Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ MST-Tea's little secrets ❯ Onward to Kaiba Corp ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter one onward to kaiba corp.

Vegetta: (some viking) Onward my soldiers! We loot Kaiba Corp at dawn!

Tea woke up from another dream about kaiba and her having sex in a field.

Gohan: Kinda get right into it don't they?

Trunks: Gotta be careful throwing around words like "field" in yugioh fanfiction…

She decided to go straight to kaiba corp.

Goku: In her pajamas!

Gohan: Saves time and prevents tearing.

Vegetta: she should at least brush her teeth…

and tell him but what if he rejected her?

Vegetta: Damned unlikely.

Trunks: Then I'm sure Yugi, Joey, Tristan, Bakura, Mokuba, or some combination thereof will make her feel better…

Gohan: Or better yet, Mai!

"hmph its his lose then"

Goku: Something wrong with that sentence…

Vegetta: Woah… even Kakorot noticed!

4:12pm kaiba corp.

Gohan: It must be a long ass way!

Trunks: Or she just slept real late.

"yes what is it" asked kaiba.

Vegetta: (author) almost time for your scene

Gohan: (Kaiba) Oh goodie! Téa or Mai or both?

"kaiba sir a thousond pardons sir a young girl wishes to speak to you should I let her in?"

Trunks: (Kaiba) She hot?

Vegetta: Note that he fails to mention that she is in her pajamas… grounds for immediate firing if you ask me.

Goku: Got kind of an Arabian motif…

Gohan: Kaiba is in the Talliban!

"yes let her I will speak with the girl from outside"

Trunks: She is from the outside, and unaccustomed to our ways…


Trunks: They can't all be gems!

kaiba had a good idea about who wanted to see her none other than tea when the doors opened kaiba told the guards to leave him so they did.

Vegetta: Now THAT is a run on sentence!

Goku: Why does Kaiba's office look like the emperors room in Return of the Jedi?

Gohan: He does have some weird imperialistic thing going here.

"what do you need tea?"

Trunks: Crackers? Crumpets?

kaiba asked feeling a little surprised.

Gohan: (kaiba) Why is she in her pajamas?

"um kaiba"

Vegetta: (Téa) Just wanted to tell you you're an asshole, bye!

Goku: (Téa) You've got some spinach in your teeth.

Gohan: (Téa) I've been dreaming about you. Got anything pointy? I want to DIG MY EYES OUT!

Trunks: (Téa) I'm horny… is Mokuba around?


Gohan: I know our reformatting doesn't show it but I'd like to point out that the different characters' dialogue is not separated in any way besides the quotes

Trunks: See? We're helping!

"I have something to tell you something ive kept inside me for along time"

Trunks: (Téa) I am pregnant with your child even though you've never been in physical contact with me. Just trust me.

"come on tea spite it out ill understand" he probably wont though.

Goku: Good point, whoever that was.

Trunks: hmm… ill and spiteful… nope, I don't get it

Gohan: Dude you are off your game today.

"kaiba I want you to know that I really care about you and that I have feelings for you kaiba do you understand what im saying?"

Vegetta: And then she passed out from saying all that at once.

Trunks: (Téa) Kaiba do you understand what I am saying despite the fact that I am talking and talking in a constant stream like some kind of speed freak so that I never shut up and the room is spinning really really fast and hey this is a nice carpet do you like cheese?

Goku: (Singing) Feelings…nothing more than feelings…

Gohan: (singing) Feeling like I wanna deck you… feeling like I gotta get you… out of my life!

kaiba turned his chair the other way to face the window.

All: (Hum the Imperial March)

Tea thought he rejected her and was getting ready to cry herself out of the building.

Gohan: A perfectly logical assumption

Vegetta: God knows I would. Depending on what her pajamas look like after the 90 mile hike to Kaiba Corp.

Goku: Cry herself out of the building? How does that work?

"I love you to tea I always have my feelings towards you have grown stronger since the duelist kingdom."

Goku: Just sort of because. Even though I never actually talked to you or interacted with you in ANY WAY.

Gohan: She did save him from Yami Yugi… sort of…

Vegetta: Yes but Kaiba has a track record of absolutely hating people who save his ass.

Trunks: Clearly they belong together because they talk like that as in really fast with no punctuation that makes me so annoyed kind of like I am doing now

"and now that we have feelings for eachother I wont have to feel bad about being embarrassed."

Gohan: Is kaiba still talking?

