Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Wonders Never Die ❯ Chapter VII ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wonder's Never Die
By: Tsuki Doriimaa

Chapter Seven


"You wouldn't know." The gruff sounding voice replied strongly, though she could tell he didn't raise it at all.

Eyes narrowing, raking over his form Usagi started to stand straighter, dropping the battle stance as recognition dawned on her. She giddily jumping over to him clapping her hands smiling brightly, "YOU'RE PICCOLO!" she exclaimed laughter in her voice. "Finally! I was wondering when you'd show up!" She bowed to him respectfully, "Gohan-chan's told me much about you."

"Hn." Raising a green brow towards the strangest girl he'd ever come across, the Namikian mentally nodded, the girl was exactly like Vegita and Gohan had described.

Seemingly hyper active - not unlike Gohan was when younger - overly sweet and caring to the limit it radiated off of her. Shinning silver-blonde hair braided to her claves, bright blue eyes that held speckles of silver to them and five foot five. The power reading on her was very low, he began to doubt Goku's suspicions about the girl, but Goku was seldom wrong when it came to things of the fighting manner.

Getting unnerved by his staring she tilted her head to the side curiously, "Where's Vegita, Piccolo-san?"

"Away." Piccolo grunted, "I'm training you today." He didn't look pleased about it.

Arching a brow delicately, an almost superior looking act, Usagi nodded, "I see… well in that case… Lets go!" She was happy today; she was going to learn to fly!

"Come here."

Complying she walked over wondering what was going to happen next. The thought left her rather quickly as strong arms grabbed around her waist and she felt the ground leaving. "AIEE!" Grabbing to the arms keeping her eyes closed, Usagi tried to calm down while flying higher and higher up.

They had stopped somewhere… up there. Cracking one eye open taking a peek around, Usagi gasped in amazement. So high! Smiling at the view she had from up here, fear forgotten. "Wow…" the clouds were equal to them, puffy white wisps of air that seemed to just be. There didn't seem to be anything holding them together… tilting her head to the side she wondered how they formed like that; she had always thought you'd be able to see what held them together. A childish notion she knew but couldn't help in thinking it.

Piccolo watched the young girl in his arms with interest. The way she seemed to be thrilled about life, all the little things. It was like Gohan was in his child years, looking for answers in the smallest of things that, for the life of them, would never tell what you sought. Now with her watching the clouds, head tilted to the side thoughtfully, she looked like a female version of Gohan… so curious.

Suddenly she gave up studying the clouds. She'd never figure out what held them together like that anyways. Turning silver-blue eyes to her Sensei for the day, Usagi smiled, "Piccolo-san," he didn't look the type to be called Sensei, "What are going to do now?" head still tilted to the side, arms firmly grasped to his arms, though a bit looser then on lift off.

Mentally shaking his head from comparing the two children Piccolo frowned in thought. There was two ways he could get her to fly, but obviously his mind had chosen the other of the two; Free Falling vs. Collective Energies.

Smirking he motioned to the ground with his eyes, watching as hers widened slightly, a sparkle entering them with fear. Another thought was logged back in his mind for later questioning as he watched her. "I'm going to drop you."

"I'm sorry… you're going to what?"

Piccolo's smirk grew, "Drop you."


"Damnit woman do you have a hearing problem!?" he growled, "I said, I'm going to drop you."

Usagi nodded meekly, "Okay, okay yeah I got that… Why?"

Refusing the urge to sigh at that moment the green skinned man glared, "You need to learn how to land before you fly." As if that explained anything she sent him a 'And?' look. He continued, "If you can't land from this fall, you won't be able to land when you fly."

"That's not true, I can slow down and stop."

Her sureness made his smirk tug a little at the corner. So much like Gohan. "Maybe. But you would wear your legs out from impacting like that. Your knees would be first to buckle from strain if you do not know how to land."

"Point taken" the bunnies voice squeaked a little sheepishly as she nodded, "How do I land though?"

"Relax your body. If you're tense, you'll only injure yourself more upon meeting the ground."

A nod, "Right be loose, got it."

"Keep yourself straight, yet relaxed, when you near the ground bend your knees to take in some of the impact. If you have to, do that hit and roll, watch your neck."

Usagi nodded in understanding. Back in middle school they taught her how to roll something like that, tucking your chin down and rolling from the base of the neck back, that way you didn't injure your neck in doing so. So… that's what she had to do this time? If she needed to… Mental nod, she could do that… she hopped.

