Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Introductions ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z In fact, I don't own much of anything, so don't sue me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought (usually)

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

"Kakkarot, you moron, get off the chess board! What in the seven levels of hell possessed you to use me as your target ki?!"

"Gee Veggy, I'm sorry if I ruined your game, but I didn't want to end up in the food!"

"Don't call me that, bakayarou!"

"Gee Veg, I'm sorry! I'll make it up to you with a really good sparring session, ok? Anyway, gotta introduce my new daughter-in-law to the lil' harpy, be right back!"

Goku sped off to get his wife, not allowing Vegeta to see or hear his mirth. Teasing the Saiyan no Ouji was too much fun to resist, even if he did respect him. In his wake, he left his son and the newcomers to introduce themselves to the assembled company.

"Feh, now I know where you get your manners from, monkey-face," Inuyasha teased, watching the demi-Saiyan's face turn bright red in anger.

"At least I don't bark all day, dog-breath."

"That's cause you're hanging off of branches and peeling fruit!"

"Oh you asked for it!"

"Ah, before you beat him up Gohan, could you introduce everyone?" Krillin asked politely, his eyes bright with ill-suppressed humor. Gohan embarrassed was the second funniest thing on earth as far as he was concerned. Only Vegeta's snapping and snarling over Goku's latest stunt was funnier, even if it did ruin their chess game. Not that Krillin really cared, he was losing anyway.

"Eh, gomen Krillin. The girls, from left to right, are Kagome, Videl, and Sango. They're human," Gohan began.

"Since when were those bitches human?" Inuyasha quietly asked the monk, who gave him a jab in the side to shut him up.

"The cat in her hands is named Kirara. The guy in the blue and purple robes is Miroku; I don't really know what he is now, but when we met, he was a bouzu…ah, a monk. The cute yet annoyingly big-mouthed brown furball is Shippou, a kitsune youkai. He doesn't know it yet, but he and his new cohort-in-crime, Goten, have a lot to answer for," here, the six young people glared at the two chibis, who squeaked and shrank in fright. Gohan continued.

"And the soon-to-be-dead thing in red is Inuyasha; he's an inuhanyou."

"It is an honor to meet you," Miroku replied with a bow, the others following suit. Well, everyone but Inuyasha that is. He turned his back on the whole lot of them with a loud "Feh!" That earned him solid jabs from Hiraikotsu, Miroku's staff, and Kagome's bow, forcing him to turn back around and grind out the welcome. Krillin analyzed the inuhanyou's antics and made a mental note to treat Inuyasha like a chibi Vegeta. He turned his thoughts back to the assembled teens.

"Oh, no need to be so formal, really. My name's Krillin, and this is…"

"Vegeta, Saiyan no Ouji, and I expect to be treated as such," came the curt answer. Ah, Vegeta the socialite.

"Don't go getting on high and mighty cause you're a prince, ok shrimp. That title is overrated," Inuyasha snarled at the Saiyan no Ouji, who was, for some strange reason, irritating him to no end.

'The voice, the demeanor, and that hairstyle, everything about this saruyoukai noble gets on my nerves.'

'This thing in red is trying my patience; he better learn how to start begging for mercy.'

Isn't it amazing how annoying you can find yourself to be?

Vegeta negligently grabbed the teenage demi-demon by his collar, then turned back to Gohan. He started talking, giving the cur a good shake every once in a while, as a form of punctuation.

"What the hell is this thing, brat? One of the results of those filthy bestiality acts perpetrated on that smut you call the Internet? How the fuck could you find something that is suppose to be a human and a dog at the same time? Whatever it is, its father must have been a mongrel and his mother a whore. And that hair! He looks more like a girl than Zarbon ever did. What'd you bring him here for, brat, to be a living Barbie for Cueball's spawn?"

Krillin was amazed, Gohan was getting angry, Miroku was wondering why the level of jaki in the air was rising, and everyone else was too busy watching Vegeta's twisted smirk and listening to his tirade to notice that someone's eyes had gone sly and reddish gold.

Vegeta felt the weight in his hand sag, and he threw the brat down, convinced that he'd scared some respect into the mutt. He didn't really mean those things he'd said, as Goku and Krillin had spent the past couple of days explaining what youkai and hanyou were, but he would not allow anyone to openly mock his title as Saiyan no Ouji as long as he had breath in his body and the Dragonballs existed.

