Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! ❯ The Door of the Heart ( Chapter 84 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
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Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger!
By SSJ Heero (http://animenext.knorf.net)
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Kimi wo kizu tsukete ippai nakasete
Boku wa mou nemurenakute
Koukai shiteru no ni mata kurikaesu
Dou shiyou mo naku dame nan da
Arigatou tte omou koto no hou ga danzen ooi no ni
Doushite motto umai guai ni hanasenain darou

Kotoba hitsotsu tarinai kurai de
Zenbu kowarete shimau you na
Kayowai kizuna bakari ja nai darou
Saa mitsukerun da bokutachi no home

---- Recap ----

[Chibi characters of SSJ, Kensou, Amiko, TM, Van, and Davis appear in the foreground as
scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is
text. Haha!]


Amiko: Kino makes last preparations for the storm on Virus!

Kensou: We head down into Terra, searching for Virus' lair.

TM: And suddenly, we're attacked by a ship, which the Trinity takes care of.

Van: And, damn, we're surrounded by the ATAF.

Davis: Well, on with the show!

---- Chapter 84: Closing the Gate - Part Two : The Door of the Heart ----

Screams filled the air of the Other World, shaking its very foundation. The land was
blasted by the noise, and everyone had to cover their ears to block out the agony. The
world was crying. Terra was crying again.

The sky around Terra suddenly became dark. The citizens of the world looked up at the sky,
suddenly noticing black clouds hovering overhead. They had formed in an instant, taking
everyone aback. With the screams of the planet and the blackening skies, the world was
thrown into chaos.

Mauzel, taken over by Virus, was screaming within the core of Terra. Her eyes glowed bright
red, anger flowing from her. Virus had completely invaded her mind and subjugated her.
Alone in the core, Virus laughed with Mauzel's body, "Complete! Totally finished!" He felt
the power again that he had with Rantmon's possession.

Mauzel's skin lightened, turning from pitch black into the fair white skin. Her red eyes
returned to blue. She looked upon her body, and she laughed. "Hyahahaha!" came from Mauzel.
"Finally, another body!" Mauzel felt the power flow through her. The power very different
from Rantmon. She at least could see the surroundings, and not just numbers and code.

Mauzel waved her arm, and suddenly a Gate ripped through the air. "Yes, yes, yes!" screamed
Mauzel. "The Apocalypse has arrived! This is the end of the world!" Mauzel waved her arm
again, and another Gate ripped open. She looked through it, seeing it open upon the surface
of Terra. Mauzel's face suddenly became serious. "That girl is all I need to open the true

Mauzel then screamed throughout the cathedral, "Is the girl ready yet?!"


Elsewhere in the City of the Gods, there was a building high and large. Inside, wires
spread all over the place from the ground and ceiling, all connected to a single headset
covering Cindy's head. She sat, strapped in a chair from which she could not escape.

Daedalus looked upon Cindy's body, covered with sweat. Her fingers were bloody from
gripping the armrests. She had bit her lip and some blood flowed from her mouth. She
certainly was a thing of beauty to study. A person from another world, yet exactly like
them. Either a coincidence or Rantmon's doing.

Daedalus' eyes were covered with tinted goggles. He watched Cindy weakly squirm, her last
ounce of effort being drained. A screen next to the chair depicted what she saw with the
headset. The funeral of her beloved one. Dead bodies of her friends, the Outlaws. Blood
everywhere. The very worst outcome that could happen for her.

The building suddenly rumbled, and Mauzel's piercingly harsh voice echoed through the
walls. Daedalus looked up from Cindy. He sighed, his train of thought ruined. "Damn it," he
muttered. "Her spirit can't be broken so quickly." Daedalus stood up and stepped away from
Cindy, heading towards the Grand Cathedral.

Along the way, six figures suddenly approached. The Nishiten came and followed him as he
shoved open the doors of the cathedral. There was Mauzel, stuck in the wall of ooze, though
her skin was pure white. Mauzel shouted, "Is she done yet?!"

