Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mystical Journey ❯ A dirty little orphan ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 1
PS: I chose that they wouldn't wear uniforms in school and they'd just wear normal clothes.
Chichi woke up a few hours later to the same annoying buzz coming from her alarm clock. She got up and she picked what she was going to wear to school. She settled on a black top with jewels across the chest saying “Sweet Angel...You wish!” and jeans. She brushed her teeth and grabbed her hair brush. Her hair went all the way down to the middle of her shins and it was soft, shiny, and black with the distinct scent of roses. She brushed it and put it up in a ponytail. She went to Yamcha's room and woke him up. Chichi padded downstairs and rustled up some cereal for them. A few moments later, Yamcha came down. She smiled at him warmly, and Yamcha grinned back. They wolfed down their cereal and went to their separate ways to school.
Chichi got to Omani High school. She got to her locker and she saw the popular people. Bulma was among them. Bulma looked at Chichi with disdain as they got closer. “So! Little orphan is back at school. I'm surprised she has the courage to show her ugly face around here. When is she gonna realize Hojo's not interested in her anymore? God, she can be so clingy.” Bulma shouted to the hall way but stared down at Chichi with menacing steely blue eyes. Chichi felt her cheeks get hot and she tried to block out Bulma's thinking. {Bulma} well, since ugly orphan is out of the picture, Hojo's mine. I still can't believe that they stayed together for three months! At least Hojo had the sense to break up with her before things got too serious. Chichi tried to stop reading her mind but it was hard, in view of the fact that she hardly had control of her own mind. She saw Kagome and she gave a small wave which Kagome returned with a smile and a wave. Chichi felt that was enough to keep her up for the rest of the day.
After school, Chichi walked the 15 minutes to Yamcha's school to pick him up. As soon as Yamcha walked out of the school and saw her he ran to her and gave her a huge hug. {Yamcha}I missed you so much. Chichi hugged him tighter and he snuggled into her grasp. She presented a doughnut which he accepted gleefully, on the one condition that she had half. As they walked home, Yamcha sensed his sister was having a mind battle with herself. Of course with Yamcha being much younger, with much, much less control over his mind, he had no choice but to listen to his sister's silent crying. Yamcha slipped his small hand into her and she accepted it gratefully. When they got home, the house was empty as usual. Chichi and Yamcha didn't know what to expect. It was just them who lived in this house. Chichi felt her little brother's pain and wrapped her arms around him, before getting up to do her homework. Yamcha joined her and within two hours, they were done.
Chichi and Yamcha went down to the kitchen to prepare some dinner for themselves. As they checked the cupboards for food, they managed to find a couple of boxes of pasta and some alfredo sauce. They cooked that and found some bread and butter so they Yamcha toasted the bread and Chichi warmed some milk over the stove for cocoa. Chichi watched Yamcha as he toasted the bread. He was growing up. After dinner was done they sat in their living room and ate in silence. After they were finished eating, Yamcha scrambled over to the chair Chichi was sitting on and cuddled with her. In moments they were asleep.
OKAYYYYYYYYYYY!!! So.............Review! Or else I won't write anymore! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (Takes gasping breath and coughs)...Ahem...MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*cough cough*Okay...I'm done. Just review! And please!