"Let that be a lesson to you, brat. Treat royalty with respec…!"

Inuyasha's clawed hand bit into the back of Vegeta's neck, and the prince was hoisted off the ground. Gohan and Krillin watched in astonishment as the prince actually struggled in the hanyou's grip. Gohan knew Inuyasha was strong, but strong enough to hold down an untransformed Vegeta? That was a big shock. Krillin was just shocked that someone would be brave enough, or stupid enough, to retaliate against Vegeta.

"Listen to me saruyoukai, I was named Inuyasha no Ouji, second son of Lord Inutaisho. My father was a Taiyoukai, a ruler over many lands. My mother was a hime, the daughter of a strong human warlord. Furthermore, she was a miko, a damn powerful one at that. Royalty doesn't mean one shit when you've been driven from your home, seen your family killed, and been on the run from the time you could eat solid foods. Remember that Monkey King."

Inuyasha released the Ouji and glared at the others, who stood there in shock. This was the first time they'd heard so much about Inuyasha's past. Kagome's heart shattered at the way his voice sounded; so bitter and full of self-loathing. She knew that she'd have to spend a lot of time talking to Inuyasha and tending those raw scars of the past. Gohan and Krillin were busy trying to solve another problem; namely, how to stop the Saiyan no Ouji from killing the young inuhanyou.

"Honey, I'm home!"

"Oh Goku, I should never have let you watch that old American comedy," Chi Chi giggled, wiping off her soapy hands. Having her son home and mated had caused a complete change in her mood. The woman, whose voice usually caused the strongest being in this particular quadrant of the universe to quake in his boots, had mellowed out completely.

'Of course, that could also have something to do with last night," Goku thought smugly, kissing his wife's temple as he wrapped her up in his huge arms. She squirmed in his grip; the big imp was tickling her!

"Behave Goku, you know we'll have company soon!"

Goku mentally registered 3 sets of ki and a hint of metallic tang in the air, which actually meant that four people were showing up, especially if things were going as scheduled. He gave the notorious Saiyan smirk as he covered his wife's protests with his warm lips.

"Consider it revenge for all the times we've walked in on two certain couples," he murmured just before he kissed her. Passion flowed between the connection, causing sparks to fly. Literally. Both fighters had started powering up as Goku expertly teased all of his mate's weak spots

'20 years of practice have made you damn near perfect,' Chi Chi pondered hazily, heat suffusing her face as a sexual fog descended over her.

'Heh, think that fighting is the only thing Saiyans learn?' he replied smugly, flooding the bond with his images from the previous night. He barely remembered what he'd originally come in the house for.

"For Dende's sake, get a room you two," Bulma whined mockingly, rolling her eyes to the heavens. "You do know that Vegeta heard you from Capsule Corp. last night?"

"You're a good one to talk Bulma, Krillin and I almost went deaf on the island." Eighteen's face appeared behind a huge stack of shopping bags as she navigated through the doorway.

"All three of you were loud. Poor Ox-king jii-san couldn't sleep, and Master Roshi and Oolong kept talking about how they were gonna set up cameras next year," Trunks added, blowing away a large purple cowlick that kept dropping into his eyes. Even though he was talking, his mouth remained firmly wrapped around a chocolate that was shaped like a crescent moon.

"And poor Puar couldn't get a single transformation done. But he let me brush his tail fur back down!" piped the roundest, rosiest, cutest little blonde girl ever seen in this dimension; namely, Marron. Amazing, she was speaking around a large red heart-shaped lollipop that puffed out her cheeks.

Goku pulled away slowly, still smirking as he watched his wife and the others blush under the comments. He let his wife return to her dishwashing as the other women put up the groceries they'd bought to replenish the Son family's stores.

'But its oh so hard,' he thought hungrily, watching his wife's rump as she finished her chores. Well, he was watching until a frying pan landed on his head.

"Che where'd that come from?! I thought I broke the last one this morning?" he whined, rubbing the lump now riding high on the back of his head. He looked around for his assailant, his eyes finally landing on Bulma.

"Some friend you are, nee-chan," he grumbled. Since when did she start picking up Chi Chi's bad habits? A wrench was one thing, but cooking utensils can hurt people you know!

"Well you and Vegeta need to learn how not to stare at us like fresh meat after a fast. Besides, weren't you supposed to be watching out for Gohan?"

