Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sonic X Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Adventures of Alan and Jamie ❯ Medabot Town ( Chapter 11 )
Pokemon, Digimon , CardCaptors, Medabots and Final Fantasy were not created by me.
The adventures of Alan and Jamie
Chapter 11 Medabot Town
It was a nice sunny day at Pallet town. Jamie was now training twice as hard after his defeated against Super Renamon. Goku was making sure Jamie trained to his fullest. Inside the house Everybody was around the dinner table and taking about Super Renamon and how Alan knew about his digivolution.
Takato: "Alan how did you know about you digivoving to Super Renamon". Alan: You won't believe me if I told you. Renamon with a great concern on her face. Renamon: "Try us". Alan: "Okay", "When I saw the kamakamaha attack heading towards me I was suddenly in a light room and then I saw Super Renamon and he gave me the digivolution card and told me to use it and that's about it". Renamon: "I believe you". Rika: "You do Renamon". Henry: "I don't know Renamon it sounds petty crazy to me". Renamon: "I know it sounds crazy but I know he's telling the truth".
Just then Mrs Ketchem comes in with food in her hand and placed on the table. Guilmon: "OH WOW!!!" Ash's mom: "Not yet Guilmon wait for Jamie and Goku". Alan: I better get Jamie and Goku. Alan left the room. Takato: "Guy's do you think Alan's a Digimon". Ash: No he's a chosen one he's has the power of our abilities. Misty with a mouth wide open. Misty: Ash that's the smartest thing you ever said. Ash: "HEY!" Brock: "Ash he might be a pokemon master one day have you ever thought of that". Ash: "I know but it would be amazing to face him". Alan came back with Jamie and Goku and they sat back down by the table. Goku garbed half of the turkey and stared eating like mad. Guilmon garbed half of the bread. The others were staring at Goku and Guilmon and did an amime sweatdrop. Medabee: Man look how they eat. Ash: "Alan do you know where we go next, we have been here for a while".
Alan: I have decided that we go to Medabot town. Ikkie stoped eating and looked at Alan. Ikkie: Ah Alan I don't think that's a good idea. Alan: "Why!" Medabee: Our town been taken over by darkness. Jamie: "Is you're friends been captured by the darkness". Ikkie put his head down. Alan: "Ikkie I ….."
Before Alan could say any more there head a loud thud coming from outside. Alan: "Now what". Everybody went outside and saw the hooded man. Takato: "Do you ever leave us alone". Alan: "Come to fight me then let's go". Hooded man: "Good call but this time without you're friends". A black hole went underneath the Tamers, They Digimon, pokemon trainers, Ikkie, Medabee, Sakura, Lee, Kero, Z fighters and Jamie.
Alan: "Huh Nooooooooo!" "Where are there". Hooded man: "In Medabot town". Alan: "Well okay then Let's go". Well maybe that will give them a chance to find my final weapon.
>> In Medabot Town <<
Everybody: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!"
Jamie: "Where are we". Ikkie: "My home town". Everybody saw the darkness covered the town. Sakura: "This is just like my home town". Goku went up to Ikkie Goku: "Don't worry let's fight the darkness and save you're friends". Renamon: Haven't you forgot something Alan's is not with us. Goku: "We don't need Alan we got Jamie". Sakura: "That's right Jamie defeated the dark knights in Pallet Town". Jamie: "Right let's beat them all up and save Ikkie's friends".
>> Back Where Alan Was <<
Alan: "Okay are you ready because here I go". Alan brought out his pokeball and throw it in the air. Alan: Go "Pidgeot!" Alan: "Stay up there until I give you my attack command!" Hooded man: "What are you up to". Alan: "You see". Alan brought out his digivise.
Hooded man: "What is he doing". Alan then raised his fist in the air and wind started to blow around Alan. Alan: "RUNNER SPEED UP!" Alan then brought out his sword. Alan: Hope you ready for this. Hooded man raised his left eyebrow.
Alan took one step then he suddenly disappeared. Hooded man: "What the where did he go". "He couldn't have disappeared!" Then a fist came out of no where and hit the hooded man in the face and then kick and a slash upward attack came out of nowhere. The hooded man landed hard in his back and couldn't move as the pain was going through his back. Alan came out of nowhere and started to walk up to the hooded man. Alan: "Now it's time to see who you really are". Alan garbed the hooded and removed it. Alan looked in horror. Alan: "It can't be".