Daedalus sighed and replied, "No, it'll be at least an hour more."

Mauzel grunted, "Gah! Do it faster! I want to destroy this planet sooner!"

Daedalus nodded and bowed, hiding his disdain. "As you wish," he said in a pleasant voice.
With that, he turned to go back to Cindy.

Suddenly, Mauzel jerked her head to look up at the ceiling. Daedalus paused and turned to
her. Mauzel's face twisted into a hateful glare. "They're coming!" she shouted. "They're

Surprise spread throughout the room. However, the Nishiten soon smiled. They stood proudly
before Mauzel. Suzaku stood before them and said, "We'll take care of them." The other five
smiled widely, finally able to use their powers. They had been trapped in that prison too
long. They needed a good battle.

Mauzel glared at them and snapped back, "You didn't need to tell me that! Go!" The Nishiten
nodded, too happy to feel insulted by Virus. They quickly disappeared from the room. That
left Daedalus with Mauzel in the room. Daedalus left to attend to Cindy.

Mauzel swore to herself then, hoping that Daedalus would be finished sooner. She was left
alone in the room, waiting for her time to return to power.

In the room on the side of the cathedral, the lone figure inside smiled. His muscles were
tense, and the flames accentuated his excitement. He shook all over, feeling great
anticipation. Despite the chains and seals cutting into his skin, Susanou still smiled.
"Kensou," he muttered. He said nothing more, waiting for their reunion...


Lights brightened Century City, seeming to sit alone within the darkness, the candle in the
dark. Across the massive city, the dark sky was a bright purple. The screams of Terra had
died down, reducing instead to a long hiss. The noise permeated every area of the planet,
signaling the beginning of the end.

"Damn them," muttered a deep voice. There was a single figure sitting atop one of the giant
towers in the city, one of the light-speed pipeline towers. It was Voldemort, clad in his
cloak with arms crossed. "They dare forget us for ten chapters?!"

"Not only that, but they left us!" Peter added, kicking a nearby generator box. It dented
and sparked, and Peter fumed. "Master! What are we going to do now?" asked Peter as he
turned to Voldemort.

Voldemort replied, "There's not much to do these days. We might as well give up trying to
beat those kids, since they're so damn strong."

There suddenly was the sound of footsteps. Voldemort didn't turn to see Malik, Bakura, and
the Maze brothers approaching. Ma sighed, "It seems we are in quite a bind."

"We don't we fix being left behind?" suggested Ze. Everyone turned to him.

Ma asked, "Are you suggesting us to go?"

Ze replied, "Better than reflecting on our woe!"

Bakura rubbed his chin at the suggestion. He turned to Malik and the others and said, "They
have a point. If they want to forget us, let's crash their party!"

Malik grinned at the notion. "Yes!" he replied. "We won't be forgotten! We will be legends!"

Peter looked upon his comrades and smiled. Voldemort's lips curled into a grin, as well.
The four Yu-Gi-Oh! villains stood proudly before Voldemort, whose face was shadowed with
his cloak. Voldemort then raised his head, his yellow eyes shining brightly in the dark. "I
agree!" yelled Voldemort. "But before we descend, let's gather some help!" The rest of Team
Voldemort smiled.

Voldemort raised his wand, and with a pop, they suddenly were gone.


With the rescue team surrounded by the ATAF, Kino could not help but feel a bit nervous.
The Trinity stayed where they were, hanging upon a stone pillar. Lights cut through the
darkness, showing all the ships, armed to the teeth, surrounding them. "Damn it," muttered
Kino. "Weren't you able to detect them?!" demanded Kino.

"They hid themselves too well!" replied the pilot. "There wasn't even a heat reading!"

"No heat?!" Kino screamed back.

"Tch!" grunted TM as he quickly released his seatbelt buckles. The Crew reacted quickly,
releasing themselves as well. The Hokuten followed, and the group stood behind Kino. The
Crew could hardly see outside with the blinding lights flooding the scene.