Goku blinked. Now why did Gohan's name trigger the feeling that he'd forgotten something important? Gohan, Gohan, Gohan…

"Oh yeah! He's with the others in the picnic area!"

"NANI?!?!?" Chi Chi screeched, her eyes ablaze. "He's here and you didn't tell me anything!"

Goku cowered before her wrath. Sure she was gorgeous when she was angry, but when it came to her children, she was like a force of nature. Goku bared his teeth in the Son grin, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"I wanted to make sure you were ready to meet them. Besides, I couldn't resist teasing Vegeta."

"Goku!! Now I'm going to go out there and hafta listen to his raving!" Bulma shrieked. Vegeta had a tendency to bitch about things for a long, long time.

"All I did was disrupt his chess game with Krillin!"

"Oh joy, now I'll probably have to listen to Krillin laughing about it all night. You know how he loves anything that irritates Vegeta," droned the female android as she stuffed a large sack of rice into a bin.

"Well come and take the food Goku, while I finish my hair, then we can go." Chi Chi had left her hair down for once, leaving it free of the tight, conservative bun. The wavy black tresses fell down the middle of her back to the tip of her buttocks, with natural reddish highlights adding volume to the already thick locks. Goku loved to watch her hair sway in time with her hips, much like how a tail would move to help balance its owner. He stopped her hand as she reached for her hair.

"Don't. Just come. Its much more beautiful like that," he murmured, his eyes ablaze.

Bulma rolled her eyes and leaned to whisper into Eighteen's ear.

"We better pack the food ourselves, before these two start again." Eighteen grunted in agreement. She'd seen that look in her husband's eyes too often.

However it took the children to break the couple's reverie. Trunks, who'd been yanking on Marron's pigtails, ran up Goku's back as the cute little girl became a cute little demon, screaming brimstone and hellfire down around the demi-Saiyan. Goku winced as Trunks teased Marron from the safety of his head; children tend to forget the strength of their grip when holding onto hair.

"Naaaaa! Stupid girl!"

"Mama, I wanna kick his ass!"

"Don't pick up your father's bad habits Marron," Eighteen drawled, picking up the furious girl. "Goku, we're ready, lets go."

"But you told Master Roshi that that's what you'd do if…"

"Let's go, Goku. NOW," Eighteen growled, slapping her hand over her child's blabbering mouth.

"Ok, ok! You all know what to do," he said as he wrapped an arm around his mate.

Bulma tucked the last of the 15 food capsules into her pocket, plucked her son from his perch on Goku's back, then linked arms with Eighteen and Goku. The two children ran to hold onto Goku's legs, then all of them disappeared…

…to reappear right in the middle of a brawl.

Eighteen grabbed Bulma and Marron and flew to safety with Trunks close behind her. Goku threw Chi Chi into the air, and called for the Flying Nimbus to catch his wife.

Which was about all he could do before the brawl landed on his head.

Chi Chi, safe on the Nimbus, watched nervously as the dust cleared. Through their bond, she could already tell that the situation was slightly more serious than it appeared because of one factor.

Goku was pissed.

Soon the severity of the situation became clear to everyone else when bodies started flying. Miroku and Krillin, who had gotten involved in an attempt to talk sense into the two Princes, landed painfully in the surrounding woods. Gohan had attempted to get in between the two combatants, only to end up with his father's elbow in his stomach. And what of the two quarrelsome oujis?

"Teme! You third-class bakayarou let go of me! No one shall dare disrespect the Saiyan no Ouji!" Vegeta roared, hissing and spitting like a wet cat as Goku's hand dug into the latex-like material of his clothing. The other Saiyan was holding his prince as far away from his provoker as his arm could extend.

"Kisama, release me! I'll teach this saruyoukai the meaning of royalty!" Inuyasha snarled, clawing wildly at the empty air between himself and his opponent. Goku held him by the scruff of his neck, stretching his arm as far away from Vegeta as it could get.

Goku's eyes narrowed as he discovered the source of the brawl. He sought a swift end to the bickering that had nearly flattened his wife, friend, and godchild. With a very twisted smirk, he brought his hands together. Hard.


'Go-chan, I'm fine,' Chi Chi communicated to him, trying not to laugh at the way he was inflicting pain on Vegeta and the strange silver-haired teen. 'You can calm down.' Goku grunted in acknowledgement, almost all of his fury dissipating. But he needed to put the two rivals in their place.