>> Back in Medabot Town <<
Jamie: "We have to get to Ikkie's house then we can rescue his mother from darkness". Ikkie: "Thanks Jamie". Medabee: "You're not all bad fat kid". Jamie: "I AM NOT FAT!!!!!" Medabee: I think you should look in a mirror. Jamie: "You are so scarped after this". Medabee: "OH YEAH!!" Jamie: "YEAH!!" Everyone except Jamie and Medabee sweat dropped. Ikkie: "When will there ever kiss up and make up". Rika: "Guy's come on Ikkies mum needs our help so let's go help her". Jamie and Medabee: "Sorry". Takato: Hey guys I think I see someone coming.
They see two dark figures coming towards them. Guilmon started to growl. Guilmon: "Takato I don't like what am sensing". Takato: "Huh what!!" Goku was like the same thing. Goku: "Guilmon right it's like it out of the reading scale". Jamie: "It's must be them". Renamon: "It's best we prepare for battle". Rika: "Okay let's beat him or her up".
>> Back to Alan's fight <<
Alan: "It can't be". "Sephiroth!". Sephiroth getting up slowly. Sephiroth: "HA HA HA!" "Who else did you expect". Alan: "Why do you want to kill me, what did I do to you". Sephiroth: You defeated me before I could destroy the entire world with meteor". "You see Alan when you played final fantasy seven you thought it was a game didn't you". Alan: "Well duh!" Sephiroth: "Well it was to some people". You stopped me somehow when something shined in you and defeated me for good, it was the same thing in Kingdom Hearts game". "You defeated me like no one else would their some thing special about you but I still don't know what". Alan: But what about the other people, their must of played it and defeated you to. Sephiroth: "Yes there did but their light wasn't strong enough to take me out permanently". "Alan: but are you so post to be dead". Sephiroth: "I was but now brought to life by my master". Alan: "Who is this master". Sephiroth: "Am not telling you, all you can do is die".
Sephiroth brought out his long sword. Alan: Fine "I find out after I defeated you". Sephiroth smiled. Sephiroth: "But you must hurry because you're friends will be in trouble when darkness captures them and turned them into mindless slaves". Alan: "WHAT!!" Sephiroth: "Now let's make this the final battle". Alan: "fine" I better hurry before it is too late.
>> Back with Jamie and Co <<
The dark figures had now stepped into the light. Ikkie: "No Erika!" Medabee: "Brass too!" Henry: "Friend of yours". Ikkie ran up Erika. Ikkie: "Erika are you Ok" She didn't answer. Medabee ran up to Brass. Medabee: "Brass are you OK say something will ya". Brass also didn't answer. Vegeta: "What's wrong with these weaklings". Jamie: I don't know. Kanta notice something on the back of Erika and Brass. Kanta: Hey guy's I don't think that so posed to be their. There were dark blobs on the back of Erika and Brass.
Ash: "Maybe that's what wrong with them". Brock: Their also look mind controlled. Jamie: "Maybe those dark blobs are taking over Erika and Brass minds". Brass than aimed her gun arm towards Ikkie. Ikkie: "Brass no Erika call her off". Jamie: "Goku!" "Team work action". Goku nodded. Jamie and Goku flew behind Erika and Brass and put little power of ki in they dark blobs. The light shined inside and the dark blobs were destoryed. Erika and Brass fell unconcence into Ikkies and Medabees arms. Ikkie: "(sigh) Thanks Jamie and Goku". Goku: "No prop". Sakura: "Let's find some place for them to rest". Kazu: "Good Idea". Jamie: "I hope you're okay Alan don't lose".
>> Back to Alan <<
Alan and Sephiroth were hitting sword to sword. Sephiroth then kicked Alan in the face and crashed thought Prefacer Oaks house. Prefacer Oaks was watching TV. P.Oak: "What the!!!" Alan: "Sorry Prefacer".
Alan: "I can't beat him in my current form, I gotter digivolve into Super Renamon and then I got the speed and attack power up". Alan garbed his digivise and his digivolution card. Alan: "Now let's rock".
