Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic The Hedgehog ❯ Dr. Robotnicks Takeover ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Sonic The Hedgehog Story

Sonic:Hello,this is me,Sonic,i like to live in a house full of light.

Tails:Yeah right sonic,Dr. Robotnick is 2 seconds going to our island.

Sonic:Let me call Amy rose.

Sonic dialing 234-269

Sonic:Hey Amy.

Amy:Sonic,Knuckles has been skate boarding.

Amy:There is a message for you.It say.
I have arrived to duel you at duelist kigdom,get your cards ready.

Sonic:I will run to your house,but i would need a boat.

Amy:I have someone on the other line.

Samus:Amy,i live in space,i like Japan,i found a map that says Dr. Robotnick has headed on his base,building an even bigger base by using the flat land building scrap brain,taking over space and calling it starlight,Building an amazing maze,Springs enter his palace,and he took over Hot Marble Zone.

Amy:Oh No!!!I have someone on the other line.

Bulma;Amy,hey,Dr. Robotnick has take over.


Amy:Bulma,i have someone on the other line.

Sonic:Amy,i heard after the ads,i had died.

Knuckles:Tails,Sonic,Amy,Samus,and Bula,get ready to get your shoes,or skate boards and go skate to heck.