Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Outlaw Star Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ The Friendship Chronicles ❯ Part 3-Aisha Clan-Clan, the Immortal Ctarl-Ctarl ( Chapter 3 )

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Saiyan Saga

Author's Note: No reviewing until all the chronicles are done!(Got a feeling I'm gonna regret not putting this up earlier.) By the way, thanks Gohan for the name of the race! To the readers: You can also catch my fanfics on MediaMiner.org. Lata!

The Friendship Chronicles: Aisha Clan-Clan, the Immortal Ctarl-Ctarl

Golen and friends(not to be confused with Barney) have landed on Planet Ctarl-Ctarl. But is there more to this planet than a welcome visit from a young Ctarl-Ctarl? Could Frieza be involved? Eleventh in the saga.

By Queen Breeza

"Golen," Cerulean began, "next time we land, we'll have to stock up on more food supplies." Cerulean grabbed a water bottle from the cooler sitting next to her and didn't stop drinking it till it was all gone.

"We'll have to stock up on more than just that," Golen said, looking at his armor. "Some new clothes would be nice."

"Could I make a suggestion?" Cello said as he looked up from a magazine Cerulean had given him to read.

"Yeah..." Something about Cello's voice made Golen unsure about what he was going to say next.

"Can we buy a waste disposal unit?" Cello asked. As Golen feared, Cello was still clueless and...a bit naive.

"We already have a toilet and a bathroom for that matter," Golen stated.

"Oh," Cello said. He went back to his "reading" but soon looked up again. This time, Golen expected it.

"Yes, Cello?"

"Where is it then?"

"The toilet, I presume?"

"Yeah...that thingy."

"Downstairs. You'll find it; it has big black letters that say "Restroom" on it."

"Okay, thanks!"


The ship was moving at a fast pace, but the powerful Queen Breeza had no trouble keeping up. Her power level was 70,000 right now, not even her maximum.

I wonder where my little friend is headed off to, she thought, then laughed because she had called Golen "little" in her mind even though she was way smaller. Breeza had been born this way; being little was no surprise. She would probably be three feet-something when she finally got fully grown. Just as long as she was able to take care of herself, she didn't have any problem with being small as an adult or otherwise.

The ship kept going until it reached a green and brown planet. The planet was about the same size as the ship, so, again, Ryo-Ohki couldn't land here.

The occupants of Ryo-Ohki got off, and Ryo-Ohki himself transformed back into the cat-like creature he had been before he became a ship. He stretched and followed Golen and the others to the nearest city.

Breeza landed just short of where the ship had been and decided to go ahead of them using her super speed. In the blink of an eye she had relocated herself among a crowd of strange looking people. She walked under them and out to the entrance where Golen would be coming. She hid around a corner and waited.

"Hey, what are they?" Cello asked Cerulean pointing to the people in the city. They had animal-like ears and long, furry tails like Saiyans.

"Why don't you go ask them?" said Golen. He pushed Cello ahead of them and in front of one of the people. "Excuse me, sir. My friend here would like to know what you are, if that's alright with you."

The guy looked down at Cello and said, "Sure, just as long as he does the same for me."

"What do you mean?" Cello asked him. "What's wrong with the way I look?"

"If you haven't noticed, Cello, you're green. And bald. And you have two...things growing out of your head," said Cerulean.

"What are they for, anyways?" Golen asked trying to touch the antennae on Cello's head. Cello smacked his hand away.

"Don't do that! I'm sensitive..." Cello covered his antennae with his hands.

"Your ears are pointy, too," Cerulean added. "I want to..."

"Want to what?" Cello asked quickly. He watched Cerulean place her hands on his ears and touch them. Soon she began moving them back and forth. Cello started giggling and then started laughing out loud.

"Stop that! That tickles!" he said falling to the ground.

One of the cat-like people walked over to the three friends and Ryo-Ohki. The previous one had already left.

Golen noticed her and tapped on Cerulean's shoulder. Cerulean turned around and looked at the person. "Uh, hi."

"Hey, there!" the cat ears on the person flexed with enthusiasm. "I'm Aisha Clan-Clan! This is Planet Ctarl-Ctarl. You all must be new here!"

"Yeah, could you...show us around?" Golen said. His eyes turned yellow and green as he gazed upon the strange looking being.

Aisha saw his eyes change color and bent toward Golen to get a better look. "Are you a cyborg or something?"

"Me? No!" Golen's eyes remained the same.

"Then why'd your eyes do that freaky color change thingy?" Aisha would have poked him in the eye if Golen hadn't moved when he did.

"That's just the way I...am," Golen answered catching sight of the tail connected to Aisha. "By the way, nice tail."

"Same to you, cutie!" Aisha laughed and tugged at Golen's swaying tail. Golen didn't feel week like a normal Saiyan would if their taill was pulled. He never had that Saiyan weakness of losing power over a pulled tail.

Cerulean fumed at Aisha. Stop touching him! she thought, but what came out was "Can we go now? I wanna see more of the city, you know."