Goku: I didn't get that one at all…

"kaiba are you serious or are you just trying to make me feel better?"

Trunks: (Kaiba) well actually I just wanted to get laid…

tea started to bring up tears."tea you don't need to worry im very serious I would never hurt someone as beautiful and good hearted as you"

Goku: Just sort of ignoring the fact that Yugi is at least as good hearted as her and Kaiba essentially broke his brain for like 3 episodes.

he got out of his chair walked over to tea leaned over and kissed her.but it dosent end ther

Gohan: Of course not! Because god hates us!

his tounge and hers both tasted their surrondings.

Vegetta: Don't tongues do that all the time?

soon kaiba relieved tea of her shirt as did she of his trenchcoat and his shirt.eventually both of their cloths were everywhere

Trunks: Sex on the first date. Surprise, surprise…

Goku: That wasn't a date…

and kaiba asked tea

Vegetta: (Kaiba) What do I do next? I'm not allowed to watch the naughty movies…

Goku: (Kaiba) Woah, what are those things on your chest!?!

Gohan: (Kaiba) You don't mind if I get you pregnant, right?

Trunks: (Kaiba) Do you have any gray pupon?

"are you sure about this I don't think weve ever done this before"

Gohan: He isn't sure?

"yes im ready I want you seto kaiba"

Vegetta: (Téa) See I used your first name and everything!

kaiba then thrusted himself into tea making her scream a little in pain

Gohan: Wow, he's awful at this. No foreplay or anything!

"im sorry tea did that hurt you ill give you more time to adjust"

Goku: Well at least he's sorry.

Trunks: He certainly should be.

he then left himself there for about a minute.

Vegetta: He just laid there for a minute without talking or anything?

Gohan: If I had just dry fucked someone as "stable" as Téa I'd be praying for a quick death…

"are you ready tea?"

Vegetta: Probably needs to steep longer…

Goku: (singing) when I get all steamed up then I shout.

Gohan (singing) BEND her over and screw her brains out.

Trunks: (awed) Woah… not just anybody can pervert "I'm a little tea pot"

"yes kaiba ive never been more ready"

Vegetta: Oh yeah I'm so sure. He ripped the lining off her inner walls one minute ago and now she's ready…

Goku: (Téa) just get it over with…

she started to feel her self around kaibas slender yet muscular chest.


Gohan: Uh… it sounds like she reached all the way around and groped her own breasts.

kaiba then stopped for a second and wiped the sweat off him with his shirt and sat for a few minutes tea obviously didn't like this

Vegetta: He's finished…already…?

Goku: I know we joke about wanting the story to end but now I just feel bad for Téa.

"kaiba please don't leave me like this I really want you!"

Gohan: Less so now that you have proven you have no idea what your doing but still…

when she finished kaiba immediately gave tea a nice dose of oral teatment(0_o)

Trunks: Oral… teatment? Does that mean he sucked her nipples?

Vegetta: He's got it all out of order. Next he'll refuse to pay child support, then ask her to marry him!

as expected her juices went all over his face but he just licked them and started pushing himself into her what at one point felt like pain became very pleasurable beyond anything shes ever had.

Goku: So he didn't cum, he just realized that dry fucking her might be a mistake.

Vegetta: Kaiba seems to be a little slow…

It was 1:37 pm time sure flies dosent it?

Gohan: Yeah, backwards apparently. Unless they had sex for 21 hours and 25 minutes.

Trunks: It sounded like it took almost a whole minute.

And kaiba and tea were getting tired and tea decided to sleep with kaiba before she went home

Vegetta: Again, huh?

Goku: I think they mean actually sleep this time.

"kaiba can can I stay here tonight?"

Trunks: No, I already nailed you, get out of my house.

"of course tea stay as long as you like"

Gohan: (Kaiba) In fact, I'm locking the doors and you'll NEVER leave! Mwahahaha

before she fell asleep kaiba pulled something from his pillow.

Vegetta: Is he going to shoot her? Please?

Gohan: Maybe he'll put on a condom so he doesn't get her pregnant, then ask her to go to the prom with him!

" Hey tea whats this he opens the box to reveal a wedding ring basic her size diamonds across the ring.

Trunks: (simpsons comic book store guy) Worst proposal EVER!

Goku: Wait, wait, wait… He keeps a wedding ring… under his pillow?

Gohan: Presumably for emergencies…

Vegetta: This Kaiba makes me sad!

"kaiba are you sure?"