"Are you ready?" He usually didn't ask, but something told him he needed to before just dropping her like he would have. She nodded after closing her eyes and opening them. The fear and sparkle of something new still present. With a nod back, Piccolo let his arms open wide, dropping her from the cloudy sky.

Piccolo watched as she fell, a startled scream ripping from her throat, he lowered slowly, keeping with her, watching. She seemed to get a hang of things, a feel for (and even liking it) as she fell.

Until the earth came to view…

A string of curses flew from the Namik's mouth when she started screaming again… Terror filled screams… Piccolo knew what had happened, cursing all the more for it speeding up. Usagi had forgotten why she was falling, what she had to do - just that she was going to die if she hit.

Diving for her swiftly, Piccolo swore brightly about idiots and teaching as he neared the girl few hundred feet from the earth below. Suddenly, just as the screaming started… it stopped. So sudden was the change he halted in mid flight staring at the girl before him. The child, Usagi, was quiet and content, seemingly asleep in a cocoon of yellow light. Still, she slowly lowered to the ground, feet touching gently, body lowered 'til she lay there, when the light left her.

Curious getting the better of him Piccolo lowered to the ground, few feet from her to observe what would happen now, if anything. In all his life, he had never seen anyone do something quite like that, let alone being unconscious at the time. Fighting with nothing more then desire to protect, yes - this, no.

It made him wonder, not for the first time, just who this child was?

She was unlike anyone he had met before. Gradually what Gohan and Goku spoke of started to make sense… There was something different about her; a power within that seemed to be dormant. Yet knowing her as he did, only on hearsay, he could tell the way of summoning such power would be different, harder then it had been to draw Gohan's out of him. He - they who trained her, needed to be gentle and firm like Goku was.

Lazily eyes opened, blinking mercury glancing about. Where was she? She didn't fall asleep on Piccolo did she? Moving her arms to sit up more her eyes widened. Oh no… Piccolo! Shooting from her ground seat looking around the sky she tried to see him. What happened?

"Ahem" gruff voice clearing caught her attention causing her to whip around.

"Piccolo!" jumping lightly she moved forward, unsure. "What… what happened? How'd I get down here?"

He arched one thin black brow that was almost non-existent. "You don't know?"

She shook her head.


"What is?"

"Nothing" shaking his head he wondered about her, "Come here." Usagi did so stepping into his arms once more. And once more they flew to a point in the sky, he asked if she was ready; Usagi nodded and the next she knew was free falling once again. This time, there were giggles instead of screams. And unlike the first… Usagi bent her knees, loosening her muscles and landed near perfectly if she hadn't of stumbled loosing her balance falling to the ground laughing about it.

"I did it!!!" the smile threatened to crack her face, "I LANDED!!" laughter, "And I'm ALIVE!" she added as an after thought.

Piccolo's feet tapped the ground lightly as he floated down beside her, "Well done… for a girl." He couldn't resist added that latter in there. Gohan had warned him about her attitude towards those that treated her differently about fighting because of her sex. It tended to get her 'riled up' as he had said.

Well done… for a girl. It repeated in her mind as she stared at him, eyes darkening, hair blowing in the light winds. Slowly standing she eyed him, "You didn't just say what I think you said, did you?"


Usagi nodded, that's what she thought. Sighing she wasn't even going to mess with this guy on it now. No, she would wait. And she'd attack when the time was right, her revenge well planned. Chuckling a smirk crossed rose lips, one formidable of Vegita's. Oh yes, revenge would be hers.

His brow arched a little higher at the particular look the small girl was giving him. She was up to something, that smirk she wore looked like Goten's when he was up to something; Vegita's when vengeance was his. Piccolo smirked his own, willing to see what the Bunny had planned.

"Come on." Her landing was fine, few more tests and then he'd teach her how to fly.

It was going to be a long day.
~ * ^.^ *~ * ^.^ *~

Okay. So I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to put in this thing… Bulma-san it would be a good idea (and way to release some pent up stress or whatever - besides training) to keep a journal - not a Diary - of whatever flies through my mind… Which, when you stop to think about it, can be a very scary thought. My mind tends to have a thought pattern all it's own - it never shuts up! ^_^

So. I guess I should start with…

Konnichiwa! My name's Tsukino Usagi… and I'd like to welcome you to my crazy life.