"Damn it!" swore Davis as he glared over Kino's shoulder. Momo shook as she saw the lights
flood through the windshield, and SSJ was silent as he leered at the ships all around. The
ships were silent as they faced the lone ship.

The pilot suddenly yelled, "We're getting a transmission!" Everyone turned to him as he
read from his screen, "Welcome, Terrans... Meet the ATAF, which Daedalus was kind enough to
steal for me." Kino grit his teeth at that. The pilot continued reading, "You shall not
pass. Even if you defeat them, you have two hours to travel six thousand kilometers to the
core. Have fun!"

Hayden then shoved through the Crew. Everyone turned and saw him step forward to stand next
to Kino at the open hatch. "I'll take care of them," said Hayden. "Once I begin, descend
as quickly as possible."

"What are you, a moron?" muttered Kino. "You can't do anything against the ATAF, especially
on your own. Besides, it's impossible to escape from the ATAF." Hayden said nothing.

SSJ turned to TM. "Oi," said SSJ. Amiko, Momo, and the Hokuten turned to him. "TM, how
about a decoy?"

TM turned to his friend. SSJ smirked. TM grinned as well.

SSJ put his hands together and muttered, "Shadow Dolls."

"Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu!" yelled TM as he put his hands together as well. ("Water Clone

Everyone saw the pillars all around the ship, from which figures emerged from the shadows.
All of the ships of the ATAF turned towards them, almost as if they were viewing the
figures. Black shapes that resembled SSJ came from every pillar's shadow.

Water swirled around the light sides of the pillars, twisting and shaping into a humanoid
shape. TM's face appeared on all the water shapes, which soon formed into a complete
replica of TM.

The two armies surrounded the pillars, waiting to strike the ATAF. And suddenly, there was
the sound of a spotlight turning on. An immensely bright light shot down from the heavens,
engulfing the single ship of Kino. The ships of the ATAF looked up.

One yell pierced the silence that followed, "TO DEFEND THE WORLD FROM COMPLETE
DESTRUCTION!" The Crew recognized the voice immediately, sweatdropping at the sudden
appearance. From the darkness, there was a single crack, and there was Voldemort standing
upon Kino's ship. The ship rocked and Kino swore at Voldemort.

Another yell cut through the darkness, "To take it over without obstruction!" Everyone
looked up, and Peter Pettigrew was freefalling towards the ship. Everyone save for
Voldemort was taken aback.

There were several more people with Wormtail. One of them shouted, "To strike down the
lameness of foreign sludge!" It was Malik, Millennium Rod shining brightly in the darkness.

Bakura, now visible beside Malik, had his Millennium Ring glowing as well. He yelled, "To
satisfy our master's grudge!"

Two more figures were visible, obviously Ma and Ze by the process of elimination. They
arranged themselves in their freefall into a familiar shape. They all reached for their
chests at the same time, and each pulled a cord. Parachutes shot open from their backs,
making a white V in the darkness. The Crew couldn't help but sweatdrop. Kino yelled to the
pilot, "Brace for the extra weight!" The pilot did so.

The boosters on the bottom of Kino's ship roared and the ship rose. The five figures landed
gracefully, though forcefully, upon the ship. And then, they yelled their names in dramatic





"Team Voldemort is blasting off at the speed of sound!" shouted Voldemort, brandishing his
wand. The others brandished their weapons as well: Peter his own wand, Malik his Millennium
Rod, Bakura his Millennium Ring, and the Maze brothers their decks within their dueling

Peter, Malik, and Bakura then finished, "Surrender now or-"

A giant hiss erupted in the area. Missiles from every ship suddenly launched at Kino's
ship. Team Voldemort sighed; the missiles had interrupted their new motto. No one
interrupts their motto. NO ONE.

Voldemort and Peter screamed in unison, "Expelliarmus!" at the missiles. Blasts of energy
raced from their wands and crashed into the missiles, sending them bouncing back at other

The Yu-Gi-Oh! villains were prepared. From every pocket of their clothes, they pulled out
cards of every type. They yelled their technique in unison, "Final Technique! Cardboard
Shield!" With that, they threw the cards everywhere. Cardboard pieces rained upon the area,
clouding the ship in the mist of cards.