"And if you two little bitches start up again, I'll treat you all to a sample of my taiko drumming skills!" he hissed venomously before dropping them. He folded his legs beneath himself and sat on the ground with a grunt. His initial fall under the weight of the brawlers hurt more than he was willing to admit. While he was used to Vegeta's weight, having sparred with him almost everyday for the past four years, he hadn't expected Inuyasha to weigh so much. He looked so scrawny in his baggy clothing. He forgot about the slight pain as he turned to address Vegeta.

"You do realize that you nearly killed my wife, Bulma, and Marron?"

Vegeta grunted. Sure he was upset about almost squashing his wife, but he'd be damned if he apologized to her in public, especially in front of The Albino Inu no Oujo.

"And you, Inuyasha, you shouldn't have goaded him into a fight, and you know it."

"Feh!" the inuhanyou replied, turning his back on the whole assembly. Sure, he was sorry about causing a ruckus and almost killing the human females, but there was no way he'd openly apologize to anyone, and the possibility of an apology lessened precipitously with The Undersized Saru no Oujo present.

Goku frowned. He knew that nothing short of death would get these two hard-headed men to apologize. What he didn't anticipate was the willing help of the men's mates, who were stalking towards the little trio with scowls marring their pretty faces. Kagome and Bulma were obviously furious, and their glares scared the chibis into fits. Even Trunks began to tremble as Goten, Marron, and Shippou tried to hide behind him now that he'd landed. Even Vegeta and Inuyasha seemed to flinch as their women approached. Goku winced. Sure he was mad at them, but the women sometimes went a little too far. He saw his concerns mirrored on the faces of Krillin and Miroku, who had finally come back from their landing places, and Gohan, who was busy rubbing his stomach where his sire had poked him.

The two proud princes glanced at each other, and came to an agreement; they'd finish the fight another time, with no spectators. For now, each of them had to worry about what devious punishment their beloveds had devised. It didn't help Vegeta that his lower back was aching, as if a vertebra was out of place. With the look on her face, there was no way he'd get her to massage him tonight. His scowl deepened.

The women were towering over the princes now. Eyebrows twitched as they coldly regarded the men for some time, death and destruction appearing to be a definite promise in their eyes. Their mouths opened; Gohan and Miroku flinched, anticipating a vigorous round of osuwaris. Krillin and Goku braced for the Shriek of the Storm, followed by the thump of the Wrench of Wrath. So when the two females clutched each other and collapsed laughing, you can imagine their surprise.

All of the men present blinked. To say that this reaction was unexpected was an understatement. Slowly, more feminine chuckles could be heard. Chi Chi was biting her hand, trying to stop her mirth from leaking out. Eighteen wore a delighted smirk as her snorts of concealed merriment grew louder. Sango, ever polite, was holding onto Hiraikotsu for dear life in an attempt to not be rude, but Videl's suppressed cackles in her shoulder were no help whatsoever.

"You should have seen the way you got played Veggy!" Bulma howled, tears streaming down her face. That did it. All of the women present dissolved into gales of laughter, rolling on the ground over each other. It is a scientifically documented fact. Women will laugh at the minor pains their husbands suffer and the way in which they are acquired; furthermore, only they will understand what the hell was so funny about the whole issue.

"They did look like a pair of oversized bell clappers, didn't they?" Kagome shrieked, kicking her heels on the ground as another fit of laughter racked her frame.

"Oh hun, you should consider becoming a professional cymbal player," Chi Chi gasped, holding onto the shaking forms Videl and Eighteen for support. "And your face when they all landed on you! And my poor little boy; he looked like an empty sack when he got elbowed! I hope he stands up better than that normally Videl!"

"Not like when the bouzu went flying," Eighteen said breathlessly, Sango nodded her head vigorously in agreement. "That was too hilarious!"

Inuyasha quietly leaned over to whisper into his rival's ear, his own ears flattened against his head under the barrage of feminine frolics.

"I will never understand bitches."

Vegeta nodded, leaning over to reply.

"Just count your blessings that they're laughing."

The other married men nodded sagely, Goku's head bobbing so hard that it threatened to pop off of his neck. Women.

"Hey Trunks-kun, remind me never to grow up. Adults are strange," Goten whispered to his best friend as the chibis watched the adults from a safe distance.

"That's my next Dragonball wish, Goten, my very next one."