Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ 4s ❯ THEIR NOT CHILDEREN THEIR DEMONS!!!!! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Princess Serenity Usagi Son : Ummmmm..........We own EVERYTHING!!! MWHAHHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Ami Rose Briefs: Stop it Sere-chan. Gomen, she's had allot of sugar today. I'll do the Disclaimer cause I don't think Pan can.

Disclaimer: We don't own SM or DBZ or DB or DBGT Ok. Now please excuse me while I go get Sere-chan to settle down.

Purple is Princess Serenity Usagi Son's coments

Blue is Ami Rose Briefs' coments

Last time:

"Ummmm. My real parents sent me a letter. They want me back."

"Oh my god!! My Baby, you must be sick. I knew that college was going to be to hard for you."

"Mom, that's not it. What I'm saying is all true. I have to go live with them."

"Stop kidding Serena why would anyone want a klutz like you? That's a laugh! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!"

"Stop it Sammy, I'm telling the truth!!"

Serena looked at the family, she grew up with and found it hard to believe that they weren't her real family, in this timeline.

"Samuel Tsukino! Did you just call your sister a liar?"

Serena looked at her adopted little brother. His face was surprised. "You mean... She WAS adopted?!"

"Of course."

Princess Serenity Usagi Son: NOW, ON WITH THE STORY!!!


Amy and Serena walked into Raye's temple. Everyone else was there already.

"Hi! Amy has something to tell you!" Serena said cheerfully.

"ME?! Why don't YOU tell them? I already had to put up with telling YOU!!"

"I can't tell them! I barely understand it!"

"Oh well! I'M not going to tell them!"

"Fine! Then NOONE is going to tell them!!" (Serena)

"Fine!" (Amy)

"Fine!" (Serena)

"FINE!" (Amy)

"FINE!!!" (Serena)

They probably would have kept up like this for awhile, but Luna interrupted



Amy and Serena suddenly decided that telling the scouts wasn't their top



"Yes, it was 'something,' and I would like to know what you were talking


"Nothing to do with-"

Amy and Serena screamed. and fell onto the floor and began rolling around.

Suddenly, at the exact same time, they stopped.

"You know Amy, this is kinda uncomfortable." (Serena)

"You have a point. It's probably because they're under our skirts. Let's go

fix that."

Amy and Serena went into the bathroom.

"I wonder why it took us so long to grow our tails?"

"Why's my tail silver?"

"Because your hair is going to be silver, and half-saiyans have tails the

same color as their hair."


"Come on, let's go home. We're going to have to re-learn to walk."


On the way home Amy and Serena had to lean on eachother or anything near them, so they wouldn't fall.

"Amy what do we do?"

"We learn to walk and then we tell the Scouts."

"Tell the scouts what?"

"Tell them about us, you Baka."

"Don't call me that!!!!!!!!!!!!! WWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Serena cryed as she hit the ground. She wasn't used to Amy being so mean yet. She liked Amy better nice. But couldn't do anything about.

They finally got to a the same cafe that they eaten at before. They were both hungery, and went in.

They sat down, in joying every moment of siting. They ordered, and sat to think. Well, Amy was thinking, Serena was busy, looking through her bag for somthing.

"Serena what are you looking for?"

"My Sailor V comic book."

Serena said cheerfully. Amy sighed and went back to her thoughts. After a few minutes Serena pulled a Sailor V comic.

The food got to the table and Serena ate like there was no tomorrow. Amy started to, but with a little more manners.


The next Scout meeting.

Serena was reading a Comic as usaual. Amy was trying to explain, about Serena and herself. The Scouts were listening, and trying their best to get what they could.

"Serena stand up and show them ur tail."

Amy order, she waited a minute, when Serena didn't do as told, Amy looked at her. Serena had her nose stuck in a Sailor V comic. Amy's face turned deep red in anger.





Serena said as she sat up, and unrap her tail. When every one saw it they all gasped.

Mina stood and walked over, not sure if it was real or not. She pulled on it to if it would come off. In reacction to to this Serena screamed in pain. And tried pulled away, but her body wouldn't move. Mina let go, not liking the noise that had ncome out the Moon Hime's mouth.

Serena quickly got her energey back. She sat up and began to cry in pain and held her tail, smoothing out the fur which had been messed up.

Amy frowned and kneeled down next Serena.

"You ok Serena?"

"*Sniff-Sniff* Yes, I think so."

"What happened Amy?"

"Mina you just grabbed a half Saiyan's tail. That is a Saiyan weakness. When grabbed it paralzes the saiyan. And on my Fathers planet, you could be killed for doing somthing like that, when not in battle!"

