Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Anime Characters Do While You Aren't Looking ❯ Baseball ( Chapter 16 )

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Gogeta: *up at bat*

Knuckles: *pitcher* ready?

Gogeta: as ready as im gonna get

Knuckles: *winds up*

Gogeta: *gets ready to hit it*

Knuckles: *throws the ball*

Gogeta: *swings*

*the ball is only half way to the plate*

Gogeta: wat?

Knuckles: knuckle ball

Gogeta: AGH!

Coach: Strike 3! yor out!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ryoko: *at bat*

Gogeta: *pitching*

Ryoko: *ready for the pitch*

Gogeta: *winds up*

Tails: *on the bench* *begins fluttering his tails*

Gogeta: *brings the ball forward*

Tails: *makes his tails move so fast as to create a sonic boom* (well, in reality the guy just clapped really loud)

Gogeta: *releases the ball early*

Ryoko: *watches the ball speed directly in front of her eyes*


Coach: just pitch!

Gogeta: fine, fine

Ryoko: and try for a strike this time!

Gogeta: *throws a fastball, outside*

Ryoko: *hits a sharp line drive right bak at Gogeta*

Gogeta: *puts his glove out*

*the ball hits his glove, then drops*

Gogeta: DAMN IT!


Ryoko: *runs to 1st, knocks over the 1st baseman, Knuckles*

Knuckles: *falls* oof!

Ryoko: *standing on 1st* sry!

Gogeta: *releases ball*

Ryoko: *steals 2nd*

Joey: *catching* *throws to 2nd*

Yugi: *playing 2nd* *misses it*

Ryoko: *runs to 3rd*

Yugi: *runs after the ball, gets it, throws it to 3rd*

GogetaSS7: *playing 3rd*

*the ball goes wide by about 20 ft.*

Coach: Ryoko gets home

GogetaSS7: YUGI!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

GogetaSS7: *hits a deep fly to left field*

Gogeta: *left field, running after it* HOLY SHIT!

GogetaSS7: *rounding 1st*

Gogeta: *still chasing the ball*

GogetaSS7: *rounds 2nd*

Sonic: *short stop*

GogetaSS7: *on his way to 3rd*

Sonic: *sticks his foot out*

GogetaSS7: *trips over Sonic's foot, slides on his stomach all the way to 3rd, leaving half of his left pant leg behind*

Sonic: *laughing*

GogetaSS7: *gets up* ah, these weren't good jeans neway

Ryoko: *2nd base* *laughing*

GogetaSS7: wat?

Gogeta: *throws the ball in to the pitcher, Knuckle* *sees GogetaSS7, laughs*

Amy: *1st base* *sees GogetaSS7, laughing*

All (except GogetaSS7): *laughing*

GogetaSS7: WAT?!

Sonic: er . . . look down

GogetaSS7: *looks down at his ripped pant leg* and yor point? *sees the rip running up the inside of his right pant leg, showing his boxers* o *embarrassed*

All: *see him embarrassed, laugh harder*

GogetaSS7: *runs in*

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