Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Confrontation: Frieza and the Super Saiyan ❯ Part Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Saiyan Saga

Confrontation: Frieza and the Super Saiyan, Part Two

Golen and Vegeta are getting shots to prove their relativity, Cerulean is hiding something, and Frieza takes out his frustration on Golen...eighth in the saga.

By Queen Breeza

"Cerulean, up until now I have tolerated your existence," Frieza said, moving his face back. "Ever since you were born, I always thought it strange that I didn't want to kill you. But now, killing you feels like nothing. I could do it in a heartbeat."

"Yeah, yeah, just keep talkin'," Cerulean waved her hand at him.

"Actually, you should be taking me more seriously, little girl," his icy voice continued. "Your arrogance will cost you your life."

"YEEOWCH!" a scream was heard down the hall. Both Cerulean and Frieza looked at the door. Sobbing could be heard past it. Frieza moved his pod to the door. "We'll finish this later," he said then quickly left.

"Are you kidding?! I'm not staying in here alone!" Cerulean said after Frieza had already gone. She ran after him to the recovery room.

"That hurt!" Golen massaged his arm trying to rid it of the needle's pain.

"Baby, baby, baby!" Vegeta teased his younger brother. However, the shot didn't feel so good to him either. He fought hard to hold back his tears. There was no way he was gonna cry in front of a low-level and shame himself. When it seemed like it was never going to end, the needle was finally taken out of his arm. "You need to learn how to take things like a man, brat!" he yelled triumphantly but massaged his arm as well.

You're the brat, Golen thought. He dried his tears as Frieza and Cerulean entered the room.

"Golen, was that screaming you?" Cerulean asked holding back her smile.

"Yeah," Golen hung his head in dismay.

Cerulean walked over to him and looked at his arm. She took it and kissed the place where the needle had been. Immediately, Golen's pain went away, and the tiny hole where the needle had been was gone.

Golen looked at his arm and was about to thank her when she quickly put a finger to her mouth to keep him quiet. Golen understood and followed her out the room.

"Now where are you going?" Frieza asked with his back turned.

"Uh, to...my room!" Cerulean answered quickly.

"Whatever," Frieza said. It seemed he had lost interest in punishing Cerulean, like he had with Zarbon. "But one thing before you go...Golen," Frieza said to the Saiyan with Cerulean. If Frieza didn't have his back turned to him, he would have noticed Golen's surprise when he heard his name. "I want to talk to you later. Alone."

Golen looked at Cerulean, then back at Frieza. "Yes, sire," he said.

"What was that all about?" Cerulean asked her friend once they had gotten to her room. She wondered what Golen could have said to Frieza in the control department. She wished she had of been there to see what was going on for twenty minutes.

"I didn't say anything," Golen said. "I was just asked a bunch of questions about how I got off the ship and why I left." He took note of the blue wall Cerulean had in her room. And the blue bed. And the colorful seashells on a dark blue table.

"Are you working your way to a gothic culture?" Golen had to ask.

"No way!" Cerulean protested. "I just like the color blue, that's all.

"Really," Golen said in the same unbelieving tone as Frieza. "Or is there more to it than that?"

"There actually is, but it's not that important," Cerulean shrugged. She picked up a lion's paw seashell and stared at its shininess.

"Yes, it is," Golen informed.

"No, it's not," Cerulean said, hypnotized by the shell's exuberance.

"Hey, we're friends now, aren't we?" Golen asked. He picked up a scallop, and Cerulean's eyes quickly darted to it.

"Yes," Cerulean gazed at the scallop in Golen's hands as he turned it over and over studying it. She clasped the shell in her hands tightly.

"Why are you so tense?" Golen looked at Cerulean's gaze she had on the shell in his hands.

Cerulean quickly looked away. "Sorry. It's a mer--never mind. Just forget it."

"Sorry, but I have a hard time forgetting things, especially if a friend doesn't complete his or her thought. So, complete yours," Golen placed the shell back where he had gotten it.


"Cerulean," Zarbon came in the room startling the two friends. When he saw Golen, his face became expressionless, "Lord Frieza wants to see your little friend now."

"Later," Golen said. Cerulean watched as he followed Zarbon out of the room.

"Are we there yet?" Golen asked Zarbon as they continued through the ship five minutes later. Golen didn't know it, but Zarbon was taking the long way to Frieza's chamber hall, their current destination.

"No," Zarbon answered.

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?!"


"Are we there yet?!"


"Are we there yet?!"






Zarbon whirled around to face Golen, huffing and puffing. He could really use a break.

"Did my sister put you up to this??" he asked angrily.

Golen just smirked. "No."

Zarbon had been a victim of this game for far too long. Cerulean loved to torture him with it.

"So......are we there yet?" Golen liked the way he made Zarbon want to kill him. It was so THRILLING!

"YES!" Zarbon said cheerfully. Golen wasn't expecting a yes. He was hoping Zarbon would forget to take him to Frieza and continue his game.

"Through here!" Zarbon said pushing the Saiyan through two double doors. "Good luck!"

"Yea," Golen said sarcastically. Zarbon left in a flash back the way he had came.