Amy yelled, angery that Mina had done sopmthing like that not only to the Moon-Hime, but one of the last Saiyins and Amy best friend. Mina and the scouts looked scared out of their minds, they had never seen Amy go off like this, Amy was normally the clam and paceful one of the group.

"Amy, please don't yell at them, Mina didn't know."

Serena said as she stood up, she had a frown and was still holding her tail, wanting the pain to go away.

"I'm sorry Hime, I didn't know."

"It's ok Mina-chan, I know you didn't mean to hurt me."

"Serena your to soft for your own good you know that?"

Amy said as she sat down with a frown on her face. She wasn't happy that Serena had let Mina get away with what she did, so easily.

After a few minutes, a exploisn was heard, the girls jumped to their feet and got ready to find out what happned, they all ran out and towards where the noise had come from.

When they got there they saw a creature, that looked like......BARNEY!!!!!!!

"Is that who I think it is?"


"What the heck is going on?"

"I HATE BARNEY!!!!!!!!!! HE'S SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Serena scearmed. The girls all nodded their heads. Serena looked at them and shouted,

"MOON COSMIC POWER!!!!!!!!!!!"

The others followed suit.





The Girls all glowed their own colors. Then in their places stood the Inner Scouts. Sailor Moon, Sailor Merucry, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus.

"Ready lets go!!!!"


"MARS FIRE IGNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!"




"Who are you?"

Barney asked as he turned around to see the inner scouts standing there.(Princess Serenity Usagi Son:

BARNEY,HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I had to do that)

"I'm Sailor Moon! Champion of Justice! I stand for love and Justice. And on behlaf of the Moon, I will Punish you!"

"I'll Punish you in the name of Mars! I am Sailor Mars!"

"I'll throw down your punishment of love from heaven! I'm Sailor Venus!"

"I'm going to make you feel so sorry, for attacking these inncont people, you won't be able to feel anything else! I am Sailor Jupiter!"

"Dunk your head in water and think about what your doing! I am Sailor Mercury!"

Barney smirked and put his hands out, a black light appeared and said:

"You will pay for brainwashing all the little children into not watching my show! Prepare to be seven!"

Next thing the scouts knew they were getting smaller and smaller. Their Sailor Fuku's didn't fit anymore and the boots were way to big.

Tuxdeo Mask, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto apeared. They each grabbed a scout before anything else could happen.

Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and Tuxdeo Mask, jumped into the air with the little scouts in their arms, they left quickly.