One of TM's water clones grabbed a card from the air, and saw what it was. The water clone
suddenly bursted. TM was surprised to feel his clone explode. So, he grabbed a falling card
from the hatch, and he looked upon it. Then, it burst in his hands. Everyone turned to him.
He muttered, "Those cards... They're so shitty that they explode on contact! They're from
first edition of Yu-Gi-Oh!"

Everyone wondered then what the cards were supposed to do. That was before the explosions
tore around the ship. As the missiles touched the cards, they suddenly burst. The evil aura
of the cards set off the missiles' detonation devices, and booms sounded throughout the
area. Voldemort and Peter continued bouncing missiles back, just as pieces of torn cards
sprinkled everywhere.

And finally, the booms stopped. All the missiles had been defeated. A camera rose up to
watch the top of the ship, displaying it on a screen. The Crew huddled before the screen,
which showed Team Voldemort. Peter, Malik, and Bakura shouted, "As we were saying:
'Surrender now or prepare for our pound!'"

"Ma-Ze! Damn straight!" yelled the Maze brothers. Silence then spread across the area.

Davis stuck his head outside the hatch and yelled at Team Voldemort, "What are you here

Team Voldemort then facefaulted. The ship rocked with that. Voldemort yelled at the side of
the ship, "Didn't you listen to the motto?!"

"Who does?!" Davis snapped back.

Team Voldemort sighed at that. Voldemort then said, "Well, we're here to help you guys.
Because we can't allow anyone else destroying the world before we take over it! It is our
world alone!"

Amiko sighed at that within the ship. "How cliché," she muttered. Everyone nodded in unison.

Voldemort then said, "Don't worry about these guys. We've got help."

Flashes then appeared far above. The ATAF ships looked up, seeing a single blue flash: an
alchemic flash! There, racing down the almost vertical pillars, was Edward Elric. The Crew
saw it in the screen and was taken aback from the bravery of that move. Amiko swooned.

Edward's metal arm was a blade then as he raced down towards the ships. Bullets raced at
the lone boy, who clapped his hands together and slammed them into the pillars. The pillars
stretched and flattened, and he landed upon a plate of solid stone. The bullets struck the
stone and bounced off.

There was a red flash within the ship, and it rocked again. Roy Mustang emerged from
Amiko's bishie ball. He muttered, "Full Metal's a moron, as always." With that, Roy snapped
his fingers. One of the ATAF ships suddenly bursted and tore apart. Amiko tackled him with
a hug. Everyone sweatdropped.

"Come on, Roy!" yelled Hayden as he leapt out the hatch. Roy nodded and followed. They
raced around the pillars, creating bridges with alchemy. Hayden threw sand at one of the
ships and clapped his hands together. The sand immediately formed a barrier around the ship
and crushed it. Roy sent another ship exploding with a snap.

There was another alchemic flash, and from one of the pillars, a spike suddenly shot out
and tore into one of the ATAF ships. Edward skidded down the pillars and leapt upon the
ship, clapping his hands together and tearing apart the ship with alchemy.

It was then that a beam shot out from the darkness above and ripped a ship apart. The
camera top Kino's ship zoomed upon the source of the beam. Two more figures appeared in the
darkness. SSJ and TM recognized one instantly from Excel Saga fame. "Nabeshin!" they
shouted in unison.

Another shape appeared in the distance, behind Nabeshin. It was a boy atop a large
creature. Amiko shouted, "Ken!" She recognized the large digimon: Imperialdramon. Missiles
all around tore apart and exploded as the single digimon tore through everything.

A yell filled the darkness, "Nabe Hame HA!" More of the ATAF was torn apart as bullets and
missiles flew everywhere.

Voldemort and company then leapt off Kino's ship. Voldemort commanded, "Descend and escape!
We'll handle this!" The Team then landed upon the pillars of stone, racing around and
destroying ships with their spells and weapons.

