Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ World Eating Contest ❯ World Eating Contest ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Attention gluttons of all ages. Are you a notorious big eater? Do you enjoy making a pig of yourself?" an announcement on the television said and Vegeta looked at Goku.

"They're talking about you, Kakarrot," he said and Goku looked up, his mouth full of food.

"Whmthhp?" Goku asked and Vegeta shook his head.

"Exactly. There's going to be an eating contest. With your lower class manners, you're sure to win."

Goku swallowed heavily then nodded his head.

"Sounds like fun. When is it?" he asked.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
"I knew he would say that. Dumbass ape," Gojyo said and Goku glared at him. The group had taken some time from their journey to search for a town to buy some much needed supplies. Taking their customary seats in the back sat Gojyo, the red-headed gambler and ladies man and Goku, a short, young man with brown hair and amber eyes as well as a voracious appetite.

"Shut up you perverted water sprite!" Goku yelled and Hakkai cleared his throat. Hakkai was the driver with short brown hair and a pleasent disposition.

"I think Goku should enter. The prize is a lot of money and the way you all go through provisions...we could always use the extra money," he said.

"Let's not forget the odds favor Goku," Gojyo said.

"All right then. Where does the registration take place?" Sanzo asked. Sanzo also sat in the front, wearing the customary clothing of Buhddist priests. The only difference between him and the other priests was the fact that he had short blonde hair and blue eyes as opposed to graying hair or no hair at all.

"In West City. Hakryuu can get us there in a few hours," Hakkai said and the little white dragon chirped.

"Where's west city?" Gojyo asked and Hakkai handed him a map.

"I picked this up at the last town. You can find it yourself."

"Gee, thanks."

"Man this is gonna be so cool!" Goku exclaimed.

"Uh...yeah. Watching you shove your face full of food is going to be so cool," Gojyo said and Goku grinned.


"Oh sure. I am SO jealous of you."

"I knew it!"

"Moron. Don't you know sarcasm when you hear it?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
"I can't believe there are so many people out there that enjoy eating like you, Goku," Piccolo said as he gazed at the registration line. Everyone had come out to watch the contest, even Master Roshi. Why they had all come, was a mystery to Piccolo. He was even slightly unsure why he came to an event that centered around food, but he knew that anything that involved Goku would be certainly interesting.

"I think it's laughable. No human could eat as much as a Saiyen," Vegeta said.

"Well, personally I think it's the perfect contest for Goku," Krillin said.

"It doesn't matter. Kakarrot's in a league of his own," Vegeta said.

"Why don't you sign up too, Vegeta? I know you can eat a lot," Goku said.

"Why would I want to subject myself to human ridicule?"

"It's not ridicule. These people are serious."

"Man and they call ME a pig," Oolong grunted. "There's more hungry mouths here than there ever was at home."

"But you ARE a pig, Oolong," Puar said.

"Gee, you just noticed it? Did the snout give it away? I sure hope they don't expect me to enter in this thing. I don't feel the least bit hungry."

"Man, look at the four that just walked in. Those are the weirdest looking clothes I've seen. They must have just come from a costume party. Either that or they lost a bet. And look at the tall one's hair. What is up with that style?" Yamcha asked as the Sanzo party stepped into the waiting area.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~
"I can't believe that there are so many people with pathetic lives," Gojyo said as he looked around, trying to scope out a beautiful woman. Or, more importantly, a whole group of them.

"Actually, it's no different than gladiator games in ancient Roman times. Well, if you sit down and think about it, that is," Hakkai said and Gojyo looked at him.

"Thank you for the history lesson."

"You're welcome."

"Not that I exactly asked for one or anything."

"Man this is SO COOL! Look at all the food!" Goku cried and Gojyo lit a cigarette.

"The monkey is part bloodhound," he said as Goku ran up to the tables of food.

"I'm gonna eat that first. Then that and that. And that. And that And that and...Sanzo, I've gotta have a piece. Pleeeasse?"

"Request denied," Sanzo said and Goku stared at him.