After a few minutes, the scouts appeared at Hikawa Temple.

~~~~~Inside the temple~~~~~

"What do we do?!?!?!?"

Raye shouted. Amy was reading, Lita had fallen asleep in Darien's lap. And Serena and Mina were fighting over... the last piece of cake.

"We wait for the attack to wear off, thats what."



"When is it going to wear off?"(Serena)

"I don't know." (Amy)

"Is it going to in an hour?"(Serena)

"I DON'T KNOW."(Amy)

"Is it going to tomorrow?"

"I don't know!!!"

"How 'bout next week??"

"I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW STOP ASKING ME YOU BAKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Serena said as she went back to mourning the fact that Mina had gotten the cake. Every one in the room sweat dropped, at the fact, that Amy just screamed at Serena and Serena forgot about it in like three secounds. And the fact that Amy yelled at all.


Raye woke up at 2 O'clock and got up to get a drink of water, then noticed that everything seemed smaller...

"Everyone wakeup!!!! We're big again!!!!" She sweatdropped. "Well, except for Amy and Serena..."

Amy was sleeping on the floor, with blankets upon blankets. Serena's blankets had fallen onto Amy. Serena was on the couch, with her lower body hanging off the side, just over Amy's stomach.

They were five years old.

Mina jumped up, holding Artemis as if he were a gun.

"Prepare to die Barney!!!!!!!!"

She shouted, then blinked.

"Oh... I was just dreaming.... Or maybe not.... Why are Amy and Serena five?"

"Another wawking ice c'eam cone.....and a donut......COME HE'E I WANT TO EAT YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Serena screamed as she jumped off the couch, landing on...

"OWWW!!!!!! FEWENA!!!!!!!! GET OFF OF ME!!!!!!!!" Serena sat down and looked around.

"Hey! We'e back to no'maw! Wait a minute... How come I'm still wittwe??!!!"

"If you get off me I' te- te- te- te' you!!"

Serena got up and walked over and sat down on the couch next to Darien... Then saw who she was sitting next to and went over and sat down next to Mina.

"If my hypofefif if cowwect, then af the EH'f effectf weaw off we awe going back to how we wewe when we wewe five yeaws o'd, when we took it. The prob'em is, when we wewe five, we wewe, we'... five. So now that it haf a'moft wown off, we awe going back to how we wewe then... which meanf we'we five. Got that?"


"Ugg! We went back to being five because the EH'f effect- wore off, and we awe going to have to gwow up AGAIN!!!! Do you undewftand NOW?!!!!!"

"Yes....why didn't you say that befo'e. Wait...I DON'T WANNA BE FIVE!!!!"

"To bad!! I don't want to be five eithew, but I am!!! Fow heaven'f fake!!"

"I hated bein' five when I was five the fi'st!!!"

"The fiwft TIME. Goth, can't you fay ANYFING wight??!!"

"Yes I CAN say anyTHin' 'ight!"

"Stop fighting you two!! We need to decide who is going to babysit you. Wait... Isen't it Amy's job to say that?" (Raye... Kinda backwaard, isn't it?)

"Not me!" (Lita, Darien, Mina, Trista, Amara, Michelle, Luna and Artemis)

"Well, I'm not either!" (Raye)

"Oh yes you are!!" (Everyone but Raye, Amy, and Serena)

"No one if! We AWE eighteen you know!"(Amy)

"Psst, Amy. Wet 'aye babysit us. We can make her wife mise'able! Pwus, we can make he' wait on us hand and foot!" (Serena, whispering)

"You two have to let someone babysit you! It's illegal for you to be home alone!"

"We'... When you put it THAT way..." (Amy)

"Okay! But... ONLY IF WAYE BABYSITS US!!!" (Both)

"WHAT??!!!" (Raye)

"Looks like you're stuck Raye!" (Lita)

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You did that just to make my life miserable, didn't you???!!!!!"

Amy and Serena looked at each other.

"Umm.... Yep!"

"You two are so immature!" (Raye)

"We have a wight to be. We AWE on'y five you know!" (Amy)

"You are such a little brat!!" (Raye)

Amy and Serena stuck out there toungues at her.

"We have a wight to be. We AWE onwy five you know!" (Amy and Serena)


An hour later.

Amy and Serena had been playing a Sailor V game and got Raye to play. But Raye got into it and wouldn't let them play anymore. They had left her to herself about half an hour ago. Serena had started raiding Raye's comic book collection while Amy studied a medical book. Amy went over and looked over her shoulder to see what was so interesting. (She got very curious for some reason when the EH started to wear off... I wonder why?) A minute later...

"Does Waye have the firft book of that?"

"Mm-hmm... I think it's over the'e..." Serena said without looking up or really taking in what Amy had said.

Amy went over and started helping her bombard Raye's comic books. An hour later...

Raye FINALLY noticed they were gone and freaked out. About fifteen minutes later...

"What the !! are you doing Serena? I thought I told you not to read my-............................................. Is it just me..... or.... is Amy reading my comic books?"

Amy continue reading, totally oblivious to Raye's entrance.

"Fewena? Whwre'f the next book?"

"Amy! 'aye's he'e now and she towd me not to 'ead he' comic books!"

"So? She didn't te' ME."

Just then 'Waye' noticed the mess. Other then all her comics books being on the floor, the two half-saiyans had decided to get snacks, which meant crumbs, a spilled drink, and a WHOLE lot of dirty dishes.

