Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different Dimension ❯ Training and dates ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello all you peoples! I know it took me a while to update, but at least I'm updating now, stupid school work-_-!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or DBZ characters

Training and dates

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Kagome's pov~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

It's been a month since I started training with Vegeta. Every morning I've gotten up went to Bulma's house trained till I passed out, woke up, ate dinner, bathed, and went to bed. I've been getting better at training; I've learnt how to fly, fire small Ki balls, hand-to-hand combat, and my speed. I'm not as good as Goku or Vegeta but I'm able to hold my own in battle. I've met Trunks, he's only a year older than me (I'm going to make Trunks and Goten older in this, Kay!) he's only 16 and he's cute. Also I've been slowly regaining my memories. I remember Inuyasha, Shippo, Sango, Miroku, Kilala, my family, and Kaede, but I still not sure who that evil person was or how I got here, but I've got a feeling it won't be long till I remember everything. I wish I knew now…

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Normal pov~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Kagome got out of bed and got ready. She headed downstairs and ate breakfast. She was fixing to take off when Goku came out and told her…

"Hey Kagome! I just wanted to say, you're doing great! Any other person who would have trained with Vegeta I think would be dead. You've got potential to become a great person…err…sayian. Well you better go before Vegeta comes and drags you there again." Said Goku as he waved goodbye when she started to float

"Thanks, Goku!" said Kagome as she flew off

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Trunks pov~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

*I wonder when she going to get here. I've known her for a while now, and I really like her. I wonder if she likes me…well one way to find out* I thought as I saw Kagome fly into view

I saw Kagome land 10 ft. from me and walked up to me.

"Hey, Trunks!" She said, now standing in front of me

"Hey Kagome!" I said

"Is your father in the GR room?" she asked

"Yes he is. He's been in there since 2:00am." I said

"Ohhhhh, great! Well I hope someone's able to carry me home cause I'm going to be drop dead tired if not unconscious. Well I better not have Vegeta wait for me or he'll add a few extra hundred runs. Well see ya!" said Kagome

"Uhhh…wait Kagome…I need to ask you something?" I said

She turns around

"Ummm…I was wondering if you'd like to, you know maybe go to the carnival with me tomorrow?" I asked nervously

"Sure!" said Kagome happily

"Uhh, great I'll pick you up around 7." I said relieved

"Ok! See you then!" she said as she went to the GR room

*Well, I guess I can go brag to mom bout my new date!* I thought as I headed to the house


Hello! Sorry about the short chapter. The reason I made Trunks and Goten older is because I don't think I should do like Future Trunks cause it would seem very weird and if I kept him the same age well he'd be just way too young for Kagome and the deal with Goten is because I think if I have now older Trunks be friends with like what a 6-7 year old I think that would be a little too weird if ya now what I mean, and I didn't put this in the early chapters but Kagome's 15, I'm making Trunks 16 and Goten 14 so I hope I cleared off any confusion, now my mind is cleared of any guilt^_^, but I sound like a monk now-_-! Well I hope you enjoyed this short chapter…O and Kag/Tru has won so…I hope you enjoy this story.