Super Renamon charged at Sephiroth and punched him in the face and doubled kicked him in the air. Sephiroth was now in the air. S.Renamon: "DIAMOND STORM!" Diamonds head straight towards Sephiroth but Sephiroth saw them and prepared his magic spell. Sephiroth: "HOLY!" was hitting the diamonds away from Sephiroth and blasted Super Renamon. S.Renamon: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
Super Renamon was now badly injured as Sephiroth was now walking towards him. Sephiroth: "It is finally over between us, now you die". Super Renamon was looking up at Sephiroth, Sephiroth pointing his sword towards Super Renamon's chest. Super Renamon looked up at the sky and saw Pidgeot. Super Renamon knew exactly what to do.
S.Renamon: "PIDGEOT QUICK ATTACK!!" Sephiroth: "What the!" Pidgeot hit Sephiroth right in the stomach. S.Renamon: "NOW's my chance!"
Super Renamon raised his claw in the air and water foamed around it. S. Renamon: "Heal!" The water healed Super Renamon and managed to get up and leg swiped Sephiroth. Super Renamon heel droped into Sephiroth's stomach. Then pointing his pure hearted sword towards his face.
S. Renamon: "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you now!" Sephiroth: "You can't do it, you never killed before". Super Renamon still looking down on Sephiroth. Sephiroth: "I knew it you don't have the guts for these kind of things". Super Renamon lifted the sword away from Sephiroth's face. Super Renamon turned his back to Sephiroth. Sephiroth got up slowly and started laughing at Super Renamon. Sephiroth: "Weak". But then Super Renamon kicked Sephiroth in the face very hard and was hit thought three trees.
S. Renamon: "GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I DO KILL YOU WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT!!!" Sephiroth: "I get you back for this you wait and see I GET YOU BACK!!!" Sephiroth started to run to the other direction until he was out of sight.
>> Back with Jamie <<
There were all at Ikkie's house fighting the reaming darkness. Renamon just defeated the last one with her Diamond storm attack.
Renamon: "That take cares of that". Ikkie was walking down stairs Ikkie: "I put Erika and Brass in my room to rest, have you find my mother yet". Jamie: "Sorry Ikkie but she's not here". Medabee: "Don't worry Ikkie we find her". Goku stomach starts to rumble and Everybody stared at him. Goku: "What!" Vegeta: "Well it's time to eat". Guilmon: "But where are going to find the food". Kazu: "Let me and Kanta find the food, am sure you guys need a rest from all that fighting". Kanta: "Yeah and we do have Gargomon and Marinanglemon to protect us". Takato: "OK but if it gets hairy out there you guys come straight back you hear". Kazu: "Yeah Yeah Yeah!" Kazu, Kenta, Marinanglemon and Gargomon left.
Jeri: "I hope Alan's okay, I don't want him to get hurt by that hooded freak". Takato: "Am sure he's fine, he is a chosen one after all". Jeri: "I know but still I can't help worry". Calumon: "Don't worry Jeri am sure he be coming though that door any second now". Then a wall suddenly exploded and after the smoke cleared a tell figure was standing by the exploded wall. Medabee: "MEGAEMPORER!" "BUT HOW I THOUGHT I DESTORYED HIM!!!" Jamie: Maybe the darkness resurrected him!" Henry: "Oh man, Terriermon are you still able to fight this medabot". Terriermon: "I am a bit tried but I will still fight". Rika: "What about you Renamon". Renamon: "Am fine Rika". Guilmon: "Takato I am going to eat a lot after this one". Takato: "Okay let's take him out!"
Jamie: "Goku, Vegeta are you ready!" Vegeta: "top taking and fight". Goku: "Can't too hungry". Jamie fell down amime style". Ikkie: "Metabee!" Medabee: "Loud and clear Ikkie". Ash: "Pikachu get ready". Pikachu nodded. Takato: We have to beat him before the darkness get the final weapon.
Davies: "Man will Jamie and the gang defeat Megaempiorer, will Alan reach the gang in time, Will Sephiroth get his revange next time, will Erika and Brass get better and will Kazu find the food. "Well you just have to read the next chapter of The Advantures of Alan and Jamie".