"What happened in here? I thought you two would be responsable enough to be left on your own for two minutes!"

"It wafn't two minutef, it waf a'moft TWO HOUWF! And befidef," (Amy)

"We have an excuse. We AWE onwy five you know!" (Amy and Serena)

Amy and Serena burst out laughing. Raye groaned and began to clean up. The two HSs (half-saiyans) took the moment of distraction to sneak off. When they were out of hearing range, Amy said, "Why don't we fp'it up? We' be hawdew too find that way, and we can p'ay some pwactica' jokef." "Okay!"

~`~`~`~ With Serena`~`~`~`~

Serena was sneaking outside and towards the steps. Once she saw the person she was looking for she smirked. She walked up to a man with long shaggy brown hair, and said,

"Can you pwease hewp me?"

She said making her best puppy dog eyes she could.(CCCCUUUUUUTTTTTTEEEE!!!!!!!) He looked at her for a minute and smiled, he said,

"You look like a friend of mine. Except she doesn't have a tail, or a weird mark, but anyway, what do you need help with?"

"I came here wif......my.....big sids.. sits.. sissy, and I don't know whe'e she went,"

"Whats her name?"

"'aye Hino, I just got back from Ame'ica, I was wif my mommy and daddy, she picked me up, but she dis- dist- disda- I wost he', and I can't find he'."

"Ohhhhh...you must mean Raye, I'll take you to her, by the way I'm Chad, whats your name?"

"Ummmmm....Se'enity, you know whe'e my sissy is Chad?'

"Yes fowow- FOLLOW me"

Chad said taking Se'enity's hand and leading her back inside. When they got there Raye had FINALLY finished cleaning. She looked up and over at Serena and Chad. Serena had a smirk on her face, showing she was up to something. Chad smiled at Raye and looked at Se'enity.

"See Se'enity, here she is."

"Tank you, Chad. And it's not Se'enity, it's SE'ENITY!!"

"Isn't that what I said?"

"Seren- Serenity,"


Serena shouted as she ran into Raye's arms. Serena moved out of the way as Chad stepped up to Raye, Serena walked behind Raye, and pushed the back of her legs, forcing her to fall forward and KISS Chad right on the lips, by 'accident' of course. Before Raye could grab Serena she was gone. leaving Raye with Chad.

~`~`~`~Back to Amy~`~`~

'I wonder how much fun a five year old half-saiyan could have in the bathroom... Oh well, I'll find out in a minute!'

When Amy got to the bathroom she decided to skate, but the floor wasn't slippery enough, so she started squirting soap ALL over the floor, but got bored after a bit.

'Hmm... It would be fun to squirt toothpaste on the window... I can make pretty pictures!!!'

When she got bored of that...

'Hmm... I always wanted to see if how much would flush down the toilet...'

She started to throw in Raye's... pads and her toothbrush. When she ran out she decided she should clean up alittle. But since she was out of soap she used shampoo on the window, which just made the mess worse. She decided to try to wash it all off with water, but couldn't find any towels. For awhile she tried using her hands, but that was to slow. THEN she spotted the shower.

'Now, if I turned that to face the window...'

She turned the shower hose on the window, but realized that it was making the mess worse. She reached for the shower head to turn it, but forgot her new strength from being a saiyan, and accidently broke off the shower head. The cord leading up to it was still intact though, and the water was still running. When Amy reached for the shower handle it... kinda broke off in her hand. Then, to make matters worse, the toilet overflowed. That was when Raye decided to make an entrance. (AN: Picture what she would see when she walked in: Soap and shampoo COVERING the floor, Toothpaste on the window, Water covering the floor with her pads floating around in it, (talk about embaressing!) and the shower TOTALLY destroyed with water pouring out of it. )

"Uh-oh..." (Amy)

"Uh-oh is right! What happened in here?!"


In the kitchen.

Raye had sat Amy down at the table and was starting on a lecture about how Amy was suposed to be the Resposable one.

"I AM SO GOING TO PUNISH YOU!! Just as soon as I find Serena... I need to make sure SHE isn''t making a mess."

As soon as Raye got out of the room she ran into Chad, and she immediatly forgot aboout Serena as they headed off to 'talk.' After about fifteen minutes Amy got tired of waitin for Raye, and decided to go find Serena.


Raye was pulled back into reality by water leaking through the ceiling and onto her nose.

"Oh shit... ocki mushrooms!" She ran off to call the plumber. AS soon as she hung up she remembered the HSs and raan off to find them.


When Amy had found Serena, she had to laugh at the mess Serena had made in Raye's meditating room. (You know, the one with the fire in it?)

Where the fire had ONCE been there was now, a tent made out of the mats that they would sit on normally. She had made patterns on the walls with, Raye's favorite lipstick. Serena was working on the floors now, she was making them white and red with Raye's Blush and powder.

"I bet MY mess is bigger then yours!!" (Serena)

"No, actually, mine is. Raye only called the plumber, but I think That she'll need a caroenter to."

"SHOW OFF!!!!"

Serena shouted as she stood from her seat on ground. Just then Raye walked in. Raye's jaw hit the groud as she saw her meditating room.