"My, I didn't know I was that boring," said a familiar cold voice in front of Golen.

"..." Golen stayed where he was. There was barely any light in the room.

"Well, come on," Frieza said more softly, "I'm over here."

Golen walked to the center of the room until he saw Frieza. Then he made a left. Frieza was sitting in his pod as usual and drinking red wine.

"I want to make this meeting as short as possible," Frieza said. He took another sip of wine. "First, should I keep you, or should I just throw you out into space? What do you think?"

"I recommend you keep me!" Golen said nervously.

"Why?" Frieza's tone of voice changed dramatically. He sounded interested.


"Well? Spit it out, boy!"

"I don't know."

"Then how about I just throw you out right now?"

"That wouldn't be a good idea, sir."

"Your power level is no more than 300 on my scouter," Frieza said, finishing his wine and becoming irritated. "You waste my time."

"You're the one who called me here," Golen implied.

Suddenly, Frieza dashed at him and tried to punch him. But Golen had somehow evaded his attack.

"I'm right here, sir," Golen said somewhere off to Frieza's right.

"Don't play games with me, boy," growled Frieza. This time he shot out his eye lasers at Golen. Golen dodged quickly.

"How are you doing this??" Frieza asked, checking his scouter again. It still said 300. Angered further, he ripped off his scouter and blew it up in his hand. Then he searched wildly for the Saiyan.

"I'm just trying not to get killed," Golen stated. And truthfully, he was. He wasn't trying to show off because he didn't want Frieza to think he was trying to prove himself. Who knows what would happen?

"Really?" Frieza sneered. "Or is there a reason why you don't want to leave my ship so badly?"

"Actually, there is," Golen answered. "I want to stay with Cerulean."

Frieza finally spotted Golen and came at him again. This time his punch met it's target, but only because Golen let it. Golen flew against a wall and down to the floor. He thought if he didn't get up, Frieza would stop fighting him.

"Cerulean?" Frieza walked over to the faking Saiyan. "What importance does she hold to you?"

Golen slowly sat up. "She's my friend, and I want to be with her."

Frieza looked the Saiyan in the eyes and laughed. He thinks I'm stupid, he thought. Well, I'll show him! I'll play his little game now, but I'll be sure to have him killed when he least expects it!

"So, can I?"

Frieza stopped laughing and kicked Golen it the gut, knocking him unconscious. "I'll think about it," he lied.

"Golen! Golen, wake up!" Cerulean said, hitting Golen's face to bring him back to consciousness. "We have to leave!"

Golen slowly opened his eyes. "What happened?" He looked around and found that he was back in Cerulean's room.

"Zarbon was ordered to put you in the grinding room, but I told him I would do it!" she answered as she left Golen to pack up some clothes in a suitcase.

"Grinding room?? What kind of person is Frieza??" Golen asked fearfully.

"Not the kind of person you would even introduce to your worst enemy," Cerulean answered. "He's sometimes a cannibal."

"Gross! I'm outta here!" Golen made for the door, but Cerulean stopped him.

"No, not yet," she said, "wait until Frieza calls for my brother again. Then we'll make our escape to the ship."

"Oh, I get it," Golen said. He moved away from the door. "Then Zarbon won't spot me alive. He'll still think I'm dead by now."


Zarbon walked down a hall bored as can be. He had finished all of his assignments and done all his laundry. Yep, even he had to do laundry. It was required that you did it as frequently as possible just in case Frieza's father arrived. He would be shamed if everyone on the ship wasn't looking his or her best.

~Zarbon, report to my office immediately!~ It was Frieza. He sounded ticked on the intercom.

Sighing, Zarbon made a U-turn and headed for Frieza's office.

"Boring," he said out loud. Even a 24-year-old such as himself needed a little excitement once in a while.

~I promise you it'll get a LOT more interesting when you get here!~ Frieza shouted in Zarbon's scouter. Hey, I thought I turned this thing off? He ran as swiftly as he could to the room.

"You called, Lord Frieza?" Zarbon said. Then he collapsed on the floor.

"Tell me why that monkey-tailed abomination isn't dead yet!" Frieza yelled. He turned to face Zarbon, his eyes a burning red.

"Huh? I thought he was dead!" Zarbon said, scrambling to his feet.

"Did you watch him die?" Frieza said as if he were expecting the inevitable.

"No," Zarbon said weakly.


"Well, I find it too grotesque to look at someone else while they're being grounded into fresh meat...sir."

"Did you even take him down there?"

"Uh, no. I gave him to my sister. She said she would--"


"......I don't know."


"Yes, Lord Frieza!" Zarbon scrambled out of the room as fast as he could.

"Cerulean!" he called, but no one answered.

Zarbon went back to Cerulean's room, but no one was there. He looked on the dark blue table and saw a note in Cerulean's serenite handwriting:

Dear Zarbon

Since you tried to kill my friend, I am taking him away from here. By the time you find this note, we will have already left. Don't bother looking for us. We will probably never come back.

Love Always,

Cerulean, your only little sister

Zarbon dropped the note and hurried to the Rio. When he got there, all he saw was space. The link to the ship had been long terminated.

"Cerulean, come back!"

The emptiness of space replied in silence.