Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Billy and the Magic Wish ❯ The Legend of Billy ( Chapter 7 )
Hay ppl! I'm back w/another chapter of my hit fanfic!! Thx to everybody who sent me mesages bout my story I LUV U GUYZ!!! And to the hataz well, fux you, you jeaolus a-holes.
disclaimer: I dont own (or pwn!) any of the animes or mangas reprezented in this story, even though they're super kawaii an i even add a new charrie in this chapter! He's strechy but thats all Im telling you! C if you can guess!
Billy and the Magical Wish!
Chapter 7 - "The Legend of Billy"
After fighting derrick naruto and i went to sleep. in my dream I saw an ocean and i new that I had two go there while Naruto was sleping. So I decide to go and explore in the woods two find the water. I ran pretty far until I got at least 100 miles from naruto (authors note: I miss him so much!!!! Waaaaaaah! ;_;) in about an hour (authors note: i got there fast because I'm uber uber super fast and I can run fast nd stuff, member? ! (authors note note: wouldn't it be kewl if u could use a author note lik a death note? i would totally kill my uber mean grandpa he hates nething japan and makes me so mad! >:())
I fund the beach and a ship was there. Allah sudden Luffy jumped off and asked me to be his nakama! I was like "that's uber kawai!" I got on the shipp and nami and zoro and everyone was here! They mad a big dinner for me and Sanji made the dinner nd it was huge!!! We sat down to eat the dinner and they said the dinner was mad for me because i was the uber super chosen one and they were celebrating in me honur. Then I asked if I culd do something and they said "Yes." and I wanted two bungy jump w/ luffys arms. Id never bungy jumping befour but i wasn't scared, because my love for Naruto gave me unhuman courage.
So later I bungy jumped off the ship and they were like wow yur the best bungy jumper ever. I said "I've never done it before I cant be the best," but then they said "No like you really are the best. You dont have to be good at sumthing to be the very best in the world at it you know." I thought about that and nodded. I learned something today.
After that I had a eating contest w/ luffy and I totally won even tho he opened his mouth realy wide with his gomu gomu, but I was just to fast for him.
I was like this is kewl and then the ship startd shaking and a big hole got blew in the side! I felt this really strong power coming and I said everyon get down and then this old guy floated into the ship and i was like wut he looks like my mean old stupid jerkface grandpa. He said that he was only 18 but I didnt believe him. All of the sudden i got lifted off the ground by the old fartie mans mind! but I used my mind to overcome his and i landed on my feet (authors note: just like a cat! ^.^ mew!) I told the old fartie man to leave and fix the ship. He said "no I don't think so!" He then started talking about an old war. It was uber boring but he said that luffy an friends weare evil and i was like no they aren't and he was like yes they are and we did that for a bit.
Then he said that there was no getting thru to me and that he would teach me a lesson. I braced myself for the insuring battle of wills! He tried to get me with his mind again but I pushed him a side with me mind like a nat or a fly or something. He said "fine take this" and powered up. i then felt deep inside me and brought up great power so much me arms got all big and veiny and my hair flew up in the air (authors note: but it stay on my head silly!). Me and fartieman were about t o fight and I knew in my heart it was gunna be epic!
Pretty intense right/ I left this one on a cliff hanger to keep u guys in suspence until my next uber awesome chapter. Gimme feedback and i might get the next chappie out faster! R+R ppl!!
Until next time thanks for your reading!! xoxoxoxo