Kino shouted at the pilot, "You heard him!" The pilot nodded and reversed the boosters on
the ship. Kino then yelled at the Trinity, "Help those guys!" The eyes of the Trinity
glowed yellow in confirmation, and they all leapt at the ships. Kino finally shouted at the
rest, "Brace yourself!"

TM and SSJ released their clones, which disappeared in an instant. As the group moved away
from the hatch, Risika, Paul, Lee, and Orion stood by it. Orion said to the surprised Anya,
"We'll take care of this."

Before Anya could say anything, Risika yelled, "If you meet your brother, take care of him!"

"Wait!" yelled Anya as the rest of the Hokuten leapt out of the hatch. The ship then shook
then as it began to descend. "Damn it!" Anya shouted after them. "You could have at least
told me about this!"

The ship rumbled and violently shook. The hatch closed as Anya stumbled back to her seat
and strapped herself in after everyone. The ship quickly shot down into the darkness. The
ATAF turned to race towards it, but the force of the army gathered tore it apart. Alchemic
reactions tore the ships apart. Explosions ripped through the ships. Some ships, surrounded
by crappy Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, imploded due to the immense amounts of evil auras. Ships were
torn apart by Ken's digimon or Nabeshin's powerful attack. Flames from Orion, seals from
Risika, weapons from Lee, and slices from Paul tore apart many more.

Team Voldemort and the army they gathered fought the ATAF with all their might, even as
Virus' ooze attempted to cut it. That was when the Trinity tore through the ooze and ripped
the ships apart.

Soon enough, shrapnel littered the area. Pillars were blackened from explosions. Torn up
pieces of cardboard filled the area. Smoke and sand floated in the air. In the midst of the
destruction, Team Voldemort, the four members of the Hokuten, Hayden, Roy, Ed, Ken,
Wormmon, and Nabeshin were resting upon a platform of stone crafted by Ed. The Trinity sat
at the edge of the platform, keeping to themselves.

Roy muttered, "You must have been a moron, Full Metal. Who would run down a pillar when the
fall is over 6000 kilometers?"

"Shut it, Mustang," Ed snapped back.

"Cool it, you two," said Hayden before they could break into a fist fight. Hayden lay on
his back, staring at the darkness above. The area was lit only by Voldemort and Peter's
wands, and their pants were like explosions in the silence. "I hope they will be okay,"
muttered Hayden.

"Of course they'll be!" Roy said at him. "Amiko alone has the destructive power to take out
a planet!"

"Oh, sounds like you're attracted to her," teased Ed.

"No, seriously, she does," Roy simply stated. Ed simply stared at the man in disbelief. The
Hokuten chuckled at the truth within it.


Meanwhile, the author was shot by Amiko with an arrow through the head. A hospital visit
later, he continued writing.


"Well, those people did survive Rantmon," muttered Nabeshin between pants.

"Yeah," added Ken. "I doubt those guys will lose here." Wormmon sat on his shoulder,

"You doubt," said Voldemort. "You merely hope they don't." Everyone turned to him. "They're
powerful, no doubt, but this is different from Rantmon. Who knows what lies down there-"

Orion then cut in, an unspeakable act to the rest of Team Voldemort, "They will not lose.
Their power is not only within the strength of their auras, but their inability to give up."

"Yeah!" Risika added. "They, as well as Anya, can not lose!" Paul and Lee nodded with a

It was then that lights appeared from above. Everyone looked up, seeing a single ship
hovering down. It lowered, past the bridges of stone between the pillars and became level
with the platform that the group sat upon. The hatch opened, and there was Riza Hawkeye in
the ship. "Lieutenant Colonel," called Riza. Roy nodded and grinned.

Roy turned to everyone and said, "Come on." He stepped towards the ship and entered. Team
Voldemort and the rest followed. The ship then began its descent into the darkness.

The Trinity looked down at the darkness below. "Let us go," said Superego. "Kino will need
us soon." Id nodded. Ego made no sign of reply. They leapt off the platform towards the
darkness below.