::snicker:: Well I guess that's a good start… at least if anyone ever finds this thing and reads it (which would be hard seeing as I store it in my subspace pocket) they're know who's it is… But I suppose I should add a little bit more about myself…

I'm a Japanese girl of seventeen. My name stands for 'Bunny of the Moon'… I had humor-loving parents alright? Doesn't really matter much honestly; see as how my hairstyle kinda gives me 'bunny ears'. That's where everyone gets off on calling me "Bunny". I don't mind though it's a nice nickname… Could be worse, ne?

So lets see here… Currently I'm in midterm of my sophomore year at Black Forest High. I live at Capsule Corps. with Bulma and Trunks Briefs, her parents and Vegita. It's wonderful living here… Yeah there's the occasional fight or two (or thirty! hehe) but lives good. I've actually gotten much better at my schoolwork while here thanks to Bulma's help and Son Gohan's tutoring. He's Son Goku and ChiChi's oldest son.

I love it here, really, but it's not like my real home. I sorely miss it…

I keep having these dreams that something is going on there that I don't know about… a dread that's been building up inside of me… and I think that's what started my wanting to learn how to fight… I admit I knew the basics on how to fight. I've watched enough competitions and people training openly to figure a few things out for myself, but I didn't know the correct way, ya know? So now that there's people to help and teach me… I'm willing to learn it. I'm grateful because they push me… but they don't over do it to the state of me passing out on the field.

I originally hale from Juuban District in Tokyo, Japan.

Haven't really come upon reason as to how yet, but I've been transferred into another dimension; sort of a mirror Earth to the one I came from… But it's not a mirror… Everything here is more advanced, while more primitive at the same time. I'm not sure whether I'd be willing to call it the "Future" or the "Past"… Because when you look at everything… It sort of seems like the Future and the Past met in the middle somewhere and decided it was good enough.

::shrugs:: Go figure. I've given up trying to figure it out.

How I got here? I know that's what you, my dear reader, must be thinking most on… and I'd sure be happy to tell you how I got here, to this seeming mirror Earth. But I honestly don't know.

I've read manga before the tale of someone wanting to leave their world because someone didn't like them, or they refused to put up with whatever was happening anymore… something like that; and wished to be taken away from it all. Guess I could understand that more then most. But. That's not what happened to me. I was just out with my friends having a good time… best time I've had in a long while if your wondering… Minako was speaking to me of something… I wasn't paying much attention, staring at the stars… but the next I knew, I wasn't there… and was here! Freaky!

Can't complain much though, I like it here. I don't have the problem of being Eternal Sailor Moon anymore… no Tsuki no Hime - even if I know my birthright will never leave me. I don't have the problem of beating youma that continually show up… no failing grades (well there's a few slackers!) like in Tokyo… No annoying "future" husband to make me feel non-existent… like I couldn't do anything right… No having to break up with him and getting back together again…

Those are all things I don't miss here… I do miss the people though. Minako, Makoto, Rei, Ami… Okasan, O-tochan and Shingo… I guess I miss Mamoru sometimes as well, but not as much as you'd think I would… being we were supposed to be in love and all. If that was love, then I'm a Dove because I think, people shouldn't act like that even with our alternative lives we have to put up with… Love should withstand all. Not fall victim to crazy dreams that may or may not happen.

I can't say that being here, I don't have my fair share of problems. I do. I have schoolwork that still manages to slip my understanding at times; but I'm managing. I've got people that annoy me. Lets face it. You're never going to be rid of people like that; it's a fact of life. I happen to be very fond and close to one of my main tormentors… It's rather funny.

And there's still fighting. Yes, we train. Marjory. That however, is not that I'm talkin' about.

This mirror Earth is in trouble. Bulma, Goku, Gohan and even Vegita (with a little nudging, hehe, trick of every girls' trade. Bug them enough they'll eventually give in) have informed me, that a little while before my "arrival" here - there was threat of attack. I don't know who, so I can't tell you. The others don't even know… just that there's a looming presence hanging in space above us. There's been small attacks; places with little consequence of major damage being done. But over the two years I've been here… those locations have been moving closer, and closer, to populated areas… It's almost as if they're waiting for something to happen… or someone to show up… I don't know… but they're waiting for something to happen before they're strike for real.

That, I will not even try to hide and say it scares me.

That's why we're training. Every morning before I go to school Vegita (near literally if I'm not already up) kicks me out of bed and we train for two hours. Then I go to school, come home after wards, change and we train some more.

It's actually fun.

Kinda shocking coming from me isn't it? Tsukino Usagi who would start running at mach five to get away from any fight happening… or play "Peacemaker" to get the fighting to stop. But no way in Kami's green Earth were you getting me to fight!