Goku: (Kaiba) I thought about it a whole 11 seconds…

Trunks: (Kaiba) What, you want a divorce? *hic* woah… she'd never talk to me… *hic* Hi, I'm Seto Kaiba, what's your name?

"tea I can make your dreams come true if you accept this and I love you more than anyone before I was expecting to get married eventually"

Vegetta: Clearly, since he keeps a wedding ring under his pillow.

Gohan: (kaiba) Plus I'm loaded.


Goku: Of course I'll marry you! I love marry! It's my favorite food!

"yeah tea"

Gohan: (Téa) I did this on a dare and now I'm leaving. God, I feel unclean!

Trunks: (Téa) I get all the money if your death looks like an accident, right?

Vegetta: (Téa) My god you are a retard… do you put you underwear on after your pants, too?

"I do"

Goku: No, see, your supposed to wait for the ceremony and stuff. Chichi told me all about it. "It's a magical moment for me and if you ruin it I'll rip off your balls!"

thus it began in two weeks seto kaiba and tea gardner were married at a church in city downtown.

Vegetta: (deep voice) And so it came to pass…

Goku: City downtown… not any city in particular…

Mai cought the bouqe(don't spell good)

Gohan: Oh, we noticed!

Trunks: If only there were some sort of program that could check your spelling for you.

and gave joey a strange yet blushing look.

Vegetta: I am giving the author an angry yet stabbing look.

About ten months after kaiba became a father of two children named kaiba2 and mia.

Goku: Kaiba two? Not Kaiba Jr. or Kaiba the second, Kaiba two!

Gohan: (Movie announcer) Kaiba two… Pegasus' revenge!

Trunks: Were they twins? That was a weird turn of phrase but usually if it's twins it's a big enough deal to mention.

Tea did what she wanted to do and took her dance classes which made her very happy

Gohan: Probably not as happy as Kaiba… dancers are limber!

as for kaiba he kept entering tournaments and winning the prize money for tea and their children

Vegetta: Apparently the bottom fell out of the huge monolithic corporation owner business.

Goku: There's just no profit in being a rich bastard.

and supporting them through putting them through college.mia became a writer and kaiba2 follwoed the family buisiness

Gohan: (mobster) Da family business… If you're smart ya don't ask questions…

Trunks: (mobster) Awright hands up! First one of yous mugs tries anything funny is Blue-Eyes-Ultimate-Dragon chow!

after his father died when his plane was shot down on his way back from a duel tournament.

Goku: Who shot it down? And why? I didn't notice the presence of any military at all in Yu-Gi-Oh!.

soon after at kaibas ceremony tea managed to hold herself together but then again they've only been married for 18 years very sad(cries).

Gohan: Yeah that's short or something…

Vegetta: We've only been reading this fic for 12 hours very angry(stabs)

As for mia and kaiba2 they looked at their fathers corpse wondering how they would live without him.

Gohan: Don't let this happen to your loved ones. Make sure you have enough life insurance!

Trunks: I think it means like emotionally…

Goku: You can't live without an evil bastard?

Vegetta: See? You guys don't appreciate me!

mia cried on her mothers shoulder and as for kaiba2 he remembers what his fathers last words were

Trunks: (kaiba) If you go gay, I'ma fucking KILL you.

Vegetta: (kaiba) She's your sister, that's disgusting! At least wear a condom…

Gohan (kaiba) Waitaminute… why are you black?

Goku (kaiba) Please pass the mashed potatoes…


Goku: And here we thought Kaiba dieing would make it end.

"kaiba my son when I die I want you to take over business and let none stand in your way.

Vegetta: (kaiba2) The dueling business, the corporation business, or the nailing mom business?

Gohan: These are not images I need in my head…

Here take this deck.

Trunks: No father! This is wrong! And it's too big!!!

"but father your legendary blue eyes white dragon is in here are you sure you want me to have it?"

Gohan; (kaiba2) Also, aren't you going to a duel monsters tournament so it would probably be better if you took your deck with you?

"yes my son I know you will make me proud goodbye" gives him a hug

Goku: Is it just me or did it look like he knew what was gonna happen?

Trunks: Clearly Kaiba one has enemies in the invisible people army.


"ill make you proud father I promise you I will become the greatest duelist who ever lived"

Vegetta: (Kaiba2) I'll make you happy and proud by getting really good at cards! Just you watch me!!!

Gohan: If I were him, I'd be working on a way to see invisible soldiers…



do me a favor and review I don't care what you have to say.

Vegetta: Then why exactly does he want us to review?