"Why the hell not?! Why can't I just have a little piece? One bit of rice?" Goku asked and Sanzo rapped him sharply across the head with his fan. Goku winced in pain as he gazed up at the priest.

"You talk too much."

"Come on priest. Do something to stop him from whining. I mean we all get tired of his I'm hungry when do we eat bit. It's your duty to do priesty things, ain't it? Wait, you're not that kind of priest," Gojyo said and Sanzo pointed his gun at Gojyo's throat.

"Let go of me," he said softly and Gojyo complied.

"All right, all right. You don't need to get hostile."

"Don't you wish the children would stay home sometimes? We never get to go anywhere by ourselves any more," Hakkai said with a grin on his face and Sanzo glanced at him. Hakkai became serious and leaned close to Sanzo. "That group over there has been watching us for some time."

"And not a female among them. What's with the floating cat? Either I'm seeing things or I bought the wrong kind of cigarettes," Gojyo said and Sanzo took the cigarette from him. He inhaled sharply then slowly exhaled.

"It's not the cigarette," he said.

"Praise god then priest. Give me my cigarette back."


"Look. I bought it and it's only right for me to smoke it."

"It's in my hand."

"You've got a box, Gojyo. Why not get another one?" Hakkai asked.

"It's not that. It's the fact that he took my cigarette," Gojyo replied.

"Well perhaps you should all try to act normal. It seems that that small group is making their way over here."

"Tell dumbass to stop drooling over the food then."
"Just where are you guys from? I've never seen clothes like that before," Yamcha said.

"Oh my god. There's a pig wearing clothes. And I thought Goku was the only animal that wore clothes," Gojyo said. "Will wonders never cease? I don't know which one looks better. The monkey or the pig. I think you've been out-styled, Goku."

"Huh?" both Gokus asked and Gojyo stared at them in shock. He glanced at the taller Goku and then at the shorter one. Either he had heard an extremely strange echo or else...they shared the same name.

"Wait...your name is Goku too?" he asked.

"Wow. Two Gokus. Who would have thought that?" Hakkai asked as both Gokus looked at each other.

"So how do we tell them apart?" Sanzo inquired and Hakkai folded his hands in thought.

"Easy. We'll just call our Goku moron, monkey boy, dumbass ape..." Gojyo said and the young Goku glared at him.

"Shut up you perverted kappa!" he yelled.

"Your counterpart has quite a voice, Kakarrot," Vegeta said and Gojyo looked at him.

"Kakarrot?" he asked and Vegeta nodded his head.

"That is his real name. His Saiyen name. That is how we will differentiate between the two."

"I ain't calling him that," Oolong said.

"Me either!" Puar said and Krillin looked at Vegeta.

"I think we're pretty fond of Goku, Vegeta," Krillin said.

"Then I guess you're stuck. I don't think you'd do his rightful name justice anyway," Vegeta said.

"Hey, why don't we just use his last name? Goku Son."

"What?" both of them asked again and Yamcha stared at them.

"You...both have the same last name?!" he asked.

"I'm tellin' ya, let's just call him Monkey Boy," Gojyo said.

"I'm not a monkey, you cockroach!" the young Goku protested then looked at Sanzo. "Can't I eat some please?"

"Uh-uh. I'm afraid that food is for the contest," Hakkai said and Goku's face fell.

"Aw man! I'm so hungry too."

"Come on, we'll find something together. To tell you the truth, I'm a little hungry myself," the tall Goku said.

"All right! Let's go!"

"So, how are we going to keep them straight again?" Gojyo asked and Hakkai thought for a moment.

"Okay, I'm going to have to be honest with you. I'm going to have to do quite a bit of thinking on this one," Hakkai replied.

"Wouldn't the simplest thing be to call our Goku exactly that?" Sanzo asked and Gojyo looked at him.

"Call him what?" he asked.

"Our Goku. It's a simple solution. Thank you, my friend," Hakkai said.

"I should have known Kakarrot was given a common Earth name. It fits his lowly status," Vegeta said and Hakkai looked at him.

"Actually, I don't think the name Goku is all that common. It was by chance that we came upon this situation."