Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Inu-chan Meets Veggie-chan ❯ Meet the Gang and the Enemy ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

When Inu-chan meets Veggie-chan
Chapter 4. Meet the Gang and the Enemy
"Where could have Kagome and Inuyasha gone?" Sango asked.

"I don't know." Replied Miroku.

"I miss Kagome." Shippo cried.

"Well we better start looking for them. They might need our help." Miroku said.

"Hey guys. What's up? Sorry we just left you like that." Kagome said as she came out of the woods.

"Kagome!" Shippo shouted and went straight to her arms. "Who's this?" he asked pointing to Bulma.

"Oh right. Shippo, Sango, Miroku. This is Bulma and Vegeta." Vegeta just stood there and nodded. Bulma how ever was very interested in meeting them.

"So were you born with that blue hair or." Sango began to ask.

"Actually yes."

"Did you know your eyes sparkle like sapphires in this morning light?" Miroku said which caught Vegeta's attention.

"Ah yes. Thank you." Bulma looked questionably at Miroku who now had his hands around hers. Inuyasha slapped his face knowing what was coming next.

"Will you bear me a son?" Kagome fell anime style while Sango fumed. Bulma's eyes bulged as she stood there and stared at him. With Miroku's statement Vegeta went off the wall.

"Get your damn filthy fricken paws off my woman!" Vegeta shouted and was about to pound Miroku to a pulp.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize she was yours." Miroku said backing away slowly.

"Wait, wait a minuet. My, yours. Ah uh honey I am no ones. Remember?"

"Fine, your right. At least you dumped that baka weakling of a boyfriend of yours."

"Vegeta you are so insensitive." Bulma said and walked away with tears starting to come. Kagome and Sango tried to comfort her. See the reason why Bulma dumped Yamsha was because he cheated on her.

"Man you've got it worse then I do." Inuyasha said quietly.

"Shut up! Just everyone shut the hell up!" Vegeta yelled and started to stomp off into the woods somewhere.

"Vegeta where are you going?" Bulma asked as she saw him begin to leave.


"Your not going to leave me here with Miroku are you?" Bulma said which got Vegeta to come back.

"I just don't want us to go back with you pregnant with some freak's brat." Vegeta tried to say coldly.

"Excuse me but I." Miroku was cut off.

"Vegeta I don't believe yo."

"Because then your parents will think it's mine. Especially your mother. And I am not going to let that happen."

"Oh Vegeta."

"I think Vegeta cares for you, Bulma." Sango said to her later that evening.

"Yeah I know. He's just to stubborn to admit it."

"Yeah. Don't say I said this but... I think Inuyasha and Kagome have the same problem."

"Yeah, what is it with men? They're either to stubborn to admit things or they're groping you." The two laughed at the statement. Vegeta just glared at them. He had heard all they said because of his sensitive saiyan ears.

"Speaking of Kagome, where is she?" Bulma asked.

"Talking with Inuyasha no doubt. She always does at night." After a while the whole gang was asleep unbeknownst to them what was about to happen.

Inuyasha's ears twitched as he heard something in the shadows. He didn't want to wake Kagome but he still wanted to find out what it was. Feeling Inuyasha stir Kagome woke.

"What is it Inuyasha?" Kagome asked sleepily.

"I hear something." Just then a maniacal laugh could be heard which woke everyone else up.

"Vegeta what is that!" Bulma screamed and ran to him for protection.

"How the hell should I know woman! Just get behind me!" Vegeta got in front of Bulma and into a fighting stance.

"You and your pitiful friends, Inuyasha." More maniacal laughing.
