too much."

"Otousan," Kurt sobbed, "I want to go home. I want to be with you. I don't want to stay here, I want to go home. Onegai, Otousan!"

Logan turned away, knowing that Kurt didn't need his comfort any longer and for some reason, that thought hurt. No one had ever spent much time with the other mutant either, and his closest friend, Captain America, was locked away in cryogenic storage until a cure for his molecular destruction could be found.

"I won't leave you ever again, my son, and law says that you are free to some back with me. You were kidnaped by that woman claiming to be social services, and Videl and I still have custody over you." The two clung tightly to one another, not letting go, Kurt still crying and apologizing profusely about everything he put his father through and Gohan just holding his oldest child close.

"Let's go talk to the professor and get you home," Gohan murmured softly, releasing Kurt from the hug but not letting go of the boy's hand. He didn't want to lose him again. Logan shook his head and headed back to the road for his bike and noted something odd. There was no car around and he would have heard Gohan had the man walked. He turned around in time to see them take off into the air and float toward the mansion. His jaw dropped.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~

It didn't take long for the two to arrive at the mansion, Gohan carrying Kurt. He would have to re-teach the child to fly some day soon. Gohan shook himself from idle thoughts and coolly headed toward the door, Kurt at his side. The teen had turned the image inducer back on and it would remain that way until they saw the professor.

The other mutants immediately noticed the tall Demi Saiya-Jin, staying well out of the way of the dangerous looking man. "Come on, Kurt," Gohan said gently, tugging his son along. "We need to talk to Mr. Xavier."

"He likes to be called Professor Xavier, Otousan," Kurt trotted along behind him.

Gohan shrugged, "Well, then, some one else can do that. It is no concern of mine." Kurt smiled. Gohan was nervous and was trying to keep his emotions in check.

The mutant probably would have chuckled had they not reached the door at that moment. "Professor?" The boy called, nudging it open. "I have some one here to talk to you."

Professor Xavier's eyebrow shot up in response and he nodded for the two to enter. "How may I help you?" He asked, turning to Gohan.

Gohan touched Kurt's shoulder. "I have been looking for my son since he was kidnaped from my home three years ago," Gohan told the professor. "I have reason to believe I found him." Gohan and Kurt shared a secret look and the two smiled at each other. "Now, I want to take him home, provided, of course, that he wants to return."

"Mr.--" Professor Xavier paused when he realized he didn't know the man's name.


"Mr. Son, I'm afraid that this probably isn't your boy. There's something you need to know about him. . ." Professor Xavier frowned.

"I know he is indeed my son," Gohan broke in when the professor paused to think of how to break the news. "No one else looks or acts quite like my son does. And yes, Professor, I am well aware that the image he wears now is not his own."

Kurt grinned at his Otousan and pressed the button. Gohan smirked, shocking the professor quite throughly when he didn't cry out in fear or shock. "Of course, I COULD be wrong, but how many children look like him? And how many German children refer to their parents in Japanese? He is German, of course, but he spent most of his life in Japan."

"How do you know he wants to return with you?" Xavier demanded.

"I told him I did," Kurt edged closer to his father. "I don't want to stay here in the mansion. I'll still live in the area for the rest of the school year, of course. Otousan got his contract for that amount of time and Obasan Bulma and Obasan Chichi will be mad if they leave earlier."

Xavier frown at Kurt, "How do you know he's your Otousan? And why would you have been sent to live with your foster parents if you were kidnaped?"

"He's Kurt Son, but his name was registered under Kurt Wagner there," Gohan explained, "which is why I couldn't find him. His kidnappers smuggled him out of Japan before we could act and hid him very carefully."

"And I know he's my otousan because he can do things most people can only dream of," Kurt chuckled. "Not to mention the fact that he still has fur."

Gohan made a face and flicked the boy with his tail making the professor gasp, "You're a mutant too?"

"Hardly," Gohan scoffed. "That's like comparing apples to oranges. I'm not mutant. I'm half blood-thirsty alien. I am part of the race called the Saiya-Jins. My father came here as a child to originally destroy the planet. As you can see, he botched his mission slightly."

Xavier laughed, "Now, now, Gohan, we've all had our joke. There are no aliens. So you are a mutant."

Gohan growled, "Don't compare me to a human!" Kurt choked and began to laugh, finally coughing to cover his amusement. Gohan smirked at him and turned back to the professor, I am offended you think me human. Please. I am hardly THAT. Too strong, you know."

"He can pick up entire buildings," Kurt added, seeing the professor sigh.

"I still don't believe you've carried this out so long, Mr. Son," The professor crossed his arms. "One would think you would set a better example for your son."

"Wait till he sees Piccolo," Kurt muttered, then turned to add, "He really IS an alien, sir."

"Surely you don't believe that, Mr. Wagner."

"His name is Son." Gohan interrupted. "Now, to business. My wife is bringing the papers for Kurt as we speak, and we will have to contact his foster family. And we need to talk about that damned watch. I don't like it, but if Kurt wants to keep it, arrangements will have to be made. Or I could have Bulma make one and rent it until it arrives?"

"Bulma's would be better. I bet Trunks could do it, he's smart enough. And if he did it, he could show ME what to do so I could fix it myself. Or you could make it."

