Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Battle Of All Battles 2: War In Domino City ❯ How'd You Get Lost? ( Chapter 4 )
Disclaimer: I don't own STH, Yu-gi-oh!, Pokemon, Digimon, DBZ, or the other characters in this fic. All I own is myself.
DBZ Announcer: Last time on BAB2, the crew had a plan and it was time to get to work. On the other side, The mysterious leader told Shadow and Team Rocket to go down back on Domino and bring some information on what's going on with the crew. Some how, everyone is captured except for Y. Yugi. Will this be the showdown of a lifetime?
Chapter 4: How'd You Get Lost?
Shadow: Well it's just you and me spiky.
Y. Yugi: Not quite. I know you have backup to help you.
Shadow: Oh no! How did you know?
Y. Yugi: It's quite simple. I knew in those eyes that you had someone from behind ready to attack me. (TR falls to the ground) Now it's time to for a real one on one fight. (Y. Yugi hits Shadow in the face)
Sean: Go Yugi.
Shadow: Shut up!
Sean: No way!
Shadow: I can't believe that I'm beaten to someone like you.
Y. Yugi: The fight is not over yet.
Shadow: I know.
TAB: Go Yugi.
Shadow: Shut Up!
Sean: Make us.
Y. Yugi: Sean, this is my fight.
Sean: But Yugi, we want to support you.
Shadow: That's it! I'm sending 4 people outta here. 2 boys and 2 girls.
TAB: You might be a good example.
Sean: She's not going.
Shadow: Oh yes she is and so are you. The other two are that tomboy.
Misty: Me?
Shadow: Yes. And the kid with the with the Pikachu.
Ash: No way! I'm not going anywhere.
Shadow: You have no choice. CHAOS CONTROL! (He slows down time, then he opens a portal, which leads the four of them down into a different world.) Well, one of my jobs is done.
Kaiba: What do you mean?
Shadow: To send you all into a different world. (Evil Laugh) Well, I have to go. Until we meet again. (Vanishes)
Y. Yugi: What was that all about?
In a Different Dimension
Sean: Ok, what's going on here?
TAB: I wish I knew.
Ash: Maybe we can figure it out if we go this way.
Sean: No way, I say we that way.
Ash: No, this way.
Sean: No, that way. (Both Ash and Sean start to fight)
Misty: Knock it off you two. You're acting like 2 yrs. Olds.
Ash and Sean: Sorry.
Sean: I just got a great idea.
TAB: What?
Sean: Why don't we split up.
Misty: That sounds great.
Ash: Count me in.
TAB: And me too.
Sean: Ash, why don't you and TAB go in that direction while Misty and I go in this direction.
Pikachu: Pika-pi.
Sean: You want to come too?
Pikachu: Pikachu.
Sean: Ok. Let me just pick you up and..
Pikachu: PIKACHU!!! (Uses thunder and electrocutes Sean)
Sean: (Deep-fried) What did I do wrong? (Falls)
DBZ Announcer: Now that Ash, Misty, Sean, and TAB know where to look for help, the others in our world want to find them. Will they find them in time before the Mysterious Leader takes them and uses them as bait? Find out on the next BAB2