Kino's ship raced past bridges and pillars, the stone mere blurs as they raced towards the
core. They saw that the pillars no longer were brown and of stone, but it was now a dark
silver. The pillars were made of metal then, strong enough to hold up the entire planet's
weight. "Celesium!" said Kino in surprise as he saw it before him.

Celesium held up the entire planet. Everyone was stunned to see such large amounts of the
metal. Suddenly, the pilot shouted to everyone, "The radar has detected the core! It's
within a hundred kilometers!" Everyone shook in anticipation.

Within a hundred kilometers, their friend was in trouble and waiting for them. Within a
hundred kilometers was the thing that caused the Outlaws to be sent to Terra. Within a
hundred kilometers was Kensou's answer to his questions. A hundred kilometers ahead was
Kino's revenge for Yuki's death. Anya shook, thinking of facing her brother once again.

Suddenly, the lights turned red. The pilot tapped buttons and switched levers. He then
shouted, "An object is quickly approaching!"

Kino shouted, "Dodge it!"

The object entered the lights: A thin, solid spike. It tore through the metal and glass and
shot through the back of the ship. Quickly, Kino unsheathed his dagger and cut at the
spike. He was surprised to see that the material didn't cut. Anya recognized the material.
"Bone!" she shouted. Everyone was taken aback.

Kino looked through the glass and saw many more spikes racing at them. "Dodge them!"
shouted Kino. The pilot pulled up with his controls, but not fast enough for the spikes to
tear throughout the ship. Kino unbuckled himself and sheathed his dagger, barely dodging
spikes that tore through his seat. The pilot wasn't so fortunate.

Blood flew through the air as a spike tore through the pilot, nailing him to his seat. Many
more spikes approached. TM released himself from his seat and quickly made a defensive
shield. The bone spikes suddenly stopped, reaching a wall of pure ice. The ship was then
trapped, stuck into a spike.

SSJ dashed towards the hatch and gave it a powerful kick. "Come on!" he shouted. Momo
dashed to him, and he held her tightly as he leapt out. Davis and Kensou followed, leaping
out and onto a nearby bridge between two pillars. Kensou grabbed on for dear life as he saw
SSJ and Davis sticking onto the celesium pillars with chakra.

Kensou climbed upon the wide bridge as Amiko and Van leapt out as well. Amiko used magic to
float down to Kensou as Van cut into the celesium with his kodachi, surprising all around.
Anya leapt upon the bridge, looking down at the bone spikes. Kino leapt down, followed by
TM as the bony spikes cut through the ice and tore the ship apart, along with the pilot

Mokona floated down with Tenpi, relieving Amiko as he set the chocobo down on her hands.
Mokona then landed upon Davis' shoulder.

The group looked down at the darkness below, from which the bones came from. Anya uttered,
"Brother..." With that, she leapt down from the bridge. Everyone was taken by surprise as
they saw her speed down.

"Anya!" shouted Amiko as Anya disappeared in the darkness.

"Hm," said SSJ. "Looks like this Nishiten is waiting for us."

"I suppose we split up to try and make it down?" asked TM.

"At least if we split up, the Nishiten would have to split up," said Davis.

Everyone nodded, then. Amiko opened the bag hanging on her shoulder and motioned Tenpi to
enter. The blue chocobo did so with a chirp, and Amiko patted it as it entered the pack.
Mokona leapt off of Davis' head and floated above the tamer.

With that, SSJ shouted at the rest, "Come on, guys! It's time to roll!"

The Outlaws excitedly shouted in unison, "Yeah!". With that, SSJ and Momo were gone from
the scene. TM, too, disappeared quickly. Davis and Mokona leapt off, down towards the
darkness below. Van grinned and slid down the pillars, saying nothing more to the others.

Amiko slapped Kensou a high five. "I'll trust you!" she shouted at Kensou as magic wings
sprouted from Amiko's back. Kensou smiled and nodded. With that, Amiko used her levitation
spell to float down below.

That left Kino and Kensou there upon the bridge. "Tch," uttered Kino. "They're too excited
about this. Come on."