"I COULD, but I don't know that it would be practical," Gohan shrugged. "But we'll deal with that momentarily."

The professor watched the two with a look of shock on his features. "You talk about making a watch like that is nothing! If it's that simple for you, why didn't you do it earlier? Surely you could have protected him from the ridicule he had for most of his life."

"See, Xavier, that's the thing," Gohan wrapped an arm around his son. "Kurt doesn't NEED protection. It was nice of you to cushion it for him, but the best thing that could have been done was for you to accept him as he is, no questions. We did that, gave him love, care, despite his looks. We didn't really care he looked a little different. His best friends, Trunks and Goten, didn't either. Acceptance would have been the wisest course of action. He can't be protected all the time, and we know that. That is why we, my mate and I, made the decisions we did."

Kurt smiled at his Otousan and nodded slightly. He was more confident around them, at least until he'd been taken. There was so much left that he had to learn. "It's been interesting, Professor," Kurt told him softly, "but Gohan's right. I need to accept myself. But. . . for now. . . I think the wisest course of action would be to keep the watch. I just--I mean, not that--Well, it's--I don't know."

"I understand, Kurt. You were away for us during the time that you needed our acceptance most. It's okay. Psychology things. Videl should be here any moment. Then we'll get home. I'm fairly sure that Trunks and Goten are out of their minds with happiness right now." Gohan offered the teen a small smile. "And your sister is anxious to see you as well."

"Pan's here?" Kurt clapped his hands. "I can't wait to see everyone!" His voice was nearly drowned out by the loud exchange in the hallway, however.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT HE'S DOING RIGHT NOW! YOU ARE GOING TO GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Gohan and Kurt both winced as the door flew open and a petite woman with short black hair and baby blue eyes stormed in. "AND DON'T GET IN MY WAY AGAIN!"

"Okassan!" Kurt flung himself at the woman, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Hey, kiddo! How's my Angel?" Videl held him out at an arm's length. "You've grown so much! You're nearly taller than me! No, wait. Stand up straight! You ARE taller than me! Well. . . dammit!"

"And you always yelled at me about language," Gohan said wryly, eyes sparkling. "Professor, this is my mate, Videl."

"You look very familiar," Xavier frowned.

"My father is a rat as--never mind. I'm Hurcule Satan's daughter."

"Oh, I see!" Xavier nodded sagely.

"Here. Papers. Proof. Now, I'm taking my son home and we are playing catch-up." Videl's tone held no room for argument.

"Did she leave the frying pan at home?" Kurt asked Gohan.

"I hope so," Gohan muttered, "or your professor won't be around much longer."

"Could we talk before you go?" Logan stepped into the room. He had found the tiny woman, barely five feet two inches, terrorizing the rest of the house extremely amusing. "I'm just. . . concerned."

"This is Logan-san, Otousan, Okassan. He was my--trainer--for awhile." Kurt offered him a small smile.

"Of course," Gohan gave a cordial nod. Videl smiled.

"From the sound of it, you did a better job taking care of my boy than he did." She gestured to the professor. "He's a crappy father-figure."

"I beg your pardon!" Professor Xavier gasped.

"No, no, I think Videl's right," Gohan agreed. "You have their best interests at heart, but you just don't understand kids very well. They don't run to you first when they have a big problem, they run to each other. Or Logan--and no offense to him, of course--but he just doesn't seem like the type to give advice. And then the last adult here, Ororo? She just doesn't seem like the type to understand. Her powers weren't viewed as evil, not like these kids will be. No, this isn't exactly ideal."

Logan smirked at the description the Demi Saiya-Jin gave of him. He'd been right, of course. "You forgot Hank."

"Not really. He's just too new. The kids will, eventually, go to him. He's a teacher. He's good at that whole mentor thing. You--well, you're a lot like Piccolo."

Logan blinked. "Who?"

"He's about seven feet tall and green," Kurt giggled. "I did wonder why I like Logan. He does remind me of Piccolo now that you mention it."

"This is another mutant?" Logan blinked.

"Don't be silly," Kurt grinned. "He's another alien! Great guy!"

"Kurt, stop talking about Piccolo for a moment. They can meet him later. Several of the Z-Senshi were stopping by next week. They can meet then. And grunt at each other all they please. Right now, I just want to go home." Videl waved a hand.

"We'll talk some more on Saturday. And, Logan, you have my word that we will not hurt our son." Gohan bowed and picked up Kurt, toting him to the window. "And I have to give my son a crash course in fly right now."

He shot out the window, going up several hundred feet, then dropped the teen. Kurt gave a panicked shout before he halted in mid air. "OTOUSAN!"

"Your body know what it's doing. Calm down. I wouldn't let you hit the ground." Gohan smirked and Kurt crossed his arms.

"You're AWFUL! I was so scared! Wait. . . all I had to do was jump off a cliff?"

"That is one way to put it. . ." Gohan smiled as Videl laughed.

Then, they made their way home.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~

(A/N) Well, yet another chapter for you to read. I hope you all enjoyed it! I know it took awhile, and I'm sorry, but I have a math class, and finals, and all sorts of crap going on that I had to do first. I'm trying to be better, I swear. And this was nowhere near as long as my last break!

Well, Review, please and, as always, flames are for S'mores.

Love you all,

~*~ Lady Foeseeker ~*~