Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Festival fever ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought (usually)

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

Inuyasha gulped nervously as he stared at the scene before him. Miroku laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder, as Gohan comforted him verbally.

"Now remember what Shippou told us, Inuyasha. We can do this, no problem. Just remember that the first time is the worst."

Inuyasha gulped again.

Miroku really wasn't in a better state than Inuyasha. For all of his boasts throughout the years, he really didn't know that much about the subject, and he couldn't believe he was even in a position to find out more. Surprisingly, Gohan was the most levelheaded of them all at the moment.

"Gohan, how are you keeping control?"

Gohan shrugged.

"I'm kinda focusing all of my instincts in one direction to avoid the other outlet. I don't really have an option."

The others nodded sympathetically. The full moon hung in the sky like a giant paper lantern, illuminating the world.

'And yet,' Inuyasha thought breathlessly as he gulped again, 'the moon seems to be a spotlight on the single most important thing on earth.'

A quick glance at his companions hinted that they felt the same way he did. Inuyasha smirked, and turned back to the scene.

Kagome, Sango, and Videl were dancing before the bonfire, nothing but the wild countryside behind them. They sang as they turned this way and that, rounded arms tapering to slim long fingers that wielded delicate paper fans with the precision of an artist before his canvas.

Kagome's obsidian hair fell in waves over her shoulders, framing her delicate face. Her bangs lay silky straight, shading her bark-brown eyes. Her lightly tanned skin glimmered in the firelight, as her cherry blossom lips moved to form the words of the song. Her graceful neck flowed down to reveal a fire red, gold embroidered kimono wrapped around her lithe body, tied by a pink obi that matched her lips and presented her bosom in an alluring manner. Slits in the long sleeves showed flashes of the white yukata underneath. Inuyasha's breath caught in his throat as he watched her graceful sway, his eyes turning a warm honey-red at each movement.

Miroku's eyes darkened to a glimmering violet as Sango swept the fan through the air before her. Her hair flowed like an inky ocean over her back, complimenting the violet kimono she was wearing. Her eyes were heavy-lidded as her chocolate gaze reflected the bonfire's light. Some unknown internal heat lightly flushed her pale skin, and her even teeth showed between her coral pink lips. The blush continued down her neck, disappearing into the gold-bordered collar of her kimono. Below the golden obi, which accentuated her fine waist, intricate slits in the kimono revealed her dark blue yukata underneath.

Videl's sapphire gaze shimmered over the bonfire. Gohan licked his lips reflexively as she turned towards him, giving him a glorious exhibition of her unleashed beauty. Her short hair had been arranged to closely follow her face, curling slightly beneath her ears. Her ebony bangs dusted her thick eyelashes as she hooded her eyes, her lips were plump and deep pink, and her skin glistened with peach overtones as she hummed the tune. Her slender throat shivered as she hummed, gently shaking the orange collar of her yukata and her blueberry kimono; below the orange obi, which outlined her feminine soft hips, the gold trimmings on the hem rippled.

The dance ended, and the three males shook their heads as if they had just been released from a trance. As the girls made their way to their seats, the men seemed to come to an agreement of sorts. Then, they moved to join the beauties below.

"Konbanwa," Kagome uttered huskily, her voice barely above a whisper. She struggled to say more, but the way that Inuyasha's molten lava eyes were staring at her caused her mind and throat to constrict.

"Please, join us," Sango invited quietly, suddenly shy before the liquid heat of Miroku's violet gaze.

"I-we're glad you came," Videl stammered, willing her heart to stop racing as Gohan's eyes lightened to an intense flaming blue.

The untransformed Tetsusaiga could cut the sexual tension between each couple. Shippou carefully cleared his throat, breaking the stress to announce the arrival of dinner.

As the couples ate, Shippou secretly winked at Kirara, who winked back. After all that they as a group had gone through before Naraku's death, and considering the huge cookie that Gohan had bribed him with, they all deserved a little happiness now. That's why the two pint-sized criminals plied their friends with just enough sake to lower their inhibitions, then sat back to watch the fireworks.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I didn't notice anything!" Shippou wailed, trying to get out of the hanyou's grip.

The three pairs of eyes didn't even blink.

"Well, not much."

The clawed hand shook him like a leaf.

"O-o-k-k-kay, okay! I'll tell!"

Shippou was dropped like a brick.

"The girls want you," Shippou grumbled sourly. "They want you tonight. And they don't want you to hold back."

Miroku blinked, then smirked.

"Out with it, Shippou, tell us something we don't know."

Shippou gulped.

"What'll you give me if I tell you?"

Inuyasha spewed various threats, while Gohan thought for a moment before feeling in his pocket for a small capsule.

"Shippou, have you ever tasted cookies," he inquired.

Shippou shook his head apprehensively.

"I'm giving you my emergency supply here," Gohan warned. "This is one my mother made for me, so you better have good information, or I'll make you wish Inuyasha got you instead of me."

Shippou's mouth watered as he answered. If Gohan was saving the food, it must be good.

"I can tell you all their fantasies. The ones girls don't even tell their friends."

Inuyasha blinked.

Miroku blinked.

Gohan blinked.

The capsule popped open to reveal a cookie roughly the size of two Shippous.

"Start talking."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gohan abruptly rose, holding his hand out to Videl. Her arm trembled as she reached out to him, and she gasped as he drew her flush against him. A low growl rumbled from his throat as he bent his head to capture her lush lips. Slowly, he used his ki to levitate into the air, then, without breaking his grip, he wrapped his tail around her waist. At the touch of the furry appendage, a low moan issued forth from those same lips. In a flash, Gohan was flying away from the fire, a brilliant beam in the dark night, destination unknown.

As Sango turned to Miroku to ask him what was going on, she felt a slight breeze caress her cheek, causing her to pause, mouth slightly agape. Miroku's intense look caught her eyes as surely as if he were holding her face, and she shuddered under the scorching heat oozing from them. A slow smirk graced Miroku's lips as another breeze smoothed the back of her neck. As she gasped, Miroku dove like a hunting hawk, snatching his luscious prey between his lips. A sudden whirlwind obscured them. When it cleared, the couple was gone.

Kagome spun her head around to look at Inuyasha in alarm. She lost all coherent thought when her eyes fell on Inuyasha's pair. The look in them was feral, as if he could barely restrain his own instincts. He was panting lightly, and he seemed to taste the air around her.

"Inu…Inuyasha?" she choked, falling into the crimson depths of his eyes, "Wh-what are Miroku and Gohan going to do with Sango and Videl?"

Inuyasha raised a claw, tracing it down her left jaw, making her mewling as desire ran rampant through her veins.

"They're going to mate, koishii Inuyasha no kokoro. They are going to go somewhere private, where none can hear their screams of passion. Somewhere beautiful and safe, where they can mate until day breaks, where their desires can run rampant," Inuyasha purred into Kagome's right ear, making her shiver with each syllable. "Somewhere where they can let their deepest, darkest fantasies come true."

"Will you do that to me, Inuyasha?" she breathed, causing his purr to roll deeper in his chest. He stood swiftly, scooping Kagome into his arms.

"Hai," he replied, kissing her fiercely as he bunched his legs under him. He was still kissing her when he sprang towards the God Tree.

Hours later, the sun was greeted by passionate moans of love.