^_^ Guess what? I fight!

Do I know what changed in me? Hmm… No, not really.

Watching Gohan and his Otousan Goku sparring - and them having fun! - might've had a wee bit to do with it… I think more of it though would have to be watching Vegita and Goku go at it… watching the way those darker then night eyes lit up with inner light of joy or… or pleasure at the prospect of fighting. I hear its something of a Saiyajin trait… The Love of Fighting. They gain something from it, pleasure and power… strength… Bulma says a Saiyajin gets stronger after every fight, every spar… If that's true… then there's no way I can hope to beat either one of those guys!

::laughs grinning:: Not that I particularly want to! I'm happy with knowing at least I CAN fight and WILL get better at it. I don't think I'll ever stop training and sparring with the guys. It really is fun. There's something inside of me singing out with each punch I throw, each kick sent out connecting with my challenger/teacher. Almost as if I crave the fight. Perhaps Vegita's ways are rubbing off on me… heh I'm not complaining.

So enough of training stuff!

There's this feeling in my gut that Gohan's hiding something from me. Even Piccolo and Bulma… I don't think that Bulma knows whatever it is Piccolo and Gohan do though… Nope. With her it's a kind of wonder hanging around her when I'm in the room. Might have something to do with Vegita's "Gravity Room" (GR)… I've heard Bulma on more then one passing muttering about "Usagi" and "damn gravity room"…

Am I not supposed to be able to open the door to it or something?

It's supposed to be set to let only certain people in there, I think… I've seen Krillin and Yamcha trying to get in one time and nothing happened. Not even playing around on the keypad did anything for 'em. Maybe the GR's coded for certain people… or maybe you just have the code for it… I don't know. I do know that Vegita was rather surprised and angry that first time I wondered in there… and the second time his shock was more visible on his handsome face…

So… I don't know what to make of that. But I believe that because of those instances I've been able to get in it by merely walking up to the door… that Bulma and Vegita have an inkling of what's going on. I don't have a clue. I only know that when Vegita, Goku, Gohan, Trunks or Goten walk up to the door it opens too; they don't have to press anything like the others have to - when Vegita actually grants them permission to use it, which isn't often! hehe

feh! I don't know what's going on there, but that's alright. I'm sure I'll figure it out sometime soon. Better be soon anyways…

The winds have been speaking to me lately… I thought this talent was one only used by Ruka-chan… you know, her being Sailor Uranus and all… They speak of destruction, pain, suffering… I can't tell where though! It frightens me because of the feelings that come with the warnings… My skin gets unbelievably cold, goose flesh pops up, shivers go down my back, and my heart starts beating double time…

I'm scared.

It's not simply because of the warning… because I don't wish to loose anything near me… Especially not him… It's not because I'm scared to fight. I'm not! I'll kick anyone's sorry ass that comes to MY home and threatens MY friends and family! (Hey, they're self-adopted but still family!) I'm scared because the feelings I get are the same while awake and sleeping… I can… only guess this is a double warning… a warning for both worlds…

Can the Senshi of my home Earth stand up to whatever is coming after them? We've always been under attack from something back there. Always youma though. Go figure. I had thought they were attracted to me… you know with the Ginzitshou and all… Since my un-requested leaving of that Earth… I'd foolishly thought that they'd be safe now… that evil would leave them alone… I guess not.

And what of this Earth? It's been sighted in for some foe no one's really seen yet. Well… we've seen pieces of them, but not a whole picture - so to speak. Vegita says they're an ancient race. Like his people are… been around since forever I guess… a strong race, ruthless and demanding… Vegita says they fight for blood. There's no logic behind what they do. Unlike his mighty race who had a purpose behind what they did - even if it seemed unjust to others - it was they're way of life.

Will we make it through whatever's coming after us?

Yes. Us. I refuse to be left out of this fight. I couldn't care a monkey's ass what Veggie head thinks! heh You know for a guy that walks around like he's constipated and has a stick up his ass - he sure is protective!