~~~~In the kitchen~~~

Raye had left Serena and Amy in the kitchen and had gone to show the plumber where the bathroom was, and on the way back she ran into Chad.

Amy and Serena sat there for a good ten minutes before their stomuchs started to glrow demaneding food.

Amy and Serena looked around and finally desided that they wanted cake.(MWHAHAHAHA) But there was no cake mix, soooo.....they had to make it themselfs, and by scratch.

"Fewena you get the ffou' and I'ff get the suga'."


They went to working on the cake. Serena got out the flour, and Amy got the sugar. Now they didn't have a cook book so they just put whatever they thought would go into the cake.

Amy got a huge mixing bolw, and set it on the table.

"Ferena put in the 'ugar and I'ff put in the Ffou'."

Serena nodded her head and did as told. When they picked up the bags only to have the bags beark. The flour and sugar went every where. It covered Serena and Amy, making them look like tiny ghosts. They put what was left into the bolw.

"Fewena get the eggs."

Amy said. Serena got up and got out a carton of eggs. She went to walk back to the table, she didn't get far, she had tripped over her own tail, the eggs had gone flying in the air. Three landing on Amy, four on Serena, two in the bolw and the rest hit the floor.

After about half an hour~~~

After Raye had found them she had cleaned up the kitchen which took awhile. She then left them in the living room.

~~~A little bit later~~

Raye had been asleep for fifteen minutes and the HSs were getting bored,

but Raye had told them not to leave the room. She had said that so they

wouldn't get in trouble, but she kinda... um... left a pair of scissors on the TV. Whoops.

"I have an idea! We can p'ay bawbew thop! I' do you, and you can do me!"


"But that's not fai'! You' hai''s to sho't to cut!" (Serena)

"Then you can cut Waye'f hair!! Then we can do hew makeup and make her 'ook

pwetty!" (Amy)

"She's to mean to wook p'etty!" (Serena)

"Then we can make hew 'ook 'ike a monftew. Aftew a', we have an excufe. We

AWE on'y five you know!" (Amy)

"Ok! But you can't cut my bangs! I'm g'owing them." (Serena)

"Ok!" (Amy) They took down Serena's hair. *Snip, snip, snip, snip,snip,

snip, snip, snip,snip, snip, snip, snip,snip, snip, snip, snip,*

"A' done! You look fo pwetty!" (Amy)

"Now wet's cut 'Aye's hai'!" (Serena)

*Snip, snip, snip, snip,snip, snip, snip, snip,snip, snip, sni-*

"Whoops..." (Amy)

"'Aye is SO goin' to kiw us!" (Serena)

"We'... We DID want hew to 'ook 'ike a monftew..."

"Yeah... We shouwd do he' makeup now..."

1/2 hour later...

Amy and Serena had fallen asleep next to the couch. Hair was scattered ALL

OVER the floor, black AND blond. Makeup was scattered around the room, half

of it dumped. Raye woke up.

"Oh... my... WHAT THE #&!! HAPPENED IN HERE???!!!" (Raye)

A&S(Amy and Serena) Woke up and looked around sleepily.

"Hi, big... ta'kin'... wock..." (Amy)


"Umm... go wook in the mi'o'?" (Serena)

Raye went and looked...

"Thwee... two... one..."


TO KILL YOU!!!!!!"

"If you ki' uf then how awe you going to get that ftuff of?" Amy asked, as

she thought, quite reasonably.


"Umm... actuawy... you said not to go out of you' sight..." (Serena)

"What IS this stuff?" (Raye)

"You know that ftuff that you put on youw fafe that hawdenf and if fuppofed

to make you pwettiew? We ufed fome of that... and it dwipped and got in

youw haiw and hawdened."(Amy)

"WWWHHHHHHHAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT?!?!?!?!??!??!??!??!?!?!?!?!??!? !?!?!?!?!?"

Raye screamed at the to of her lungs.

"She said-"

"I know what she said!!"

Just then the rest of the Scouts came in.


Mina shouted as she saw the mess, when she actally looked at Raye and Serena she laughed so hard she fell onto the floor. The others started to laugh to, just not as hard. Darein stared at his Mini girl friend. Her hair was taotally messed up.

Her bangs hadn't been touched, but the rest was horrable. In the back half was still slighty long and the rest was very short. On the right side it was just below her chin and on the left side it was just above her chin.

It was just.......bad, to say it easily. He looked at Amy, they hadn't touched her hair. And Raye well......, she looked like a monster.

Raye was standing there complitly red with anger. Serena and Amy were trying to hide from her.

And the Scouts were trying to catch their breath.

"So Raye, watching them wasn't that bad was it?"

"YES!!!!! IT WAS!!!!!!"

"But atleast you had Amy, I mean she is the Matrue one."

"NOOO!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S NOT!!!!!!!!! She trashed the Bathroom!! And Serena destoryed my Meitdateing room, and they tarshed the kitchen and OOOHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at what they did to my hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And to Serena's!!!!!!!!!!!!!THEIR NOT CHILDERN THEIR DEMONS!!!!!!!!!!!"


Princess Serenity Usagi Son: Ok.......I.......am.....better......now....

Ami Rose Briefs: That was the secound Chapter, Please review.

Serenity : YES PLEASE R/R!!!!!