Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Faded Moon ❯ Prepare ( Chapter 4 )
Disclaimer I do own sailor moon or dragon ball z
An/ I want to thank everyone for their input. I am glad that you all like my story! Thank you for your ideas and I would love to use them. I already have an idea forming into my head that will help me put those ideas into my story! You all had great ideas ^-^. As for the silver crystal don't worry it is still with Serenity only hidden.
And about Pluto you are right she is at full strength, like she said she wasn't the only one who trained with Piccolo ^_~. He had seen her potential and helped her strengthen her powers. She is the daughter of a god (Hades) brother to Chronos and Zeus and the Queen of Pluto and the one true guardian of the past Queen Serenity. she had gotten her magic from Serenity and her true power from inheritance I will explain later. But the queen gave them senshi power to protect her and her daughter but they could not have them if they could not handle the it in the first so they all had power just not their magic.
They are all daughters of gods/ or goddesses.
Venus Aphrodite (mother) and king of Venus. Mars, Aries and queen of Mars. Jupiter Zeus and Hera. Mercury Persephone and king of Mercury. Neptune, god Neptune and Poseidon. Uranus the god of the heavens or sky names Uranus and the queen Uranus. Saturn Chronos and queen of Saturn. (I am making Chronos broth to Hades, because it will fit my story, since Setsuna and Hotaru have similarities. Their princess dresses are practically the same if you wish for I picture I will send it, but their powers are similar is what I am going with. So their cousins is that okay? And thanks for the correcting Jay, I changed it with a bit of creative tweaking)
And finally Serenity, Serenity's mother Selenity came from the name Selene her true form. And her father god of the sun, Helios (not the Pegasus).
This info will help me put everything in to action and help you understand some of what will happen.
And the gods are involved in it somehow but I am not telling ^^ it will be in the story!
When they reached the lookout Serenity spoke.
"I would like for us to be in pairs when we train in the time room like you said Goku. I would also like for myself to train Chichi, Bulma, and Juuhachi last the reason why is because I may have all my Senshi's power I am not master of those powers yet. So I would wait till the senshi are found. But it will be easy for you all to train them in your ways since their power increased and now they have the healing powers of the senshi so if they get hurt to much their bodies will heal faster." Serenity said
"Well who is paired with who" Krillan asked.
"I would pair you with your wife Juuhachi, Goku with Chichi, And Vegita with Bulma" Minako said.
"Why, we can't concentrate if we were to be paired like that, we have to raise our level" Goku asked confused
Serenity and Minako sighed
"What did Serenity say about a million times before, power levels won't help you here. Another power that I saw when serenity daughter had been killed was the attack to mimic levels and powers, but they can never mimic a power used with love for what you truly care about. And you care about your wife's. I think they can teach you how to fight with love and soul instead of hate and anger. And you can teach them how to defend themselves. So really you'd be teaching each other" Minako said.
"IS their anything to these senshi power we need to know?" Chichi asked.
"You will have them for the rest of you life. Just like Saiyin's our power gives of long lives. So you will not be harmed as easily. The real senshi are eternal-" Serenity was cut off.
"What's eternal mean?" Krillan asked wondering if it was like immortality.
"It is nothing like immortality. We may die, but sadly we will never have our eternal rest for we are needed in this universe. But these creatures have the power to suck out souls and stop that process of eternal. If you kill the creature that stole a persons soul, then they have the chance to live again." Serenity said
Serenity walked over to chichi "I am sailor moon, being transformed heightens our powers, but I am not sure is I can transform anymore I have a gift for you three. Since you just got your powers you will need to Henshin so you may get used to your powers, you will all start out in the first Henshin so the power will not over load you" Serenity made a wand appear in her hands,
This one was Chichi's. it was lilac in color with a red planet on the top with a mars symbol with a green gem and a black-maroon gem around it.
"Mars is you strongest star power, just shout Flare Planet Power when you are ready to Henshin"
She went to Bulma next, a light lavender pen with a turquoise planet on top, it had the symbol of mercury with an aqua and red gem around it.
"Your strongest star power is Mercury, just shout out Frost Planet power when you are ready"
She went to Juuhachi next "I don't need one." Serenity chuckled at that a bit.
"I didn't want mine at first either. But without it you may not unlock your powers. Maybe one day you will not even need the wand to use it's power"
She made a light navy wand with a gold planet with the symbol of earth appear. It had orange and navy gems surrounding it.
"You strongest power is earth," Serenity said "Shout earth planet power when you are ready" Serenity said standing back.
"Why earth planet power why not elemental, she can't say mars and she can't say mercury" Juuhachi asked confused.
"There is already a sailor mars and sailor mercury. But there is no sailor earth. My kingdom on the moon so long ago my mother gave 8 special people the power to be a senshi of their own planet but also to protect my mother and me. The earth was not part of my alliance at the time. they were not to be trusted by that didn't stop me for longing to see my love which was forbidden, the prince of earth he was my equal in power he just never new it. I would visit despite the warnings. Another reason their was no sailor earth was the fact that Mamoru or Endymion was already it's true guardian the powers of earth you carry are a blessing. They were my fiancés, Mamoru's, when he died he became a spirit that protects my old earth from many beings now. He may never be reborn for his duty is to his planet, he gave you a blessing to share his powers with you the powers of earth" Serenity said walking over to Minako before turning and smiling kindly
"How do we trust this?" Bulma said studying the object.
"I may not be able to transform with out my senshi, but Minako can. She is rightfully sailor Venus. And Henshin'ing into your senshi form not only enhances you powers but it also is a god disguise from enemy's. for magic hides your true identity. It was made so no one would find us in civilian form to hurt our loved ones" Serenity threw a star locket at Minako how caught it and looked questionably.
"I think it is high time for you to become Eternal Sailor Venus" Minako gasped and nodded smiling softly at her friend and sister.
"Venus Eternal Power!" a blinding white light came forth from Minako's body.
Within the light you could barley see a silhouette of a female spinning swiftly.
When the light was gone in it's place stood a proud warrior her power incredible.
She had a dark orange mini skirt under a shorter yellow mini skirt. She wore knee length white boots with an orange trim and round sleeves the color yellow with a sailor color that was orange and a Venus symbol on her forehead her hair length was about to her knees now and in a red bow her hair the same color of bleached blond with yellow highlights. And sky blue eyes specked with gold.
"Wow" Yamcha said drooling.
Bulma smacked him in the head. She noticed most the shy guys were blushing especially trunks.
YEY! Another chapter, thanks again for all the wonderful idea's, ESV will have powers when she detransformed only after she trains in that form to enhance her power.
If you wish to vote for how gets in the time chamber with who, minus Krillan Goku and Vegita then don't be afraid to say so or give though questions or statements about the story. Ask away, makes things more interesting and makes the story moiré exciting!
S tell me what you think and I will be ready to update another chapter today or tomorrow.