Not that I'm really complaining you see… It's rather… umm… cute? No, no, Vegita is anything but cute… hmm, endearing then? I don't know. It's nice to see coming from someone who wields so much strength and pride; someone so set in his ways he's like a king ruling over his people.

heh I guess that's not so much a far throw from the truth is it! ^_^ I mean, he's the Saiyajin no Oji… Goku, Gohan, Goten and Trunks are all Saiyajin's… and Bulma was once his… eh… well not wife… "partner" I guess… Earth's been his home for so long now (as I get it) so, it's his place to protect now since his planet's been destroyed for so long… It's very sad… I still don't know what happened in his past…

I've wanted to ask him so many times! See if he's like me. And I know this! I know that we're alike in many more ways then what I've learned alone from Goku! I don't know why… I can't explain it. It's a sense, a tingling when I'm near him that we're connected in someway… Wish I knew what way… I think Bulma and he knows, that pisses me off!

::smirk:: Yes. Do watch my language. I've been living with Vegita. Something's bound to be rubbing off. ::grin::

I've gotten closer to everyone! That's something I'm sure you've figured out already, but I just wanted to let you know that. hehe ^_^'

Bulma's like my step mom. Trunks, Gohan and Goten my brothers. Goku and ChiChi… eh other parent figures I guess. It's funny sometimes. Goku's more like my Oniisan then someone I'd look up to as a father… but dang it I do! It's great. Everyone here's so nice to me. They took me in and made me feel wanted. Vegita was a jerk, but that's just him, so you've gotta live with it. ::smirking laugh:: We all have our fair share of fights/spars and arguments. I think that's because they're all Saiyajin's… they fight in any way they can. Though Vegita picks on Goku - he calls him Kakarotto. I like that name better then Goku, have to agree with Vegita there… fits the big lug better then Goku does…

Anyways! Yea! Vegita picks on Kakarotto more then the others. Keeps calling him a "Third Class Baka". heh It's great watching them go at it because Kakarotto doesn't mind the bickering at all - it's like a sport with him. Guess ol' Veggie's been doing that so long it's like a game between them… or a way for Vegita to show he cares about Kakarotto without actually having to come out and say it. That's Vegita for ya.

But then again, if you've earned a nickname from him, then you know you're a friend; he doesn't have tell you. Everyone to him is either "Onna", "Baka" or "Brat". How does this prove he holds a friendly spot for Kakarotto then? Well for one - he hasn't killed him like he threatens all the time. And two - it's not just "baka". Kakarotto's the "Third Class Baka". ::giggles smiling:: It's so cute! LOL ^_^ Trunks of course is "Brat" or "The Brat". Kakarotto's kids are "brats" just plain and simple.

I on the other hand know he likes me. He's never once told me so, and only a few of his actions (when no ones around) shows he holds from form of liking for me because I'm no longer "Onna". ::goofy face:: I'm now known as "Chibi Onna"… or "Bunny"… Veggies the one that started calling me that… and for some strange reason, no one else will call me "Bunny" unless Vegita's not there… Almost as if that shortie had threatened them or something… hmm…

::shrugs smiling:: Oh well! Not a problem or anything just weird.

Guess I better stop here now. There's more to say, but I can hear Vegita bellowing for me to come down and train. heh It's Friday, we've got a four day weekend because of the holiday here and, well, he's not letting my training slip for anything the world. Fine with me!

heh Catch ya laters!

~ Usa. ^_^
~oOo~ * ~oOo~ * ~oOo~ * ~oOo~ * ~oOo~


Gomen nasai Minna! I haven't updated in, what? A year? ::winces:: HUGE writers block on this one... and I'm going to lie and say I'm over it... 'cause even if I do have ideas back for this one, it's peicing them together and making them work that is illuding me at the moment, unless I do a little more time jumping like I did in this chapter.

I'm really sorry for the long wait in updating though. I don't think it'll be anywhere *nearly* as long a wait for the next chapter... 'cause I'm gonna try starting on that one now... But don't count on it out too soon alright? I'll try, but no garentee's.

So. Anyone like this chapter? It's mostly informative... I guess. ::chuckles sheepishly:: The idea to end it that way just came to me. I needed to skip some time without screwing the story up tring to write it all out in detail... and this was the eaisest way for me. The next chapter should be much better. I've just gotten back into writing SM/DBZ. I honestly haven't touched anything SM in nearly three years... So yeah... ;_; heh

Anywho's! One more message then I'm gone to try chapter eight. I've edited the other chapters to this. Haven't changed anything, but just to let y'all know they have been edited. The new ones haven't yet been posted though.. but just so ya know. Okies... Please review! ^_^ Let me know what's going on and how ya think it's going.

Keep it kickin'!
~ Tsuki Doriimaa

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Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball Z! So stop sendin' the damn Fire Ants after me! Damn ::dances around shouting:: STOOOPP IT!!