Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Ears and tails on males, oh my! ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

Gohan had ordered Videl to stay in the well until he had scouted the area. He was pretty sure she would disobey him within the next 15 minutes, so he made sure to scout the area as quickly as possible.

The well was located on the eastern side of a small clearing in the forest. The forest itself didn't look any different from before, but it felt younger, more savage. The sun had sunk low to the west, and Gohan could not detect any ki nearby.

Which probably explains how Inuyasha managed to run headlong into him.

Gohan's keen eyes had caught a brief glance of a red blur before it connected solidly into his side. Dog demon and Saiyan half-breeds went flying across the glade, until a tree kindly stopped their passage.

Inuyasha felt like he'd hit a mountainside. He unraveled himself from the tree that he'd managed to smack into face first and stumbled back, shaking his head. He peered intently at the spot he'd just vacated as his vision came back into focus.

"What the fuck did I just hit?" he muttered aloud, his vision cloudy around the edges.

Gohan wasn't in a better position. His right side had melded itself into the tree, and his left side felt like Dodoria had just run into it. This lead to a general sensation of having been crushed, and his ears were still ringing from the collision. He slowly picked himself out of the tree, unaware of the fact that he was the only thing holding it up at the moment. He ignored the tree as it crashed into the surrounding forest.

"Anyone get the number of that space pod?" Gohan asked no one in particular as he rubbed and popped his right shoulder into a normal position. His cloudy vision scanned the clearing until it landed on a red and silver-white blob in front of him.

"What the fuck just hit me?" he muttered, as his vision cleared.

--------------------------------------------- Elsewhere -------------------------------------------------

Kagome may have been in shock, but she wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Ten minutes after Kikyou's declaration, she raced back to the village, waking up the partygoers in Kaede's hut.

"Has anyone seen Inuyasha today?" she gasped, trying to catch her breath.

Miroku got up groggily, his sake-induced headache pounding through his head. He smacked his lips twice and responded, "The fool went scampering off to the east after I called him to the party. Haven't seen him since."

Kagome looked over towards Kirara, who was cuddled up next to Shippou in between Sango and Miroku.

"Kirara, can you let me ride you so I can catch up with him?"

"Mrow," the cat-like creature answered as it bounded outside. By the time Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Shippou, and Kaede left the hut, Kirara was lying on the ground in her large form.

"Do you need us to come with you?" Sango asked, concern etched on her face.

Kagome climbed onto Kirara's back then turned to Sango, "Uhm, no, thank you, but this is … kinda personal."

With a delicate sniff to the east, Kirara found Inuyasha's scent, and flew off into the night.

--------------------------------------------- Elsewhere -------------------------------------------------

Videl was very sick and very tired of waiting in the well. Gohan had been gone for ten minutes, long enough for Videl. She gathered her ki and flew up to the top of the well.

She was not prepared for the sight in front of her.

Gohan looked like he'd been flattened by the world's largest fly swatter, and he was stumbling towards the well. Whatever the thing dressed in red was, it didn't look much better, and it was growling its annoyance.

Videl put two and two together, and jumped in front of Gohan.

"Leave him alone!" she shouted, dropping into an attacking stance.

Inuyasha was too confused to care about the human female in front of him. He was staring at Gohan like he had just hit a ghost, his nose flaring wildly as he took in the demi-Saiyan's scent.

'Another hanyou? But how?!' Inuyasha's mind raced as it tried to process the information his nose and eyes were sending.

Gohan, realizing that his ability to sense ki was faulty at the moment, turned to his Saiyan instincts to gather information about his currently predicament. His nose flared as quickly as Inuyasha's in an attempt to figure out just where he was and what just crash-landed into him.

'A … half-breed? Part human, part … dog? What is going on here?' Gohan's mind whirred madly until it focused sharply on Videl's presence and potential danger.

In the meantime, Videl had wasted no time appraising her potential opponent. He was wearing a red haori with matching hakama, and he had … white dog-ears on his head?! Videl shook her head twice, and checked again. When the image of the ears persisted, she turned back towards Gohan, confusion plastered across her face.

That was when she screamed.

Gohan, who had been quite absorbed in the generalized pain of the collision, had failed to notice the fact that his tail had somehow grown back. He was still stumbling, unaware of his body's attempt to balance with the new appendage. By the time he had recovered, his tail had automatically wrapped itself around his waist, looking like nothing more than a furry belt. Videl's shriek reached his still ringing ears, and he jumped to catch her and drag her away from danger. Or rather, his tail did.

Inuyasha jumped back as the tail shot out, and landed in a crouch.

"Just what the fuck are you, and how the fuck did you get here?" he barked out, hiding his confusion with anger and arrogance.

"I could ask you the same things, especially since you slammed into me!" Gohan retorted as his attention was divided between Videl and Inuyasha.

"Feh." Inuyasha fell back to his reliable response, as he straightened up to his full height. "Get your bitch to stop her howling and then we'll talk."