"Alright!" Aisha said, wondering why Cerulean was so angry at her. "Keep your shirt on, Your Highness! We're going!"

Aisha walked on followed by Golen and Cello. Cerulean watched them leaving without her, still fuming at Aisha. Ryo-Ohki looked up at Cerulean, cocking his head slightly.


Cerulean looked down at him and relaxed. "Let's go, Ryo," she said finally following after her friends and current "enemy".


No one had noticed the little Jeweler at the gate. Breeza watched the group walking in the streets and took note of how far away Cerulean was from the rest of the group. Cerulean was looking at Golen as he talked enthusiastically to Aisha with yellow and brown eyes now. Deciding to keep distance from the group, Breeza waited until she was sure no one would notice her before she walked after the group, ducking behind various objects and people along the way to ensure her obscurity.


Cerulean turned around quickly, feeling a strange ki. She didn't see anyone following her, but knew they were being followed. Was it someone good or evil? She looked down at Ryo-Ohki and saw that he was looking around behind him, too, as if searching for someone. But he soon just shrugged it off and continued following Golen and Aisha.

I wonder what they're talking about, Cerulean thought, at the same time thinking that maybe she was being replaced by this......cat-thing. She felt a ki again, and this time she did see someone, but they were running so swiftly that she couldn't identify the person.

"We're here," Aisha said, stopping in front of a large palace(I don't know who the Ctarl-Ctarl are ruled by, but it's my fan fiction, and I'm giving them a king, DARN IT!).

"Where's here?" asked Cello.

"This is the place Golen wanted to see, duh!" Aisha answered. "It's the palace, but you can't see the king right now. He's busy."

"Understood," Golen walked to the palace doors and opened them. The hall looked like it would go on forever.

Cerulean walked after him, abruptly going past Aisha just so she couldn't get to Golen first.

"Excuse you!" Aisha said.

Cerulean didn't even look back. She walked faster behind Golen.

"Yeah, ignore me," Aisha said quietly.


Breeza watched the group go into the palace and the doors shut behind them. She looked around for something to cloak herself and found just that. A stand with some cloaks around it wasn't too far from where she was standing. Nobody was guarding the place either. Breeza quickly ran over and picked off a hooded black cloak. She also made a very rare jewel appear in her hand and placed it on the counter. She quickly left to the palace before the owner returned.

The owner of the stand returned a few moments after Breeza had left and noticed that one of his cloaks was missing. He also saw the jewel and picked it up, examining it closely. Then his eyes grew wide, and he hurried away from the stand to the palace.


"Wow, nice acoustics in here!" Golen said, cupping his hands and clapping hard to produce a popping sound.

"Golen, stop doing that," Cerulean said, "People could be having meetings in these rooms we're passing."

"Hey, Aisha," Golen turned to the Ctarl-Ctarl, "Can we go in a room? Do you know which ones are available?"

"No, I don't think we can," Aisha answered. "But we could take a peak to see who's in it first. Just try not to be noticeable."

"Me first!" Cello yelled and aggressively pushed open a door halfway. Aisha gasped and quickly grabbed him back out of the doorway before some Ctarl-Ctarl could see him.

"Take it easy, Sonic!" Aisha released Cello, and he went behind her. "If you're going to check the rooms, you have to be sly about it, okay?"

"Yeah," Cello looked around for another door. "How about that one?"

Cello was pointing to a door embroidered with a face of a wolf.

"Uh-uh," Aisha shook her head no, "That one is off-limits completely."

"Why?" Golen asked. His eyes turned green and he walked to the door. He carefully put his ear to it to see if he could hear anything. Faint, recognizable voices started coming to his ears, but he still couldn't hear what they were saying, whoever they were. It was almost like they knew he was there. Or maybe they had heard Aisha's yelling. Whatever it was they were talking about it sure must have been really important for them to keep it at a low, inaudible whisper.

"Hey! You there!"

"Huh?" The group turned around to face a familiar looking soldier with a weapon latched to his hand.

"What are you doing?" The soldier was talking to Golen, who now had dark purple eyes. Golen didn't answer.

"We weren't doing anything, mister!" Aisha yelled. "Why don't you mind your own business, before you get hurt?!"

"And who are you to talk, animal?" said the soldier.

"Who are you calling an animal!?" Aisha roared.

The soldier advanced toward them, and Golen's eyes got wider. Cello hid behind Aisha, and both Cerulean and Aisha took defensive poses. The soldier stopped in front of them and looked at Cerulean. Then it was his turn to be surprised.

"Hey," he began, "don't I know you from somewhere?"

"Who? Me?" Cerulean asked innocently. Aisha looked at her, at the soldier, and then back to Cerulean.

"Do you know this guy?" she asked.

"Uh, no," Cerulean lied.

"Come on, don't play games with me, little girl," said the soldier. "You're Cerulean, aren't you? Yeah! Zarbon's sister!"

"Are you sure?" Cerulean looked around uneasily.