"How are we getting down?" asked Kensou.

Kino turned to him, "I'm always prepared." With that, Kino lit his flare then; a bright
blue light came from it, a much different color than Kensou expected. From the darkness
above, they noticed the Trinity free falling towards them. Kensou was utterly surprised by

"They were left six thousand kilometers above!" he shouted in surprise. Kino said nothing.

All of a sudden, the trinity flattened and stretched like a parachute. Kensou saw their
descent quickly slow as they reached the two of them. Claws came from their hands as they
returned to normal size and shape, and they attached themselves to the pillars.

Kino said to Kensou, "Come on." Kino leapt upon the back of Superego. Kensou leapt upon
Ego's back. With that, the three released themselves from the pillar and sped towards the
darkness below.


The Nishiten stood in unison far above the City of the Gods. Their eyes glowed red in the
darkness. They saw the many figures above, now split up. Seiryuu smiled. "Looks like a
girl's among them," said the man as he slicked back his silver hair. He readied his bow and
arrows and turned to the rest. "I'll take her." With that, he was gone.

The others picked their opponents as well. Nataku raced off towards the shape of his dear
sister, glad that her con was still working. That boy was far too trusting!

Suzaku had claimed the strongest one. He looked up and saw TM racing down towards them.
Suzaku grinned and climbed up the celesium pillars towards TM.

Byakko noticed Davis, and his hatred welled up in his heart. That boy... Davis was the only
one who survived his attacks. Byakko raced after Davis.

Gouki sighed, picking from the members left. He could have had either Kino or Kensou. He
didn't care either way. He raced after them.

Genbu waited down below, sitting upon a single bridge, waiting for his opponent. He shut
his eyes and waited.

He soon heard footsteps. He opened his eyes. There upon the bridge was Anya. She stood
before him, eyes filled with sadness, tears streaming from them. "Brother..." Anya couldn't
speak. The sight of her brother filled her with both joy and sadness.

Genbu smiled. "Anya, it's been a while," he said simply. He registered little emotion as he
got to his feet. "I hoped we wouldn't meet again," said Genbu, "But you had to join them."
There was a bulge in his palm. The skin suddenly tore open, and a blade reached out. A long
blade came forth, made from powerful bones. Genbu reached with his other hand and
completely pulled out the blade of bone and raised it at Anya.

"Brother, please!" shouted Anya. "Why did you leave then? Why did you betray the people you
once served?!"

"Anya, Anya," Genbu said simply. "You do not understand, Little Sister. This is far above
your understanding." Genbu aimed the tip of his blade at Anya's neck. "You are too

Anya choked on her tears. She could only say, "Brother..."

Brother and sister faced each other, almost at battle. With the darkness all around, no one
could see or interrupt them. The only sound that was heard was the sound of battle. Anya
faced her brother with weak eyes. She didn't know anything. She didn't understand her
brother. She only hoped she could open the door to his heart.

---- To Be Continued ----


Futo iki wo kakeru dake de
Kiesou ni yureru akari
Sora ni kagayaku hoshitachi yori mo
Takumashiku ikiteru
Donna ni hanarete itemo
Anata ga soba ni ite kureru
Onaji yoru demo shinjiru koto de
Yasashii kaze ga fuiteru

Hiroi sora ni mukatte
Ryoute takaku hiroge
Shiroi konayuki ga yasashiku
Kokoro ni todoku yo winter song

---- Preview ----

[The instrumental version of "Eternal Blue" from the Lunar 2: Eternal Blue soundtrack plays
in background. The Crew appears solo in chibi style, and random scenes from the next
episode play, though you can't see because this is text. Haha!]

SSJ: Next time on GINGA GIRI GIRI!

Amiko: We return to fight scene heaven as the final battles begin!

Kensou: We have Genbu and Anya facing off, with Anya trying to understand her brother.

TM: After that, I run into Suzaku, and our amazing battle is set up!

Davis: The final moments are come up, so keep reading!

Van: NEXT! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! "Closing the Gate - Part Three : The Key in the Dark"
