Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Billy and the Magic Wish ❯ Badboy Billy Rides Again!! ( Chapter 5 )
Hiya! Me again! Say hi to chapter 5!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything here about anyone. One day this will get madke into a Manga like Megatokyo, then I'll be rich and then there will be a anime and I'll get more money and then I can pay people to act out my story and then there'll be a movie and stuff, and I'll be like "OH MY GODSS!!!!!!!!1!!111"....just gotta write more chaps first!
Billy and the Magical Wish
Chapter 5--- "Badboy Billy Rides Again"
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Suddenly I was alive again. I said yea lets be the bestest pals ever, and then I gave Naruto my friendship braclet I made and we danced and laughed!
Naruto then said that he had a quest and stuff and do I wanna come. I was like hell yes, bitch! He said don't you wanna hear what it is first and I was like noway lets just go right now.
So Naruto just started talking and stuff and it was like some kid Billy was in some castle somewhere being deprived of having a bum-baby by some evil dude, but the only way to kill the evil dude is with some wish thing Billy has but we gotta get Billy the hell outta there so he can use the wish, kill the evil guy, have a happy life and a bum-baby.
I was gonna tell Naruto all I new about ass-birth (like how much it hurts and how great it is) when he carried on talking.
We need your help to do this as we can't do it ourselves for some unexplained reason that might be revealed in the next chapter. But maybe not. You'll have to wait and see!
I was like wow, that's deep, but I'm in. and he was like "Awesome!" And then we danced together and laughed till we cried and said 'yata!' alot. I think I love Naruto ;D
We started walking down a hill that suddenly appeared in a big field till we got to the fence. We climbed it and kept walking till we got to a little stream running over some rocks and green stuff. Naruto sat down and pulled out a picnic basket and took out a mat that he spread on the floor. I was like "man what the hell you doing?" He was like, "I'm tired and hungry and stuff and wanna eat." I didn't really want to stop but I knew that sometimes peoepl have to make sacrifices in order to make long term relationships work cuz my dad didn't sacrifice a whole lot and that's why mom said he left.
Naruto then said "I got this picnic basketful of food and was just gonna eat it myself till I found you, you want some?" I was like "OK!!!!" And we sat down while he pulled out twinkys and sausages and cola and sandwiches and apples and cakes and muffins and sweets and I was like "Wow, that's lots of food" and he was like "Yea eat some!" And so we sat down and ate lots of food until we were really full.
It started to get dark so we went looking in a nearby wood for wood to make a fire. I was really helpful cause I did fire-saftey in scouts and so I was in charge. Naruto wanted to be in charge of the fire at first but I said I was better and he was like ok.
We found loads of wood and made a big pile and then lit it using a burning bit of wood that lightning hit, cause it was raining with thunder and lighting earlier but stopped before I came here.
Then he pulled out some sleeping bags and we got in around the fire but not to close because unless you are careful and a hundred percent awake fire is not our friend, and smokey the bear who we saw the real one says it's bad.
We lay down talking and stuff till it was really dark and then Naruto went to sleep. I lay back thinking how much I Love NAruto and how I want to have his kids and how I want him to have a bum-baby with me.
The next day we packed up out stuff and started walking to our destiny...
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Thanks for reading again!!!
Note to my fans: Some of you may have noiticed the spelling and stuff is better is this one. That's cause My bigger sister checked it for me. Well she first said, fuck off with your stupid shit, but I said I'd tell mom about what her and Brad were doing in her bed and then she did. I didn't understand what they were doing but it looked the right way to make bum-babys :D