"Perfectly," he said. "Everyone thought you had come back to the ship, but suddenly you were gone again! Why are you here on this planet?! How'd you get off the ship in the first place?"

"Uh, I got connections?"

"Funny, Cerulean. You and I both know you took that gigantic thing that rammed Lord Frieza's ship a few days ago. So, why'd you leave?"


Everyone turned their attention to the door Golen was standing a little ways from. Golen's eyes were still purple as he slowly turned his head towards the door.

Suddenly, he had an idea.

Slowly, Golen tip-toed to the door and grabbed the handle. Then he flung it open really quick and ran down the hall towards the entrance while two familiar looking warriors with high power levels fell to the ground. They had been listening at the door once they heard Cerulean's name being spoken.

"Get off me!" It was Frieza.

"Sorry, it wasn't my fault, Lord Frieza!" And Zarbon.

"Zarbon?" Cerulean gaped at her brother as he got off Frieza and glared at his sister.

"Where were you?" Zarbon asked. "I was worried sick about you!"

"Sorry, Zarb, but I, uh, have to go now! Later! See you in another lifetime!" Cerulean ran down the hall to catch up with Golen.

"Uh," Aisha was confused. Cello, who had been standing behind her, walked up to Zarbon and shook his hand.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, sir," he said. Then he shook Frieza's hand. "And you too, I think. Bye now!"

Frieza and Zarbon just stood there dumbfounded as the little green boy chased after Cerulean. They looked at each other, then at Aisha.

"Are YOU at least going to explain things to me, little girl?" Frieza asked her.

"Uh, nope!" Aisha scratched her head. "Gotta follow the crowd! Bye!"

"I didn't think so," Frieza hung his head as Aisha made her escape.

"Sir, that was...!" Zarbon looked at his master and waited for him to say something.

"I know Zarbon," Frieza stated. He lifted his head up and looked at the ceiling. He sighed. "You go and get her. She's your sister and your problem. NOT mine."

"Cerulean, wait!" Zarbon called as her pursued his little sister down the hall.


"What is it?"

"It's a rare and valuable jewel, that's what!"

"Where did it come from?"

"I don't know; I just found it on my stand when I came back from the bathroom."

"You left your stand?"

"It was only for a moment."

"There's no telling what diseases you've picked up from that thing. For all you know it could be a tainted gift, one that will bring about the demise of all immortal Ctarl-Ctarl!"

"I'm telling you, there's nothing wrong with it!"


The Ctarl-Ctarl left the other with the jewel. The owner of the stand that Breeza had taken the cloak from just stood there. There was no way he could convince the King that the jewel was safe and very valuable now. Not even the King's adviser would listen to him.

"Oh well," the Ctarl-Ctarl sighed and scratched one of his pointy and furry ears. Then he threw the jewel behind him and left for his stand.


"Cerulean! Come back!" Zarbon was catching up to Cerulean now.

"NEVER!" Golen flung open the doors of the palace and raced to the spot where they had landed in Ryo. Cerulean quickly followed after him. Then came Cello.

Just a little bit further, Zarbon thought, but his plans were thwarted as a dark figure with a cloak on knocked him back towards the palace.

"Who are you?" Zarbon growled as he got to his feet.

The small figure didn't reply. Instead, it stretched out one of it's hands and shot Zarbon with a small blast, just to slow him down but not to kill him. Then the cloaked being took off after Golen and Cerulean.

"Hey, guys! Wait up!" said Aisha. She caught up easily and went ahead of the group. She even passed Cello.

When they finally neared the landing site, Ryo-Ohki transformed automatically, and Cerulean and Cello made their way inside. Golen looked back at Aisha.

"Where are you going? And so soon?" Aisha sounded like an orphan begging for food.

"We're going back into space(heard that one before!)," Golen answered. "You can come with us if you want to."

"Hmmm," Aisha tilted her head in deep thought.

"Come on, Golen!" Cerulean said aboard the ship. Please don't come with us! Please don't come with us, Cerulean kept thinking.


"Golen, we have to go now!" Let's leave her! We don't need her! YOU don't need her!

"Okay!" Aisha beamed. "I've never been in space before, so this should be interesting!"


"Then again, you guys do smell."

How dare you!

"But I guess I'll come along anyway. What could it hurt?" Aisha got aboard Ryo.

You, that's who! Cerulean was furious. Why couldn't they have just left her behind. She wasn't in any danger, but they possibly were.

The ship got into orbit and went in hyper drive. It was gone completely in less than 2 seconds.

Zarbon appeared at the landing site, but it was too late.

"Cerulean!" he called her name again, and just like on Frieza's ship, no one replied.

"I'm sorry...."

Frieza: Touching.

Q.B.: What is?


Q.B.:...You're hiding something, aren't you?


Q.B.: Liar! (hit's him on the head)

Frieza: Owee!

Q.B.: -_-"Owee"? Heh, some Lord of the Universe you turned out to be! "Owee"!

Frieza: (crying) Leave me alone! (runs away)

Q.B.: Okay...